Little baby feet; we think that they are so cute. As our babies grow inside of us, we count kicks as a way to be sure that our little ones are doing okay in there. It is their way of communicating with us. "Hey, I’m in here!" Hey, I don’t have enough room." "Mommy, your liver is in my way." "Oops, was that your stomach, mommy? Sorry." Olivia was constantly kicking me. I had Braxton-Hicks contractions frequently because of her movements. I loved to feel her move, in spite of my pain. It is great to feel life. We imagined Olivia to be walking at 10 months using those little feet to take her where she wanted go, in spite of the danger. We will never have the pleasure of pulling her down from the counter, chasing her to catch up with her, watching her dance on stage, or play basketball or soccer. So every time we see her footprints, we can only imagine what could have been.


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