In Memory of Ronnie...You Know I Love You

Ronald Lee Burk
Born Dec. 22, 1972...Killed on Oct. 14 1995

This page is dedicated to the Memory of Ronnie Burk. Ronnie was killed by a drunk driver.

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Click on the logo to visit M.A.D.D. Mothers Against Drunk Driving is the biggest support group in the nation for victims and families of those involved with drunk driving.

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Angie would like to thank:

Kevin Siegel(my husband and webmaster) for his support in putting together this site and for all the hours he spent working on this site. I Love You!

Dave and Janie McConnell (my stepdad and my mom) for all the information they provided from MADD and for all the support they give me and all victims of drinking and driving.

I also want to say thanks to my parents ( Ron Burk and Janie McConnell) for giving me the greatest big brother.
I Love You, both.