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Detailed Description of Bill Adams' Activities as a School Director

In November 2001 I was elected to the Washington School Board and began serving on the Board in December 2001.

After being elected to the Board I became the Board's Legislative Contact and the Board's local representative to the Pennsylvania School Board Association(PSBA).

In the Spring of 2002 I was elected to the Intermediate Unit(IU) 1's Board. I was the first person to be elected to the IU 1 Board representing the Washington School District since the creation of IU 1.

Shortly after becoming a board member I introduced two policy statements. One policy was to create a Community Advisory Committee(CAC) and the other was to create a Finance Committee. The CAC was to be composed entirely of representatives from the community. The Finance Committee while composed of administrators, teachers, board members, and staff members would also have community representative including some from the local business community. In June 2002 these two policies were approved by the Washington School Board. Slightly more than a year after the policies were adopted, these committees began meeeting.

Click here for a description of Bill Adams' involvement in educational activities.


Links to information on Bill Adams as a School Director

League of Women Voters - Allegheny County
