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"I Am The Walrus"

Paul is Dead Clues

The so-called "Paul is dead" rumors have facinated Beatle fans in the 60s and still facinates them today. Paul is not dead, obviously but it's still cool to look back on all the clues that supposedly proved his death. Hopefully this page will give you some insight on the clues and the actual story behind the clues.

The Story:

In late 1966 Paul McCartney was in a car crash and was supposedly killed and replaced by a McCartney look-alike named William Campbell. A Detroit disc jocky, Russ Gibbs declared that "Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Heart's Club Band", "Magical Mystery Tour", and "The White Album" all contained clues left by the surviving Beatles trying to tell the fans who were smart enough to figure out the clues,that Paul had died. Other radio stations began spreading the word and soon everyone was listening and re-listening to their Beatles albums searching for old clues and constantly finding new ones. They even found clues on their last album "Abbey Road" and some fans still believed that he was dead. In the end however they found that everything was just a coincidence, but it put up a strong arguement.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Heart's Club Band

Front Cover
  • In the lower right hand corner a doll is holding a small white car with a red interior
  • All the people on the front appear to be mourners at Paul's grave which they are supposedly over-looking
  • Paul is the only Beatle holding a black instument, black being the color of death
  • Paul is the only Beatles standing straight-forward making him look almost like a cardboard cut out
  • A person behind Paul is holding his hand above him. In some Eastern religions holding a palm forward means death.
  • The yellow flowers under the word Beatles make the shape of a left-handed bass guitar
  • On the bass guitar there are only 3 strings, one for each surviving Beatle
  • On the bass drum there is a line going straight across the middle. The line reads: 1 One 1 X HE DIE. The three ones are for the other Beatles, the X is Paul. In the middle of the words HE DIE is an arrow pointing to Paul.

    Inside Cover
  • Paul's left arm has a patch on it which reads O.P.D. (Officially Pronounced Dead). Another interpretation is O.P.P. (Ontario Provincal Police). It is said that William Campbell was a police officer in Canada.

    Back Cover
  • Paul is the only Beatle facing backwards as if he is dead
  • George points to a line of "She's Leaving Home" which reads "Wedensday morning at five o'clock". McCartney actual car crash did take place on Wedensday, Novemeber 9, 1966 at 5:00 in the morning.
  • The words to George's song "Within You and Without You" are right next to Paul's head.
  • Paul appears to be taller than the others, but in actuality George, Paul and John were all about the same height. This represents Paul rising up to heaven.
  • The Beatles each form a letter of the word love, George forms "L", John forms "V", Ringo forms "E", and Paul who is supposed to be "O" doesn't form a letter.

    Song Clues
  • "Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Heart's Club"- "Let me introduce to you the one and only Billy Shears." Billy being a nickname for William...William Campbell.
  • "Lovely Rita"- "When I caught a glimpse of Rita"- Rita supposedly being the lady that he was looking at when he wasn't paying attention to the road.
  • Good Morning, Good Morning- "Nothing to do to save his life" Paul couldn't be saved so he died. "People running round it's five o clock"- Five o'clock again being the time of his accident. "Watching the skirts you start to flirt now you're in gear"- Refers once again to Paul watching a lady named Rita from his car when he wasn't paying attention to the road.
  • A Day In The Life- "He blew his mind out in a car"- Paul had a car accident and smashed his head open. "He didn't notice that the lights had changed"- He wasn't watching the road.

    Magical Mystery Tour

    Front Cover
  • The Beatles are all dressed as animals and Paul is dressed as a black walrus, black being the color of death and in some parts of Scandenavia a walrus is a sign of death.

  • Paul is wearing a military uniform, and the sign in front of him reads "I Was You" in reference to William Campbell.
  • There is a cartoon picture of Paul where he has a crack in his head. Paul had supposedly smashed his head in the accident.
  • Paul is the only Beatle who is barefoot. Corpses are burried without shoes.
  • Paul is barefoot again and the shoes next to him are covered in blood.
  • John, George, and Ringo are wearing red carnataions. Paul wears a black one.
  • Paul has an open palm over his head many times. The palm being the Eastern symbol of death.
  • Ringo's drum reads "Love the three Beatles."

    Back Cover
  • The people in white spell out RIP (Rest In Peace)

    Song Clues
  • "I Am The Walrus"- "Bury me, bury me, bury my body", "Oh untimely death"- These spoken quotes from a Shakespearean play are at the end of the song.
  • "Hello Goodbye"- "You say stop, and I say go, go go"- Paul didn't stop for the red light, he went and crashed. "You say goodbye, and I say hello"- The Beatles are saying goodbye to Paul and hello to William. "Why, why, why, why, why, why do you say goodbye, goodbye"- They're asking why Paul had to die.
  • "Strawberry Fields Forever"- At the end of the song John says something that sounds like "I buried Paul." What he really said was "Cranberry sauce."
  • All You Need Is Love-"Yes he's dead" John says this at the end of the song, confirming Paul's death.

    The Beatles (a.k.a. The White Album)

  • In one of Paul's pictures it appears as if a pair of skeletal hands are reaching for him
  • Paul has a scar on his lip. But in real life Paul didn't have a scar on his lip, William Campbell did.
  • In George's picture, there is supposedly a small photo of William Campbell before his surgery.

    Song Clues
  • "Glass Onion"- -"I told you about the walrus and me man, you know that we're as close as can be man, well here's another clue for you all, the walrus was Paul"- John and Paul were close until he died.
  • "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"- "Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul"- At the end of the song George is calling Paul's spirit.
  • "I'm So Tired"-John says something at the end of the song. Played backwards, it sounds like "Paul is dead man, miss him, miss him".
  • "Don't Pass Me By"- "You were in a car crash"- Another reference to Paul' s car accident.
  • "Revolution 9"- When "Number nine, number nine, number nine" is played backwards, it sounds like "Turn me on dead man".

    Abbey Road

    Front Cover
  • The Beatles are walking as if they are going to a funeral. Paul is the corpse walking without shoes, George is the gravedigger in his work clothes, Ringo is the paulbearer dressed in black, and John is the minister dressed in white
  • The licence plate on the car they walk past reads 281F. When "Abbey Road" came out Paul was going to be 28 years old "IF" he had lived.
  • Paul is out of step with the other Beatles.
  • Paul's eyes are closed as if he is dead.
  • Paul is holding a cigarette with his right hand, but Paul was left handed.
  • There is a police van parked on the side of the road. This is the type of van that is usually sent to the scenes of traffic accidents.
  • A car coming down the road appears to be headed for Paul.

    Back Cover
  • There is a white skull in the picture
  • On the right edge is the picture of a woman...Rita.
  • Ther is a crack through the word "Beatles"

    Song Clues
  • "Come Together"- "Come together, right now, over me"- John wants everyone to gather over Paul's grave
  • "Golden Slumbers"- "Once there was a way, to get back home"- Paul can't come home anymore. "Golden slumbers fill your eyes"-Paul died and entered the light of heaven.
  • "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window"- "So I quit the police department, and got myself a steady job" -William Campbell was a police officer, but he got a better job, as one of the Beatles.
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