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Spay and Neuter Your Pets

These facts are from different webpages. Credits are on the next page.

If you get your pet spayed or neutered, it won't try to run away as much. The myths you hear about getting them spayed or neutered are wrong, also. They don't get fat and lazy after they're fixed! They are still as active as before. Here are some pictures from Hillside-

These dogs and cats are already spayed or neutered.

These dogs and cats are NOT yet neutered or spayed.

Some, it doesn't make a difference.
Not yet neutered.
Not yet neutered.

Male dogs don't lose any 'manliness' after they are neutered. Because they can't get any females pregnant, they aren't 'manly'? Because they can't add to the dog overpopulation, they aren't 'manly'? Does this make sense to you? If it does, maybe you could explain it to me.

Every hour 415 children are born in the USA and every hour 3,500 cats are also born.
Only 1 animal out of every 10 born in the USA gets a good home.
Accidental births (I meant to get Muffin spayed/neutered, but I didn't have the time.) are the MAIN CONTRIBUTORS to the animal overpopulation problem.

"Come quick, come quick", their mother said "The time is getting near."
She feels that when the kittens come the children should be here.
She told them that a big orange Tom took "Kitty" as his wife.
"It's wonderful, a gift from God, the miracle of life."
At half a year young "Kitty" feels too painful and too scared
to appreciate six miracles, blind-eyed and yellow haired.
But she knows these lives depend on her and nature tells her how
and as she cleans them, children ask "Mom, can we go now?"
But now and then for six more weeks the children visit her
to play with six new magic toys made of life and fur.
The six weeks pass, the newness gone and new homes yet unfound,
Mom bundles up six miracles and takes them to the pound,
Where lovingly, with gentle hands and no tears left to cry,
the shelter workers kiss them once and take them off to die.
And "Momma Kitty" now she's called mourns her loss and then,
she's put outside, and of course, she's pregnant once again.
Dad tells "Kitty" STOP THIS NOW or you wont live here long!
but deep inside of Momma Cat, this time something's wrong.
Too young, too small, too often bred now nature's gone awry,
Momma Kitty feels it too and she crawls off to die.
She too is freed from this cruel world, and from her time of strife.
How harsh the truth, how high the price this "Miracle of Life"?

Pet overpopulation is a problem throughout the United States. Statistics show 70,000 puppies and kittens are born each day for every 10,000 human births. There simply aren’t enough homes for all these animals. As a result, 7,000,000 animals are euthanized every year. It’s easy to see how the numbers of dogs and cats get out of hand. For example, if a cat has two litters per year, that one cat and its offspring will produce more than 11 million cats in nine years.

Two litters per year, with 2.8 surviving kittens per litter, can total:

1 year, 1 cat:---------12
2 years:----------------67
3 years:----------------376
4 years:----------------2,107
5 years:----------------11,801
6 years:----------------66,088
7 years:----------------370,092
8 years:----------------2,072,514
9 years:----------------11,606,077

More than 11 million cats!

Given these statistics, the only way to break this chain is by altering our animals. But if that’s not reason enough, there are many reasons why spaying and neutering is a good idea.

Altered animals live longer, healthier lives. Female cats and dogs have reduced risks of uterine, ovarian, and breast cancers; male cats and dogs have reduced risks of prostate cancer and disorders.

Fewer health problems mean less costly vet bills for their owners.

Altered animals make better, more affectionate companions. It stands to reason animals that aren’t preoccupied with mating have more attention to devote to their human friends.

Neutered cats are less likely to spray and mark territory.

Spaying a female dog or cat eliminates the heat cycle. That means no incessant crying, nervous behavior, or unwanted male dogs lingering around your house.

Neutered males are less likely to roam, run away, or get into fights.

Altered animals are less likely to bite. They are generally calmer and more even-tempered.

Letting your female go through heats and pregnancies reduces her lifespan by years, and an animal left in heat often contracts deseases, becomes anemic or wastes away. She won't naturally leave her heat. For animals, there's always a chance they could DIE from a bad pregnancy.

Animals in shelters are often given to laboratories for experimenting and testing for money. Is it right?

They Called Him Rags

They called him Rags, he was just a cur
But twice on the Western Line,
That little old bunch of faithful fur
Had offered his life for mine.
And all he got was bones and bread
And the leaving of soldiers' grub,
But he'd give his heart for a pat on the head,
A friendly tickle or rub.
And Rags got home with the regiment,
And then, in the breaking away--,
Well, whether they stole him, or whether he went,
I am not prepared to say.
But we mustered out, some to beer and gruel,
And some to sherry and shad,
And I went back to the Sawbones School,
Where I was an undergrad.
One day they took us budding M.D.'s
To one of those institutes
Where they demonstrate every new disease
By means of bisected brutes.
They had one animal tacked and tied
And slit like a full-dressed fish,
With his vitals pumping away inside
As pleasant as one might wish.
I stopped to look like the rest, of course,
And the beast's eyes leveled mine;
His short tail thumped with a feeble force,
And he uttered a tender whine.
It was Rags, yes, Rags! who was martyred there,
Who was quartered and crucified,
And he whined that whine which is doggish prayer
And he licked my hand--and died.
And I was no better in part nor whole
Than the gang I was found among,
And his innocent blood was on the soul
Which he blessed with his dying tongue.
Well! I've seen men go to courageous death
In the air, on sea, on land!
But only a dog would spend his breath
In a kiss for his murderer's hand.
And if there's no heaven for love like that,
For such four-legged fealtly--well!
If I have any choice, I tell you flat,
I'll take my chance in hell.

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