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Phi Delta Theta

The President List
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5th President: Chad Kinch
Bond #55
Spring 2002 - Present

4th President: Patrick Farren
Bond #36
Spring 2001 - Fall 2001

3rd President: Joe Zupanzic
Bond #32
Spring 2000 - Fall 2000
Attended the first ever Phi Delta Theta president's convention in St. Louis, MO in January 2000.

2nd President: Gray Daus
Bond #13
Spring 1999 - Fall 1999
President when Colony was initiated in 1999, making Gray the first Chapter President.
Gray Daus won the Shippensburg University "Greek Man of the Year" award in the Spring of 2000

1st President: Justin Kaufman
Bond #1
Fall 1995 - Fall 1998
President and first founding member of Phi Delta Omicron, the Shippensburg University Interest Group of Phi Delta Theta.
Was President when Interest Group was inducted as a Colony of Phi Delta Theta in 1998
Over saw one of the fastest transitions from Colony to Chapter in Phi Delt history.

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