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  • 4/30/01 Hello boys and girls sorry about the delay on an update for the news page. Thursday night the band left for the radio station B 98.5fm in New Jersey. When they got there, they set all their shit up in the recording room and began their sound check. They ran into a few sound problems but they were quickly dealt with. So after the sound check the band headed over to the motel to get a short but sweet night sleep. Then on Friday the band was up at 6:30am to head over to the radio station for the big day. When they got there they went into the recording room to warm up. After that the band went live on the air for an interview, and after the interview they went to the recording room and played their song “Stump Lane” live on the air. The interview and the playing went very well. Then after they played they hung around the radio station for a little then packed their shit up and headed back home. Saturday the band rested because they did not get very much sleep the night before. Then on Sunday the band went over the Harcum College and played about a 45 minute set for the Harcum’s Summer Music Programs. It was a good show the band played tightly and well. The band will be heading over to Episcopal Academy on Wednesday to play at the schools art festival. They should go on around 2pm. The band has a couple shows already booked for May when I get exact date I will inform you. In other news there are talks about some shows in June. There is talk about playing a show Sunday June 3, 2001 with O town @ 98.5fm. Beach Bash Fest, this is totally up in the air and is NOT set in stone. Saturday June 9, 2001 is a date that is almost defiantly comfirmed but the location is TBA at the moment. There is also talks about the playing the Philadelphia Music Conference June 15 or 16, 2001, this is not set in stone set that may change. Well that is it for now we will elt you know when something comes up, so please keep checking back, and please email us at if you have at questions or post a message on the message board. Until next time, keep it real.

  • 4/25/01 Hello everybody it's Matt doing a little update. Tomarrow night the band will be heading over to New Jersy for the radio show Friday Morning. We are looking forward to rock the morning show on B 98.5fm. We will inform you all about the show when we return. Until then Peace.

  • 4/23/01 Hello everybody some new news from Oceanview land. On Thursday night the band will leave for New Jersy. Friday morning the band will be playing the morning show on B98.5 fm. They will be performing their song, "Stump Lane". Then on Sunday the 29th, the band will be performing at Harcum during the day, as a kick off show for Harcums' Summer Music Programs. The band will be joined by a few other acts at this show. When we get the time for the show on Sunday we will inform you all. Lastly, the band will be playing at the Episcopal for an art fest, on May 2nd. The time at that show is TBA at the mement. When we find out more I will inform you all. That is it for now, until next time.

  • 4/18/01 Hello everybody I'm just giving you all a little stupid update. The band will be going to New Jersy next friday to do an interview and play their song "Stump Lane" on a major radio station. This is a contest the band is entering into. SO WISH US LUCK. When we get more details on the contest we will let you boys and girls know. In other news, we hope you guys have enjoyed the videos clips that are up and please let us know if there is a problem with them. And as some of you noticed the bands poll of the main page was down, the file got corrupted so we had to make a new one. We ask everyone who comes to this page to please vote. And finally Tim Nelson from the band is going to get his wisdom teeth pulled out tomarrow, we wish him the best of luck. Until next time.

  • 4/14/01 The video clips are FINALLY up and running! They are under the multimedia section of the website and there are clips from the Club Laga show as well as the band playing in the studios of 105.9fm 'The X.' Now that i figured out how it works, you will be seeing a lot more video clips in the near future. The band as of right now is working really hard on new matieral and practicing their butts off. That's it for now. Ciao!

  • 4/08/01 Hi everybody Matt here. I have just put a lot of new pictures up from Pitt. There are new pictures up from Club Laga, Around Pitt, and Pictures from are recording at 105.9 The X. Tim and I are still working to get video clips from pitt up. So that it with oceanview new. In other news it was seven years ago today that Kurt Cobains body was found dead in his Seatle house. That's it for now. Later
  • 4/05/01 Hey it's Matt here doing a little update for you all. The boys will be starting rehearsals again tomarrow after a short brake. Everybody is coming into the practice with some ideas for new songs, we will see what we can come up with. But that's it for now. Peace

  • 4/02/01 Last nite on 105.9 'The X' our pal Lenny played a portion of the session which we recorded saturday in 'the x' studios. Thanks so much! Songs played were : Stump Lane, Four Eleven, Red, Leavin Town, and The Story Ends. He also said he got about 10 calls of random people who loved it! Thanks guys! Also we have been receiving a lot of emails congratulating the band, and all we have to say is thank you. We love the support. Hopefully we'll be back in pittsburgh soon enough! The photo page has bean updated with pictures from club laga (more photos of that show will be up soon). But for now, Oceanview will hit the garage to work out some new songs and ideas. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks, some brand new songs will be ready to be unveiled...We'll see. Thanks again to everyone!

  • 3/31/01 Just got back from Pittsburgh! The band would just like to thank everyone who gave us support at the Club Laga on Friday nite with the Juliana Theory. We have never sounded better as a band and the show could not have gone any better! Thanks to all the kids who sweated it out in the pit ( oh yeh and to the crowd surfers and stage divers....hah we actually had crowd surfers and stage divers!!! YEAH GUYS!! ) Today we recorded 9 songs in the studios of 105.9fm 'The X' thanks to Lenny! The recording came out really really good, and it will be aired on sunday nite, April 1st at 10:00pm. If you do not live in the pittsburgh area, you can listen to the show at We have plenty of pictures and sound clips to put up on the page, but we're all really tired, so they'll have to wait a few days! Thanks again to everyone, we had the best of times. PITTSBURGH ROCKS!!!

  • 3/29/01 hey everyone! oceanview will be hitting the road this friday to play club laga in pittsburgh, pa with the Juliana Theory and Logans Wish. There will be close to 1,000 people in attendence, so everyone is extra nervous. The following day, the boys will be in the studios of 105.9fm 'The X' recording a show which will be aired the following nite, March 31st at 8:00 pm. You can listen to the show via the internet at Also, don't forget to check out the websie for news and lots of big upcomming shows! Sound clips are now up, and we'll have plenty more to come from pittsburgh! That's about all for now. Don't forget to say hi on our message board! Take care!

  • 3/21/01 hey people! matt and I just scanned in all our pictures from our recent shows, so you can check them out by clicking the "photos" link on the main page. I'm gonna start working on video and audio clips for you to enjoy, but until then just keep checking back to see how I'm commin. Rock ")

  • 3/17/01 Thanks to everyone for all the support at Mr. Haverford. The show did not run as smooth as everyone had hoped. First of all, it was in a huge auditorium and the sound SUCKED. No one was even able to hear what they were playing, or singing. Matt's Paul Reed Smith guitar took a dive and the head broke off. The later and shorter sets went a little more smooth, as the sound improved a bit and matt settled in with another guitar. We had our usual fan base in the front row, screaming along with our songs, and they rule! For the next two weeks, oceanview will be in the garage rehearsing for the big Club Laga show on March 30th, and their set should be as tight as its ever been. We'll keep everyone updated. Take care!

  • 3/14/01 Some more big and exciting news! Thanks to Lenny from 'The X' in Pittsburgh, and of course our man Fred from Epic, oceanview landed the opening slot for the Juliana Theory show @ Club Laga in Pittsburgh on Friday March 30th, 2001. This will be the BIGGEST show Oceanview has played to date, as there will most likely be close to 800 people in attendence! The following day, the band has been invited to record an acoustic show in the studios of 'The X' 105.9fm Pittsburgh, which will be aired the following night. You can check out their website, for time listing, and you can also listen to the show online! how bout that! anyways, everyone is really excited about this big opportunity, and hopefully Pittsburgh will welcome oceanview with open arms....we shall see! Another quick reminder, Mr. Haverford is this friday nite, and oceanview will be the house band. They will be rocking the beginning of the show from 7:00pm-7:30pm and then two short breaks throught the show. I personally attended the dress rehearsal, and let me just say it will be a hilarious show ( not oceanview....the actual pagent! ). so come on by, it's only 5 bucks. Keep checking back for more show announcements and what not. peace

  • 3/11/01 Oceanview would like to thank everyone who came out to the show last nite at Harcum college. It was really fun - Mykado and Sorrows End rocked out as well. Oceanview unveiled a few new songs. "four eleven," "monkeys," and "get over it" were the newbies , as well as their usual set of both recorded and unrecorded material. The show went pretty well ( except for tim's broken hoo ) and it was a pretty decent turn out for such short notice. a quick reminder: next friday Oceanview will be the house band at the Mr. Haverford Competition at Haverford High School. They will be playing an opening set from 7-7:30, as well as two shorter sets during the middle of the competition. also, tonite, Oceanview may be played on Y-Not, Y-100's local music show, so call up and request it. the number is 1-800-232-1003. that's about it for now. rock.

  • 3/8/01 Tim and Ryan were lucky enough to squeeze on the meet and greet list at the Electric Factory for the band "Fuel," thanks to our friend Fred. We got to hang out with some cool record exec's, along with station programmers from 94 WYSP and 93.3 WMMR, also thanks to Fred. It was really great. Fuel put on quite a performance, along with being really nice guys. In fact, they are planning on listening to Oceanview's "Get Over It" on their bus ride to their next tour stop tomorrow. Again, they were very nice and they rock hard! Just another reminder about the show on Saturday nite. The show is in fact a benefit for "Stand Up For Kids" which is a organization based on helping homeless children. If you bring canned food, blankets, or anything that could help homeless kids out, you get in for $3. Empty handed it $5. Mykado and Seasons End will also be in the house to put on hard rocking sets. Oceanview will go on around 9:30pm and will close the show out. Again, this will be a great show for a great cause! ( plus....we've heard from inside sources a record exec from Epic records will be in the house listening to Oceanview.....give them all the support you can! ) Hope everyone is well and we'll see you soon!

  • 3/4/01 Exciting news! I got a call from Lenny from "The X," Pittsburgh's Alternative radio station. He really liked our stuff and informed us that he has been playing our songs pretty frequently, particularly "Red," "Another Stupid Love Song," and "Leavin Town." You can check out their website at, and you can also request us there. Thanks so much Lenny! Pittsburgh seems to love Oceanview....HOW BOUT PHILLY!!! you can request us for Y-Not on Y-100 which is sunday nites at 9:00pm. the number is 800-232-1003. Thanks for all the support and we hope to see you at the shows!

  • 3/3/01 Just got back from seeing Weezer / Get Up Kids / Ozma at the Electric Factory in Philly. Awesome show. All the bands rocked out....Ozma in particular. They are very nice kids as well. The show last nite in D.C. kicked ass as well. We got to meet the Get Up Kids, Mikey from weezer, and Dave Grohl from the Foo Fighters, who had come to see the show. It was a great show and everyone had a really great time.

  • 3/2/01 Tonite, we're all going to the Weezer show in DC. It's gonna rock out. Can't wait! anywho- shows page is updated with a few more shows. Next Saturday nite is the show at Harcum college with Mykado, Aim of Conrad, the Revolver Method, and a few more bands which have not yet been confirmed. This show will undoubtedly rock out, so come down. If you need directions / ride, just email us and we'll see what we can do. Besides that, nothing much going on. peace out homies - oh yeah. and if the image at the top of the screen is broken, I apologize. it doesn't seem to be cooperating with the page. ah well.

  • 2/22/01 hey everybody! we would just like to thank everyone who came to the WHHS show last friday. it was really fun and it gave us a chance to try out some new songs. we just got booked at the west chester YWCA for a show on March 30th ( i think thats a friday ). we will be playing with "flipkick," and a few other local bands. we'll let you know who they are when we get more info. anyways, the doors are at 7 oclock, and it should be a great show. if you need directions, or you wanna a ride, email us and we'll see what we can do. we are in the works of booking several other shows for march, but only a few of them are confirmed, so we'll wait to let you know until we have them set in stone. that's about all for now. we put pics up from WHHS, so check them out ( they came out real good!!- thanks Jeff and Laura ) oh yeah, ONE MORE WEEK TILL THE WEEZER!!!! YEAH!!!!!! we will be attending both DC and Philly dates! can't wait.

  • 2/15/01 Hope everyone had a sexy valentines day! Oceanview will be rocking WHHS tomorrow ( Friday ) February 16 2001 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm. This will NOT be an acoustic set. Oceanview will have a full set up inside of the station, and will be broadcasted on 107.9fm. We hope that people can stop by to say hello and to hang out. You can also call up to request stuff at 610-446-7111. Oceanview will also be playing many shows in March, pretty much every weekend. We'll let you know more information when it becomes available. That's about all for now. Until next time, keep safe.

  • 2/12/01 Hey guys, Matt here doing a little update for you. The boys in the band has bean asked to play on Matt og's radio show (107.9fm) this friday the 16th. The radio show start at four and the band will be on shortly after it starts. They will be playing for about 45 min. to an hour. This is a regular set no an unpuggled, so tune into 107.9fm. that is it for know. later

  • 2/10/01 Hey guys, what's up? it's tim. despite my tremendous efforts of booking a show on friday february 16th, 2001, it seems as though I have been unsuccessful. pretty much, every place and it's kid brother were already booked with some sort of party / church related thing. well, i apologize, but we are happy to inform you that we already have about 4 or 5 dates set up for march!! march will be an exciting month. oceanview will also be returning to the studio to record. when we find out more about that, we'll let you know. that's about all for now. keep cool.

  • 1/31/01 Hola! tim here. we have a new and improved "official" mailing list, after we had some problems with the old one. this one is a lot easier, and a lot bigger. also, we're still in the works of booking a show for february 16th, 2001 with third season, the overdrives, aim of conrad, and oceanview. we'll have better info later. until a book or something. later

  • 1/30/01 Hey yall. tim again. myself and ryan went back to the studio today to give the finished CD to our producers, the mighty art and leo. soon we will have a little page up giving you info on them and their studio ( TTR recording facilites is Germantown, PA - by far one of the greatest studios in the area!! ). anyways, stay tuned for news reguarding a possible split seven inch including brand spanking new songs that we've written in the past couple of months. also, sam goody has ONE copy of our CD left. we'd like to thank everyone for the support. the CD has ben selling great. also I should know tonite the date of our show with third season, aim of conrad, and the overdrives, so stay tuned for that as well. until then....rock on.

  • 1/29/01 Hey guys, tim here! We're sorry to inform you that the show on February 2nd, 2001 has been CANCELLED because the owners of the place backed out on us. apparantly, kids aren't responsible anymore. however, we do have a BIG show comming up with the Overdrives ( awesome punk band off of Jump Start Records ), Aim of Conrad ( great Philly rock ), Third Season ( formerly crazy metal hardcore, but now we're not too sure ), and yours truely, OCEANVIEW. plus there may be a possible show out in State College, PA, but we'll keep you posted. if you haven't yet picked up our E.P. "Get Over It," we strongly reccomend that you do, because it is selling out rather fast. and if you haven't joined the mailing list, you can do so by simply emailing ( ) and say "Sign me up mother fuckers" and we'll add your name to the list. That's about all for now. keep it real

  • 1/25/01 Hey people Matt hear. Oceanview have bean recieving a hard time from the owners of the Brook Line Fire Hall, the place where the band is supposed to play on febuary 2. They are going to try to hold the show at the fire hall but are most likey going to have to change the location to the Manoa Legion Hall. And the date of the show maybe be pushed back a week the febuary 9th due to complications. The boys in the are sorry about the confusion and are looking forward to playing for you guys in the very near future. But we will keep you updated on the statuse of the show so please keep checking the page. Until next time...

  • 1/20/01 Oceanview has been asked to be the house band at Haverford High School's "Mr. Haverford" competition. For all of you that don't know what that is, it's basically Haverford's version of Miss America, but it's for the guys. It has been added to the "shows" section. Also, Tim has a meeting with one of the head guys over at "New Park Entertainment" sometime this week to discuss the new record, and hopefully get some more shows for you kiddies! Also, keep an eye out for sound clips from the album and also from last weeks practice!!! tata

  • 1/17/01 After a little break, Oceanview will be unveiling some new songs at the Brookline Fire Hall on February 2nd, 2001. Along with the boys are Third Season, Philly-rockers Aim Of Conrad, and possiblly Proverbs of the Illest ( we're still waiting for them!! ). it will undoubtedly be an amazing show, so we hope to see you there! More details to come.......

  • 1/11/01 Hey Boys and Girls Matt here. Giving a little stupid update. The band has bean working on the page like crazy. They now have the lyrics to there CD "Get over it" posted on the page and they also have lyrics of songs that are not on the ablum. More lyrics to other older songs and there new ones should be up soon. They have also have started a photo page, So all you people can look at there sexy faces. Write the band if you want anything else on the website e-mail them or post on the shout out page. Until next time keep it real...Matt

  • 1/11/01 Tim here. The band recently sent a copy of their latest EP "Get Over It" to the Juliana Theory, one of their favorite bands and major influences. Chad, their bass player, quickly responded with a great message!! check it out: Tim, Hey Tim this is chad from the theory. Brett got a cd you sent us to listen to and passed it along to me. Thanks for the letter and for the compliments we appreciate it and i think its cool you took the time to write it and send out your cd. Im sorry you saw us at the Pontiac, that wasnt a great show and the sound is kind of lacking. we have so much equipment these days i wonder how we lug it all around without hurting ourselves. And lately weve been using all sorts of instruments and things at practice that we cant fit on stage so that kind of sucks. Brett is a collector of organs and there will be some interesting sounds on the new recording. we leave saturaday for a brief run of like 8 shows we will be playing on the way to the studio. check out the site to see if there are any near by and come and hang out. If you guys start playing a bit more and touring let me know and maybe you guys can hop on a show sometime. If there are any booking near by ask the club owner if you guys can play and if hes an ass email Jamie our manager (but first email me) and i ll see if we can hook you guys.up. weve been practicing all week and your cd just came today. i listened to it on the way home from practice. i listened to it all actually cause i was caught in a bit of the old 5 o Clock traffic. I hate to pigeon hold bands into categorys so no offense man, but i did get a bit of a Dinosaur Jr. vibe off some of the songs and also a bit of Nirvana in a few of the songs as well. you guys remind me of seattle rock at its finest. and dont take offense. i was and still am a huge pearl jam fan for various reasons. and i loved Nirvana. i mean that band literally changed the rules, enough said. so, i dont even know if you like these bands, but that s the vibe i got. You guys are young and thats good. were not too old our selves we go from 19-23 im the oldest. But keep playing together and you guys will for sure be getting more shows im sure. sorry i wrote a book and tell your guys the theory says hello. chad Thanks so much Chad!! also, there will most likely be a show on Friday January 26th at the Brookline Fire Hall in Havertown, PA with Oceanview, Third Season, Proverbs of the Illest ( R5 ), and an awesome Philly-based band "Aim of Conrad!" This will undoubtedly be an amazing show, and we will give more details when they become available. Until then, be cool! byebye

  • 01/10/01 Hey boys and girls it's Matt here checking in to give you guys an update. The show Friday January 12th is NOT happening. But there is talk about a show at the Brookline Fire Hall with in the next two or three weeks. The boys also have a meeting at Tower Records on Sunday to see if, they will be able to sell their newest release "Get Over It" there. The boys will also being sending the new CD out to record labels in the very near future. So we will keep you updated with all news. But until then Peace.

  • 01/08/01 Hey this is Tim here. Oceanview has been asked to play at Haverford High School on Friday January 12th 2001. The show has not yet been totally confirmed ( keep your fingers crossed ), and once it is, it will pop up on the shows page. Also I just got a CD by an amazing band called "Ozma." I'd say they're they're weezerish, but yet adding their own flavor. anyways, check them out: stay posted for info on fridays show!

  • 01/06/01 You can now find Oceanview's newest release "Get Over It" at the Ardmore Sam Goody ( they have their own display rack!!! ) and also Repo Records in Bryn Mawr. They signed consignment contracts with both record stores, which means the more they sell, the more these stores will want. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!! they also have a meeting with Tower records next week, and hopefully you will soon be able to find it there as well. there are also talks of a big show on friday january 19th with several other killer local misfits. stay tuned for more information.

  • 12/28/00 Hey guys! this is tim just doin a little bit of updating. after a little break, we got back to rehearsing and came out with a new song ( among several others ) called "411." it's still in the works, but the band is very happy with how it's turned out so far. also, thanks to everyone for the support so far with the recent release of "Get Over It." they've been selling like crazy! that's about all for now. check back for several upcomming show dates.

  • okae kiddies! The Oceanview CD is going to be released on December 19th.... it will be available from any member of the band, and it will cost approximately $6

  • You can also e-mail the address below to order the Oceanview CD.... it will also be available at or shortly

  • Following the release of teh Cd there will be a holiday/record release party... pay attention for further updates on the exact date, location , etc. etc.

  • well.... let's see.... I was just informed of an upcoming show... but not Oceanview. However, WEEZER, one of the band's major influences is playing with the Get Up Kids soon.....

  • that's about all for now... i'll keep ya updated....

    take me back!!!
