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Hey Yall!! Welcome to my *SHOUTOUTS*, NEW and IMPROVED!! I finally got some time to update, so I hope you like em!! Oh and if you don't see one here for you just drop me a line in my guestbook and ill be sure to put one up for you as soon as i can. **BrItNeY**
Kristi~ I love you so much!!!! You're like my sister, and i don't know what i would do without you. You've always been there for me through thick and thin, no matter how big or small the problem. Remember the good times..... KRITTY!!! **BFF** I Love You With All My Heart <3
Nina~ WENIS WOMAN!!!!! Your an awesome friend and my partner in crime, what would i do without you!! *Your a skiny bitch* haha Oh and our weird connection, im tellin you, we had to have been twins in another life or something. Oh the many memories, ur 16th party....haha "no boobs" "i love you!!" haha god lets not even go there. But it was all worth it!! FRIENDS FOREVER <3
Abby~Hey DING! Humanities is a blast this year haha! Oh wait and dance too....haha lets not go there Oh the many memories, I can't believe you swore at the game haha! Im finally getting you out of your shell. Mt. Gretna was great this year, we gotta go down to the beach this summer! *ROAD TRIP* Oh and ur dog poop is so good! YUM! YUM! You gotta show me how to make that haha! DING & DONG forever!! <3
Kim~KIMBO!! What is up with us not having any class together this year! I could just cry a tear..... BooHoo! You're an amazing friend and i don't know what i would do without you! Hey we gotta get 2gether and stur up some more trouble. haha What am i gonna do with you and your many men?? haha Wait how many was that that night.....3?? haha Let's not go there Oh the memories! Love You Lots <3
Laura~Dupler Dupler, gosh where do i start? You're an awesome girl! Im so glad we've stayed friends for so long! But what's up with us not having any classes together this year??? Im so bummed!! Hey you me and wenis got to get 2gether soon and stur up some trouble! haha Luv Ya <3
Megan~ You are the one and only ~Fairy Princess~ haha!! Member all the good times. God there's to many to list. Love You Always <3
Sara~ RUEPAUL ALL THE WAY!! Gosh i havn't said that one in a while. Your brownies were great!! HAHA Oh the many memories....You are one of the funniest people i've ever known, don't ever change *Friends 4ever* <3

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