The fun wasn`t over yet:

After dinner, during coffee and tea, Lurline, Leigh, and June had drawings for door prizes. Terrie, won a lovely wood shelf made by Bob Tose, Leigh`s hubby. Really lovely work. Lurline contributed cash prizes. Daphne won a cash prize, Joseph and Bob both won a bottle of wine, and Leigh won a beautiful Indian doll that June made. Lurline also won a beautiful crocheted bathroom set made by June. It included a mat, tank cover, tissue holder, the works! Lurline said they were all her bathroom colors, too! June and Sally won cosmetic cases, for coming the farthest distance. Someone won an electric surge protector, don`t remember who. So, please let me know, ok? June seemed to be the big winner of the night, plus:

....the above trophy for having met the most people in our chat room. Also won an album for pictures of all her grand children! June also won the most $cash$ gambling! Way to go Junie Moon!

I wasn`t there for the party that took place in Matty and Toms room, as I left that Tuesday morning. The party was that night. Tom and Matty planned this party even before they met anyone. They brought in snacks, wine and liquor. I was told that they a had alot of fun. It was a total a surprise. The guys want to say "thank you" again, Matty and Tom!

Tom, Matty, Lurline, Leigh, Barbara, and Rose

Wish I had been there!

Barbara, Leigh, Bob, June, Donna and Ed

After the party was over, they all went to the Tropicana for a dinner buffet, and then stayed for the Latin Revue. I was told that a man who sat in front of them at the revue, was toothless, and chewed his gums thru the whole revue! LOL! They had a great time that night! I would have enjoyed it, too!

Here`s a shot of the boardwalk, and a strange looking sight. Looks like they had fun people watching!

Well, it was time to leave....parting was such sweet sorrow. I stood in the lobby, hanging on to Sally and Terrie, hating to leave them...also June and Lurline were there too. Can`t remember who else, the lump in my throat was the size of a golf ball! Thought that damn elevator would never come, had my back to them, so they wouldn`t see how badly I felt. Please let me tell you, these couple of days meant so much to all of us. We became a family in our own right. Life long friendships were made. It was an experience I`ll never forget. God bless you all.

Your Resident Writer:
June 25th, 2000

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