
Reflections of Olivia

Only a little while you were here
Losing you was our greatest fear
In our heart you will always be
Very much alive, a loving memory

In our arms for a short while
And through our sorrow
we sit back and smile
And remember how beautiful you are

Now in heaven, a very bright star
No more sickness, no more pain
But a beautiful angel GOD did gain
For eventually in heaven
We will see you again

October 2nd you were born
For you were in this life a short while
But visions of you in Heaven make us smile
In this life a sweet memory
by Deanna Dunmire Frampton

I Am Still Her Mother

In a baby castle, just beyond my eye
My baby plays with Angel toys that money cannot buy
Who am I to wish her back in to this world of strife?
No,play on my baby, you have eternal life.

At night when all is silent and sleep forsakes my eyes
I'll hear her tiny footsteps come running to my side
Her little hands caress me so tenderly and sweet
I'll breathe a prayer and close my eyes and embrace her in my sleep
Now I have a treasure I rate above all other,
I have known true glory-I am still her mother.
Author Unknown

The Cord

We are connected
My child and I, by
An invisible cord
Not seen by the eye.

It's not like the cord
That connects us 'til birth
This cord can't be seen
By any on Earth

Tjis cord does its work
Right from the start
It binds us together
Attached to my heart

I know it's there
Though no one can see
The invisible cord
From my child to me

The strength of this cord
It's hard to describe
It can't be destroyed
It can't be denied

It's stronger than any cord
Man could create
It withstands the test
It can hold any weight

And though you are gone
Though you're not with me here
The cord is still there
But no one can see

It pulls at my heart
I am bruised...I am sore
But this cord is my lifeline
As never before

I am thankful that GOD
Connects us that way
A mother and child
Death can't take that away!
Author Unknown

Dear God,

Can you hear me?
Please, God. Do you hear my cries?
The ones that echo pain deep within my mind and heart.
She is gone, God. My little girl is dead.
And I love her so.
I've tried to pray, to seek and to beg
Yet still, she is gone.
I would have given my life for hers...
I do not understand.
You see, God, she left so suddenly.
Without saying goodbye- or even hello.
How can it be that she has changed my life so?
How can it be that others think I should forget her
so abruptly and go on with my life?
How can I pretend that she did not exist?
For her life and death has brought me on my knees, to You.
And now, I seek the peace, which only Your midst can harbor
To ease this overwhelming grief.
But, still God, I feel cheated.
I feel so very desperate for her presence.
I never looked into her eyes
I never told her how much she meant to me.
I never kissed her gently with the smile of a proud mother,
but only with tear burdened eyes.
But you can God.
Please, please tell her for me.
For I know she is in Your care.
Tell her that her beauty has left me many priceless gifts.
Tell her that I think of her- Everyday, every hour, every moment.
Tell her how deeply I love and miss her.
Hold her in Your majestic arms, just for me, Lord.
Rock her gently and whisper in her ear
Tell her that her Mommy aches for her, still and always.
For the only strength that remains is the strength which You grant me
In knowing that You, and only You, Father
Can love her the way that I do...

"By Joanne Cacciatore, An excerpt from the book, "Dear Cheyenne"

He will wipe away all tears from their eyes.
There will be no more death, no more grief,
or crying or pain.

Rev. 21:4

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