The Story
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The story of Gundam Wing is set sometime in the future, a time where man has conquered space and numerous peaceful colonies have been built. Converesly there is perpetual war on earth and a governing body, the "Earth Sphere Unified Alliance", has been created to control the planet. The Earth Sphere Unified Alliance was then hijacked by an industrialist group known as the Romefeller Foundation and under the guise of peace, the Alliance Army known as "OZ", seized control of all space colonies and crushed all oppositions with mech-like fighting machines known as Mobile Suits.

After two decades of oppression, a group of rebels amongst the space colonies launched Operation Meteor. With the help of five scientists who first developed the Mobile Suits, each of the colonies developed a super fight Mobile Suit machine known as a "Gundam robot".

However, no ordinary pilot can control these machines due to their advance technology. Piloting these Gundams five boys of about 15 years of age: Heero, Duo, Quatre, Trowa, and WuFei. These pilots were handpicked and trained from an early age and are almost superhuman in there strength and fighting abilities. They know only that they have to protect the colonies by destroying the Earth Alliance and OZ.