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Margolia Presents...

Marmalade Boy: the characters

Miki in green checked dress

Koishikawa Miki

Miki in b/w>Horoscope: Aries
School: Touryou High School
Grade: Junior
Hobby: Tennis Club
Miki, the main character of Marmalade Boy, is an adorable girl. She is cheerful, silly, and very energetic. She is also an incredibly loyal friend, and loved by all who meet her. She in turn, also loves everyone, causing problems in her romances. She was the only one who was opposed to the marriage swap in the begining, but she seemed to come to terms with it. Miki's best friend is Meiko, they share an exchange diary, although Miki seems to be a lot more open with Meiko than vice versa.. Another one of Miki's friends is Suou Ginta, and when Miki was in Junior High she had feelings for Ginta that were more serious than friendship. He, however, did not share his feelings about her until they were juniors in High School and Miki had already met Yuu. But, she is going to be forced to make a decision, Ginta or Yuu, which one?

SD Miki and Yuu

Yuu with Miki's robot

Matsuura Yuu

Yuu in b/wSign: Gemini
School: Touryou High School
Grade: Junior
Hobbies: Was on the tennis team at his old school
When Yuu and Koishikawa Miki first met he was somewhat cold and distant. As they got to know each other better, he began to tease her which, according to his mother, Chiyako, is how he shows affection. Before the whole remarriage fiasco Yuu lived with his mother (then Matsuura Chiyako) and his father (Matsuura Youji). He went to Sakaki Academy along with Suzuki Arimi and Rokutanda Tsutomu. This is where he met Arimi and agreed to her plan to go out for three monthes and then break up if he still did not have any feelings for her, which he didn't. Unfortunately she did have feelings for him. When he transferred to Touryou High School he did not join any clubs but spent all of his time in the school library or at his part-time job at the Junk Jungle.

Chibi Miki and Yuu

Meiko, b/w

Akizuki Meiko

Meiko, b/wHoroscope: Scorpio
School: Touryou
Grade: Junior
Hobby: Literature Club
Meiko is a kind, serious girl who has been Miki's best friend since Junior High. Although Miki tells Meiko everything, Meiko does not confide completely in Miki. Meiko's family is very rich, but her parents have a very bad relationship, and are always fighting. Meiko's unhappy home life is only one of the secrets that she keeps from Miki. Meiko is very beautiful, but she never goes out with boys her age. Miki wonders if maybe that's because Meiko has seen her own parents unhappy life, but Meiko denies that, that is the case.
Chibib Miki and Meiko


Suou Ginta

Suou GintaBirthday: April 10
Sign: Aries
School: Touryou High School
Grade: Junior
Hobbies: the tennis team
Ginta is very serious at times and is very hot tempered but that is what makes him such a good character. He is passionate about everything including Koishikawa Miki his love interest since junior high. Ginta, unfortunately, falls victim to the adolescent boy syndrome and does not make his feelings known in a timely manner. When they were in Junior High, Miki confessed her feelings for Ginta, but was rejected by him. Over time, their friendship mended and they are now very good friends, it si doubtful, however, that they will ever be more. Ginta is a great tennis player, and is the head of the boys tennis team. He oftens coaches Miki to victory! His cousin, Rokutanda Tsutomu, is constantly challenging Ginta, loosing, and having to shave his head like a monk... I don't understand boys...

Chibi Miki, Yuu, and GintaChibi Miki, Yuu, and Ginta

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