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New For 2002 Flies That Outfitters Use

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Golden Brush

Hook: Size 14  4x long
Tail: Brown Turkey Biot or Pheasant tail
Under Body: Brown mink
Body: Golden Brush

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Sulphur Dry

Hook: Size 14,16, or 18 Dry
Tail: Microfibets
Body: yellow super Fine Dubbing
Wing: Cree Hackle

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Apple Green Caddis Larva

Hook: Size 14, 16, and 18 Scud
Rib: Fine Copper wire
Body: Insect Green Dubbing
Head: Black Possum Dubbing

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Giant Crain Fly Larva

Hook: size 6 4x long to 14 2x long
green or grey z-lon
fine copper wire
green or grey possum dubbing
 brass bead

You can Contact the Outfitters with any question about these patterns at
We will try to keep putting new flies as the season goes on.



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