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Dr. Mark Mraz BS, MA, PhD Pennsylvania State University (814)-781-6860

Thurs.(5:30-8:15) e-mail:

HIST 0106 United States History to 1865

This course covers all aspects of American History which enrich our heritage from the past. Beginning with the Age of Discovery, the course of study includes America's domestic and foreign posture from the founding of the Republic to the end of the Civil War.

Required Texts:(Buy Books at Ed Council office second floor Marinstat Building)

-John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, The American Nation, The: A History of the United States, 10/e (New York: Longman, 2000) ISBN: 0321052870

-Noble E. Cunningham, Thomas Jefferson vs Alexander Hamilton: Confrontations that Shaped a Nation (New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2000)ISBN: 0312085850

-Harry L. Watson, Andrew Jackson vs Henry Clay: Democracy and Development in Antebellum America (New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 1998)

ISBN: 0312112130

-Paul Finkelman, Dred Scott vs Sandford: A Brief History with Documents

(New York: Bedford/ St. Martins, 1997) ISBN: 0312115946

Evaluation Policy:

1. Three(3) exams (each exam will be an hour)

2. Class discussion and attendance

3. Term Paper (5) pages not counting endnotes and bibliography no more no less Over or Under is an automatic F

Grading Expectations:

1. Exam I 20%,II 20%,III 20%

2. Class discussion and attendence 10% of grade

3. Term Paper (5 pages) 30%


Class Schedule

Dates Topics Assignments

8/28 Europe Discovers America. Ch. 1

9/04 American Society in the Making. Ch. 2
America in the British Empire. Ch. 3

9/11 The American Revolution. Ch. 4

9/18 The Federalist Era: Nationalism Triumphant. Ch. 5

9/25 Exam I: Discussion of Cunningham Book Cunningham


10/02 Jeffersonian Democracy. Ch. 6

10/09 National Growing Pains. Ch. 7
Toward a National Economy. Ch. 8

10/16 Jacksonian Democracy Ch. 9

10/23 The Making of Middle-Class America. Ch. 10

10/30 Exam II: Discussion of Watson Book Watson Book

11/06 A Democratic Culture. Ch. 11

11/13 Expansion , Slavery & Sectionalism. Ch. 12 & Ch. 13

11/20 The Civil War Era. Ch. 14

11/27 The Civil War Ch. 15

12/04 Exam III: Discussion of Finkelman Book Finkelman Book

Term Paper Due

Topics for term paper: Anything that interests you from the book or books. Must be 5 pages of written narrative plus endnotes with a bibliography of at least 3-5 sources.