Readio (and Allen) Family Pictures
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Readio (and Allen) Family Pictures

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These pictures came from a cousin; they were saved in an old
shoebox, I think. Few of them come with names attached.  I would
appreciate knowing any names anyone manages to identify.  I think
that probably one of the young men is my great grandfather, Charles
Hiram Readio, one of four sons of George Austin Readyhoff.

It is apparent that the Readyhough's had oval faces with standard
Yorkshire features, largish chins. Amzi Allen's wife was of Puertogese
and French ancestry; this probably accounts for the dark coloring of
many of the family.  Many of the family have a Latin cast to their
features, too.  Most descendants of Amzi Allen who are not REadio have
very long faces.  AMzi himself had large, heavy features, particularly
his wide nose and his eyebrows, and also the distinctive forehead
furrows, characteristic of the Tuttle family who were among his ancestors.
I can't tell if the other photo of a middle aged man is of Amzi or not; 
many of the features look similar, but his face isn't as long and seems
to belong to a man with a different personality; in fact, a man who
looks VERY British emigrant. 

 Go to page of Tuttle pictures from a Tuttle 

Pictures of my grandmother

My grandmother at age three months
Already she looked alot like my sister (at that age) My grandmother as a young woman My grandparents in middle age Amzi Allen Other Picture Several of Allen surname at Amzi Allen family reunion

Dorothy Readio

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