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Hiyas...this is my page, and it's still being modified from when it was an assignment for class...bear with me as I make modifications and changes throughout the summer...

Well, I’ve been doing a lot of rearranging, and even a little bit of work on my page.  I’m gonna use up those first five megs from angelfire if it kills me! J 

Boring stuff about me

Links. Lots and lots of links!

Information about the Swiftroses

EverCrack stuff, and Daratha’s Bio.

Here it is….<drum roll>  The Picture Gallery!

New stuff!  A few pics from my trip to Canada…there would have been more, but I didna realize how few I took! L  However, I promise to be more annoying with my camera in the future, and have lotsa stuff to put up! J

Also, maybe coming in late August, an online travel log about my exile in china! J


Last Revised July 27, 2000, at approximately 1:30 AM or so...I'm really bad with specific times...

If something here is wrong, email me at

Or, if you want, you could always ICQ me. My ICQ nickname is swiftrose. That's my AOL IM thingie, too.

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