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home of the transplanted brit

My Favorite Web Sites

Under the Texas Sky!
GhostStudy-a Paranormal Adventure-thumbs up!
Something's Spooky at Ordsall-my ghost pics!


The above Welsh is the motto of Wales and means, "The red dragon sets his standard"-It means never back down.

Every autobiography is a dubious enterprise. For the underlying assumption is that a chair exists in which a person can sit down to contemplate his or her own life, to compare its phases, to survey its development and to penetrate its meanings. Every person can and surely ought to take stock of themselves. But one cannot survey oneself even in the present moment, any more than in the whole of his past. Mostly though instead of thinking deep thoughts like that, I just like to walk around Vancouver in jeans, duffel coat and baseball cap.

This is me at Vancouver's gay.pride without baseball cap and coat.

Um...I am the larger one...the little folks are "Wimmies" a cartoon I have developed.

This page is provided so you might achieve a better understanding of the mind behind the well organised madness which is me. It includes a self description, statistical breakdown and general stuff about me.

As stated at the top of the page I am a transplanted Brit now making my home in Canada. And while I do miss Wales I have come to love my new home very much.

I think it's easiest to get to know someone if you have a little information on hand. It was for this reason that I thought a homepage might be a dandy idea. Perhaps this way, should you ever see me bumbling and stumbling around online you might just feel a little easier about approaching me.

The stuff in my life

Spuddy died of a twisted bowel on April 16 2000 and she figured strongly in my life. In my earlier homepage I raved about how she and I would play for hours. She is still with me though and at times she does come back and visit. She has moved her collar and balls in ways that I cannot pretend didn't happen. It's not a scarey thing though. I think she understood my loss of her and remained with me. I have this theory about cats and the theory is: they become nicer after death. Gentle smiles.
The need for companionship though was very strong and a ghost Spuddy while comforting was not the same as a warm bundle of energy. This lonliness prompted me to accept back in May of 2000 a small seven week old male kitten. Black and tiny, he was as ugly as sin and I have fallen quite in love with him although now he is now nearly nine months old and sleek and handsome. Scruffy is fearless and with his arrival Spuddy seems to have moved on...she still visits but her visitations are noticable less.

Other things in my life-I am an artist and will be posting some of my work here and also a writer with a lesbian novel about to go to press-I just ned to end it and I am reluctant as I have been enjoying the relationships I have formed with these people. I also host the women's message boards at and this keeps me very occupied. Other interests are movies and reading...Camping and spending time with close friends.

The real Spuddycat licking her chops

Spuddy-February 13 1999 to April 16 2000

I will miss you baby girl

Spuddy was truly a wonderful cat. She brought joy and plenty of good laughs in our too short acquaintance. I think now she sits in a circle of cats that stretch around the moon and here they groom one another and send down their love in deep growling phantom purrs that only the heart can hear.

Introducing Scruffy-isn't he adorable?

And here is another :o)

Personality-both the good and the bad

Like everyone I have a list of characteristics that help to define me. I believe in being as upfront as I can about them as well. I can't tell you I'm always nice if I am not and promise you things I cannot deliver. This has happened to me and I have been burnt and I think the other person was as well. I think if a person whoever they may be has a need for a website, then that website should be as frank and as honest as possible.
I can be a hothead and someone who will not back down from confrontation and in a 38 yr old woman that's not exactly an admirable trait. I have been known to foolishly pursue when I would have been smarter to put it aside. I can be intense and exacting in my need to understand things and worry at matters like a dog with a bone. I am rarely jealous but can be insecure in matters of the heart and romance and I am not normally insecure. I can be too eager and impulsive and haven't quite got the knack of tact and reticence. I long to be mysterious and I am afraid I am not so good at that either. Lastly I am not very good at keeping my opinions to myself and have a real hard time with secrets. Don't tell me any!

Wonders what on earth to do about this page

Do I basically copy the last one or do I try to rebuild a newer one? Most of the other older stuff still applies but there have been a few changes...Recently I became the Women's Message Board Host and soon will also be wearing a monitor hat for the chat areas. This keeps me as busy as one can be online-promoting the boards and trying to encourage people with new topics and new interests. It can be exhausting in many ways but also as rewarding.

I think my natural tendency here is to start again fresh-to rather than repost a lot of stuff-to just keep adding as I think I should.

The above painting holds me in my dreams. I don't know where this image comes from as it is not like any I have seen. Still it haunts me and I think that one day I am to visit this place. Friends tell me it is much like Sedona Arizona. A place often known for its magical and mysterious ways.

I was born in Cardiff Wales and spent my childhood years travelling from one country to another as my father was a British soldier. I grew up in places like Aden, Nairobi and Cypress and Hong Kong. With trips back and forth to Great Britain...mostly spending our time in Liverpool (my dad's family) or Wales (my mum's family). When I came of age I also joined the British military and the same regiment as my father-I was in the Royal Engineers and served also in Nairobi, Cypress (as part of the UN), Hong Kong (speak Cantonese) and Aden. I was also in West Germany before the reunification and saw the death camps in Poland (Auschwitz and Sobibor-truly haunted areas). When I was discharged I moved to Canada and kept travelling west until I found British Columbia...and here now in this beautiful province is where I call home.

This is Vancouver BC!

It is 5:20am and I am trying hard to get back into a routine with my sleeping of late so I find myself rambling...I think that's okay. I have always been a bit of a rambler-hitting on an idea and aware as it slowly peters out. I know that I am much better with the written word than the spoken word-confidence flows through my fingers with a pen or a keyboard and in real life I am often tongue tied or at a loss for words unless I am truly comfortable with the person I am with.

"Nude in Black and Grey"

"Angry Nude"
 is the place I call home on line. I cannot imagine anyone who is not gay, lesbian, trans or bisexual not hanging there. Unlike other web host domains, is completely gay. I am the woman's message board host there (as mentioned above) and find it so much better to associate with gay people when working online. I have worked for other fine web domains but it is not quite the same.

If you haven't discovered yet-check out the banner url above and go and get yourself a free membership.

Me in my boardhost picture

Oh and this is just me looking dorky *S*

Remembering our dead

Brandon Teena-1972-1993


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