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Andrew's Writing

Welcome to my site dedicated to my writings.

Soon, I will have different pages devoted to different types of my writings, such as stories, poems, etc. However, I am just starting this site, so it will be rapidly updating. Thank you for your patience.

Click here for the Writing's Page

Click here for the Bio Page

Click here for the "Fun Stuff" Page

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Tech Notes

11/10/01: Sorry for how long it's been since my last update. I've been working on some images for the site, but, unfortuneately, ran into some unforseen problems putting them up. I'm still working on that, so look for a post here sometime soon. As for new updates; Not much as I've been concentrating on these images, however I've updated my links page, so check that out, as well.

10/23/01: Due to annoying computer and school problems, I haven't been able to fix the guestbook. Well, it's up now, and it should be working now, so sign away!

10/14/01: The guest book was messed up for some reason. I'm taking it down temporarily until I can get a different one to make sure it's right. Watch for that within the next couple days.

10/14/01: I HATE school. As you have obviously noticed, it's been over 2 months since my last update. Things haven't been going well lately. Anyway, I have put up my guestbook, so sign it and tell me how much you hate the site! And one other update...I am currently trying to persuade my mother to buy me a .net site, and things are looking well. However, it most likely won't be started until this summer when I can finally get some time to build it. I'll post updates on how that's coming along, and I think I'll finally start updating here regularly now.

8/1/01: I know I haven't updated for a couple of days, but I've been incredibly busy. Anyway, I moved the changing scrollbar color to the "Fun Stuff" section, as it has no point on the main page. Soon, I'll add a text box so you can copy the HTML to use it on your sites. I also added a new, MouseOver, scrollbar script.

7/28/01: I am officially beginning a web log here on the main page, and you will be able to see updates on the site. Also, today I updated the links page. You can check out links to great sites in the "Fun Stuff" section. I will be updating a lot in the next few days and weeks.
