This site is for trading only, nothing is for sale. I trade cds, shns (through the mail or etrades)
& vcds. Before you enter the main site, please read everything on this page. Here you will find
my rules, wants & the process I go through when burning cds. I will try to keep this page as
brief as possible. Please follow these rules so everyone is happy. I like sharing music & you
should too...

Updates [to make the site more up-to-date]
Lots of new stuff not added yest from Grandaddy & RH
Some new stuff from Notwist/Postal Service/Grandaddy on the way...
Got some new Interpol...Still looking for Notwist & Postal Service
Looking for Postal Service & Notwist shows

Rules [some kind of order is necessary]
1. No burning on the fly. See my Burning Procedures below.
2. Use good media: TDK, Kodak, Phillips, Fuji, Sony or Mitsui...Please ask before using anything else.

3. Burn DAO. No gaps, clicks, or static between tracks. If you don't know how to check, please ask. Otherwise, if you send me a show with any crap between tracks, I will expect a clean copy to replace it or another show in its place. * Just because there are no 2-second gaps DOES NOT mean that there are no flaws between tracks. Please check all shows, I try my best to document all problems.

4. There is always a risk involved with trading, therefore we both send on the same day.
5. 1 Video = 3 CDs, I usually don't do 2:1's, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
6. Do not write on cds. Use a small post-it note to label them. Send w/o cases (use paper sleeves) in a padded envelope via First Class Mail. Setlists & Recording Info can be sent via email.

My Burning Procedure
First I extract the show to my hard drive using Exact Audio Copy. Then I burn the wavs using
CDRWIN at 2x (the slowest speed possible). If you are at all serious about trading, then you
should have these or similiar programs. Links to both are available on my Links Page. That
page also includes some helpful tips on setting up these programs. You should never burn
cds on the fly. Always extract the cd to your hard drive first.

Primary Wants (will definately trade for these)
- The Decemberists
- Iron & Wine
- Notwist
- Built Like Alaska
- Earlimart
- Strokes @ Roseland 11.29.02
- Liars
- Grandaddy
- Tripping Daisy
Secondary Wants (might trade for these)
- Neutral Milk Hotel/Jeff Mangum
- Interpol
- Radiohead 2003
- The Polyphonic Spree
- Pedro the Lion
- Postal Service
- Radar Brothers
- Pavement
- Velvet Underground/Lou Reed
- Walkmen

Grades (based solely on my opinion, i try to be a strict grader)
This is usually an official release. I will rarely ever give anything else an A+.
This is as good as a boot will get without being professionally released.
A little less desirable, but still very good. Usually a very good audience recording.
Still very listenable and sometimes desirable if a better version does not exist.
Anything below a B+ is for true fans.
A small glitch in the recording, it could be a split second drop out or a little static.
This is a glitch or dropout during crowd noise only, songs are fine and the cd is DAO.
This is a glitch or static or dropout during a song. Lasts a split second, unless noted.

- I read this entire page & agree to all the rules, now let me in -