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Arts in Education

Websites with Information on the Arts in Education

National Association for Music Education
Pennsylvania Music Educators Association (PMEA)
PMEA District 1(Allegheny, Fayette, Greene, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties)
The Arts Education Partnership
Music Friends
National Arts Education
Support Music
American Music Conference
Music for All

Click here to find out what a board member of the National School Boards Association thinks about the importance of music in education.

Click here to read what former Secretary Paige told the Superintendents about the arts in education.

Click here to read about a Pilot Program of Music in Schools Today - Achieving Through Music.

Click here to read about a TV program - Arts in Education - Improving Students'Academic Performance.

Click here Facts and Figures about arts in education.

Click here for information about music and the developing brain.

Click here for information about what the Arkansas Governor and former Secretary Rod Paige have to say about arts in education.

Click here for information about Music beating Computers at Enhancing Early Childhood Development

Click here for information about The National Arts Education's Public Awareness Campaign

Click here for information about the head of the DC Schools increasing support for the arts

Click here for information on the importance of music from the MusicFriends website


