I thought about creating this site for us for a long time. We all know what happened to my first try! So here we go:

Most of us know each other over a year now, and there have been a few reunions, a couple in Florida, and also in Fredonia, New York. The one that I went to was in Atlantic City. I hope I can descibe my emotions upon meeting my dear friends and special buddies.

I`ll start by thanking Leigh, June and Lurline for bring this to fruition. This was no easy task. Each of these gals lives in a different state, so they had to do lots of communicating via email. Bravo, our hats are off to you! Thank you so much!!


I came with two other friends who are not online, they were just kind enough to drive me the 3 long hours to A.C. I was so anxious with anticipation, I'm sure they could not figure out why!

When we pulled into the hotels garage, I was a nervous wreck! The hotel was the "Holiday Inn On The Boardwalk", it was lovely.

I walk into the hotel, and there is this tiny woman pacing, then she looks up at me, and in the softest voice, and I`ll never forget this, she said, "Nina", I stopped in my tracks and said, "Sally". Whoa!! What an embrace! The next thing I asked was, "Where's Tee", Sally said she was over at the lunch room, all I did was look in that direction, and Tee caught my eye. It was like watching a bad commercial, I was rushing toward her and she was rushing toward me. This was a bear hug, rib breaking, embrace!

Sally caught me with the camera as I had just arrived.

Terrie always said in the chat room, before our trip, that when I arrived, she was going to kidnap me, and so they did! My room wasn`t ready, as I heard later, several had to wait to get into their rooms. We were like teenagers, giddy and silly. They were supposed to call Sally`s room when mine was ready. Knock on the door brought in Lurline, Barbara, Leigh and June!!

What fun!! It was so nice meeting them all. They were all just as I imagined them to be, lovely people!

Then we went down into the lobby, and I started to meet the rest of our friends: The first was Gino, our Karoke man. He brought all his equipment from Virginia just for us. Thanks Gino & Edie! By the way, Gino sang the first song for me. An Italian song called, "Retorne Mi", also sang Volare as the last song. Molto bene, Gino!

In the lobby I met Rosemarie & Rose, aka RosyRosie and Willysrose, I knew them in a second. Then seated at one of the couch`s was Joseph and Ruthie. Didn`t meet the rest till the night of the banquet. I met Carol aka C258, that night, too.

Carol having never met either June or Sally, volunteered to go to the airport and pick them up. Then graciously invited Sally to dinner, and an over night stay. The next day, they went to the train station to pick up Terrie, which was delayed 3 hours! Thanks Carol, for your kindness.

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Thanks Skye!

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