Keagann: in the beverly hillbillies what was Jethros last name?
BigMhatty: Clampett
Keagann: good call
BigMhatty: that's pretty good for not having sat through an entire half episode
Keagann: uh huh
BigMhatty: did you ever have knowledge that you just know, but don't know why you know it?
Keagann: just wondering
BigMhatty: oh
BigMhatty: so you didn't need that information for anything specific?
Keagann: nope
BigMhatty: wow
BigMhatty: Marie likes pots and pans, but not chefs. She doesn't like 9s, but she likes 10s. Does she like stars or moons?
Keagann: moons
Keagann: is this a riddle?
BigMhatty: yes, and you were wrong
Keagann: why?
BigMhatty: ok, but if i tell you i keep my title as riddle king indefinitely
Keagann: fine.
Keagann: it was there anyway
BigMhatty: she only likes things that are words when spelled backwards
Keagann: oh.
BigMhatty: that was on our bathroom newsletter
Keagann: ew.
BigMhatty: and what's sad. the bathroom newsletter is better than the school newspaper
BigMhatty: seriously, that newspaper prooves beyond the shadow of a doubt that you don't have to be in middle school to write like a middle schooler
Keagann: well then is the answer is stars
Keagann: srats
Keagann: or moons
Keagann: its snoom
Keagann: which is it?
Keagann: that makes no sense
BigMhatty: umm, you get rid of the s on everything
Keagann: that would still be noom
BigMhatty: and that's why she doesn't like moons
Keagann: hb
Keagann: What?
Keagann: that sucks
BigMhatty: but since star turns into rats, she likes it
BigMhatty: just the way pot was top, pan was nap, and ten was net
Keagann: which turns into rats
Keagann: sheDOESN"t like moons
Keagann: or nooms
BigMhatty: yes yes yes.
Keagann: this riddle sucks
BigMhatty: ok ok ok
Keagann: I told it to shawn.
Keagann: he thinks it sucks too
BigMhatty: anyway, there's a fruitstand that sells a grape for 15 cents, an orange for 18 cents, and a mango for 15 cents. how much is a pineapple?
Keagann: ok we give up,
Keagann: 18?
BigMhatty: 27 cents
Keagann: why?
BigMhatty: 3 cents per letter
Keagann: no more riddles fro you
BigMhatty: fro me? is that a typo meaning for me or from my?
Keagann: I don't know.
BigMhatty: from ME i mean
BigMhatty: it's ok. i'll stop. i won anyway
Keagann: yes.
BigMhatty: (and of course you know where this conversation is going)