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"I toss and turn in my sleep every night..My sleep+dreams are interrupted by a dark, handsome stranger who always rescues me from the dragon.."~Good Night

"The leaves are a golden medley like your smile and your eyes shine like the sun..The cold bite of the fall night air will remind me of the warmness I felt in your arms,warmness that I felt in my heart when I was with you.."~My Love For You

"I am like Fall leaves,I go whereever the wind takes me trying to find the place where I belong.."~Gypsy Blood

"She lives among the beauty of the woods;a friend of the birds,little animals and butterflies...She sings with the nightengale,rising with the sun.."~Astrid

"My soul droops like the flower that I gave up on and my loneliness runs as deep as a river..I long to be somewhere that I'm not but where my heart lives.."~So Alone

"I've fallen for you like the autumn leaves have fallen from the trees..And the smell of the crisp fall air will always bring me back to the time when I was happy and carefree like a little girl-the little girl that I once was.."~My Love For You

"In the summer the sun shines all day and in the winter darkness is king and the stars are always so close you could almost reach up and touch them.There is no place like this in the world-no place that compares.."~Alaska