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Bobcat Badge Ceremony

Wolf Badge Ceremony

Bear Badge Ceremony

Webelos Colors Ceremony

Webelos Activity Badge Ceremonies
  • Artist

  • Communicator

  • Craftsman

  • Traveler
Webelos Badge Ceremony*

Arrow of Light Ceremony*

*Ceremony has not been posted yet.


Need: Candle Holder (we use our Ceremonial Candle Holder - a log on a stand with several holes bored into it) - one Bobcat Candle (we use a taper candle with a Bobcat Badge glued onto it) - Matches/Lighter - Bobcat Badges (one for each Bobcat) - Bobcat Pin (one for each Bobcat) - Cubmaster - 2 Den Leaders - Bobcats and parents

Cubmaster: Before we begin our official Bobcat Ceremony, I'd like to read "Bobcats Are Hard to Find." I found this on the internet and after the ceremony each Bobcat parent will receive a copy of it.

Bobcats are small wildcats, about 3 feet tall or bigger. Bobcats are hard to find, especially between the hours of 3 to 5 p.m., or when it is time to take out the trash, cut the grass, or take a bath. They hide behind trees, under beds or behind imaginary tanks or trucks, waiting for the enemy to pass. They feed on hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, pizzas, cakes, and candy and hunt for food wherever they can find it. Bobcats can be found in trees, mud puddles, under leaves, on bikes or scooters, basically wherever girls aren't. They can be found as far away as the playground or as near as the neighbor's yard, playing a game of tag, soccer, or football. The Bobcat's ability to run, jump and hide is legendary. Pop music, Pokemon, and Video Games have been known to be able to lure these wild creatures in close for the catch. Many a mighty and crafty hunter has been foiled in his attempts to tame these strange but lovable creatures.

Tonight our Pack has some boys who have worked hard since joining Cub Scouts. Will [name(s)], please come forward?
(Have them stand next to you in a straight line across)

The Cub Scout Program will face you with many challenges. You will be required to attend weekly Den Meetings and monthly Pack Meetings. You will need to work with leaders and at home with your parents. To achieve the highest rank in Cub Scouting, you must now set your sights on the Arrow of Light. Often you may get discouraged because the trail seems steep and hard to climb. There is a key to achieving each goal. The key to Cub Scouting. Do you know what the key is?
(Wait to hear NOs)

The key to Cub Scouting is "Cub Scout Spirit." Cub Scout Spirit includes teamwork. It includes fair play and good sportsmanship. It includes "something special" that makes Cub Scouts want to be the best they can be at everything they do. This key will unlock the door of achievement. Remember with this key to Cub Scouting - "Scout Spirit" - you can now step on the scouting trail.
(Den Leader 2 lights the Bobcat Candle)

Without the Cub Scout Spirit the world is a very dark place. This candle stands for the Spirit of Scouting. There are many benefits to be gained from belonging to Cub Scouting. You will learn a great deal, you will have a chance to help others, you will be rewarded for your efforts, and you will have a lot of fun.

Den Leader 1: The Cub Scout Promise is the basic principal of Cub Scouting. Will you repeat it with me?
(Give Cub Sign and begin Promise.)

I, _______, promise to do my best
to do my duty to God and my country,
to help other people,
And to obey the Law of the Pack.

Den Leader 2: Just as the Cub Scout Promise is the basic principal of Cub Scouting, the Law of the Pack is the fundamental rule governing Cub Scouting. Please make the Cub Scout Sign and repeat the Law of the Pack with me.
(Do the Cub Scout Sign and lead the boys in repeating the Law of the Pack)

The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.

Cubmaster: Remember well the Promise and the Law of the Pack and use them as your guide for personal conduct in the years to come.

Den Leader 1: You have learned other requirements. Will each of you give the Cub Scout Handshake?
(Shake each of the scout's hands using the Cub Scout Handshake)

Cubmaster: And now we ask the parents of these Bobcat Candidates come forward to receive the badges for their sons. Please stand behind your son. (to the boys) I will present this award to your parents in token of the help they have given you. (to the parents) Parents, please pin the Bobcat Badge upside down on your son's left pocket. This badge should remain upside down until your son does his first good deed. Then, the Bobcat Badge can be turned over and permanently sewn on.

Den Leader 2: Parents play an important role in Cub Scouting. You work with your sons on their achievements and electives. You will find that you will learn with your son, and in having fun with them will become a closer family. Parents, as your boys have made a promise, I ask that you too make a promise. Please repeat after me:

We will continue to (repeat)
Do our best (repeat)
To help our sons (repeat)
Along the achievement trail (repeat)
And share with them (repeat)
The work and fun of Cub Scouting (repeat).

Cubmaster: Boys, parents, and guests of Pack 37, please join me in congratulating these boys in their achievement with the Cub Scout Cheer. I will yell should answer by yelling SCOUTS (do 3 times).


Need: Candle Holder (we use our Ceremonial Candle Holder - a log on a stand with several holes bored into it) - one Wolf Candle (we use a taper candle with a Wolf Badge glued onto it) - Matches/Lighter - Black Water-based Paint - Brush - Wolf Badges (one for each Wolf) - Wolf Pin (one for each Wolf) - Cubmaster - Den Leaders - Wolves and parents

Cubmaster: When a boy joins our Cub Scout Pack, he first earns the Bobcat Badge and starts on an upward trail. This trail will lead him through the ranks of Wolf, Bear, Webelos and on to the highest award of Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light. Tonight, we are honoring boys who have made significant advancement along this journey. Would the following boys and their parents please come forward?
(Read names and wait till all are present. Line them up in a straight line across beside you with parent behind boy.)

I understand that you seek the rank of Wolf, is that so?
(response - YES)

Please recite the Cub Scout Promise.

I, _____________, promise to do my best
to do my duty, to God and my Country,
to help other people, and to obey
the Law of the Pack.

Please light the Wolf Candle.
(Leader lights the Wolf Candle)

I can see by your knowledge of the Cub Scout Promise and the achievements that you have completed that you have worked hard along with your parents. These achievements are very important as they have helped you gain a deeper appreciation of many things. You are now ready to become a Wolf Cub.
(With paint draw on the back of the Cubs hands the 1st toe of the Wolf.)

The first toe of the Wolf paw is for your growth through feats of skill and having fun with your family.
(Draw 2nd toe.)

The second toe of the Wolf paw represents that you have learned about your home, community, country, and your religious beliefs.
(Draw 3rd toe.)

The third toe stands for the skills you have gained in handling tools, trying new things, and making collections.
(Draw 4th toe.)

The fourth toe represents your new appreciation for conservation and safety.
(Draw footpad.)

The pad of the Wolf paw represents your growth as a Cub and the increased responsibility you are now capable of handling. Wolf Cubs, remember the inscription of this paw. It shows you are ready to move along the upward trail of Scouting.

Parents, please take the Wolf Badge and pin it on your son's left pocket.
(Present parents with badges and have them pin on their sons. Shake hands with boys.)

Everyone, please help me congratulate these boys with a pack yell. After I say it the first time, we'll repeat it three times loud...

Clap your hands! (clap hands 3 times)
Stomp your feet! (stomp feet 3 times)
For Pack 37 can't be beat!


Need: Candle Holder (we use our Ceremonial Candle Holder - a log on a stand with several holes bored into it) - one Bear Candle placed in the Candle Holder (we use a taper candle with a Bear Badge glued onto it) One Candle for each Bear - Matches/Lighter - Bear Badges (one for each Bear) - Bear Pin (one for each Bear) - Cubmaster - Den Leaders - Bears and parents

(Light Bear Candle)

Cubmaster: Since our last Pack Meeting some of our Cub Scouts have completed all the achievements for Bear. Will the following Scouts please come forward.
(Call out the names and have them stand in a straight line across beside you.)

Scouts to earn the rank of Bear each of you worked on 12 achievements. In keeping with the Cub Scout Promise you learned about your religious faith and duty to God, you learned about our country and your duty to country, you learned about wildlife and caring for our planet, you shared activities with your family and learned how to protect yourself and your family, you learned the importance of staying physically fit, you learned leadership skills, learned how to safely use a knife by earning your Whittling Chip, and learned how to use some tools to build things. You worked very hard to complete your Bear achievements.

However, you did not do it alone. You had help from your Den Leader and your parents. Will the parents of these Scouts please come forward and stand behind your son.

Den Leader: We, are very pleased that each of you Scouts have attained this honor and will continue your progress through Cub Scouts by earning Gold and Silver Arrow Points and graduating to Webelos. Before you is a candle with a picture of the Bear Badge representing the Spirit of Cub Scouting. By advancing from Wolf to Bear you have demonstrated the Spirit of Cub Scouting in you every day life. Now to spread that Spirit of Cub Scouting, each of you, one at a time, light your own candle using our Bear Spirit of Cub Scouting candle and then return to your parents.
(Hand out candles, one at a time)

Cubmaster: As Parents of these boys, you earned the privilege of presenting the Bear Badge to your sons. So you will be handed the Bear Badge and in turn you may present it to your son by pinning it on his left shirt pocket.
(Present parents with Bear Badge and Bear Pin)

Den Leader: Now, I ask each of you new Bear Cub Scouts to reaffirm your commitment to the Cub Scout Spirit by repeating the Cub Scout Promise.

I, ______________________, promise to do my best
to do my duty to God and my country,
to help other people, and to
obey the law of the Pack.

Cubmaster: Parents, for your sons to continue the Cub Scout Spirit they will be depending on you to help guide them. To reaffirm your commitment to your son continued advancement along the Cub Scout trail please repeat the following promise after me:

We will continue to (repeat)
Do our best (repeat)
To help our sons (repeat)
Along the achievement trail (repeat)
And share with them (repeat)
The work and fun of Cub Scouting. (repeat)

Bear Cub Scouts, as your Cub Master, it is my privilege to be the first to salute you for great accomplishment.
(Cub Master salutes new Bear Scouts with the Cub Scout Salute)

Scouts, please blow out candles. Everyone, please help me congratulate these Bears with a yell. When I say BEAR yell ARE THE BEST! (3 times).

(This ceremony should be done at the first Pack Meeting of the year.)

Need: Webelos Colors for each Webelos, Cubmaster

Cubmaster: As a part of a special presentation tonight, will our Webelos please come up here?
(Have them stand next to you in a line across)

These (number) gentlemen are venturing on a two-year journey to earn their Webelos Badge and ultimately the Arrow of Light. To show their achievements during this journey, they will earn Activity Badges. Each Badge earned will be placed on the Webelos Colors. The Colors are gold representing Cub Scouts, red which represents Boys Scouts, and green representing Explorers. These Colors are placed on the right shoulder under the Den number. (name), please step forward....etc.

Please help me encourage these boys on their journey. When I yell WE'LL BE, you yell LOYAL SCOUTS (3 times).


Need: Candle Holder (we use our Ceremonial Candle Holder - a log on a stand with several holes bored into it) - one Arrow of Light Candle (we use a pillar candle with an Arrow of Light Badge glued onto it) - Matches/Lighter - one small candle for each activity badge to be presented (we use small taper candles with a picture of the Activity Badge glued onto it) - Activity Badges - Cubmaster - Webelos Leader(s) - Webelos and parents

Cubmaster: (Number) member(s) of our Webelos Den have earned (an) Activity Badge(s) this month. They/He are/is [name(s)] who has earned the [name of pin(s)]...etc. Will the/se Webelos please come forward with your parents?
(Have them stand next to you in a line across, parents behind their boy)

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Artist Badge

Cubmaster: Now, I will ask your leader to light the Artist candle. To earn this Badge, all of you have drew or painted and framed an original picture; listed the primary and secondary colors and explained what happens when you combine colors; used your computer to make six original designs; used clay to sculpt; made a mobile; and created a collage that expresses something about yourself.
(Pin Badge to Colors and shake hands.)

I congratulate all of you in a job well done.


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Communicator Badge

Cubmaster: Webelos Scouts---[name(s)]---all of you have earned the Communicator Badge.
(Webelos Leader lights the Communicator Candle.)

You have visited and learned about the library and a TV station; used a personal computer; explored the internet; and earned the Communication Belt Loop/Pin and Computer Belt Loop/Pin.
(Pin Badge to Colors and shake hands.)

[Name(s)] ... I congratulate all of you in a job well done.


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Craftsman Badge

Cubmaster: Congratulations to the boys...names...who are receiving their Craftsman Badge.
(Webelos Leader lights the Craftsman Candle.)

These young man have: explained how to safely handle the tools that they used for this activity badge; used hand tools to construct two different wooden objects; and made four useful items using materials other than wood. Keep up the great work guys!


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Traveler Badge

Cubmaster: [Name(s)], you have earned the Traveler Badge.
(Webelos Leader lights the Traveler Candle.)

To do that you have planned trips with your parents, used maps, packed your own suitcase, and taken a trip by car, bus, boat, train, or plane.
(Pin Badge to Colors and shake hand.)

My congratulations to you.


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Cubmaster: Now, Webelos Leader, shall we light the big candle?

Webelos Leader: No.

Cubmaster: Why not?

Webelos Leader: Because the big candle stands for the Arrow of Light Award, the highest in Cub Scouting. It must remain unlit until we have a Webelos Scout who has completed the Arrow of Light Requirements. Then we will light that candle. These small candles representing the Activity Badges are simply steps in the development of Webelos. They are important, however, they lead us to the biggest prize that a Cub Scout can earn, the Arrow of Light.