To win your site must fit all of these: I have been to many Star Wars pages that were so great that I decided that I needed an award to give to some of them. 1.creativity- original ideas, not just copying some else's page, unique pictures, and unique everything else. 2.history- What ever you write about the Star Wars universe, to the best of your knowledge, because the Star Wars universe is always changing, must be accurate. all pictures should be working. No porn, and no half naked pictures of Princess Leia, with the exception of Leia in at Jabba's Palace, or any one else. 4.links- all must be working. 5. EVERYTHING ON YOUR PAGE SHOULD BE APPROIATE FOR PEOPLE OF ALL AGES. WHATEVER PAGE THAT I THINK DOES NOT FIT THIS WILL RECIEVE NO AWARD!!!

You can not apply for this award. I only give it to my favorite Here's how you get this award. 1. You must have Jaina Solo's Award of Approval first. After that I judge your page on things like. Unique ideas, Hard to find information, the lay out of the page, and things like that. It also doesn't hurt to have a lot of things on my favorite characters. Well then what are you waiting for apply now. All you need to do is send me the URL of your site, and its name, your name, and a brief description of your page. Here are the sites that already got one.