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 James "Stanley" Lasinski
115 Millers Lane
Lower Burrell, PA 15068-3812

Phone: (724) 335-4565

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 Book Of John / Bible Study

Unto Perfection

The Antichrist


The Equality Of Spiritual Distribution (Part 1)

The Equality Of Spiritual Distribution (Part 2)

The Equality Of Spiritual Distribution (Part 3)

A Case For Judas

Render Unto Caesar

The Gift Of Giving; My Reasonable Service

Unsavory Salt Of Presumption

Then Did They Spit In His Face

The Hidden Prospective

Foolish Reasoning (Part 1)

Foolish Reasoning (Part 2)

A Matter Of The Heart


Prevailing Circumstances

The Eye Of The Needle

Bring Again The Ark Of God

Not Of This World

Before Abraham Was, I AM

Am I Saved Or Not?

Two Laws: Of God & Sin

"Spiritual" verses "Humanist" Values

The Sojourn Of Jesus Christ

Woman's Place In The Church

Seven Women & Seven Men

Birth & Rebirth (Bible Study)

Why Me Lord?

In Retrospect

The Nativity Of Christ

New Beginnings

Feeble Excuses For Not Accepting The Gospel Of Christ

What Does Hell Actually Mean?

The Business At Hand

The Word Made Flesh

Breach Of Trust

From The Dust Of The Earth... To Lively Stones!

Stumbling Stone

Our Heart's Lust

The Snare Of The Devil

The Faith Of Our Fathers

Oh Ye Of Little Faith

Gods Measurement Of Our Ability (Part 1)

Gods Measurement Of Our Ability (Part 2)

Give Us Barabbas

Three Feasts Of Israel

Water Baptism

The Day Of The Lord

Rapture Or Tribulation?

Mystery Babylon

Workers Of Iniquity

Where Should We Worship?

Capital Punishment & The Law Of The Land

The Truth Of Death And Life

My Personal Testimony

I Am The Vine


My Other Pages:


What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Food For Thought


Available Teaching Cassettes

Ministry Outreach

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