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My Home Page

My Favorite Web Sites

The place I built
My daughter's home page

I don't need to be everything to everyone... but I would like to be everything to someone...

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! I have added alot to this since I first started it, some funny things, feelings, quotes but most of all ME... if your truely looking to get to know me read on.... some of the contents may offend some people, if so, I'm sorry the smart ass remarks are just that. The parts about me are just that, about ME

Oh yeah... YOU took the time to come view the page please take the time to sign the guest book while your here, let me know what you think. THANKS!

Peace n Love, Mary

All About Me

My Photo Album

My Photos Christmas 2000

More Recent Pictures of me



More Cool Quotes

Pickup Lines

Cute one for the men (smiles)

Things that piss me off

Me on life?

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