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The Joscelynne Show
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Here, finally!
Mood:  not sure
Topic: miscellaneous

five years is a long time but i am kind of still the same. school is fine i guess.

i have lost like ten teeth now. i will try to write regularlyon this.i still remember being four, but now i am 11. back in February i lost both my great- grandparents. six days apart. then this past June 17th i turned 11! it was awesome!  i loved my brother's card:     Front:    i  couldnt ask for a better sister     open it up:   well icould, but i think mom's too old now, so happy birthday anyway!    from, Jeremy!  


Posted by pa3/jds at 12:18 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 29 July 2009 12:19 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 11 January 2005
Another Loose Tooth Already
Mood:  surprised
I just discovered it this morning. The tooth right beside the one I lost last week is now loose. Mommy says it's loose enough to come out within a few days. Hope the tooth fairy is loaded! Hope I can figure out how to eat an apple with no front teeth!

Posted by pa3/jds at 7:55 AM EST
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Tuesday, 4 January 2005
Tooth Fairy Comes Through!
Mood:  happy
I got a whole dollar from the tooth fairy! Isn't that great?
Mom says I have 28 baby teeth. That means over the next few years my mouth is worth $28, $1 for each tooth. Unless the price goes up by the time I'm done losing teeth.

Posted by pa3/jds at 7:21 AM EST
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Monday, 3 January 2005
Mood:  on fire
It's finally happened! Just a few minutes ago, at 7:15pm, my first tooth came out. I say that Jeremy helped because he kicked me in the mouth on Saturday afternoon. I noticed the tooth was loose at that point and it just kept getting looser until it came out tonight. Then it popped out of my mouth and I couldn't find it for a few minutes.

Want to see a photo of me holding my tooth and my special pillow while showing off the new hole in my mouth?

Posted by pa3/jds at 7:32 PM EST
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Tuesday, 28 December 2004
Mood:  happy
Wow, we had a great Christmas here. I got the one thing I wanted most, Aquadoodle. Ok, maybe it's meant for preschoolers, but it's so much fun. My brother Jeremy (who turned 3 yesterday!) and I love it. Mommy likes that the only "ink" is water, so there is virtually no mess.
It's so much fun that we play with it all the time. If we draw too much too quickly and the mat is covered, we go play in Jeremy's new ball pit until the mat dries and our "paper" is clean again.
I am going to have a sleepover with my friend Morgan tonight. She went to my school until a few weeks ago when she moved to another house in another district. We've been sending letters and emailing and now we're going to see each other again. I've really missed her. I got a really tall doll for Christmas that is a bit smaller than I am and really cute with blonde, curly hair. Since it reminds me of Morgan when I look at it, I've named her Morgan. I'm going to tell her tonight.

Posted by pa3/jds at 6:31 AM EST
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Thursday, 17 June 2004
Busy Summer
Wow, I thought getting out of school meant I could rest. But since getting out of school the first week in June, I've gone to two Vacation Bible Schools. This week is at my church. I like VBS, I can see all my friends and learn more about God. Today is my birthday, have you said "Happy Birthday" to me yet? I'm six now, just like my friend Damian. Leigha is still just five. She won't be six until November, and that's when Damian turns seven.
Mommy and Daddy gave me some cards and I got one from my brother, Jeremy. Mom and Dad also gave me my own remote control for the television. It looks like a computer mouse but when you turn it over it has all the buttons for a remote control. It's another thing from Avon. here's a picture of it!
Anyhow, back to my birthday....and getting ready for another evening at VBS!

Posted by pa3/jds at 9:18 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 February 2004
My 15 Minutes of Fame
My photo was in the newspaper this week, on Tuesday morning. Wanna see it? As the stuff below it says, my Daisy troop went to the local hospital to learn about taking care of babies. First we went to a room where a person talked to us about blood tests and how my blood can tell them if I'm sick. It was while we were walking to that room that the guy took the photo. I'm the one on the left, the guy got our names backwards. My mom is beside me but they cut off her head.
We then went down to X-ray to see what they do in there. They take pictures of bones. Finally we went way upstairs to where the mommies have their babies. We gave them gift bags. My mommy went into the same room where she had my brother and met a little boy named Xavier.
This is not the first time I was in the newspaper. There is also this one taken in March, 2003. Not only was it color, but it was on the front page! In both photos we fudged my age a little bit. My birthday isn't until June, but we rounded up my age.

Posted by pa3/jds at 7:27 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 19 February 2004 7:29 AM EST
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I'm Back
It's been a while since I posted here but no one reads this. Even my own family doesn't check in. Or if they do they don't write comments, so I don't see that they are here. But I guess I'll start this again anyhow when I have time.

Posted by pa3/jds at 7:17 AM EST
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Saturday, 13 December 2003
Snow, Part 2
Well, on Saturday it looked like we weren't going to get as much snow as the TV said we would. But we still had a lot to play in. Mommy and Daddy had to shovel out the church for Sunday, so Jeremy and I played in the nursery while they took turns outside. We were there a long time.
When we got home we got a call saying church would be cancelled, so we went to York to grandma and grandpa's church instead.

Posted by pa3/jds at 8:29 AM EST
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Let It Snow!
Wow, last Friday we got snow. Mommy says it doesn't usually snow this much this early in December. My school was on a delay, we started two hours late. Even so, I had Kindergarten. We went for forty minutes and that's all. Only 3 of the 23 kiddos in my class were there - Damian, Claudia, and me. Damian is absent a lot, so I was really happy to see that he was one of the 3 who came. Only a few from K4 came in, too, so we all played together for the little bit of time we had class.

Posted by pa3/jds at 8:28 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 13 December 2003 8:33 AM EST
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