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This is my first web site, if that's not obvious by now. Please ignore the advertisments. I will post more soon and perhaps even a journal but first I have to see what it is to experience my embarrasing insights on a world wide server. More soon to come...

Well, I have seen what it is to experience my birth online. I got a little excited in my gut and then I dreaded having to share my thoughts with you all. Especially when, let's face it, it is primarily my bored family members who will be perusing doggedly through my pathos.

Have you ever read the Confederacy of Dunces? If so, then you may consider me a femme-Ignatious J. Reilly, a busty hotdog scarfing slob who feels with that with her wit and expertise she is overqualified for certain menial jobs and tasks but sadly too unfocused and lacking in that 99% which creates true genuis. I would now like to share with you a number of my thoughts on the following topics:

Norming in the Subnorms: Mainstream Gay and Feminist Cultures.
Being and Nothingness: My Life and Times as an Underachiever.
Neurosis in a WASP world: Self-explanatory.

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My Favorite Web Sites

Page 1 of this site
Busty Ladies- Beware
Wacky Brits spew venom on a possible career
Keep informed even if it's Rupert Murdoch's News
The official site of the FMF
A webpage full of cool, feminist links
Hey Baby! Knock out Street Harrasment
