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The Penn & Teller Archives

This archive is here because:

I apologize for the appearance of this site, I still haven't gotten a hold of Jupiter Princess (and her web builder) so I'm trying to brush up on my html on my own. Please bear with me on this, it will get better....I promise.

This site is dedicated to Penn & Teller, or more specificly to obtaining and supplying their appearances. I try to obtain as much as I can, and in turn, supply these things to those who need/want them.

How it works. If I have something you need, contact me, and I will set up a tape for you. I do not charge for this, beyond compensation for shipping and your tape. All addresses are kept private, and generally lost shortly after sending off your tape.

If you have something I need, I ask that you please send me a copy, you will be compensated for shipping and the tape. Simply e-mail me and we can work from there. The tape doesn't need to be complete, though that is preferred (more or less meaning, even if you don't have the whole thing, send it anyway)

I greatly appreciate anything sent to me, and will promptly make it accessible to others.

Also, if you have a tape, and cannot make a copy for me you can send it to me. I will make a copy and send it back (must be specified). I will even make a copy for you. I know how I am with my tapes, so I do not expect a responce on this, but decided to leave it out here anyway.

Well, on to the meat:

We have Penn & Teller's Sin City Spectacular!

They are not perfect tapes, and I am missing two episodes (# 103 and 107) which I would greatly appreciate a copy of. But I do have most of them. If you have a copy of these, or a good copy of any other episodes *PLEASE* contact me.

My list of aquired video:

I have one other appearance that is at the moment MIA.
(this is what happens when you don't label you tapes kids)
it was them doing "Blood from a stone" .
This will be found soon.....I hope

~list updated 1 /28 /2000

My Kinda Sorta List

These are appearances that I kinda sorta have, Either missing Peices, or what have you, so if you have a better copy, please send it, but if you need it, and can make due, I'll send it out.

This is my list for now, should you have anything to ad, ask or tell, please e-mail me. I am very pleased to say, I have had response on this page, and should be having some incoming tapes soon, I've already gotten a few that I have to go through before posting, so check back again off and on soon, there's more to come.
I hope I have been of some help.
~ Morgan

~ last updated 1/28 /2000

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owned by Morgan

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Many thanks to Wendy and Jamie for sending me Quite a few of the tapes now mentioned above.
Thank you!!!

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