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Citizen Advocates For Reform in the Educational System (CARES)

Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide essential information to the entire community and to use this information to advocate for reforms in education to help insure a quality education is available to all children.

The organization's focus is on the issues of achievement, health and safety, accountability, and cost-effectiveness. To address these issues the organization's goals are to

1.0 Provide information on education and related issues to the entire community.

2.0 Strengthen local control by insuring the opportunity of all community members to participate in decision-making for schools.

3.0 Insure that high academic standards are used to develop curricula in schools and that all schools use meaningful assessments.

4.0 Assist children in developing the necessary skills to succeed in school and life.

5.0 Insure that the health and safety of our children are properly addressed.

6.0 Insure that school administrations, school boards, and public officials and employees are held accountable to the community.

7.0 Identify and advocate for methods of efficient and effective school district management and operations.

8.0 Identify and advocate for equitable and effective systems to finance public education.

"Energy and persistence conquer all things" by Benjamin Franklin

