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~*~by kelly~*~

this story was written by kelly, and if you want to email her and let her know what you think, you can at

authors note: TELEKINETHESIS is not proven to be real yet some scientists think it is. this story is also FICTION. pure fiction. it was based on clint's point of view and he nor the moffatts had anything to do with this.

100.7. That's what my temperature was."Shelia! It's 100.7. Is that high?" I shouted. Shelia was my step mom. I thought she was nice. She came in my room.
"Yes, that's high. You're staying home today, Clint," she said, taking the thermometer from me.
"Great," I muttered.
Scott, Bob, and Dave were downstairs getting ready for school. I got changed into my sweats and went downstairs.
"Clint ,man, hope you feel better," Bob said as he put his jacket on.
"Yeah. I'll get your work if you want," Scott offered his younger brother.
"That's ok, Scott. I'll call Kelly. She'll have all the notes," I explained to my older brother.
"Ok. See ya later bro," Scott said.
"Yup. Feel better Clint," Dave shouted as Scott,Bob, and himself walked out the door.
I got up and walked into the family room/den, laid down on my stomach, got the portable phone off the coffee table, and called Kelly. Kelly has been a very good friend to me. I had a huge crush on her. I wanted to tell her but was scared of her reaction.
"Hello," a voice said.
"Is Kelly there?" I asked.
"Sure. Hold on," replied the voice. I waited for 5 mins.
"Hello," she said.
"Yo, Kelly, can you do me a huge favor," I asked.
"No Clint, I won't have sex with you," she replied. We always joked like that. Sometimes I wish she would say YES.
"Fine, be like that. No really. Could you?"
"Of course I could."
"Get my homework for me today. I'm sick."
"Sure I could. Do you need your books too?"
"Not unless we need them for homework."
"Alright. I'll bring it to you after school, alright?"
"Yep.Thanks. I owe you one."
"You don't owe me one."
"You owe me alot!"
"Haha. I suppose I do. I'll see you later then?"
"Yup.I'll see you at like 2:30."
"Bye Clint. Hope you feel better before Sunday."
"Yes Sunday. You didn't forget did you? You did,didn't you? Superbowl. I need somebody to bet against."
"Right. See ya later."
I tossed the phone into the armchair on the other side of the room. I grabbed the TV remote and turned on "Live with Regis and Kathy Lee."
Shelia walked into the room. "Hey Clint," she said.
"Yeah, Shelia," I answered.
"Will you be okay if I go to work?"
"Good.I should be back by 5:00.Don't let anybody in."
"Kelly's coming over right after school with my books and work to explain it all."
"That's fine. She seems like a very nice girl."
"She is."
"Okay. I'll see you later, Clint."
"Yup. Bye, Shelia."
"See you later, Clint."
With that, she grabbed her coat and left me alone. By myself.
I got up from my sweet spot at 11:00 to get lunch. I walked into the kitchen. Shelia had left me a note.
I left some cough drops out for you. If you get hungry, there is heatable soup in the refrigerator. Just follow the directions. Just don't burn the house down, OK? I'll be back soon. Call me if you need something.

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the soup and stuck it in the microwave. "What the?" I said. The directions were in Japanese and Chinese.
"Now how the heck do I read this?" I said."Ok. Let's see. I think this is a 7. No wait! It might be a 2. Nope, it's a 5. Yup, 5. Then 6. Yup, 56. What in the freaking state of Utah is that doodle? 8? No way!" I said, trying to make sense of the directions."I'm hungry but I'm not that hungry. I'll wait for Kelly," I said, walking back out to the family room/den and plopping down on the couch.
It was now 12:47. I was bored. I had a terrible pain in my stomach. It hurt so bad. The phone rang. I got up to get it.
"Hello?" I said.
"Clint, man, how are you doing?" I heard Bob say from the other side of the line.
"I'm better considering the fact that my fever rose to 101.4, I'm freezing then sweating, and I can't eat lunch because the directions for the soup Shelia left me are in danged Japanese & Chinese. Can you believe that?"
Bob was laughing."Maybe Kelly could heat it up when she comes over later?" I had a feeling Bob knew I liked Kelly.
"Listen, I got to go. See you at 6."
I hung up the phone.
I went right back to my spot on the couch. I laid down and began to drift to sleep. "Freakin Japanese & Chinese writing," I mumbled right before falling asleep.
I awoke at 2:28. What the heck!?! 2:28 already. I remember that Kelly was supposed to come. I slowly sat up. The doorbell rang/buzzed.
I looked out the window and saw a foot and a half of snow. I ran to the door. I opened it. Kelly was standing outside.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey. I've got your stuff," she said.
"Oh, great. Come on in," I said, inviting her inside, out of the freezing cold.
"I need to explain it all to you," she said.
"I know. Go right in there and sit on the couch. I'll be there in a minute," I said, heading upstairs.
I walked into my room. I grabbed the thermometer. I walked slowly back downstairs to where I had left Kelly.
"Hey Kelly," I said entering the room.
"Yes, Clint," she answered.
"Could you heat up this soup for me. The danged directions are in freaking Japanese & Chinese. I know you can read it because you took that class last summer in camp."
"Sure," she answered.
She walked into the kitchen. I hid by the door, so she couldn't see me. She picked up the soup. I watched as her perfectly slim waist, tight butt, perky chest, silky maple brown hair to her slender shoulders. She placed the soup in the microwave, punched on 5 buttons, and walked to the door.
I flew across the room onto the couch. I laid down. She walked into the room. She walked over and sat on the edge of the couch.
"When was the last time you took your temperature?" she asked.
"Earlier this morning," I replied.
"What was it?" she asked.
"101.4," I replied. She picked up the thermometer and turned it on.
"Open your mouth," she instructed as she put it under my tongue.
She lifted the blanket, that was at the end of the couch, over me. She placed her hand on my forehead.
In our 10 years of being friends, this was only the 5th time she'd touched me.
The thermometer beeped. She took it out of my mouth."102.1," she said.
She placed her hand back on my forehead. "You're burning up. Are you hot or cold?" she asked.
"I'm sweating. No... I'm freezing," I replied.
"I'll go get your soup," she said, leaving.
My stomach started to hurt so I placed my hands on my hips and sorta hugged my self and turned face down. Kelly re-entered the room carrying the bowl of soup.
"Turn over, Clint," she said sweetly," sit up and eat this."
"I can't. I just got comfortable. My stomach hurts," I replied.
"Fine. Be like that," she said.
"Feed it to me," I asked.
"What?" she asked in disbelief. "Could you please feed me the soup," I asked, hoping she would say yes.
"Fine," she said. She sat back in her spot.
She lifted the spoon to my mouth.I gladly took it in. This procedure continued until the soup was gone.
I looked at the clock. 3:15.
"Could you stay with me until Scott, Dave, Bob, Shelia, or Dad comes home?" I asked.
"Sure,"she replied.
"Am I gonna have to play nurse," she asked jokingly. She ran her hand through what hair I had.
"Yes. You've already got a patient," I replied.
She got up and went to the window.
"Hey," she said,"look. Here comes Bob, Scott, & Dave."
Sure enough, three and a half minutes later, Scott, Bob, & Dave walked through the door.
"Hey, Clint," Dave & Scott said.
"Hey, Kelly," Bob said.
"Hey," Kelly & I replied in unison.
"Well, Clint, since your brothers are here, I'd better go," Kelly said.
"I'm sorry Kelly but you can't go anywhere," Scott said.
"And why not?" she shot back.
"Because you can't walk, let alone see. Just stay here with us," he said.
"Fine," she agreed.
"Hey, Clint. I almost forgot," Dave said."We got report cards," he finished as he pulled out a white envelope. He handed it to me. I opened it.
It read:
Language 93%, Reading 95%, Science 96%, Art 100%, Gym 92%, French 97%, Math 98%, Social Studies 87%, and Home Ec. 45%.
"Dang," I mumbled.
"What'd you get, Clint?" Bob asked.
"I got 6 A's, 2 B's, & F 1," I replied.
"What did you fail," Dave asked.
"Home Ec," I replied.
"So did Scott, Dave and me," Bob said. We all turned and looked at Kelly. "What did you get on your report card?" I asked her.
"I haven't looked at it yet but I'll look at it if you wanna know," she said.
My brothers and I watched as she dug it out.
"Read it out loud," I instructed her.
"Fine," she said.
"Language 95%, Reading 96%, Science 99%, Art 100%, Gym 97%, French 100%, Math 100%, Social Studies 94%, Home Ec.." she paused. "100%," she finished.
My brothers & my own mouths fell open, down to the ground.
"What?" she asked.
"How the hell did you get 100% in Home Ec?" I asked.
"How the hell did you manage to fail such an easy class," she shot back.
"Stop it," Dave commanded.
"Let's go in the game room," Bob suggested.
We hadn't been in the other room for more than 10 minutes when we heard the front door open and close. We went to see who it was. Frank.
"Hi guys. Kelly," he said.
"Hey," we all answered.
"How are you doing Clint?" he asked me.
"Better.Thanks," I replied.
"How's it looking out there?" Kelly asked.
"It's getting worse. You can barely see anything," Frank replied.
"How's Kelly gonna get home?" Dave asked.
Frank thought for a minute. "I think... because of the roads and all... that it's both too dangerous and... impossible to get her home," Frank answered Dave. He turned to Kelly."You'll have to stay here with us Are you o.k. with that?," he asked.
"I'm fine with it. But my mom's gonna start to get worried," she said.
"I'll call her and let her know where you are and that your ok," he replied. ~*~*~LATER...~*~*~
"There is absolutely nothing to do," Dave complained.
"Shut-up, Dave," Bob said. I wasn't concerned about them. I was concerned about them. I was concerned about where Kelly & Scott went.
I got up and went to the hallway. There. At the end of the hallway. In the corner. Scott was playing his acoustic guitar. She was watching him.
When he was done he handed his guitar to her. I was convinced they were just fooling with the guitar.
Shelia came home about 15 minutes later. I told her Kelly was staying here the night. She was delighted to have another girl spend the night.
About an hour later dinner was ready. I wanted Kelly to cook.
"Ya know," Scott began ,"Kelly's really good at playing the guitar."
"Really?" I asked. "I never knew that."
"I'm not really good. Scott's stretching it a little," she replied shyly.
"I'm not stretching anything," Scott said.
After dinner Scott, Dave, Bob, Kelly, Frank, Shelia, and I were sitting in the family room/den talking when...
"Kelly, why don't you play the song you played for Scott today for us?" I suggested.
"Yeah," everyone else agreed. She shot me this 'I'll get you' look. I smiled. So did she.
"Which one?" she asked.
"Acoustic #3," Scott piped.
"Alright. Do I have to sing?," she asked.
"Yes," I said immeadatly.
"Fine,"she said.
Her and Scott left to get his guitar.
When they came back, Scott went and sat back in his spot on the couch. Kelly, on the other hand, sat on the arm of the recliner I was sitting in.
"Who's the song by?" Shelia asked.
"The GooGoo Dolls," Kelly replied.
She looked at me, then at Scott. Then she began to play.







BY: The GooGoo Dolls

"Scott wasn't stretching it. You're really good," I told her.
"Told you," Scott chimed.
After dessert we were all talking when... Dave suddenly asked,"Where is Kelly gonna sleep?" I looked over at her. She was pre-occupied with looking out the window and watching the snow fall.
"How about she sleeps in Clint and Dave's room,"Frank suggested.
"NO!," Bob and Scott shouted in unison. This grabbed Kelly's attention.
"Why not?" Dave asked.
"You don't wanna kill her or make her deaf," Bob said. I had to agree.
"Fine. Bob trade rooms with Dave. End of discussion," Frank said. We got Kelly's pillows and blankets set up on the floor by my bed.
"She has nothing to wear to bed," Bob pointed out.
"She can wear something of mine," I volunteered.
We walked over to the closet. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a roots sweatshirt and handed them to her.
She went into the bathroom and changed.
When she came back Scott was in our room instead of Bob. My clothes were so baggy on her.
"Oh yeah. Clint, I brought a CD that you might wanna listen to," she said.
She went downstairs and dug out the CD.
When she came back she handed me the 'Running with scissors' CD by "Weird Al" Yankovic.
I walked over and put it in the CD player. Bob and Dave walked in.
"What CD are you guys gonna listen to?" Dave asked as he sat down next to Kelly on MY bed.
"'Weird Al' Yankovic," I replied.
"What number?" I asked Kelly.
"8," she said. I turned it on.
We listened to the WHOLE song.
Kelly was tired, so was Bob and I, so we said "Goodnight" to everybody and went to bed.
I looked over the edge of my bed. I looked down at Kelly. I wondered if she was asleep yet. I sort of felt guilty because I was sleeping in my warm queen bed and she was sleeping on the floor with two pillows and three blankets.
She was lying face down humming 'Rearranged' by Limp Bizkit.
"Kelly," I said softly. She turned over on her back to face me.
"Hm," she said.
"You didn't have to sleep on the floor," I said.
"That's ok. I didn't want to put anybody out," she said.
"You wouldn't be putting anybody out," I told her.
"I've put you and your family out enough today," she said. She looked from the window where it was snowing even harder than earlier.
"You haven't put anybody out," I replied. Suddenly the roof in the room caved in on Kelly's leg. I screamed. Kelly was carried by Bob and I. We left the room just to find out that the roofs in the other bedrooms had caved too.
We all (Scott, Dave, Bob, Kelly, and I) huddled down the stairs in the living room.
Suddenly all the windows exploded. Everyone screamed.
Out of nowhere we heard the slam of a door.
Suddenly Kelly got up and wobbled to the middle of the room and stood there. Snow and debris flying all around her.
She turned to face us. She shut her eyes. I was worried she was going to get hurt.
Suddenly everything stopped. The snow. The explosions.
I looked over at Kelly. She still had her eyes shut.
Suddenly Frank and Shelia appeared. They explained how they couldn't get the door open.
Then it happened. Kelly passed out.
We rushed her to the hospital.
~*~*~4 Hours Later.....~*~*~
The doctor walked into the waiting room. "The Moffatts," he said.
"Yes," Frank replied.
"Kelly is extremely weak and these next few hours will determine whether or not she lives or dies," he said. Me and my brothers cried for a few mins.
"Do you know whats wrong, doctor?" Shelia asked.
"Yes. As it turns out Kelly had a rare case of TELEKINETHESIS. That's where someone has the ability to move things and make things happen using vibes in the mind. We think she used her powers to stop the explosions and snowing so that you all could escape. Believe it or not, she saved your lives," he said.
My brothers and I were crying.
"The rest of the roof caved in right where you guys were standing. If she hadn't stopped it and you stayed there then you all would have died. Believe it or not there is more bad news. Kelly's parents died in a car crash while trying to get here. But physically Kelly has a broken leg and wrist. You can see her but only two at a time. If an object moves without anybody touching it then its just her way of communicating. Try talking to her and get her out of her coma. Room 1506," the doctor said then left.
"I wanna see her," Dave said after he had calmed himself.
"So do I," Scott, Bob, and I replied in unison.
"Two at a time," Frank said.
Shelia was too busy crying.
Kelly had been a friend to the whole family for 10 years. Everyone loved her.
"Bob and Scott go first," Shelia said in-between tears. They did as told and went to see her.
They came back about 15 mins. later.
"How does she look?" Dave asked.
"She looks pretty peaceful," Scott said thoughtfully.
"They meant physically," Bob told Scott, "she looks pretty bad. I don't think you should see her, Clint."
"I wanna. Did you tell her anything?" I asked.
"We asked her to squeeze our hands and wake up but it didn't work," Scott said.
"We told her we loved her," Bob added, on the verge of tears. It was true. We all loved her one way or another. I loved her very much.
"Did anything move?" Dave and I asked in unison.
"Nope," Bob said.
"Our turn," Dave said.
We went to room 1506.
When we went inside I began to cry. I walked over to her right side and held her hand. Dave stood on the other side.
"Kelly. Kelly, if you can hear me, please wake up," Dave said. He wiped his eyes."Please Kelly, we all love you," he finished. He leaned over, kissed her cheek, and left.
I was left. I stroked her hand with my thumb.
"Kelly, I know we've been friends for 10 years and all, so you can't die. You have to wake up. Please, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand or something," I finished.
That's when it hit me. Like a bullet. She had responded. She had squeezed my hand.
Bob walked in the door.
"Hey, Clint. Anything?," he asked.
"S-s-s-sh-sh-she-she-she squeezed my hand," I said in shock.
"Oh god. Really?" he said in the same tone.
He took her hand. I stood behind him.
"Kelly, its me Bob. Kelly if you can hear me, squeeze my hand," he said. His face was over come with disbelief.
She moved as though she were to wake up any minute. Bob left to get everybody else and the doctor.
When everyone, including the doctor, was in the room I told them what happened. They stared, wide eyed.
"See if you can get her to move this mug using Telekinethesis," the doctor said, placing a mug down on the table next to her.
"Kelly? Kelly, if you can hear me then please try it. Try to move the mug on the table to your left using your powers," I said softly.
We looked at the mug. Nothing. We looked at the floor when.....
The mug moved. It floated two inches above the table. We all stared in amazement. The mug fell and broke.
She groaned. I took her hand again. Her head turned my way. I wished she would just wake up. I hated seeing tubes, machines, and needles in and around her.
Everyone watched in anticipation.
She squeezed my hand and then her hand went limp along with the rest of her body. The doctor called for the nurse. They searched for her pulse.
They pulled the sheet over her head. The sheet moved a little.
Suddenly the sheet was down so you could see her face.
We all had confused looks on our faces. She turned her head towards me and her eyes opened SLOWLY.
"Kelly," I whispered. I hugged her tightly.
"Clint, sweety, darling, honey, Kelly can't breathe," she said.
Everyone was crying. Kelly received hugs and kisses from everyone.
She smiled despite how weak she was. I needed to talk to the doctor so I asked him to step outside.
"Yes," he said."TELEKINETHESIS."
"Can you become weak using it?" I asked. I looked in the little window at her.
"Yes... but it depends on what the person's trying to move. Kelly stopped the stuff for you guys but it was too much for her," he explained.
"Thank you," I said, walking back into the room.
"Guys, could I talk to Kelly alone for a minute?" I asked. They agreed and left us alone.
"Why didn't you tell me you had TELEKINETHESIS?" I asked her.
"I was afraid you wouldn't be my friend and wouldn't like me anymore," she admitted. She looked away.
"No I wouldn't have, as long as you don't make the city discouraged like in Carrie, I'll be fine," I told her.
"Fine. I'll be like Rachel," she said, smiling.
"NO! Not her either," I said quickly.
I walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. I wasn't clear of what I was gonna say but I thought I would just 'wing it'.
"You really scared me," I said, making sure I worded it properly, "you're a good friend and I didn't wanna lose you. I can understand why you didn't tell me you had TELEKINETHESIS , and I respect that decision. The one thing I don't understand is how and why you'd hide it."
She thought for a few mins. then said,"Ignorance and Cruelty."
"I was very scared of what people would think, do, or say about or do to me."
There was a few seconds of silence.
"Have you ever fell in love with a friend," I asked.
"Love? Not really, but I really like this one guy and he is like my best friend. Does that count?" she said smiling.
"It does this time," I replied.
There was a long silence.
"Have you?" she asked.
"Yes. She's a very good friend of mine," I explained. There was another long silence.
"How long do I have to stay here Clint?," she asked. I put my arm around her shoulders.
"I don't know. But I'll find out for you," I said, leaving the room.
I walked to the information desk.
"May I help you?" the doctor asked.
"Yes. Do you know when Kelly will be able to leave?" I asked.
"A month at the earliest," the doctor replied.
"Thank you," I said.
I walked to the waiting room. I sat down between Bob and Scott. Shelia signaled for me to go over and talk with her. I followed her outside.
"Clint, how are you doing?" she asked. I shifted from my left foot to my right foot.
"I don't know. Fine, I guess," I replied.
"Clint, I talked to Frank, Scott, Dave and Bob about this. They seemed really excited about it. How would you like Kelly to live with us when she gets out of the hospital?" she asked.
"I'd love it!," I said.
For the next three weeks Frank worked on getting the rooves fixed. Shelia, Scott, Dave, Bob, and I worked on what was going to be Kelly's room.
The day came for Kelly to come home. She had to have a wheelchair and crutches but we didn't mind.
Bob, Dave, Scott, Shelia, and I went to pick her up at the hospital. Frank was out of town.
When we got there, she was ready to leave. She was sitting in her wheelchair watching "Jawbreaker" on TV.
Scott took her crutches. Shelia signed all the papers. I wheeled her out of the hospital. Dave and Bob helped her into the car. I put the wheelchair with the crutches.
I sat with her on the way home.
When we got there, Dave and I helped her out of the car and up the stairs to her new room. We all, everyone, opened the door.
Her face was shocked. Tears formed in her eyes."I love it," she said.
~*~*~LATER THAT NIGHT...~*~*~
"Clint, Kelly," Shelia shouted.
"Yes," I replied.
"We're going out. Do you wanna come?"
"Ok. We'll be back in a few hours."
Kelly was sitting in her wheelchair in her room reading a book.
"Knock-knock," I said. Since her back was turned to the door where I stood, she was slightly scared by my voice.
"Hey, Clint," she said. I went over and sat on her bed. She turned back to her book. I continued looking at her. She looked over at me.
"What?" she asked.
"Nothing," I said, "what are you reading?"
"A book about ghosts and spirits and stuff," she replied.
"Kelly, I meant to tell you something that night with the roof," I said.
She closed her book and tossed it on her desk.
"What?" she asked.
I looked at the floor and bit my lip."Well, see, I've had this HUGE crush on you since 6th grade," I confessed. I looked up.
She didn't look so shocked. She looked at the floor. No one spoke and the tension was building. She looked up at me.
"Well," she began," I've had a crush on you since 5th grade."
"Are you kidding me?"
"YES!" I looked at her.
"Could we make a relationship work?" I asked.
"I hope so," she replied.
~*~*~20 years later...~*~*~ Kelly and Clint were married and have been for 15 years now. They have triplet boys including identical twins. Turns out the twins have TELEKINETHESIS. Uh-oh. Look out world, here comes the next Carrie and Rachel!!!

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