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My First Holiday

by Caitlin Stephenson

    Hello again everyone! I would like to tell you about my first vay  vacation with mommy and daddy! We went to beautiful San Diego, California! We had to take a plane!

It was FUN!  San Diego is also very pretty.  We stayed in a place called La Jolla.
Here's me and Daddy down by the ocean...

It was very warm and nice there!

    We also went to the San Diego zoo...

    We saw lots of neat animals! Even some pandas that had come all the way from a place called China!? I liked all of the sounds they made - mommy and daddy say I sound like a monkey sometimes!

    That's me riding on the back of a turtle! He must have been the slowest one in the whole world because he didn't move at all!

    We also went to a place called Del Mar. Here's me and mommy coming out of Starbucks.  That's Grandpa Clenachan's favorite place in the whole world! If they would just play Van Morrison music 24 hours a day I think he would move in there!

    We also went up to Los Angeles - it was VERY busy up there. Daddy went looking at some guitar stores - one day maybe I can learn to play guitar too! When we got back to La Jolla we went to a neat place called Seaport Village. That's where I went on my first Carousel ride!

    We also went to a store just for me called "baby's r us" and the mall - that's where we found this nice garden!

    We had so much fun and mommy and daddy said that I was very good! They're talking about taking me to a place called eyer  Ireland this summer. Guess I better be good! I hope you liked my story! I'll write again soon!
