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International Pokémon League

The International Pokémon League is a league where each country will send its best to fight for the true World Championship. I am looking for willing people to be organisers of their respective countries. I will be the head organiser of the American team. Each organiser will need to recruit up to 8 players for the tournament, at a minimum of 6 players. If you have more than 8 people that wish to be on, the organiser decides how the team's players will be chosen. Whether its a tournament, random, or selective, the organiser will decide. The following countries are currently invited: US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain. The following countries could be involved if intrest is sparked: Finland, Brazil, Mexico

I want to have at least 64 players. When the 64 person minimum has been filled, I will set a date for remaining trainers to join(this means, the minimum players will be 64, and there is no max limit yet). Next season, we may allow even more. This is a first come first serve reservation into the tourney. Didn't make the Sneak3 tourney? Sign up early to reserve your spot!

View the players that have reserved a spot: here. The league's Message board is here.

To join, either email Jman or reply to the thred at Azure Heights. Email and AIM isn't entirly necessary, but recommended.

League Structure and Behavior
1. The league has a pre-made schedule for all players. This schedule is completely random.
2. If any of the rules are broken, then certain consequences will follow. This could be from forfeit of a single or multiple games to a disqualification in the league.
3. Jman's ruling is final.
4. At the end of the league, a tournament will follow. The top-24 players automatically are entered. The players in ranks 25-56 will be entered into the Tournament Qualifyer. The top 8 in the qualifyer make it to the final tournament(this allows those who had a bad season, in last place, etc. to have a chance to make the tournament)
5. This tournament is for fun, remember that. Don't be a poor sport.

Battle Rules
1. Sleep clause, 00ber Legendary Clause(1 "super" legendary allowed between these pokemon: Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-oh, Mew, Celebi), and Evade Clause(1 evade move per team).
2. Standard rules apply. 6 pokemon, no non-learnable movesets, NO CRYSTAL MOVESETS(at least until Crystal is released).
3. Loser should post loss in the league's Mesageboard. Please include names of combatants.
