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Zembo--The Best Cat

This was Zembo, who will be remembered the best cat ever! He was born on July 11,1998, to a pair of alley cats who were frequent visitors to the back porch of a house I once owned beside the Zembo Mosque in Harrisburg, PA. His father was Thomas Clarence, a Tuxedo kitty, and his mother was "the Ghost Cat," an abandoned Russian Blue who was often "heard but not seen. Zembo returned to be with his ancestors on June 2, 2007, following a brief illness. He is sorely missed by his adoptive parents and by his friends."

What made him so unique is that Zembo was born on my back porch and then moved, with his siblings, to the Zembo Shrine Auditorium at Division Street between Third and Fourth in Harrisburg. He was left behind in a storm drain when his mother moved her nest to an old portable billboard on the mosque grounds. He was just seven days old when found, hungry, screaming his head off. Zembo was hand-raised and bottle-fed by Mrs. Betty Setlak of the Harrisburg Humane Society until old enough to eat solid food.

He treated humans as though they were simply bigger cats.

Zembo and Seaweed

Zembo was smaller than his favorite Beanie, Seaweed, when found. He was raised in a shoebox with Seaweed at his side, and he had been very attached to it. He carried Seaweed around his flat and often brought it up into his bed.

Zembo's First Birthday

A one-year old Zembo thought all this cake stuff was silly...

A Cat in Full

Zembo preferred his birthday treat to any stupid cake. Zembo is named for the place he was found, the Zembo Shrine Auditorium on Division Street in Harrisburg, PA. P.S. All Zembo's siblings, four sisters, were rescued by P.A.W.S. and adopted out to good homes. Zembo's father and mother were also captured and adopted. All kitties were neutered or spayed to prevent unwanted pregnancies, thanks to the P.A.W.S. organization.

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