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Hello! I am the RingMaster of 'On the Wings of Fantasy!'
This ring is for Sites that are dedicated to fantasy/and or are about fantasy. Examples- like Fantasy writings, or Fantasy Art, or Faeries or Dragons.. etc etc etc... ...

I started this ring because Ive seen soo many awesome fantasy rings, and it gave me the urge to run one myself. So, finally, after it taking 5-6 hrs to get it working, it is finally up and running. I am very very proud of my ring. When you put the html code on your website( it will be sent in an email when u sign up), make sure your name and email is in there for one thing. Another thing, alot of people are forgetting to write id= before their ID # in this area it should say ring=jca; and then your ID here; right before your id, (everytime it writes your ID #) make sure that id= is before it! If not, Put it there!! *lol* If your having trouble, just ask me, and Ill do what I can. I am new at this, so be patient. *lol* ! Thank you! I hope to see you in my ring!

Still interested? Read on in the Rules!

  1. First and Foremost.. NO PORN! None whatsoever. It will NOT be tolerated!!
  2. Profanity MUST be kept to a minumum! I dont wanna see f*ck this and f*ck that yada yada yada.. everyother word.
  3. Site MUST be about fantasy in one way or another.
  4. Yes, there is an age limit.. You must be 14 yrs or older. If you would like to join and your younger than 14, email me, and maybe I can work something out.

Still wanting to join? I think I made those rules pretty simple. =) If you still wanna join...

Click Here, and add your site to the Queue!


This is What it looks like.. This is my ring!

This On Wings of Fantasy Webring is owned by Angelgurly *RingMaster*.
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