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************ PREFACE ****************



Oh you Prophets and Mediators who stand between GOD and Humanity. Who have dared to thread where people will not venture so eagerly. With a loving heart and an open spirit ever so brave to take. With gentle hands you grasp with haste the light that comes from GOD, your Heavenly Father's hand. And pass it on to Humanity, wrapped in words so honest and true. The Divine gift of knowledge for growth and rebirth for me and you. Oh you Prophets and Mediators who stand between GOD and Humanity. Who have dare to venture where people will not thread so eagerly.

GOD did reveal His Will to all people, to all the nations of the world. But because of the varied interpretations that expressed the Will of GOD, many different religions emerged over the great span of time. This has led to wars, intolerance, hate, confusion and dissension among the people of these religious faiths that has further disunited the people of GOD. The proof of this is the many religions that are found that reflect the various understanding of GOD in the various cultures of today. This also shows the confusion that is within each religious group by the many fragmentation of beliefs found in their religion that had developed over time. These reflect the many denominations that has evolved from any given religion. In order to rectify this sad situation, GOD has inspired me to write this book to put people back on the true path and end the confusion and dissension that is found among the people who want to understand the things of GOD. I am to gather up all of the seeds or kernels of truths that are found inbeded in all the various religions of the world. These seeds are what forms the main body of any given religious beliefs and religions. I am to Examine each and every one of these religions and remove their outer husks to get at the seed or kernel which is the framework of the various religious beliefs. The husks of these religions are those religious beliefs which had been added on over a period time, had been reshaped by peoples imagination and personal interpretations that reflect peoples understanding of GOD. Those husks I am to discard an retain and gather just the seeds or kernels, where the absolute Truths reside which are hidden deep within the outer husks. I was to bring all of those seeds or kernels of Truth together in this book so that people of the world may have a chance to read from it and take to their heart, as to what is truly of GOD. Knowing the Will of GOD should put an end to human hostility, confusion and religious dissension that is found in communities throughout the world. It is the hope of GOD, Who is the Creator, that people may be at peace, as GOD had intended for humanity from the very beginning of time. And GOD said to me; "Take this cup of Truth and Wisdom from My Hand, and allow people from all the nations of the world to drink from it". To this I humbly answered... "May your Kingdom come, on Earth, as it is in Heaven. One Universal GOD, One Universal People, One Universal World.

Happy and Blessed are those people who share in the first resurrection of the Kingdom of GOD.


"The days have come", said GOD to me, during my meditations. "That I shall establish a New Covenant with all of Humanity. It shall not be a Covenant like the one that I made with people of past ages, for all of these people have abandoned that Covenant of mine by the actions they have committed. I shall now put MY Will upon your mind so that you may write it down, so that people in the here and now, and those of the future will know and not forget, nor change not a portion of what will be written as people have done in past ages. When this is done, I want you to gather a people who will abide and respect this New Covenant that I have made with you. Of these people, who will believe and obey My New Covenant, I shall recognize them as My Own who will be a true people and they shall know and live in peace. Go now, and write down what I shall imprint upon your mind".


"Beware of those who claim to Honour Me and speak of Me, and yet reject My Envoy and the New Covenant that I have made known to all of Humanity. I have laid upon My Envoy, MY Holy Spirit who will enlighten all people who seek to know My Will. Therefore, seek My Envoy, whom I have sent to you so that he may enlighten you of My Will. For those people who reject My Envoy and My New Covenant, I will know of it and expose these people as imposters, those who seek not to abide by My Will. For there will be many who will say... Glory to GOD on High, and deceive the many. These people shall be found with dissension, intolerance, persecution, hate, malice, personal jealousy and bigotry! These people I shall judge vary harshly when they come before Me at the Hall of Judgement, when their soul / spirit will be placed upon the scales of Balance".


"He, who I have sent to reap the harvest has not come without warning, for I have made it known to the people of planet earth, that the day shall come when I will gather a people for the establishment of My Kingdom upon the planet you call Earth. He shall be My Advocate so that he may show the people of this world how wrong it was about interpreting My Will, about sin, about the wrongful use of money and its system, about the suppression and abusing people. About who was right and who was wrong of those teachings who profess to Honour and worship Me. I will give him the power to judge those of the living and to expose those who are false. I shall be with him in Spirit and he shall guide my people so that all the people on Earth may know that this person is My True Envoy. The one I have chosen to do My Will".

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As I went about my business, a priest came upon me and asked... By what authority are you acting upon? And I replied to him... My authority come from the Heavenly Father, who is the Creator, Who has the Authority over All. My Authority do not come from man, as where you obtained your authority.

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One must always realize that the possession of Spiritual Authority will not render a person infallible. For if it is not of GOD, it is of their own making.


O Father, You are the Creator of all, Who is but the One and only GOD. Who is self-existent, immortal and Spirit. Who is Eternal, Almighty and Inscrutable. The maker of the whole universe, Creator of air, fire, earth and water. Of animals, birds, fish and all creeping things. Of trees, plants and all vegetation, and above all...Humankind.


We people of the human race, are all son`s and daughters of GOD, our Heavenly Father and Creator. As we the people, are the son`s and daughters of our Mother Earth. May we live together in love, understanding and in peace.


Eternal GOD of time and space, Your glory through the earth we trace. All nature speaks with beauty so fair, a Father`s kind and loving care. What loveliness You have portrayed, In all the flowers in bloom arrayed. What glorious colour meets the eye, All tinted with a Heavenly dye. And when we view the sunset skies, What beauty there before us lies. Who else could paint, or colours blend, It is from You, GOD, that all love descends. As I watch the streams that flow, As on their course they gently flow. My spirit is filled with thoughts of Thee, A calm I feel, with deep tranquility. Dear GOD, Oh Heavenly Father, You are never so far away, For I feel your presence most very near each and every day. If only people can open up their heart and eyes to see, How closely we are linked to Thee.


In the beginning there was GOD and empty space, for GOD has no beginning and has no end. GOD then Created a host of Spirit beings that humanity have called Angels. These Angels were created to serve GOD in His Heavenly Kingdom. These Angels have no free will of their own and are thus able to serve GOD without question. They were created to serve GOD and all who dwell in His Heavenly Kingdom. It is for this reason He had created them. Now in this formless void, GOD Created His Heavenly Domain that is the Heavenly Kingdom of GOD. GOD then created the universe that we humans call Outer Space. The Matter that is in the universe was created from the energy source that animated from GOD. This He brought about through His spoken word. By speaking it, GOD caused a shingler mass of matter to come into existence. GOD then caused this shingler mass of matter to explode and expand into many fragments that gave birth to the cosmos which we now know as the entire universe. GOD then created heavenly beings which we now call Extraterrestrial Beings, or people from outer space. These were the first humanoid like Beings GOD had created outside of His Heavenly Kingdom. As they evolved and developed, they received great wisdom and knowledge. Within the universe, GOD created many galaxies. Each with their own solar systems. One such galaxy within the universe, what humanity has called the Milky Way, is where we find our solar system and our planet we call planet Earth. With the birth of our solar sun, GOD Created light in order to form day and night according to the motion of our planet within its solar system. This event happened billions of years ago in our measure of time. GOD then caused water to form from the atmosphere that had developed around planet Earth. Some of this water evaporated to form the clouds while the remainder made up the oceans, the seas, lakes and rivers. GOD then created blue-green bacteria, that was to be the beginning of life on planet Earth. This new life form took on the form of slime and created the oxygen that is found in our atmosphere. It was in this manner that GOD created the elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water to create the atmosphere that will sustain life upon our planet. GOD then caused a verity of vegetation to evolve according to their kind. All the different plant life that would come to exist in past ages as those of today have come from its original source. All living creatures that existed past and present, GOD Created by His process of evolution from their own kind. GOD blessed all this and said, "Evolve and multiply to create the beauty that I behold".


The vision that I had during my mediation showed me how the universe and Life was created. I saw Father take from within Himself what looked to me a substance that looked like a large blackberry, but it was not. This mass in Father, s hand began to split up into two parts upon His spoken command. One part represented vegetation while the other part represented the D.N.A. of all animal life. Each D.N.A. within its respective cluster was the genetic make-up of each life forms. Each D.N.A. was the building block for what was meant to be. For example; Take the clump that has the D.N.A. make-up for trees. It seems that from this D.N.A. clump, all the various kinds of trees have evolved from it. The same holds true with shrubs. From the main D.N.A. stock of a shrub. All the various shrubs we see have evolved from its main clump source. Thus; All the various grass that we see have evolved from the D.N.A. clump for grass. All the various flowers that we see have evolved from that original D.N.A. clump for flowers. The same method holds true for the D.N.A. mass for life formes of animals. Take for example cats, or dogs, or horses. Each of these creatures started from their original individual stock of D.N.A. matter. From these evolved all the various breeds of cats, dogs and horses that swell upon our planet. Let us now look at the D.N.A. clump for lizards, snakes or turtle. Each of these various kinds of reptile evolved from their original main D.N.A. clump. So now we have many various types of turtles, snakes and lizards that each had to evolved from their original main D.N.A. source. Let us now look at monkeys and humans. The D.N.A. clump for Monkeys, Apes and Gorillas all came from that one common D.N.A. stock in which all the various types of breeds of monkeys, apes and gorillas came to exist. Now let us look at human beings. Here we can see that we are at the very end of this D.N.A. chain or cluster. Nothing comes after Man. Therefore; We are from the last of the last cluster, stock or D.N.A. chain. It is no wonder that we may have a very strong resemblance to monkeys, Apes or Gorillas and that our D.N.A. is very close to them, but it does not mean that we had evolved from them. On the contrary, humankind's D.N.A. clump, what was left from that cluster, formed what we now call the Neanderthal Man. You will know how we made that last great one time leap from Neanderthal Man to Homo Sapiens as you read on. This is the vision that I had received during my meditation.

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The panacea for a defiled and condemning conscience, is one`s willingness to change their evil nature to the Will of GOD.

As time passed, the planet Earth with its plants and living creatures continued to evolve. This brought about great changes upon this ball of rock, suspended in the vastness of the universe. Then the first stages of humankind began to appear. And GOD said, "Let us Create Beings on this planet." So the first chromosomal changes were brought about to bring humankind into existence. We have come to call these first earthly beings as the Neanderthals. Then a group of extraterrestrial beings, known as the "Outdasts" or "Renegades" had come down to planet earth. This happened long before the time of the Great Devastation (What people now call the time of the Great Floods) sometime around 3500 BCE. During the era before the Great Devastation, a group of earthly people had lived around the area that was known as Mesopotamia (now known as present day Iraq). It was during that time frame when the people of planet earth had encounter the extraterrestrials who were the Renegades. The Renegades had separated themselves from the main group of extraterrestrial beings who were known as the Shinning Ones. These Renegades would evolve to become on the outcasts from the Shinning Ones society. A group of extraterrestrial beings which continued to abide in the Will of GOD, the Creator. But this Renegades group of extraterrestrial beings choose to become evil, and had sought to go their own way rather than follow in the path of GOD. The extraterrestrial group known as the Shining Ones were known as the sons of Light, while the Renegades were known as the sons of Darkness. All of these extraterrestrial beings were known as the Sons of Heaven. They are human in form, have the knowledge of immortality and possess superhuman powers. It was these Renegades who had come to planet earth and declared themselves to be GODs to the people of planet earth. The Renegades had told humanity that the universe was ruled by them. The people mistook these to be GODs, and the Renegades acted as if they were GODs. They made the people service to their needs. They took a great many of the womenfolk and used them as sexual slaves. They had implanted their seeds in these womenfolk which would become the descendants of a people that would eventually become known as the Sargon of Akkad Dynasty ( 2242-2186 BCE). This situation was getting out of hand that the Shinning Ones had to come down to planet Earth and force the Renegades to leave the people of Earth alone. This confrontation lead into a great battle between the Shinning Ones and the Renegade. The Shinning Ones won the battle and the Renegades were exiled far into deep space. After a great span of time, when the offsprings of the Renegades and the Neanderthals developed traits that caused GOD great concern as they began to regress into a sad state. They no longer collected and shared their food that they had gathered among themselves. This situation led to the break-up of their social order and structure. They began to form into many small groups which migrated throughout the world. Left to their own accord, they each evolved into various races, developed their own individual language, culture and customs so that they no longer recognize they were at one time of the same family. They began to make war upon each other, gone was the sense of oneness and co-operation. During this era, GOD called upon the extraterrestrials beings that He had Created, and told them to go down to planet Earth and make His will known to the people of planet Earth. To teach them the ways of your social order. So the people had another encounter with extraterrestrials beings. These extraterrestrial beings were the Shinning Ones. These extraterrestrials abide in the Will of GOD, The Creator and are the sons of Light, and the sons of heaven. Shinning Ones instructed the people about the Will of GOD, how to plant crops, make clothing and medicine. The Shining Ones gave the people many tools and showed them how they were to be used. They were given the knowledge of the heavens, of the planet Earth and everything that was under the Earth. When all was completed, the Shining Ones returned to their home planet, promising to return one day so that they may see how the people of Earth would survive. These people had become the new spirit beings that would become the new era of the Homo-Sapiens.

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Let us restore this chaotic world by building a society and system that is based upon the Will of GOD. Whereby each and every goal will meet the needs of its people, in unity of aim, community of interest and of full fellowship.

As these new soul/spirit Homo-Sapiens beings grew up, they formed new ways and customs by the instruction of the Shinning One's, and soon developed great societies through the teachings of the extraterrestrials. They developed and became highly successful in all that they attempted to do. They had acquired a higher consciousness and became fully aware of a GODly presence. But a great many of the Neanderthal women offsprings had not the soul/spirit of the Homo-Sapiens. These Neanderthal offsprings had the capacity to regress to their lower forms and become very evil beings. During these days, the Homo-Sapiens, along with the Neanderthal offsprings without the altered gene populated throughout the planet Earth. Those who had not the altered genes, built temples and made idols to worship their man made GODs that they perceived according to their culture. But soon these developed a lust for greed, power and wealth. This led to confrontations with the Homo-Sapiens, that led to wars. Now thousands upon thousands of people suffered greatly by these wars. The lands were ravaged and laid to waste. Various groups from the Homo-Sapiens and Neanderthals became no more because of these horrible wars. Dead bodies were strewn everywhere that a great sickness plagued the lands and caused more deaths irrespective of people, culture or races. This indeed was a time of dark days on planet Earth. This era lasted for many generations.

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It is for us to choose if we will set our minds on things of the flesh or on things of GOD.

By mow, GOD was completely forgotten by the Homo-Sapiens people. Their minds had forgotten the many teachings that the extraterrestrial beings had handed down to their ancient ancestors. Kings and mighty rulers was now the concept of the day. These kings and mighty rulers created GODs of their own choosing and developed great religions to put pressure and fear upon their subjects. As time passed, the development of gold and money soon were invented. The making of gold, silver and copper coins appeared in their economic system. This economic system would suite the kings and mighty rulers, along with those people who lusted for power or greed. Through this system, much wealth was achieved by the landowners. Many of these people exploited their workers and were made to suffer greatly. Some of these working class people had died at hands of their oppressors. A few people who would not dwell under such a terrible system would hide in caves or go into the wilderness to escape torture and death. At times, small groups of people would stand up and fight for their deliverance from those who would oppress them. Once again humanity fell from grace in the sight GOD. This was an era that would go down in history as the Fall of Humankind.

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The intrinsic value of any act is determine by its inspiring motive.

The Utopia, the Paradise that GOD had intended for humanity had been short lived. Rather, the social structure that humankind throughout the world had built for themselves became very evil. Their societies had deteriorated to a very sad state. This happened because of people`s total indifference to the real GOD and were no longer seeking to abide by His Will. This caused great suffering among the total of humanity who had to dwell in such a foul and evil system. Famine, sickness and great pestilence came upon the entire people. The curse brought on by war was so great that the people began to ask the eternal question... "WHY are bad things happening to us; Why are all these terrible things happening"? And GOD, The Creator, answered the peoples troubled plea through an Envoy whom He had chosen from among the people who had continued to abide by the Will of GOD, to say to the people..." These catastrophic events came to pass because you have disregarded My Advice. What you see happening is brought about by your own doing. Seek those people who have remained faithful to My Word, who are trying to do their best to abide by My Will. They shall help you restore order and put an end to all of your sufferings, your wars and lead you back to the right path so that you may once again enjoy the peace and the joy of living in a paradise that I had intended for all of humanity from the very beginning of time. Once again humankind became conscious of the true GOD, and seek to abide by His Will. The people made many offerings unto GOD in order to show that they had understood the message. But GOD made it known to them that offerings alone would not please GOD if they continue to disregard what He had to say." Share what you have received from My Hand, with your fellow human beings and do not develop a hateful attitude towards one another from this time onward". As time passed.. Humanity once more came to experience the joy of living and the peace within their land. Those people who had remained faithful to GOD from the start, became the leaders of the tribes. Once more the planet Earth gave forth an abundance of food and material for the people. From this time onward... it was decreed to the people that all that what they had experienced must be written down so that all that they had learned would not be forgotten by future generations to come. May the people who are yet to come will learn from the past experience and take heed of all that had transpired.

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GOD prescribes His Will individually to each of His Envoys that He has chosen, Why then the confusion? It may well be, that people re- interpret the Envoys original meaning through lack of understanding of the original message.


After many generations of peace, happiness and tranquillity that pervaded throughout the land, people lived in accordance to the Will of GOD. After many generations had passed, humanity had another encounter with extraterrestrials beings. These extraterrestrial beings had separated from the main group of extraterrestrials that are known as the Shinning Ones. The Shinning Ones are extraterrestrials who continued to abide in the Will of GOD, The Creator. Those extraterrestrials that had separated from the main group of the Shining Ones had become the renegades, the outcasts from the Shining Ones society. These renegades had sought to go their own way rather than continue to follow in the path of the Shining Ones who respect and worship GOD, The Creator. These outcasts had become evil and were no longer part of the Shinning Ones society. The renegade became known as the outcasts and the sons of darkness. It was these outcast renegades who had disobeyed the sacred code not to interfere with humanity on planet earth. They were the one's who came to planet earth and told humanity that they were GODs and that the universe was ruled by them. These extraterrestrial renegades co-inhabit with many groups from within humanity. They impregnated many females with their seed. They made war against those of humanity who would not come under their rule. Once more the world was engulfed in wars. Because of GOD`s displeasure at this development, GOD let it be known to the Shining Ones what was developing on planet Earth. GOD had instructed the Shining Ones to go down to planet Earth and cast out the renegades from planet Earth. A Great battle ensued between the Shining Ones and renegade extraterrestrials along with those of humanity who would follow them. Eventually, the renegade extraterrestrials were subdued and were exiled far into outer deep space. Peace was once more restored on planet Earth. Then the Shining Ones extraterrestrials departed once more for their home planet. But many of humanities offsprings had the dark seeds of the renegade extraterrestrials. These formed great societies of their own and spread throughout the planet Earth. People throughout the world slowly began to once again revert back to a lifestyle that had caused GOD to grieve upon their ancient ancestors. People once again became complacent and soon forgot GOD in their daily lives. People once again continued not to heed the advice of GOD, for GOD does not impose His Will upon any people. Soon greed and hatred reared up its ugly head once more and wars came into existence. Their minds fashioned nothing but wickedness all day long. They once again created their own GODs and made temples for human sacrifices to appease their new man made GODs. It was during this time frame that GOD had regretted having made humankind to dwell on planet Earth. GOD could not understand, nor fathom this Death Wish that these people on Earth have in their hearts. GOD turned His back upon the world and would not intervene any longer on their behalf. He would allow humanity to regress to their lower state. Now came upon the planet Earth a huge asteroid that plunged into planet Earth that caused the end of the last great ice age. Glacier areas began to melt and recede which caused the flooding of all coastal and low lying areas. Huge tidal waves developed by strong winds and earthquakes that devastated trees, living creatures and people. This great destruction continued far into the interior of the lands, devastating all within its path. Heavy rains began to fall for many days that contributed greatly to the flooding of huge valleys and canyons. A great multitude of people on planet earth had died in these floods according to their location upon the planet. Those people who had survived the floods and devastations had not fared very well, for they had lost everything they had. Their homes, towns, cities and everything that was standing before was no longer in existence. This indeed was such a memorable event that was not soon forgotten by those people who had survived the Great Floods. It took many years for people to regroup to become a tribe once again.

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If we were to study our planet, its many life forms and how they evolved, You will notice a set order in all matters concerning nature itself. All this came from GOD, the Father, the laws of nature as we know them. Why then, is it so hard to believe that GOD knows what laws we need to maintain our own order?

This tragic experience brought humankind back to an awareness of how powerless people were in the struggle of such great forces that no money and power could resist. After the many floods had subsided, humankind began to rebuild what was destroyed. People reverted back to almost a caveman like lifestyle because they had lost the tools and technology they once had. Now after a span of time, people once again became conscious of GOD and prayed to HIM to help their people in their sorrowful dilemma. People were fully aware that GOD had allowed this great flood to come to pass because of how their ancestors had conducted themselves. Now as time passed, nations grew and they began to prosper according to the state the floods had left them in. Slowly, with hard work and determination, people began to re-establish themselves and recorded these events as they had witnessed in their location. After many generations had passed by, people began to re- establish temples to worship and pray to their man-made GODs once again. Human sacrifice was replaced by animal sacrifice upon their alters as people used these to offer up to their GODs. Other people looked upon their kings or rulers as their GODs. Every variation of GODs and worship one can imagine came to be. Once again humanity had become much like those who lived before the time of the Great Flood. After much thought, GOD had decided not to destroy the whole planet, but to let humanity continue on as they will. GOD decided instead to see if He could find a people who He could use as an experiment for others to follow. He would show great favour for those who would abide in Him. GOD searched the hearts of people among the surviving nations and picked a people who would make a covenant with Him. GOD had also picked a man who would become His Envoy. To him, GOD gave instructions for His people as to what He wanted. To help the people, GOD gave a set of laws that would govern their societies in order that they may live in excellence. The laws that were given were these...

********** THE LAWS OF GOD **********











These are the laws that GOD handed down to guide the people so that they may live in peace and become a great nation and live in abundance and prosperity. To have Health, Peace and Harmony. These are the laws that GOD gave to the people He had favoured so that they may know the Will of GOD and not walk in utter darkness or ignorance. Those people who GOD had anointed were His spacial messengers that are blessed with GOD`s Holy Spirit. Those who were Anointed, who are the Envoys of GOD, were to set up Temples to remind the people of GOD's presence in their lives and to remind the people of the Laws that were handed down in order to guide and instruct the people when they were in drought. To this end, all was fulfilled. During the time of old to our present era, the conflict between good and evil within humanity has continued to be a major struggle for people. It was found that when people rejected the Laws and the Will of GOD, they would slowly decline to perversity and suffered greatly by their own actions. The Utopia, the paradise that GOD had wanted for humanity would continue to remain as elusive as ever for the people of planet Earth. For the most part, the majority of humanity will not heed the Envoys of GOD, but continued after their own lust and will. This has caused great suffering among the people of the world. Both the innocent and the guilty suffered the same fate through the means of humanities indifference and actions. Now once again, humankind reverted back to the old monetary system, with its lifestyle that brought on greed, feudalism, slavery, envy, exploitation and oppression into the world. This monetary system would develop to become a worldwide structure which will cause people to forget GOD while striving for wealth. Those who looked upon a man made GOD had the blind arrogance to wage war on others in order to justify their actions to acquire wealth by the means of plunder. These same people went about to convert people to their man made religion under the threat of death! Oh what a foul and deadly web can the ignorance of humanity weave. After a great span of time, two major wars had developed. These wars were called, World War I and World War II. During those events, humanity had acquired greater knowledge in science that led to the development of firepower in the form of rockets, cluster bombs and the ultimate atomic bomb. These atomic bombs had caused such ghastly devastation to human life that brought humanity into the era of the atomic age that would soon spread throughout the planet. This new technology expanded to the development of a far greater power of devastation by the invention of new breeds of atomic weaponry that came on line. These were the hydrogen and neutron bombs. Then came many other thermonuclear weapons which has the capacity and capability of having a thousand-fold mass destructive power then all of their predecessors had in past ages. The new age has now arrived whereby humanity has the power and capability to totally end all life on planet Earth should ever a World War III start. If humanity will survive in the near and distant future, it will greatly depend upon how the human race will be able to get their chaotic act together. This can be achieved only by observing the Will of GOD and live in accordance to His Will, His Advice and Rulership. This will only happen when we people will be prepared to let go of their present corrupt economic, political and social system and allow GOD`s social system to prevail upon their lives according to the teachings of His Words. This act would usher in the Kingdom of GOD for all the people on the planet Earth. Whenever that day may come, if humanity does not eradicate themselves first, the seals will be broken on the book that will reveal the plans for GOD`s social, economic and political system that will represent GOD's Kingdom on earth.

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The knowledge you gain will enable you to plot your campaign to take advantage of the strengths of your own position and weakness of your opponents.


When such a nuclear bomb is let loose upon our planet Earth, it will seem like the whole solar elements themselves will have unleashed their awful power. It will seem like a second sun has given birth. Everything round about where this bomb is dropped will be scorched by its incandescent heat. It will seem like the planet Earth itself reels in fever, everything within 50 miles radius will be set on fire. Even the waters in rivers and lakes will boil that it will literally cook every fish, birds and plant life found in these waters. All people, animals, birds, fish and plant life will die who lays in its deadly path. All buildings, bridges and everything standing upright will collapse in a mighty row by the raging shockwave that will follow the initial blast. The scene will look if it were possible to view, like the aftermath of a great conflagration. Then the winds will begin to blow and howl and cause the fire that is present to intensify to such a degree that it will seem like the planet Earth itself has grown bright as if it is on fire. It will be such a terrible sight to behold, for the corpses of the fallen will be mutilated by the terrible heat that they even no longer will look like human beings. Over vast areas from that first blast, a pall of deadly radiation will cover the land. People will run to and fro only to fall dead in their footsteps. This radiation will finally descend on the seas and oceans and silence the deep. Never before in the history of humankind was such a ghastly power ever produced. Can you imagine what it would be like if thousands of these weapons were to be unleashed upon our planet Earth? What a HOLOCAUST it will be!

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An ocean wave rises, but it falls again. So will a nation wax to greatness, wane, and the map knows it no more. For any civilization who bask in daydreams of self-complacency and make no move to avert the dangers of civic discontentment, will soon find itself with self-destruction.


We, the people of planet Earth are now living in an age that may well be on the brink of self- destruction. Where the majority of the people no longer seek the Will of GOD as their one and only guiding light, but only give lip service and set upon themselves a mood of apathy. May we as people of this planet wake up from this sombre sleep, and acknowledge the danger signs that are around us, before we realize it when it is just too late, to do anything about it. The blast of a Nuclear Holocaust, will be our fate. Those of us who love GOD and our lowly planet, must awaken the people from their sombre sleep, and give them the chance to change their attitude, in order to avert the coming danger that we foresee, and the salvation that we give to them is free. Oh you people of this planet that we call Earth, set your heart to GOD and follow me, for I will show you a way to end your wars, your strife and misery. You will see the many changes that will be, from moods of apathy and self-destruction, to a moods of unity, peace and tranquility.

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One can find thousands of excuses for not participating actively in a cause, for it takes commitment and dedication to be involved. Because we are all, the creation of GOD, and were born on the same planet, we are in essence a family, called the human race. A family of human beings that share the one planet, the planet we call mother Earth. Because of this truth, we need all the more to strive to tear down the barriers humanity had built and developed.


throughout the past ages. Remove the Negative traits from ourselves that we have inherited through our ancestors. These have only taught us aggression, territoriality, prejudices, feudalism, greed, malice and exploitation. These Negative traits are contrary to the ideal that GOD had intended for us. It is for this reason that we must strive to expand the positive aspects of our nature that each and every one of us have. These positive traits are Caring, Kindness, Love, Sharing, Understanding, Helping and looking after one another. We should not make strangers nor enemies of each other, as it seems is the current trend today. Have we not gained insights through the lessons of history? We people, who abide and have a love for GOD, must be compassionate and just. Our earthly aspirations must be built upon the foundation of GOD's Will to establish His Kingdom if we as a people are to survive, for no other system will endure. Therefore, let us put aside our petty self interests and seek to abide in GOD for humanity sake. And GOD, the Creator, who is our Heavenly Father will look upon us with much favour when we come before Him at the Hall of Balance. If we respect GOD's Will, we also will respect one another. For you must give respect to your neighbour as you would expect respect for yourself. If we live by these rules of GOD, we will have archived the idea and meaning of BROTHERHOOD.

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It was Humanity who created hell on earth, not GOD. Therefore; It is the sole responsibility of humanity to correct this situation.


There exist four forms of immortality for Humanity. The first form of immortality is when people reproduce themselves somewhat, through their children, thereby part of the parent lives on and the cycle continues. The second form of immortality is when a person achieves a place in history, but they will live forever, only in the annals of records. The third form of immortality is when science will be able to retard the ageing process to some degree or put a person through a freeze suspension process to be brought back to life at a later date. But in the end, Death will claim that body. The forth form of immortality, and it is the greatest of these, is when your spirit lives on from one earthly death to another when you pass through the doors of the afterlife.


Death is a natural process that must be maintained, regardless how far science may push back the doors of Death. For death and rebirth was meant to be by the design of GOD. If death did not exist, life on this planet earth would cease to exist. For the planet could not cope with the increase of human habitation without death. But GOD, in His infinite wisdom, used another approach for immortality by the process of reincarnation. In this way, life in a person may go on if its soul/spirit had acquired enough positive power that is determine by how a person had lived according to the Will of GOD. Those people who have an evil heart and spirit shall their soul/spirit be condemned to Death, giving way for new soul/spirit beings to come into existence. In this way, some people, their soul/spirits, will continue to live while many will die. The new soul/spirit beings and those who have been reincarnated will replace those that had died, not only in physical form, but also Spiritually. So now the natural process of nature will not be effected and a balance is sustained. It is in this way that GOD has allowed the soul/spirit of a person to evolve, so that one day, or should I say, one lifetime, they may evolve to perfection and enter the Heavenly Kingdom of GOD for all of Eternity. What is this thing called reincarnation? It is a process that GOD had developed for a soul/spirit to have a rebirth into a new body so that it may continue on its Spiritual journey and eventually enter GOD's Heavenly Domain. But to enter Heaven and dwell with GOD, our Heavenly Father, a soul/spirit must attain a level of near perfection. This will determine the status you will receive upon your entrance into Heaven. Take a look at yourself for example. You may have been reborn through the Holy Spirit, through the shed blood of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. In that, your past sins have been cleansed. At that moment, your soul/spirit will have become fully clean. All of your past sins are gone, wiped clean. Now, as you continue to live, do you also continue to sin? Of coarse you will continue to sin. But not at the same level or degree as you had sinned before. This should tell you that you have moved your soul/spirit up one notch towards the level of perfection. You will have evolved to a higher level. Father will forgive your sins if you are repentive of them. The sin will be gone and be forgiven, but the stain of that sin is still there on your soul/spirit. From here on, it is only the amount of positive power that is within you that will clean or displace those sin stains. Now when you encounter your earthly death, your soul/spirit will emerge from your dead body with the sin stains you have acquired but not have diminished during your lifetime. While the sin stains that remain may prevent you from entering Heaven, you still have the chance to be reincarnated into a new human body through another earthly birth. You may then continue on your Spiritual journey to reach that perfection. And one day, you will make it if you do not let your soul/spirit regress into extinction. Remember what Yeshua said; Many will try to enter Heaven, but only a few will make it.

******* INSIGHT *******

The shortest time it takes you to break the cycle of reincarnation, the greater the chance you have to encounter the fall of everlasting Death.

The sooner you become "One" with GOD the Father, and with the Holy Spirit, and our beloved brother and founder of our faith, Yeshua, the sooner you will dwell in Heaven and have everlasting Life.


During one of my meditation period, I asked GOD, what happens to a person after they had died from an earthly death? The reason I asked the question, it is because there are so many conflicting answers from many religious groups that it is plain to see that nobody really has a clear handle or understanding on this subject. So GOD answered me in a vision to reveal the answer to my question. In order to better explain to you what I had seen in this vision, I will not describe my vision to you, for that will only lead you into a thousand interpretation of it and the truth would not be revealed. Therefore; I will try to interpret my vision in a way that you may fully understand clearly without a doubt. Yes, we all were born with a spirit as well as a carnal (soul) side to our nature that make us the whole (Human Being) person. We are part spirit and part soul (carnal) that make up the soul/spirit, the person that we are. The Soul, (the soul being the carnal natures of a person) has the potential to generate positive or negative forces that effect the status of the Spirit. These two elements, the Soul and Spirit is who we are as a person. The Soul can generate both the positive and negative forces within us that will determine our spiritual self, the Spirit. These two forces that are within us are always in opposition or conflict with each other. Just as the positive and negative forces on a magnet, repel each other. Just like Good and Evil repel each other. To better explain the positive and negative forces that will determine our nature, that will reflect our soul/spirit, and how it effects our whole person. In other words, the positive and negative forces equate as power in connection with our status as a Spiritual Being (person). I must ask you to envision an electric light bulb and a dimmer switch as you might find on your wall plate somewhere in your home. When you turn the dimmer switch to its full power, the light bulb will glow bright to its fullest capacity. I would like to equate this as full positive power. This is the state of a new Spirit Being when it first enters a human being that is in the embryo. It is also in this state that the soul \ spirit can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. During the metamorphosis process of a new Spirit Being (person). The soul becomes diluted with this earthly form with the many attributes of the parents genes. Thus the new person inherits the parents Geans within it that infect the soul that make up the new Soul \ Spirit-Being that is a newborn baby. A newborn baby will inherit the attributes of the parents. This is the reason why we are not perfect Soul \ Spirit-Beings. Now as a person begins to live their life, and how they conduct themselves, according to the Will of GOD or not, is what will determine the state of a person, their soul\spirit. As a person goes against GOD's Will, this positive power will diminish in accordance to the sins a person commits which is the negative force. Therefore, the more you sin against GOD, the more you loose the positive power that is within your soul\spirit. If you should continue to sin against GOD to the point that you loose all or most of your positive power (force) when you come to your Earthly death, your Soul \ Spirit Being shall meet the fate of everlasting death. Then you cease to exist totally and forever. On the other hand, if you had sinned against GOD and caused the positive power (force) to diminish somewhat, you may still gain positive power by conducting yourself according to the Will of GOD which will add to the positive power that you have already lost. Think of it in this way, when you sin, you are in fact taking away the positive force (power) within your soul\spirit. The positive forces radiant light will start to glow dim. As you live your life in accordance to the Will of GOD, you add the positive force (power) into your soul \ spirit self and increase the brightness within your Soul \ Spirit and displace the darkness that had been there. It is in this like manner that the positive and negative Force (power) effects your soul/spirit. The effect will greatly depend upon the type of sins you commit, just as to the degree you gain your positive power will greatly depend upon how well you act upon the Will of GOD. Now in all of this, there is a safety valve, much like a fuse, that I want to equate as Yeshua. When you have Yeshua within you, you have this safety valve (fuse) which not only protects you from everlasting death, but he takes all your sins away. Once this is done, your soul\spirit is in full positive power mode. Now, if you should continue to sin, while your sins were forgiven and wiped clean, and not repent of your new sins, these sins and their stain will remain and dilute the positive power that is within your soul \ spirit self. It is the total accumulation of these sins and stains you may have upon your earthly death which will determine your fate on Judgement Day when you face GOD in the Hall of Balance. It is only the strength of GOD's positive force, His bright radiant light, that can wipe away the stains that are within your soul / spirit. But if you should sin against the Holy Spirit, you will have blown your fuse, that safety valve you had with Yeshua is gone, and your soul\spirit is condemn to everlasting death. Not even Yeshua's forgiveness will save your soul \ spirit from this most terrible fate. I cannot stress the importance of this point, for your fate will greatly depend upon your full understanding of this matter. Remember! GOD gave you as well as all of humanity a free spirit, a free will, and it is up to you, it is your personal responsibility what you do with your free will, which will determine if you have enough positive power to carry your soul \ spirit on to another earthly life, or enter into Father's Heavenly Domain or meet your Spiritual Death. You are the maker of your own destiny, and no one can walk that Spiritual path for you. You have the power to choose how you want to live. To walk in the light of GOD or to walk in utter total darkness, so shall your soul / spirit be.

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Some people are strong in the knowledge of religion and of GOD, but they are weak in spiritual grace.


If anyone tells you, that you will surely enter and dwell in My Heavenly Kingdom in a corrupt state; Who have not seek to do My Will, will not enter into My Heavenly Domain, for your life force will amount to nothing! Therefore, do not be so sure of yourself, for only but a few make it.

If anyone should tell you, that you will burn in a hell fire for eternity; Though you will not, for I have no such place, but many, upon many will their soul\spirit be cast to their death! Therefore, If you seek everlasting life, walk in My Light and do My Will.

If anyone should tell you, that your sins have been forgiven even though you continue to be unrepentive; Think not that your sins are forgiven, Did you think that you can take advantage of Me and My Grace so easily? Think not that you can deceive and not be accountable to Me! Examine yourself very closely and see the Truth that is in front of you.

If anyone should tell you that they represent My Will and speak a false "truth", who think themselves smug and holy and have no need to heed Me through My Words in this book will not enter My Heavenly Kingdom; For they have looked for their reward in the tradition of this world. I say to you; Take then your earthly tradition and its earthly reward, for your true reward is yet to come!

If anyone should tell you that they love Me, yet heed not what I say to them through My Holy Testament, and think that they will have life everlasting; though they will not, for I shall cast them in a state of limbo so that they may have the time to contemplate their folly before they come to the hall of balance where I shall Judge their conduct.

And if anyone should tell you that I need a human or animal sacrifice in order to be appease, in order to forgive your sins, or the sins of Humanity then know that they deceive you. For it is pagan humanity who had invented the need for sacrificial worship. You can not wipe your sins away from your Soul \ Spirit by indulging in sacrificial worship. What you do, what you are, reflects the Soul \ Spirit that is within you. Only I have the power to totally forgive your sins through My Grace, to give you everlasting Life or Death.

And finally; for those who portrays to represent Me and yet heed not what I have laid down in The Holy Testament, and tell people to ignore My Words, I shall cast their spirit into limbo for a time, so that they may contemplate of their actions until they encounter their Judgement and Spiritual death. For have I not sent My Envoy for their behalf so that they may know in advance how to obtain everlasting life? Have I not given them fair warning and time to contemplate, to change their mind and ways so that they may live again? Therefore; Do not expect to come before Me and plea for mercy, for I shall give you none! So heed this! Do not take this warning lightly and pretend that you have no need to take what I have said to heart, for the time will arrive, when you too will come to your Earthly death and face My Judgement.

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Before GOD, all people were created equal in the granting of life, liberty and happiness which transcends all earthly laws. Just as each Spirit Being was given an equal value at the time of their birth. **********start again here.......


A soul and spirit are really one substance, but are at a different vibrational rate. Soul is the character of a person while the spirit is the essence, the life force thereof. The spirit emanates its essence, its life force (power) as an aura from within the human body. Only the power of GOD`s consciousness is capable of raising the Spirit Being into a higher plane of consciousness. As each person masters this consciousness, and places the capstone of GOD upon their life, will their displacement be fully overcome. They will evolve from a carnal to a fully, Spiritual Being.


Humankind has a soul and spirit. The soul allows humanity to think, reason and to create. The spirit connects us to the Creator, our Heavenly Father. When we connect our soul and spirit together, we become a True child of GOD. Which enable us to become fully Spiritual beings. This alone separates us from being animals. Yet, if we are unable to connect soul and spirit together, then we become no better than an animal. This is the substance of a Human Being.


My mind was troubled, During all one day as I went about my business as to when I would be worthy enough to enter GOD`s Heavenly Kingdom and dwell with the Father. So during my meditation, I asked GOD for the answer to my troubled plea. Thereupon GOD very gently replied; You have already passed through the door of the first death and have returned to Earth to become My Envoy. When you shall pass through the doors of death again; you shall dwell with me in My Heavenly Kingdom for all of Eternity. The rank, or status you shall have will greatly depend upon you, on how well you carry out My Will that I have sent you to do. I was quite bewildered, for I had no knowledge or recollection that I had lived once before. Thereupon GOD smiled and said; Do not concern yourself with this matter, for until now, you had no knowledge of any past lives. For the time of your mission that I have sent you has not come until now. I then said to GOD, "Father...why did you choose me to do this great mission, I have seen and heard about many other people during this life that are far more worthy and capable to carry out your wish. I am not worthy of such a great task..." Thereupon GOD only smiled and said, Are you loosing faith in Me, My Anointed one? I then sensed as if I was caught up in a great whirlwind, and I felt going round and around, descending until the motion was still, to find myself back to where I had sat down for my meditation. This is the vision that I had, as I have written here.

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It is one thing to see a Truth, but quite another to translate it.


An earthly Death will come to each and everyone Whether or not our task on Earth is done It is only the body that we will cast aside To let the Spirit, Heavenward glide

We really do not die, but just take a flight We leave Mother Earth, to the realms of Light There to be judged by GOD`s own hand And what He decides, is His Command.

It is here that the balance will tell If your Spirit will live or say farewell To go on to another earthly life Or die to end your determination for causing strife.

So all you people, lend me your ear This change called death, you need not fear It is like a sleep, then we wake and rise To be with GOD, or maby, to an earthly paradise.


During one of my meditation sessions, I was carried on a journey, like one that a spirit makes when a person dies. After breaking through the vail of blackness, I found myself within the universe itself. From where I was, I was able to see the multitude of stars flickering their light all around me. There, down to my left, I can see the galaxy that we call the milky way. I thought how small our solar system is compared to the whole of the universe which surround me. I then travelled at lighting speed to a place that I felt was just beyond GOD`s Heavenly Kingdom. There, as I floated in animated suspension, I saw streaks of minute starlike lights emerging from this place that I somehow sensed was GOD`s Personal Domain. I saw myself following one of these starlike miniature lights to get a better look at it. It looked so small compared to my essence, that I felt that I could put it in the palm of my hand. It was smaller than the size of a pinhead, yet the light that emanated from it was that intense that it made it look larger. As it moved away from its source, I followed it to its journey. After what seemed a good deal of time had passed, I began to recognize where in space we were, for we were heading for our own solar system. As we were approaching planet Earth, this starlike particle picked up such great speed that I even had a hard time to keep up to it. Our speed was that great, that everything became just a blur until we finally stopped into something that seem to be a milky substance with a clear-like outer shell. There, this bright starlike particle caused this milky substance to form and began to split into multiple sections. I now realized that this is the birth of a new human being and spirit. A great sense of embarrassment went throughout my being as I finally came to the realization just where I was. I made quick haste to get out of this women`s body and respect her privacy and special moment. After I had left the women and her dwelling, I found that I was in a city that I did not recognize. I flew just above the tall buildings watching people and cars go about their business. What possessed me to enter this hospital, I do not know. I just seem to be drawn to it. As I wandered through this hospital, I entered a room where an old man was in the process of dying. I had a deep sense of sadness at this sight. I lingered there for awhile, then I saw his spirit emerge from his body. It was not a bright light as the starlike particle that I had seen earlier, but rather a greyish colour....Something like when a white bed sheet is covered with soot and then you would try to wash it, and it comes out greyish in colour. Well, this spirit started to move upwards so I followed it on its journey. We got as far as where we left the milky way but this spirit seemed to move ever so slowly that I somehow felt that it had not the strength to go much further on. I sensed that I could not help this spirit, nor that I should even attempt to try. A wave of sadness flowed over me as I had felt back at the hospital for this spirit. Then I felt that I had not better linger much longer for a fear overcame me that I would be shut out from re-entering my own body. So I made quick haste to re-enter my body. Once there, I felt a sense of relief for having had the time to make it back. This is my vision, as I have related to you.

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Through constant defilement of one`s conscience, a person will lose that very conscience.


Do not feel contempt to those people who do not know the Way or the Will of the Father, or for those who may not want to believe. For the revelation that we possess, is foreign to their understanding. We must strive to be patient, with forgiveness and love, for they may receive the understanding and enlightment in a moment when we least expect it. The greatest way we may show our love and faith in GOD, is to be quick to forgive those who have done us a wrong. For we ourselves are not without total error, yet Father is quick to forgive our own weaknesses, if we acknowledge them, repent and learn from our mistakes. Be extra kind to the unbeliever who have been deceived by their "church", for once burned, they will be twice as shy to believe again. The dead in GOD shall rise again to the call of Father,s Kingdom. Please, do not flaunt your enlightment around, for that would be a sin, rather, be humble, for it was your Heavenly Father who made all this possible. For the gift of Grace that we received from The Father, can be quickly taken away. Do all this in the name of The Father, our Creator. So that love and understanding will abound.

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A prayer is not only good for the one who receive it,

It is also good for the one that sent it.


Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Creator of all Life, of our planet Mother Earth and the whole Universe. Guide us towards Your intentions, and give us the cordage to establish Your kingdom upon our planet Earth according to Your Holy Will. Shed upon us Your Grace and inspiring Light, may You forgive our transgressions, as we forgive those who may have transgress against us, and may Humanity destroy the evil that is within all of us, for our own sake, so that You will find no need to destroy our planet earth and the Human Race. May all of Humanity work towards the building of Your Kingdom. For Your`s is the only social system that we should seek that has the Power and the Glory to bring everlasting Peace and Harmony upon our planet Mother Earth today.


The doors of GOD`s Enlightment are open to me. The doors of Earth are open to me. The doors of human nature are open to me. The Holy Testament has been prepared by the Father, The Creator of Life.

Behold, I too was a sinner, just like you. Now I am pure of heart. Behold, with this knowledge of GOD`s Will, I am now set free from all earthly evils. The knowledge of GOD I humbly receive

Power is now given to me. To witness unto the people of the world, To speak and show the Love of GOD, Wherever I may be.

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The Kingdom of GOD is within you, if you put into practice what you believe.....


Let your Spirit rejoice, dear Father and Creator Let your heart rejoice greatly. For Your sons and daughters will be at peace, As they serve You humbly under Your Sovereignty.

Temples have been established upon this land, So that we may place all our focus upon You, And do all our works in your Name, So that we may establish Your Kingdom upon this land.

Acclamations we will make in your Name, Hymns will be sung out to You, Pleasing floral incense are offered to You, And Holy water will be sprinkled to purify the things that are Holy to You.

We, the people of Your Light, Will take up the Commission of Your Will, To pass Your message to the people of this world, The nature of Your Will.

Every plan from You which has been decreed, By Your Commands, Dear Father, Has been from the very beginning of time, To make all things perfect.

We will not carry Your Will in a half-hearted way, We will neither be cold or lukewarm, But will serve You with the intensity of fire, To warm the hearts of non-believers.

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One of the ways in which people bring the most trouble upon themselves is by their inability to be still and to examine and contemplate their next move.


If you would drop a stone in a pool of still water, the stone would display a pattern upon the water. If another object unlike the small stone were to be dropped into that same pool of water while the pattern still exist from the stone, the object will in turn create a pattern that will effect the original pattern of the stone. As in life, for every action there is a pattern that is created that effects the reaction of everything that is within its path, much like the patterns created upon the pool of water. What that tells us, is that any action we care to take, there will be a reaction that affects a predetermine action upon people within its radius. In other words; Depending what a person does, so will the pattern of life will influence their future. The outcome of a goal, will depend on the action that we may take which will reflect the motive. We can determine the future, if we take the time to study the patterns of life. In this way, the actions that we may now make, will greatly determine whither the establishment of GOD`s Kingdom here on planet Earth will become a reality. If we are to choose GOD`s Kingdom over any other social, political system that are the invention of humankind, we must build a United Way of life and do all things according to the patterns of GOD`s Will. If people of this world choose not the Kingdom of GOD as their social system, then humanity has very little hope, in not only for their own survival, but for the survival of our planet Earth itself. For humanity will not have learned the lessons taught by history.

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Time has no relevancy in the Eyes of GOD, in the fulfilment of GOD`s Kingdom on Earth to become a reality.


Oh, you people of this planet Earth, Who came into existence by the hand of GOD. Give praise to your GOD, your Creator. Who is the Maker of the whole universe, and everything within it. Give thanks to GOD, the One and Only Creator of life. Play beautiful music and sing new songs to Honour the Father, the Creator of us all. For the Will of GOD is integrity itself, all the Father does, is done faithfully. And GOD loves virtue and justice. So let all the people of this world, have a love and gentle fear of you, Father. For you have the power to give and end life. Let all who live on Earth revere You, Dear Father. For when You Willed it, it was Created. And when You Commanded it, it was done. Now GOD loves those who follow His advice through His Holy Will. And He condemns those who would dare frustrate the intentions of His people who are trying to establish His Kingdom on Earth. Those who would go against the Will of GOD, are people of Darkness. For the plans of the Father holds good forever. To establish a Paradise, a Utopia, a Shan-gri-La for all of Humanity upon the Earth.

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It was GOD`s intention that Humanity had to learn the hard way through it history of the many erratic ways of their political and religious ideology, their wars and injustices so that people may better see and appreciate the value of the establishment of GOD`s Kingdom for the whole of humanity.


Listen then you governments and all you leaders of religions, all you who are heads over people, take careful warning! Hear this all of you who have thousands of people under your rule, who boast of your hordes of subjects under your rule. The power belongs to Me alone! I shall probe all your acts and scrutinize your true intentions. If as administrators you have not governed justly, nor observed My will, nor behave as I would have you behave, I will smite your Spirit swiftly and most terribly. I will compassionately pardon the ignorant, but those who think that they can fool me, do not even try, for I can penetrate and read your mind, and know if you are pure or foul. For I am quick to move than any motion. Remember, I am your GOD, I have the ultimate power over everything, including your spirit. I alone can give you life or take it away. And in the end, you will come before Me to answer for your deeds.

********** INSIGHT **********

Beware of what appears to be complicated, for it may be meant to deceive and hide some sort of double dealings. For what is honest, it is open, simple and straightforward.


I tell you very truthfully, that kindness is like a sparkling river, that opens up the gates of joy, to all mortal and frail humanity. Through many a dark days of sorrow, sickness, pain or earthly death. I tell you now, there is GOD`s power to make us whole again. This planet Earth is like a schoolhouse, where life`s lessons must be learned, for it is the place for the spirit`s evolution, where a Heavenly place is earned. Oh, you people of GOD and of Mother Earth, take courage as you travel along life`s busy by-ways, where people out of ignorance may want to harm you, for GOD shall be near to guide you, every step of the way. As I sit by my campfire and meditate, I thank my Father, and then some. For the beautiful vision that I have seen, of GOD`s Kingdom on Earth will be Supreme. So do not fret or worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow is another day. Concentrate on the task at hand, and when you feel tired and weary, eat, lie down and rest. Then you will be ready to meditate and pray.


Oh those foolish people in times of old, those who acted as religious leaders and who became leaders of people. Who have put to death My very own Envoys, whom I have sent for their behalf, so that they may know My Will and save their people from torment and everlasting death. I say to them... I know you not. And when I look and see all those foolish people who did not believe in the Envoys and Prophets that I had sent for their behalf, but mocked them instead, I say to them.... I know you not. And those foolish people who believed in My Envoys and Prophets, yet did not stand by them when they were brought before man`s house of justice, but had deserted them in their time of need, because they had so little faith, I say to them... I know you not. For all those people who proclaim their loyalty to Me in the past have disappointed Me greatly, that I have chosen not to make them My people for they are in darkness. Therefore, I shall cast their spirit to the very depths of darkness, so that they may know of their stubbornness and contemplate on their folly. But now, for the sake of humanity, I shall once again send to the people of Earth, one more time, an Envoy, who will let it be known to the people of this world and this age of My Will, and bring about the Establishment of My Kingdom on this planet Earth, so that you may find the happiness and peace you so dearly seek. Do not let Me find you to be so foolish as those people in past ages, for I shall abandon you to your everlasting death, I shall cause the planet Earth itself to vanish for the sake of My Universe, for I grow tired of your folly. Therefore, learn from the pages of your history and do not repeat the folly of those who have gone before you. Accept what I offer you gracefully, and do what I ask of you for your own good. May you prove to be pleasing to My Sight, and do what I had intended for humanity from the very beginning of time. May this warning be the shaft of lightning that will penetrate your mind, and Enlighten and awake you Oh humankind, from your senses. And may this warning be like the sound of thunder, so that it may shake the very foundation that you stand upon.

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I, your Father, your GOD and your Creator Will bless those who bless you, I shall curse those who slight you. All the nations of the planet Earth shall bless themselves by you, for I am their GOD and Creator. Do not be afraid, for I am with you. I shall bless you and all who bless you, because you are My true servant.

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You cannot love both GOD and Money. You will either hate the first and love the second, or love the first and treat the second which is tainted, with scorn!


Anyone that is found to have a love of money and its monetary system of corruption and evilness, is not guided by My Will, but is guided by greed and power. What I had intended for humanity from the very beginning, was for people to share among yourselves without a price what has been given to you so freely as a gift, so that you may sustain yourselves on this planet Earth. But you have chosen to corrupt My intention, and feed upon greed and earthly power instead. Therefore, let not this vile practice continue, and take care of this precious gift that I have given you. Let it not be abused, for I have put in trust to humanity, the care of My Creation. Let not one person go hungry or want for anything that is available, for I have provided everything for your existence. So in return for all of this, give thanks in service and do My Will.

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There exist only one kind of Faith, that is true, just and positive. That will encourage noble actions to a predetermine goal. Those that hinder any noble action is not faith as one might perceive, but set a negative force about them, that leads one in a state of apathy.


Beware of those who profess to be teachers of GOD, but are false. For there are many about you. Who come to you under false pretence, and pervert the teachings of GOD`s Holy Will. Know them if they are found not to practice what GOD has to say. Know a True teacher of Light, by their actions and what is in their hearts. For they will be truthful, honest and sincere, they will tell you no lies. For Truth will expose them under scrutiny. You will know a true teacher of GOD by their stripe, for they will not be found with false grandeur, earthly luxury, nor beg for money or favours. Therefore, shun away from those preachers and teachers who profess to speak of GOD. Who delight in Grandeur, who seek luxury and beg for money and favours. Who have alternative motives, who seek not after the Will of GOD. If they are found to have any of these things, know that they are not of GOD. Use good judgement and wisdom, to discern them True or not, for what is of GOD is not confusing, but is clear and simple. What is not clear, but claim it is a mystery, is in Darkness. What is not straightforward and simple, is not True. That is the Way and Will of the Father.

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No one is an Island unto oneself, for we are dependent on others for the enrichment of our lives.



There was once two persons who took a journey afar. They were searching for the fountain of Life. One person had little food for this journey, while the other had just too much. As this journey carried on, to where it was near its end. The one who had little food for sustenance, died a most horrible death through hunger, while the other person who had too much, was so overburdened with his lot, he died of a heart attack. Neither person reached their goal. The moral of this story is; When people are unwilling to share, and pool their resources together, no one will achieve their goals. For we are all interdependent of each other, in whatever we care to do.

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It will be those people who are highly developed in intellect, who have a fine sensibility, wide and penetrating vision, and have a passion for justice and GODly righteousness and adventure. That will be the driving force for the establishment of the Earthly Kingdom of GOD, to become a Reality.


You are so gentle and so kind, Dear Father, and Creator of Life. We thank you for the food and herbs that we have. You are the staff of all life, and provide us with everything that we may need. Thank you Dear Father, for watching over us, Your true and humble servants.


When My servants ask for food and water, and there is none to be had, I will answer your plea, for I shall not abandon you. I shall make rivers well up in the desert, and fountains in the midst of the wild wilderness, and turn a wilderness into a banquet, and shelter you by My Will. Then you shall have all the water that you may need to quench your thirst, and food to quench your hunger, and shelter from the elements. Seek also those who Love Me, who dwell in cities, towns or village, for they shall provide in My Stead. For they are kindred spirits, your brothers and sisters.

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Vision is more than just sight, or even insight. For it is also being able to see the Invisible.


Happy is the person, who never follows the advice of the wicked, or even partakes in their evil deeds. Who sit about drunkards and walk in a drunken saunter. Rather, find pleasures in the things of GOD. For in GOD, Your Heavenly Father, you can put your trust, for it will never falter. Your Father hides not His Creation in secret, for humanity to perceive. Therefore, beware of things shrouded in secret, for they are meant to hide the lies with twisted tongues, will people try to deceive you if they can. So fill my cup with Your righteousness, and guide me in your path, to forge ahead to do Your Will, so that Your Prophetic Vision may be fulfilled. Oh how glorious Your Prophetic Vision will be, to see the wonders of Your Will. When humanity will be set free, to live in Peace, Harmony and Tranquility.

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The industrial system of today, has resulted in a condition where the joy of work has been altogether cut out of labour, and until this state of things has been reversed and a sense of dignity, joy and holiness of work is restored, it is useless to look for other solutions in solving labour problems.


Once upon a time, there was a person that was speeding along a highway in a sports car. The car was going much too fast, as the person was going to the bank in order to deposit some money. As the car came upon a sharp turn along the roadway, the person lost control of the car, and it tumbled down a steep embankment. The person was found dead. Therefore, never place the value of money above your life, for you will end up losing both.

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Those who would abuse this free gift by selling the gift that was freely given, is a very poor recipient to receive any gift.


When a fisher person catches fish in the ocean, who do that person pay for the fish that is caught?

When a person goes into a forest in the wilderness, to cut down trees to build a house, furniture or boat. Who do this person pay for all these trees?

When a person walks unto the woods and plains, to hunt for a beast, rabbit or fowl for food. Who do that person pay for these?

And when a person is thirsty and drinks from a cool pool of water from a brook, river or lakes. Who do this person pay?

When a person breaks up rocks and dig up clay to make the many tools of the day. Who do that person pay?

All these things that a person makes use of on this planet called Mother Earth was given freely to humanity by The Creator. To use for the wellbeing of all people.


Know now how wrong this foul and corrupt monetary system really is. Know now why GOD shall put an end to this practice, and slay the Great DRAGON and Whore and all her Harlots.

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Equality in freedom of speech, politics, sex, lifestyle, religion, justice, ect,. As well as equality for medical care and the basic needs for the welfare of people in any society is a fundamental Right. But this is where equality stops, for in every other respect, people vary in character, capacity, intelligence and potential. This alone prevents uniformity, for the soul is singular, and personal.

NOTE: Text from here on has not been worked on, revised or correction in spelling mistakes.


Oh Father, let me give thanks to You, Let me praise you with a loving heart. You, who have given birth to everything. The whole universe and all that encompass it. I recognize Your sovereignty.

You created all Humanity and all the living creatures. You made us mortals to be born again. You gave birth to men and women so that we may see and dwell in Your Heavenly Kingdom.

I hope the people will come to know and understand Your truly Wondrous Plan. That will give people much needed hope to ease their distress upon this land.

Praise to You, Dear Father and Creator. As Your humble servant and mediator, I hope that I may do justice to Your Cause, with as few if any, little flaws.

Your Reign will endure throughout the ages by Your Justice. You will pardon and punish the guilty, to snuff out a spirit or give it life. No one can escape Your Judgement. For all must come before You in the end.

Oh Father, Please forgive me if I do stumble, for You know that I do not do it with intent. For I love You with All my heart, Dear Father, I would rather die, then to disgrace You intentionally.

Look upon me with a kindly heart, Father. As I go about Your business, here on Earth. I give thanks to you for giving humanity the chance to redeem themselves to You.

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Those who can communicate, can always justify themselves of their actions. But who speaks for those who cannot?


There was a women named Shara, who had abortions at will. She had a dear friend named Judy, who had a three year old child. As the three of them went for a walk one day, A car speeding out of control, struck the little child and took its live away. As the two women cried out in anguish, and rage. A small voice cried out within Shara`s deep subconscious mind saying...Oh Shara, Shara, Shara! Why are you crying in anguish and rage for this little child, when you never shed a tear for your own? A child`s life is a live, wherever the child may be. Be the child in a womb, or where the child may be plainly seen. For when an innocent life is taken from the womb, before its time to be set free, this life has still become a human being, a Jack or a Jill, a somebody that is very dear. An act of abortion, without just cause, go againts all of GOD`s just laws.

And when a person who is on a sickbed, who is suffering in dreadful pain, with no hope of recovery, be them young or old. That only for the sake of artfical life support, they would die a nateral death. Be not that crule, to let these poor souls suffer needlessly. That take the last vestige of dignity that they have left. Allow them that final moment, so that they may make their last farewell to those who are so dear to them. If you came upon an animal that was suffering in pain and you knew for certain that it would die no matter what you may do, would you prolong and hinder their death by artifical life support? Would you not let it die for pity and kindness sake? Why then will you not do the same for a human being. Pull the plug from that artificial life support machine.

And when you come upon a human being, who by some freak of nature, their geans has gotten out of control that it has left that person in a vegetation state. Who cannot comprehend or are aware of their own existance. Who have been put on an artifical life support system, and you know in all honesty that they will remain in this state for as long as they live through this machine. Would you not free this person so that its spirt that is trapped within this body may continue on its journey? So that their spirit may continue to evolve so that the spirit may recive its chance for everlasting life. Be kind and pull that plug from that artfical life support system that we have invented.

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Those who have reached a high state of spiritual insight, are obliged to help those who cannot perceive....


When I look about me as to what is going on throughout the planet Earth, I have come to realize how far Humanity has departed from the true essence of GOD. Even though Humanity has far advanced in science and technology, yet have not kept pace in social development. It is clear to me that we have reached our zenith in the present social system that we are now in the stages of decline. It is only a matter of time now when this social fabric will be torn asunder and a new social order will need to take its place if Humanity is to survive. Though I really wonder if it is not to late for Humanity to alter its destiny of self destruction, by readjusting itself, to the Will of GOD. That will greatly depend on the attitude of the general public as to where they will put their faith and trust. I know deep in my heart that people are not ready to let go of a social structure that they have been so accustom to, that people will repel any drastic changes, but change they must. For the social and economic system itself will collapse upon itself by the way our work force and business is being structured today. This may usher in the dawning of a new age, a new social system that will place peoples needs as its foremost priority rather then the spreadsheet of the profit margin. But this will greatly depend on the path that people will choose. I hope for their sake that Humanity will find and choose the right path to follow and avoid the great tribulation that will follow the collapse if people continue to heed not the advice of GOD.

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Predatory Capitalism is indeed a vile and treacherous system, that will bring much sorrow for the poor and no rest for those who are so greedy. For their apatite will grow day by day until it becomes insatiable that the planet Earth itself will have been raped of all its goodness. Oh look how they have assembled many nations for their own end, collected all the people of the world for their own advantage in order to gather greater wealth. Trouble will come to those who have amassed money and goods for greed, and load their speeches to justify their deeds of exploitation upon the people of the world. Will not people who are hungry or are in need, and those who believe in honesty and fair play, see what these people do for greed, not suddenly rise up in anger against those who would exploit them? Of course they will! Since all these people of greed have plundered many a nations and their people, that all that remain of those people who were taken advantage of, will in turn plunder their oppressors for the deeds that have been done to them. Trouble will come to the person who grossly exploits others for the sake of greed and unnatural wealth, to fix their own house on high through the misfortune of others. Look how they have contrived to bring shame upon humanity by the lies and deceit that they have perpetrated upon the people of the world and our Mother Earth. But rejoice, for the day will come, when all their works will turn upon itself and bring them to their own ruin by all the people of the world who were taken advantage upon. They shall amass together and speak out against all the injustice that has been done to them and Mother Earth. Trouble will come to the nation who builds a society upon Capitalism for it is not the Will of GOD that the labouring of people should end in misery, and the toiling of nations come to nothing but grief. Trouble will come to all who seek not to act upon the Will of GOD, who love not its people and work for their benefit. For Justice will be done!

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Any sensitive person who does not habitually live in a large modern city knows what psychic contamination is, for they sense it when they are in such a hive of human activity.


As I came upon a city. I sat under a tree to eat my morning meal, my gaze fell upon the vastness of concrete and steel that lay before me. It`s amazing what we can accomplish as human beings if we set our minds to do these things. Yet, when we have to deal with matters concerning the soul and spirit of humanity, we have as people, failed quite miserably compared to what is our potential. As I walked along a very busy city street, my gaze fell upon the sidewalk where the concrete slabs meet. I see a little flower standing between the crack so strong and free, it made me wonder how that flower got there and how it had managed to survive the stampede of many thundering feet. As I walked further on, I came upon a school yard where children were playing their games, and thought how sad to know that time will quickly slip away, from childhood to adulthood where they will have to face the stark reality of their world. I also wondered how many of these children in that group will become idealistic, who will have the hope and grace to try to make this world a better place to live in. May their dreams never crumble or fade, by life`s many twist and turns that may mar their attitude of humanity. To become very cynical and begin to just look upon their own wellbeing. Oh how many people have I known that had fell by the wayside, who have become so cynical of humanity that they traded their virtue to get on that gravy train and make that fast buck so that they may obtain the many trinkets that life has to offer them. I really wonder if all those things really has satisfied their innermost need. That something special, that makes them a human being. I thank GOD that in all these years, I have not abandoned my love for humanity, no matter how difficult it may be sometimes. I just hope that people will make the right choice when the time comes. That they may see beyond their own petty self interest, and see what may be in the not so distant future, not only for themselves but for the next generation that may come. That will greatly depend upon how we respond today and in the coming near future.

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It is a tragedy of our culture that GODly thoughts are being suppressed to expand humanities horizons....


In the dim and clamour of our society, people have become mindless and very sanicle to the dangers that befall the very existence of our social fabric that it is slowly withering away to decay. For people have developed an attitude that become numb and apathetic to the true essence and realities of Life itself. People need to wake up from their numbness and displace the negative forces that encompass us, all by reaching down into our innermost being and draw upon our resources of FAITH, HOPE and CHARITY that we may have. And keep ourselves occupied to those ideals that create the joy and meaning of Life itself. May we take the time and trouble to re- examine our priorities and purpose while there is still yet time, and create a rebirth of the values that emanate from GOD. For the advancement and betterment of all humanity. May we have the courage to change the things that need change, according to the Will of GOD. For the Peace, Security and Harmony that all of Humanity desire, but have not found.

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Why this arrogance among the nations, these futile plots among the peoples? That they set out to make war against Your Will and Your Anointed one. Let us pick up your banner, Dear Father, and humble them, and expose those of their wickedness. For GOD, who is the giver of Life, gives us the strength and the courage, truth and power to overcome all obstacles. In Truth and power we shall make them panic, for You, Dear Father has guided us. For the Will of GOD has decreed, that we are the people of His Light. We shall be given nations for our devotion, the ends of the Earth will we rule. With an iron sceptre will we break the unGODly, and scatter them like shattered glass. So now you people, learn wisdom, Governments be warned! Serve your GOD and Creator, so that you may not perish into eternity. Our anger is slow to blaze, happy are they who take shelter in us, for Justice will be done.

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Ideas that penetrate the mind do not necessarily translate into action, for there are human qualities that stand in the way.


I am a child of GOD and His Universe. Who seek Truth, Justice and Integrity. But I can`t believe the things that I have seen, the horrendous crimes of humanity. As I search for answers that confront me, my quest draws me toward those that be. Who speak of GOD with an elegant veneer that I can plainly see that they were not sincere. Their answers were shallow and hollow that in their frustration, could only quote me verses that made no sense to me. Some I found were quick to sneer, at the things I hold so dear. I could plainly see, had hypocrisy, money and lust on their shallow brain. I am sadden by it all, how people can be so vain.

So then I turned to GOD in my frustration, to help me understand and find the way out of this dilemma. To put an end to the injustice, suffering and the decay of our world, and evaporate the darkness that maar our days. The answers that Father gave to me was so profound, I could not believe it until I gave it some thought. Only then I was able to see how everything fell into place. I gave my word to GOD, our Heavenly Father that I would change my ways and do what He asked of me.

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When a person cast demonic thoughts from their mind, they will essentially have killed those demons. For when the thoughts are no longer there, they no longer exist. They are dead!


Demonic beings such as devils, ghouls, vampires, werewolves ect, all belong to the realm of superstitions that Humanity drew from their figment of imagination in order to better explain the negative or dark side of human nature that we have developed over time. Though these things do not really exist in reality, but do exist in the minds of a large segment of Humanity through their religious institutions that have incorporated these unreal superstitions into their religion and present them as facts and truths. I for one will trample and crush this Satanic myth underfoot to free people of these old myths from the Book of GOD. Then what is this dark side of our human nature and where did it come from? To answer this, I must explain firstly that we, all of Humanity have inherited a duel nature. One is the positive, and the other, the negitive. If we look upon GOD, who is our Heavenly Father, He is of pure positive force. We on the other hand are positive and negitive due to the fact that we are one part of GOD, and one part animal that has evolved to our present status. Our whole world and everything in it, even the smallest atom has this duel force within it. A positive and a negitive. But in human and Spiritual terms, the positive reflects the nature of GOD. While the negitive is everything contrary to the nature of GOD, thus we call this evil. Therefore, the existance of good and evil. Because of this duel nature that we all have, which in effect is our duel personality, we are capable of enhancing either parts of our nature of good or evil in our lives. Some people focus on maturing the positive side of their nature, others allow their negitive side of their nature to develope, while most people only manage to reach a balance between these two personalities. It is this conflict within Humanity that we must all focus on if we are to live on this planet in peace and harmony. Remember! GOD gave us a free spirit, the freedom to choose our own destiny and the path we care to choose. Our present social structures that exist on our planet Earth today encorage many negitive forces that will and has become a detroment to ourselves, our soceity and our world. It is because of this Truth, that we must encorage and build our soceities in the Light of our Heavenly Father that our Beloved Brother Yeshua tried to teach to the people of this world. Which is based upon the Will of GOD that will produce the Kingdom of GOD on earth. It will encorage and enhance the positive nature of Humanity to its fullest potential. Therefore, if someone tells or speak of a devil, a satan that entices or make a person do somthing against their will, do not belive it as fact. Accept it if you must, for what it really is. Let it be known, here and now! There is no such a person or Spirit as a Saten. We, Humanity... are totaly responsible for our own actions. Just as we are totaly responsible for the developement of our own nature, which will reflect upon our Spirit. If you are going to insist on beliving in a devil, goules or other satanic evil forces, they will in fact become real to you and your mind will acknowledge it as real, and it will play upon your mind with negative vibrations that will dwell into your mind, heart and soul. Is it not about time that Humanity sheds all these superstitions, myths, that have been invented by pagans and place them where they belong as myths? That was part of the many cultures in past ages in order to give answers and understanding of things they did not understand in their time. Rather; Let us now put all our focus on making our world a better place to live in for ourselves, our children, our planet Earth and for the future of Humanity.

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It is far easier to ask for forgiveness, then it is to forgive.


When you are a parent, you know what it is like to forgive your child, when the child has done something that you disapprove of. And when your child say`s to you...I am sorry, I will not do that again, you will accept the apology and hold the child to their word. When the child is found not to respect the parents wishes, and their word is no longer worth anything, the only other alternative a parent has is to punish the child for its own good. But there is a point in time when a parent sees a child who is bent on evil and no longer respect the parent, that the parent will in due course turn their back on this evil child and know it not. But will be willing to forgive the child if there is a true sincerity on the part of the child. Then know the relationship that you have with GOD, who is your Heavenly Father. For it is the same honest, loving, caring parent that GOD is to all of Humanity. The only difference is that while a human patent may make an error in judgment, only because they are human. Think how wonderful and Great GOD is, for He makes no error in His Judgments of you.

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Oh Father, lift us out of private mindedness and give us a public spirit to work for Your Kingdom on Earth. By daily creating that atmosphere of a happy temper and generous heart which will help to bring Your United Vision become a reality.


Oh how people have changed their attitude from a public spirit to the concept of me, myself and I. No longer do we as people care about our neighbour or other people, because we have learned to harden our hearts, by the many misdeeds of others that this capitalist system has encourage by the very nature of it`s being. No longer can we have trust of others, or that their words hold true. No longer may we walk the streets at night without fear of being attacked or robbed. No longer may we leave our doors unlocked when we leave our homes, or when we may go to bed at night. What a sad situation this lifestyle has become, when people no longer act upon GOD`s Will, but set their hearts upon self. Trouble will come to a nation and its people if they continue to walk this path of life. For it shall lead to a state of self-destruction of their society in due course, for it cannot endure. How long will you tolerate this situation? Will you wait until you have become so cynical of people and sceptical of any motive that it will freeze your will to act? Know now the state of a society that shuns GOD from their lives. Have you not seen what happens to other societies that have turned their backs on GOD? Then look hard and see!

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Give respect to people as you would wish people to respect you.


GOD has given Humanity a free Spirit, a spirit that can grow and evolve. During the spirits development, it develops a nature which is good or bad. Good is anything that helps Humanity and care about our Mother Earth without asking anything in return. Bad is anything that harms humanity and care not of Mother Earth and is only concerned about ONESELF. Let me call Good - Righteousness for now, and Bad - Evil. Righteousness is born out of the spring of light which emanates from GOD, regardless whether you care to admit it or not. Whereas, Evil is from the well of darkness, which is everything that is against the Will of GOD. Given that understanding, with as many people on the face of this planet who claim that they are people of GOD, why is the world in such an awful mess?..........

Have you found the answer? Well, here is my answer..... The reason this world is in such a mess is because the vast majority of those people who profess to be a people of GOD, who claim to love GOD just gave lip service and did very little else, except that they are only concerned about their own selves. In other words... All talk, and very, very little substance.

All people of Righteousness must reflect the Will of GOD, and walk in the ways of GOD. Whereas any Government is the Reflection of the people it serves. Are there that few GODly people in this world that they cannot install a government that will Reflect GOD`s Will? Or have the majority of the people who claim to love GOD, really do not. But if you are one who have lost their Faith because of the teachings of the "church" or religion that you may have belong to, or because of their attitude, their works was not in keeping with their Faith. Well, if you are one of these, come unto me and you will not be disappointed. In the meantime, beware of people who walk and delight in evil for they will try to lead you astray, in order to justify their sins, their iniquities, their guilt and their works. For there are many, but these shall be exposed in the very near future. Stand tall and stand alert, for your day shall come. Until now, the struggle within Humanity has continued with little wisdom and much folly. For that is the condition of being bewildered.

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Laws are only as good as people have a respect and faith in them. Without faith and respect, there is no law.


There are those in any given society who prey on the weak, helpless and the old. Some, to make a fast buck and cheat these people out of their life savings. There are also those who would hurt these people physically, just for the sheer pleasure to see them get hurt. Then there are those who would do most anything to make or save money, and do not care who they hurt in the process. These I call, the Scum of the Earth, and they shall have no mercy or place to hide when GOD`s Kingdom is established here on planet Earth. For these type of people will no longer pray upon the people as they do now. Gone, will be the pampering of these people when they are brought before the Hall of Justice. For they shall receive, measure for measure Justice. And think not, you Scum of the Earth, that when you come upon one of our brothers or sisters in our Order, those who have joined the Order, that we shall turn the other cheek and not defend ourselves from you. For those days are gone, with us. Nor will we just sit by while you scums contemplate on massacring our followers of the Order, for we shall on all account defend ourselves from you. For in the Law of GOD, nowhere is it found to say we may not defend. Be warned now! Your days of violence and praying on the weak, helpless and the old are numbered. While we walk in peace, and help those who need help, we will also not tolerate abuse from You, Scums of the Earth.


Rulers of nations through out the world, take heed to what I say. Those of you who would suppress, torture, yes even kill your people you rule over, preventing your subjects to have a choice in who would rule over them. Beware! For in the time when My Kingdom has been established upon your planet, many thousands upon thousands of your subjects will seek to become part of My earthly Kingdom, yet you will try to prevent this from happening through force, or threat of death or enslavement. If that should happen, I shall send My sword and his loyal followers upon your soil, upon the whole of your nation and liberate those who you have suppressed and set upon your nation the establishment of My Earthly Kingdom. These people will henceforth become part of My Kingdom and subjects under My Rule. As for you, who have tried to prevent the transition, I will punish you and all who followed you for War Crimes, Genocide, Brutal Repression and Crimes against Humanity. These who are to be Judged will be Judged unmercifully, and when they come to Me before the balance, I too will be unmerciful and cast your Spirits to death! For you have no part of My Earthly or Heavenly Kingdom. So now you have been warned! Do not even try to prevent any of your people under your rule from coming unto Me and My Kingdom on Earth, for you and all your cohorts will suffer the consequence of your actions. For the time will come when My Earthly Kingdom will spread through out the planet and become the sole representative of Humanity, if people choose to do My Will.


A person came up to me one day and asked of me; In GOD`s earthly Kingdom, won`t people try to take advantage of its system? and I answered... "Each will receive according to their worth". Then the man asked, how is a persons worth determine? And I answered...."Those who contribute not to the Kingdom Of GOD will receive their worth, those who contribute to the working of the Kingdom, shall receive their worth". Then the person asked of me, will not people try to take advantage and abuse the system? I answered and said... "Take this and learn. Once upon a time, a beggar knocked at the door of a wealthy man, asking for some food. The houseman invited the beggar in and said... Come, sit at my table as the servants filled the table with all the food one can imagine. When the table was full of food, the houseman said to the beggar... Here, help yourself, eat all that you can eat. So the beggar began to eat and eat until the table was empty. The houseman said to his servants....Go and fill the table once again. This was done, and the beggar began to eat again for a little while and then said to the houseman...I can not eat anymore, even though there is still much food on the table. Then the houseman said to the beggar... Fill all your pockets with food from my table, and the beggar did so. Then the houseman offered the best ale to the beggar and offered more food. But the beggar was too full to eat anymore. The beggar thanked the houseman over and over again as the beggar left the wealthy man house. In the Kingdom of GOD, the production of food and material goods are not determine by profits, but rather on need. No one in GOD`s Earthly Kingdom will be in need, for the table will always be full".


We come with thanks, O GOD Divine For all the wealth of harvest time. With golden measure You have showered Your gifts upon this world of ours

Oh may we ever be worthy Of all Your gifts, so rich, so free. For health and strength and daily food Accept our love and gratitude.


As with everything in Life, the decisions that we make will greatly determine the outcome of our actions. At this point in our history and time, humanity has arrived at a crossroad that will take us into three different directions which will alter the destiny of Humanity. The outcome will be determined by which road we will as human beings decide to follow, and the effects that this will cause. Therefore; I will at this point in time refrain from revealing the Revelation that I have received, until I see in time, which of he roads Humanity has chosen to follow. Then will I reveal to Humanity the outcome of their choice. For thousands of years, religion has been an operative force in the world. But because they allowed their pride, ego and hatred to fester to the degree that they have now strayed so far from the Will of GOD, they have now lost their credibility to the greater total of the Human race. These religious bodies dared not thread into the full light of GOD, but remained in darkness for they had not the faith in GOD, but were more concerned of their own wellbeing rather than the things of GOD. Because of this, they soon lost the honour, the courage, the fortitude and the power that GOD had given them. Now all what they do or say are of no effect upon people. Now in these troubled days, the vail of darkness has once again been lifted. Humanity may once more regain the faith that has been lost, so that they may once again move forward to far greater heights in achievement and enlightment to further the cause of righteousness, and damn all evil so that humanity may finally achieve the outermost perfection that is within all of us. We are presently able to do this, just as we are able to regress to our lower state. The only question that remain is, What do we choose to do now?


The Path people of the world are presently following. 30 - 1995 AD

Father called me to write The Holy Testament on June 7th,1995

Writing the Holy Testament from June 7th. to Aug.3rd,1995

Waiting for Christians response to meet the challenge.

Christians use parts of The Holy Testament for their own use. They do not seek me as a guide. I start walk to take the Holy Testament to the people from N.S. to BC on May 1st. 1996


NOTE; Please understand that these visions are not necessarily in chronological order.


I was standing in a sea of clouds during meditation when I beheld a man mounted on a horse emerge from the mist of clouds. He wore a vestment that seemed to be soaked in the blood of the Lamb. In his hands he held a lance with the Banner of GOD upon it. In his other hand he held a book called THE HOLY TESTAMENT. There he stood as I heard a chorus of a thousand Angles singing the most Holy Song. For he has come to call all the Church's for the battle to win the hearts and minds of people of planet Earth. Then I heard him, who was carrying the Banner of GOD call out in a loud, strong voice.... " Are there any people of GOD who will join me in the battle for the Kingdom of GOD? " After a little time had passed, I heard the sound of thunder as I saw a rider who was carrying the banner of the United Church. Then came a rider who held the banner of the Baptist Church, and others who carried the banners of the Eastern Orthodox Churches and one who carried the banner of the Lutheran Church. Then came a rider who held the banner of the Presbyterian Church and one who held the banner of the Anglican Church and another who carried the banner of the Salvation Army. Then I heard the rider who carried the Banner of GOD call out once again..." Are there any others who will join in the battle of the Saints? " Out from the mist of clouds came a rider who carried the banner of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and another rider who carried the banner of the Pentecostal Church and one who carried the banner of the Evangelicals saying..." We are ready, willing and able..". I then heard the one who carried The Banner of GOD cry out.." Are there any others who will join in?" After a little while.. a rider arose from the mist of clouds carrying the banner of the Roman Catholic Church..saying " We are ready.." Then the rider who held The Banner of GOD gave to each rider a Scroll that contained The Holy Testament so that they may know the Will of GOD. Now they may give the Good News to all of their Flocks. Then all the riders formed a great circle and lowered their banners so that their tips touched each other as if to forme spokes on a wheel. They all cried out in unison..." All for our Heavenly Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua, All for One and One for All.." Thus came the gathering of the Saints who will do battle against the army of Darkness and usher in The Kingdom of GOD upon the Earth. After the gathering of the Church..in the land where the Motto is... Seek You First the Kingdom of GOD...., they set forth to win the hearts and minds of the people. They set forth to send out the good news of the Kingdom of GOD through-out the world. Meanwhile, GODly people were chosen to represent The Kingdom of GOD through a political party to run in an upcoming election so that the Kingdom of GOD may establish a beginning, a foothold upon the world. During these elections, oh what a battle to win the hearts and minds of people with those who love not GOD and His ways. Who love and want to maintain the status quo of our present economic-Capitalist systems. Men will take sides against the other. Husbands will be against wives, brothers will be against sisters, daughter-in law against her mother-in-law. There will be much infighting in one's own household because of these elections. But the Truth will prevail in the end and the people will vote for The Kingdom of GOD. Oh what a Great Day that will be! As you can see, it is not a battle of might by force, but a battle of free choice.

Note; Not necessarily in chronological order.

All the various Christian denominations join in unity for the establishment of GOD's Kingdom. They accept me as their guide. Work begins in earnest. The beginning of a Great Day. GODly people are put in place to represent the Kingdom of GOD through a political party. The Envoy of GOD will guide the political leader who will lead the party to Victory. The U.S.A. and RUSSIA are friends now, but will not remain friends for long. When all the Church's are ready to take up the Holy Testament and Unite as One so that the battle for the Kingdom of GOD may begin and win the hearts and minds of People, so that people will want to change this present social, economic system to the Will of GOD. Those who love the Capitalist system will put up a strong fight at any cost to prevent this from happening but the Word of GOD will have prevailed and win the harts and minds of the majority of the people. The establishment of the Kingdom of GOD finds its beginning through the democratic process by an election. Many people and nations are happy because they want to become part of GOD's Kingdom. Other countries retreat and try to wage an international boycott against the Kingdom of GOD. That will last for only a short time because it hurts those countries more then the people of GOD's Kingdom. Changing from a Capitialist, monetary system was not easy, but people were good enough to put up with the slight inconvienience while the change-over was made.The change-over is now compleat. People know now how much better theKingdom of GOD is compaired to any other social system. Now that othernations see the BENNIFITS and great difference in the social-economic system of GOD's Kingdom, they want their country to become partners with The Kingdom of GOD. This benifits both countries and people by shairing the natural resources, goods and services to benifit all people in GOD's Kingdom. The Church is restored fully, respect and total devotion is given to The Church of GOD, our Heavenly Father by the population. All members of the familly are given an abundance of Stature, Respect, Power and Support that they no longer have to solicite for funds from the public as in the days of old. The Church and soceity will be much like in the days of AKHENATEN, or.. in the concept of a Shan-gri-La, except that it shall be representing Father, and His Kingdom on Earth and it shall stand for all time. GOD's Kingdom expands rapidly throughtout the world because its system puts the needs of its people first and foremost. All people are treated fairly without discrimination or prejudice.People are no longer stressed out or burdened by life worries of the past economic systems.

The time has come when those who love not GOD and His Kingdom on Earth have gathered together for a last stand. They have no where else to retreat upon the Earth. The Anti-Christ and his cohorts play their last final hand. This happens in the land of the east. Oh what a battle this is! This is the first time that blood has been shed. The Anti-Christ and his army are a very powerful force that for a while it seems that they may win, but alas, Father moves some people of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Shinto to come to the aid of the Saints. From here on, the tide has turned and the battle is won. Oh what a GREAT DAY this is. From this day onward; We, who have fought together have become brothers in the Father. Kingdom of GOD is now compleat. All the people of the world are now free of hunger, poverty, wars and oppression. We can now concentrate to explore the universe to establish new colonies for the expansion of Humanity. We are greatly helped by our brothers from beyond our solar system. What a Great Day! Is this the time frame where I go home to be with Father? If it is, then my work is done. You do not need me any more, for you know what you must do. Just promise me that you will not let anything happen to the congregation of Father as I have seen at the start. Forever stay together, never let what has happened in the past ever happen again. Humanity depends on you even when they may not think so. Look to the past.. The Kingdom of GOD shall stand for a 1000 years. People are becoming to think that they are GODs because of their ability of being able to use the power of mind over matter. This is the beginning of an era where people begin to fall away from the Church and GOD. News is given to the people from space lab that the sun is in distress. That it is beginning to swell and is causing floods and devastation upon planet Earth. People now realize too late that this is what would happen when they forsake GOD. They did not believe the Church or the Holy Testament and Revelations in the New Testament of old. People now flock back to Worship GOD for their salvation. The people are told that it is now too late to do anything to save the planet Earth because all things have been set into motion. They are told that they will now have to evacuate the planet for having forsaken the Will of GOD. This is their Judgement from GOD to teach Humanity the final lesson. The building of star ships continues as others leave the planet Earth. It is a great task to move an entire planet to other parts of the universe. The floods have gone, but now there is a great heat that everywhere it is becoming a desert. Sun continue's to swell into a Red Giant. Meteors begin to fall on planet Earth.

Meteors fall more frequently on planet Earth. They are now large enough that they hit the planet as large as a persons hand. They are now called fire-bombs because they are like molten rocks. People can no longer live above ground. Expansion of underground cites must be made while star ships must continue to be built. Sun continues to expand.... This makes walking on the surface very difficult. One needs special suites that can withstand the high heat. Special vehicle must be used to withstand the meteor showers. Sun continues to expand... Most of the people have now left planet Earth. It is becoming impossible to live on the planet. The last star ship is being made ready to leave planet Earth. Hope is that they will be far enough away from the solar system to be safe when the sun begins its rapid growth. Sun begins its rapid growth. It engulfs Venus, Mars, Earth and continues to engulf the rest of the solar system. The Sun explodes... then implodes on itself and becomes a death star.

Heavenly Jerusalem of the Future

The people who were able to leave planet Earth to establish a new civilization have learned their lesson for life. They dare no longer to ever test or forsake GOD and His Church again. The people of the future will respect The Holy Book of the Testament's and The Church of GOD and it shall stand for all time. We were saved by our Extraterrestrial brothers who were sent by GOD for our salvation. This was done only because Humanity made a vow never to forsake The Creator, our Heavenly Father again.

I can not see beyond the years 8000 AD


I was standing in a sea of clouds during meditation when I beheld a man mounted on a horse emerge from the mist of clouds. He wore a vestment that seemed to be soaked in the blood. In one hand he held a lance with the Banner of GOD upon it. In his other hand he held a book, A book which was written upon it, The Holy Testament. Now The Bible is complete.. You have the Book of the Father, the Book of the Son and now the Book of the Holy Spirit. There he stood as I heard a chorus of a thousand Angles sing the Holy Song. He has come to call all the Saints for the battle to win the hearts and minds of people on planet Earth. Then I heard him, who was carrying the Banner of GOD call out in a loud, strong voice.... " Are there any Church of GOD who will join me in the battle for the Kingdom of GOD?"...But no one answered the call.. So the rider called out two more times but still there was no answer to his call. Then I saw the Heavenly Angles weep at what had transpired. Then the rider who held The banner of GOD said to the Heavenly Angles..." Cry not... I shall go upon a Nation and see if I can find people who are True to GOD, our Father. All is not yet lost." Then I saw the rider who carried The Banner of GOD ride off on a path of clouds that lead to the gate of a Country where their Motto is...Seek You First the Kingdom of GOD, a rock upon the sea. There he dismounted his horse and stabbed the lance with the Banner of GOD into the ground. " I shall start my walk from here..." said the one who held the Holy Testament. Then I saw the one with The Holy Testament walk on a highway that stretched from sea to sea in search for GODly people. I saw that he had gathered only a few thousand people in the entire land who he found were True and Faithful. But these were not enough to overthrow a Government through the democratic election process. There were likewise many other groups of the Faithful through-out the world came to have the same experience. Then at an appointed time, all the Faithful throughout the world, who walked and stood by the one who has the Seal of GOD upon his heart, were bodily lifted up via spaceships by our Extraterrestrial Brothers to take all those who remained Faithful to GOD, our Heavenly Father, and to our Beloved Brother Yeshua, to a new planet so that they may establish the Kingdom of GOD and continue the existence of the Human Race. This is the vision that I have seen concerning the Second Path.

Note; Not necessarily in chronological order.

The Church's reject The Holy Testament and me as their guide. I begin the long walk.... Despite all my efforts the people do not respond to what Father has to say. These people represent a good cross-section of the people of the world. Yet they choose to ignore The Holy Testament except for a small group of people who are Faithful to Father.

Russia looses faith in the Capitalist System and revert back to a form of a Social system they yet do not know a path to take. They are in a state of bewilderment. The space station that is being built that will look like a shining star in the night sky will fall into the Mediterranean Sea near Corsica after it is completed. People will come to realize that the Established Religions are phony. The middle east flares up to great tension. A very nervous peace will last for only a short while. That nation Israel, is beginning to split- up and fragment causing great turmoil and destruction. People feel that they have been deceived by their Christian church's and Governments. People throughout the world start to verbally persecute all of the established religions. Many nations feel the effects of an economic collapse. The cashless system is set in place. The Mark of the Beast system begins. A great uprising breaks loose upon the nations of Europe and the Americas. There is much infighting in the Vatican. But it is laid to rest by a strong forceful hand. The society is drifting further away from GOD and of His Will. All religious institution are under attack because of their deceptions. People leave the Christian churches until there is no sense to keep on going. Taxes are being levied upon all Church property that they are forced to shut-down and sell many of the Churches, land titles and infer-structures. They experience a great lack of funds to keep them going. The Vatican's collapse has come. People of Rome enter the Vatican and pillage it of all its treasure and then torch it to the ground. They kill all of the priests and anybody connected with the religious establishment. This sparks people of other countries to do likewise with their local church. Any person who admit they belong to a religion is regarded a fool and are persecuted and killed by the general population. The tolerance by the people to religion is very low. Many people are afflicted and die a horrible death during this time. The Moslem sect Shi-ites will start an unholy war and call it a Jihad. They shall march against Israel and then spread out against Europe. All of the European countries will be involved in this war. Russia will side with the Moslems. China will try to take over control during this conflict. Many other countries will be pulled into this war as it is progressing towards World War III. Father instructs me to guide the members to go to our appointed place where we will be bodily lifted up via some means of levitation from spaceships that Father has sent for us. These are our Extraterrestrial Brothers, The Shinning Ones. During this time frame, a Great shaking on the planet earth is causing Great Floods and Earthquakes. They become ever more frequently as time passes. Great land mass are sunk beneath the Sea. The stars seem like they are falling to earth because of the sudden shift of planet earth. America is split in two by an inland sea. People are forced to fight to obtain food and fresh clean water from other countries. There are many outbreaks of small wars in the cities that begins to quench people's taste for violence. Every country will become involved. In the meantime, we are under the protection of Father's Hand from those who may want to harm us. During this time frame, The Shinning Ones have arrived to our appointed time. Three spacecraft hover over our designated area to take us on board. But some star ships are being attacked by military personal. All are quickly subdued by the two Star ships (space craft) who guard the one who is taking us on board. When the one star ship take all the people that they can, another spacecraft takes its place in rotation until all three crafts are loaded. All the individual spaceships return to the Mother ship. We leave planet Earth on the Mother ship to our new destination.

World War III erupts. Three quarters of the world population die during the duration of this awful war. One third of the world population will die from the direct nuclear bombing, the rest will die from starvation and sickness. There is very little left standing of the infer-structures. Food and clean water is very hard to come by these days. Sickness will continue to spread throughout the world. No one on planet Earth will be spared of these devastations. Law and order breaks down everywhere that nobody is safe from gang rule. People form into small clans for protection against the raiders. Many of these clans die at the hands of these raiders. The Spaceships have come back, but this time it is a whole armada that has come to put what humanity is left on planet Earth out of their misery. They destroy the whole planet.....

Meanwhile; We, who have been found to be faithful to Father,s Will had left planet Earth. We are taken to another planet that has the same atmosphere as planet earth. There we are given many provisions for our existence on this new planet. Here we are to re-establish the human race and build the New Heavenly Jerusalem for the Honour and Glory of GOD, our Heavenly Father. Thus Humanity starts anew and establish Father,s Kingdom on a new planet.


I was standing in a sea of clouds during meditation when I beheld a man mounted on a horse emerge from the mist of clouds. He wore a vestment that seemed to be soaked in the blood. In his hand he held a lance with the Banner of GOD upon it. There he stood as I heard a chorus of a thousand Angles sing The Holy Song. He has come to call all the Saints for the battle to win the hearts and minds of people on planet Earth. Then I heard him, who was carrying the Banner of GOD call out in a loud, strong voice.... " Are there any Church's who will join me in the battle for the Kingdom of GOD? " After a little while... I heard a great loud sound of thunder as riders came forth from the mist carrying banners that represent most of the Christian denominations. They all stopped a fair distance away from the one who was carrying The Banner of GOD. So he took out Scrolls of The Holy Testament from a pouch and gave one to each of the riders who was present. Then he waited for their action. Would these have the Faith and Courage for the Great Mission? Then I heard them talk between their individual groups as to what they intended to do. Then each rider rode off to go their separate ways. All the Heavenly Angles bowed their heads and said a silent prayer. Then the rider who held The banner of GOD said to the Heavenly Angles..." The time has come for me to go upon a Nation and see if I can find people who are True to GOD, our Father. Then I saw the rider who carried The Banner of GOD ride off on a path of clouds that lead to the gate of a Country where their Motto is... Seek You First the Kingdom of GOD... who claim to be GODly people, who are a good cross-section of people who represent people of the whole planet Earth. If there are any True GODly People there, he will find them, or they will find him. Then I saw him walking on a ribbon of highway that stretched forth like a giant snake across the land...from sea to sea... Here he walks across the whole of the Country, to find GODly people, and those who know not GOD or of His Kingdom of Heaven and of Earth. He will gather those who have the Faith, Courage and Trust to follow him to fight for The Kingdom of GOD here on Earth and share in the Glory and Love of GOD, our Heavenly Father and of our Beloved Brother Yeshua.

This is the vision of the Third path that I have seen.

Note; Not necessarily in chronological order.

Russia looses faith in the Capitalist System and revert back to a form of a Social system they yet do not know a path to take. They are in a state of bewilderment. The time has come where I must start the journey and go amongst the people to find those who are willing to forsake this world and follow the Light and do what must be done. For the Light is our Heavenly Father who loves us to no end. I begin the long journey of walking the whole length of this vast country. This is done so that I may find the lost and those who have lost hope. To use as a calling card for people to recognize, Father has given me a vestment in a vision for me to wear. A large following of people come to seek my comfort as I walk to the west. Progress in my walk is slow because of the many people who stop me to enlighten them of the good news that has come from The Father, our Creator. Many people fall out and leave those church's who believe not in me. For it is in vain that they call out to Father or my Beloved Brother Yeshua and expect to be heard. These church's die a slow death by the loss of their life's blood which are the flock. For the flock know who is the True Shepherd and follow him. Those Church's who believe in me shall remain in the fold and those who are lost will find a new home in them. The new political party is formed that will represent The Kingdom of GOD. Representatives of the party will be GODly people who are chosen by the Envoy. Party system is put into place for the upcoming federal election. The party for The Kingdom of GOD is running in the election. Election is won by a very large majority by the party of GOD's Kingdom. The press had a field day during the election. Now the World is watching and waiting in great anticipation in how everything starts to unfold. People who love GOD are not disappointed at what they see. Those who lust for economic and or political power cringe at the sight of this event. They will cry out saying..." Mourn, mourn for the Capitalist and monetary system.. all was doomed in just a single hour when the election results came in. Now there is weeping and gashing of teeth and pulling of hair in their distress over her death among all the traders and bankers of the world when there is nobody left to buy their cargoes of goods, their stocks and bonds and their gold has all become now just worthless to these who cannot make a profit by exploiting the people. All the efforts they had set upon their hearts are now of no use to them. Their wealth of money and gold has failed them. For GOD had the crimes of the Capitalist and monetary systems in mind, and He

has condemned it. Gone for ever, never to return again will that evil economic system live, for it shall be put to death for all time. No longer will people exploit another person as they have done to make their lives of ease and magnificence. All the Bankers and traders who made a fortune on the backs of the poor through the Capitalist and monetary system will be standing at a safe distance in fear. They will be in agony, mourning and weeping as that economic system is being dismantled and the Kingdom of GOD stands in its place. The beginning of the kingdom of GOD is now being established. People are joyous in this new found social system. Other countries want to become part of GOD's Kingdom. I go to these countries to help them establish and unite them into GOD' Kingdom. The walls of boarders are taken down for now we are One. People are free to move about as one country. The time has come when those who love not GOD and His Kingdom on Earth have gathered together for a last stand for they have no where else to retreat upon the Earth. The Anti-Christ and his cohorts play their last final hand. This happens in the land of the east. Oh what a battle this is! This is the first time that blood has been shed. The Anti-Christ and his army are a very powerful force that for a while it seems that they may win, but alas, Father moves some people of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Shinto to come to the aid of the Saints. From here on end the tide has turned and the battle is won. Oh what a GREAT DAY this is. From this day onward, we who have fought together have become brothers in the Father. Is this the time frame where I go home to be with Father? I shall miss all my Brothers and Sisters, but I hope you are happy for me. I have done what Father wanted me to do, to help you get back on the right track, to guide you through to the establishment of Father's Kingdom on Earth. I shall not be here in body when the Kingdom of GOD is fully established, but you are well on your way. You do not really need me now. You know THE WAY. Do not weep for me, for I shall see you all when we will be together in Father,s House. I shall greet you at the door. The Kingdom of GOD is now compleat. All the people of the world are now free of hunger, poverty, wars and oppression. Humanity can now concentrate to explore the universe in unrest to establish new colonies for the expansion of Humanity. We are greatly helped by our brothers from beyond our solar system. What a Great Day this will be! The Kingdom of GOD shall stand for a 1000 years. People are becoming to perceive that they are GODs because of their ability of being able to use the power of mind over matter. This is the beginning of an era where people begin to fall away from the Church and GOD.

News is given to the people from space lab that the sun is in distress. That it is beginning to swell and is causing floods and devastation upon planet Earth. People now realize too late that this is what would happen when they forsake GOD. They did not believe the Church or the Holy Testament and Revelations in the New Testament of old. People now flock back to Worship GOD for their salvation. The people are told that it is now too late to do anything to save the planet Earth because all things have been set into motion. They are told that they will now have to evacuate the planet for having forsook the Will of GOD. This is their Judgement from GOD to teach Humanity the final lesson. The building of star ships continues as others leave the planet Earth. It is a great task to move an entire planet to other parts of the universe. The floods have gone, but now there is a great heat that everywhere it is becoming a desert. Sun continue's to swell into a Red Giant. Meteors begin to fall on planet Earth. Meteors fall more frequently on planet Earth. They are now large enough that they hit the planet as large as a persons hand. They are now called fire bombs because they are like molten rocks. People can no longer live above ground. Expansion of underground city must be made while star ships must continue to be built. Sun continues to expand.... This makes walking on the surface very difficult. One needs special suites that can withstand the high heat. Special vehicle must be used to withstand the meteor showers. Sun continues to expand... Most of the people have now left planet Earth. It is becoming impossible to live on the planet. Last star ship is being made ready to leave planet Earth. Hope is that they will be far enough away from the solar system to be safe when the sun begins its rapid growth. Sun begins its rapid growth. It engulfs Venus, Mars, Earth and continues to engulf the rest of the solar system. The Sun explodes then implode into a death star.

Heavenly Jerusalem of the Future

People of planet Earth have learned their lesson for life. They dare no longer to ever forsake GOD and His Church. The people of the future will respect The Holy Book of the Testament's and The Church of GOD and stand for all time. We were saved by our Extraterrestrial brothers who were sent by GOD for our salvation. This was done only because Humanity made a vow never to forsake The Creator, our Heavenly Father again.

I can not see beyond the years 8000 AD

********** Insight **********

Humility is a True sign of Nobility


A person from a Christian Church asked me..." Would you be our High Priest? " And I answered him.." I will be your High Priest and lead you into the knowledge that Father has given me. Therefore, Love and Worship Father, who is The Creator and praise my Beloved Brother Yeshua who died for the transgression of your sins. Accept all your brothers and sisters of the faith, of people of all religions regardless of their colour, sex, lifestyle or culture. I would be more than happy to help you find it in you heart to love all your fellow brothers and sisters who are on the path of Enlightment. Can you Love those who may be of a different race, culture or religion? Or who may be within our own Faith ? Can you respect all religions outside our Faith? For we are all on the same journey in becoming "One" with our Heavenly Father. Those who seek to do the Will of GOD. I would be more than happy to help you find it in your heart to love all your fellow brothers and sisters who seek Father. For if you can not do this thing, then I cannot be your High Priest. I will not even want to see you let alone know you, for you are not of Father's or of our Beloved Brother's Yeshua Spirit and heart. We, who seek Father's face, must stay together and be a strong force against unGODly people, as you would find in a family. Know that if you hold a single arrow, how easy it is to break it in half, but try to do the same thing with a handful of arrows and see if you can now break the bunch. But this "Christian" could not bring himself to love all the brothers and sisters within or without the faith because he had a racist heart. Therefore I said to him." I will not become your High Priest. I will cut you off myself and it will be in vain for you, as a corrupt religion that you or your followers Worship or Pray to Father or praise my Beloved Brother Yeshua... for They shall turn a deaf ear to all of you Rebels. You who are racists, intolerant to other religions and unforgiving. You have allow your heart to harden and grow cold as you find those of past ages. You shall become an outcast and have no ear to Father, or to our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Those who believe in Father shall be fully satisfied. Those who believe not in Father, are in for a very rude awakening!"

********** Insight **********

Not all people can see the forest, for the trees are in the way....


A person asked of me..." When we go out to find the lost and the desolate, and we encounter people who are not of our religion.. what do we do? " I answered and said..." If they know or Love Yeshua, then they know and Love Father. Share your joy with them and speak of GOD's coming Kingdom on Earth. Do not try to covert or persuade these to break from their religion, for that is what a thief would do. We are One Family under Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. But if you meet people who belong to no religion, treat them as the lost and the desolate and put them on the right true path for their sake. Do not argue with them, just tell them the facts and let them decide of their own accord on what spiritual road they choose to take. What do you do when you meet people who belong to another religion? First, give your respect to those who belong to another religion. Then share your joy because they seek Enlightment and Goodness. See and compare what you have in common between the two religions. In this way, you will have shared your faith with them without offending them. They will decide or judge in their heart which of the two is True. You may also find that most things are in common except for names or the way they express a teaching. The difference you may find is the expression of their culture, yet the teaching gives the same message or lesson. Learn from one another... There are many who walk among you that know not the Love of Father or our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Go out to seek those, for they are truly lost and desolate in Spirit. The harvest field is far and wide. There are still plenty of people who feel that they have no hope, who are broken hearted, who are blind to the Truth and who have turned a deaf ear to every religion. Go and be a good farmer, a sower and harvester.

********** Insight ***********

After you have managed to gather all the material goods or wealth that you may want...you find out that you are still not satisfied.


One day I went to see a person who's life aim was to collect things. This person had collected so many material things that it took up most of the space in his apartment. As I looked upon the many things this person had collected, I picked up a plate and examined it. At this, the man said that it is his pride and joy. I tapped the plate on a marble table and the plate promptly shattered into a hundred pieces. Upon seeing the shattered plate, the man went wild with rage and exclaimed that the plate was worth twenty thousand dollars. I looked at the man as he was trying to fit the pieces together on the floor. I asked him. " Do you not think that placing such a high value on such a plate that can shatter into a hundred fragments is not foolish? Is it not better to invest in things that cannot shatter, break, rust or wear out? Look about you... You collect things that are of no value to GOD, your Heavenly Father. How sad I find your situation. Come, and I will help you find things of True worth. Walk away from all the things that you have here, and come with me. But the only thing the person could do was to crouch on the floor, picking up the broken pieces of the plate ever so gently, as tears ran down that person's eyes. I looked at this person with sadness as I walked away and left the man with his pride and joy.

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There is nothing that GOD has yet not seen that can not be forgiven.


I heard a person say to another who was burning a candle upon the alter of incense. "Why are you burning this candle..it has impurities mixed with the wax..?" Thereupon I said to the complainer.."Do not worry about the impurities that is within the wax of the candle, for the flame will purify as the wax melts, just as the Flame will purify your heart and soul when it melts all that is impure in you.


Look upon a rose bush in the winter time. It's stems look dreary and lifeless that it becomes so uninviting because of its many thorns. But when spring and summer arrive, look now upon the rose bush. What do you see? Oh how green are the stems, its beautiful green leaves and what flowers with its heavenly scent that draws people to it, despite the thorns. It is likewise that people shun the Word of GOD because they can only see the stark stems and its thorns. But those who Love Father, can see its beauty of His Words and Will. Once people can also see the beauty that is there, they too will not be able to resist its Vision and scent. They shall come to it, smell it and clasp its flower to their heart. Know now what you have, and cherish it. For the Kingdom of GOD is much like the rose bush, and in its proper time, it shall blossom, and come to full bloom.

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Do not pre-judge a book by its cover for you may find out that you were wrong in your original assessment after you have heard or read its story.


During my meditation, I asked Father, " how would people know I am your Envoy? " and Father replied to me... " Those who know Me, will know that you are different from the common man. They shall see you in a way that they will know who you are. That you have been sent from My Hand. But to those who believe not in Me.. you shall make a vestment from your own hands according to My Instructions and use it as your calling card. Then these people will have no doubt as to who you are representing. First, wear an undershirt that of Royal Violet. Next, put on a shirt that is red in colour. Over this you shall wear a tunic, burgundy in colour. Now make a garment to cover the lower part of the body in such a way that it will represent both male and female. Make the upper portion of this garment to represent the male. this will be blue in colour. The female portion shall be of bright blue. Under this garment, it shall be red in colour. Next you shall wear a cape, the colour of burgendy red as if it was soaked in blood. On its edges, have golden fringes up and down. Next you shall make a rope sash of golden color to go around your waist three times. Let the ends hang over your right hip. Over all of this you shall wear an outer garment, blue in color. It shall hang from your shoulders to your calf. Now you shall make a bag for yourself so that you may carry some personal effects. On your feet you shall wear sandels or boots made of leather. Around your ankle you shall braid three strands of leather braided together to represent your loyality to Me, and the binding of religion and politics together that will represent My Kingdom. Now tie the braided leather lace around your ankle. It should remind you of your binding to Me alone. When all this is done, you shall then make an Emblem that shall be My Seal for you.

The Emblem and the Seal

"Fashion an emblem upon your Ephod on the left side above your heart. It is to be a white Dove. Now have a golden disk around the Dove's head to represent that it is Holy. The Dove represents the Holy Spirit that is within you. Now have seven flames that emanate from the Dove. They are to represent the seven atribrutes that are Holy to Me. This shall be the emblem that I am with all who are with you from this time onward. It shall be MY Spirit to you that will be stamped in your mind, in your heart and upon your person so that all the people and all My Heavenly Angels may know you are My Chosen One. Now on the right side of your Ephod, at the base of your ribcage, have a flower that is a Red Rose placed there. This is to remind you and all who follow you of the Rosebush story that represent My Kingdom on Earth that you shall establish if people choose to do My Will. Keep My seventh day Sabbath Day Holy until I give you a New Sabbath Day when My Kingdom shall be established on Earth. This is My Seal to you and all who follow you." After my meditation, I went to work at once to fashion all that Father has told me to do. I do not have these skills to do this task but I trust Father will guide my hand to make these things.

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Never look upon a challenge, and say you can not do it until you have given your best effort.


During my meditation asked Father," how would people know I am your Envoy?" and Father replied to me..." Those who know Me, will know that you are different from the common man. They shall see you in a way that they will know who you are, that you have been sent from My Hand. But to those who know not, nor believe in Me.. you shall make a vestment from your own hands according to My Instructions and use it as your calling card. Then these people will have no doubt as to who you are representing. I fashioned the garments and Emblem according to Father's instructions. I did not find it difficult to make these things. Everything more or less just fell into place. Finding all the material for the work just came to me so to speak. I did not have to hunt for them, they more or less found me. I hope my handiwork is good enough for Father. To me, the work turned out far better than I ever expected, given that I never did anything like this before. I tried everything on, and it all fitted well. I went into my prayer chamber where the Alter of Incense and The Scrolls are kept, to meditate and show Father my work for His approval. Father was well pleased with the results, though I believe He had a good part in helping me put all this together. I shall wear these when Father tells me the time to put these on. I asked Father a question that had been bothering me for quite some time..." Father..I have been hearing people say many things about me... not directly to me because they do not have the courage to face me, but more like behind my back, yet I seem to know what they are thinking. What I want to know is who am I, Father. I know who I am right here and now, but who am I...? Ever since I was seven years old, I always had that feeling that there was more to me then what was apparent. It always seem like I am who I am and yet I'm not. Help me understand what this is all about.. Please Father... will You shed some light to my question ?" And Father said to me..." My son, do not concern yourself with this question, for you will know in due time. Just be content to be as you are, I will reveal all when the time is right." I then knelt down in front of the Altar and lit another stick of Frankincense & Myrrh incense, saying... "May the stench of this worldly system, be replaced by the sweet fragrance of Your Kingdom, Father.."

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Most people measure themselves by the Degrees they have obtained or by the Wealth they have gathered. But I measure myself by how I relate with other people and to GOD.


Do not measure yourself by others as they do in our present society. Rather, measure yourself by what you can do, what you can accomplish. Do all that you do to the best of your ability so that you may be pleased with your accomplishments. This idea of pitting one person against another in school, work or at play is much like the notion of every man for himself or look out for number One, and damn the rest of the people.. .as is the case in our present worldly societies. We must re-learn working together as a team to accomplish a goal as you would have in The Kingdom of GOD. All people have worth in life. If you interact with others you have already have found your worth. All people are a value to somebody in friendship, at work, as a family member or to the new society in GOD's Kingdom. The only time a person has no worth, is when a person is one that lives like a living dead. For even in death, your body has worth to the things in the ground. But a person who lives, yet is dead is of little worth. Then there are those who live only to destroy or hurt other people. Who will murder for self gain, who have no conscience, these are of no value to society. Therefore, let not your worth be determined by the standards of this worldly capitalist, monetary social predatory system. See and believe in the standards that your Heavenly Father has set for you. You are of great worth to Father as you are to His Kingdom in Heaven and Earth. Pick yourself up and let not others determine your worth set by their standards. How do you measure the worth of Love? How do you measure the worth of Friendship? How do you measure the worth of Kindness? And how do you measure the worth of Understanding? These cannot be measured by the monetary standards of this world, for no amount of money can purchase these things.

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Nothing can be accomplished if everybody waits for others to start something.


Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name

Your Kingdom come, Your Will may be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our transgressions, as we forgive those who transgressed against us.

And lead us not into tribulation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is The Kingdom, The Power, and The Glory, of Everlasting life.


May the stench of this worldly system, be replaced by the sweet fragrance of Your Kingdom, Father

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When people stop Worshipping and interact in respect, and live together as Brothers and Sisters, they will perish together as fools.


During one night as I was in a deep sleep, I had a dream where I found myself standing on a hill overlooking a great plain. To my right I saw a Beast with two heads. Each head was different from the other but they shared the one body. One head, and it was the greater of the two, was that of a Great Ram. It had many markings on its great curved horns. On its horns were embedded diamonds, ruby, jade and pearls. Around its neck hung golden chains with many crests. Many a fine cloth of silk and satin draped its back. The second head was the lesser of the two, though it was quick and had great power. Its horns were like two daggers, short, strait and slender. Its horns were bloodied, and looked to me a head of a goat. In its mouth was contracts, dollar bills and gold coins. Around its neck hung a chain of iron with thousands of steel hooks attached to it. On each hook was the heads of men, woman, children and even babies. The body of this beast was that of an elephant. On its shoulder, there was a great scar where at one time there was a great wound. On its side was the seal of the beast. It had six dollar sign's, six percentage marks and six gold bars. This beast had many crowns upon its back. It had total dominion over the entire world, and all were a slave to it. No one could obtain anything without its seal. Nothing could be bought or sold or be done without the stamp of its seal. Everything and everyone was under its seal. This beast was of a very great age that nobody questioned its supremacy. It was in fact, the Supreme King of the world. Then I saw coming from a distance, what looked to be a white Unicorn. A Unicorn with large beautiful wings and a single long slender horn upon its head. Where it came from, I do not know. The only thing that the Unicorn had, was a silver chain around its neck with the Seal of GOD that hung from it. As the Unicorn came close to the beast, the beast reared up on its hind legs and made a great noise. The Unicorn only looked straight into the eyes of this beast as it stamped its hoof upon the ground. This shook the ground so much that it rippled through the ground like an earthquake, causing the beast to loose its balance and the beast stumbled down, breaking one of its great curved horn. After a little while, the beast got up and it was angry. Then the beast charged at the Unicorn..but the Unicorn stood its ground and lowered its head as it spread its huge wings out. This caused the beast to stop short as it reared up to stomp the Unicorn to death, but the Unicorn sprang forward as it lifted its head and caused its long single horn to impale the beast through its heart. As the beast came crashing down, it broke the Unicorn's single long horn. But the damage was done, the beast laid upon the ground gasping its last breath. Then all who was there to witness it all came forth to put a crown upon the Unicorn.


The head of the Ram symbolize wealth, greed, vanity and pride. The horns represents its power. The markings on its horns are the marks and of the beast, for one feeds the other for its survival. The goat's head symbolize Capitalism, and all other worldly Social Systems that exist. The money and gold coins in its mouth is what it feeds upon. The iron chain around its neck symbolize its hardness to all people it deals with. The thousands of heads that are impaled upon steel hooks who cry out in their anguish are the goat's victims. The bloody horns are the many people who had shed their blood on account of the Goat. Now the huge body is of the Beast that symbolize the tainted, foul thing we call the monetary system. Its seals are the things it has placed its values upon, such things as Gold, Diamonds, Money and Earthly materialism. Thus the stamp of the Dollar Sign is its greatest seal which represents the monetary system itself. The scar on the Beast was from a near fatal wound it received during the big monetary crash in the era of 1929 AD that brought about The Great Depression that has now healed. Now the Unicorn symbolize the Kingdom of GOD on Earth. The Beast has dominion over the whole world from age to age. But when the era has come to its end, when the full time is at hand. The Unicorn's great white wings is its hidden power. It is the power of Freedom. In this end time frame of the foul, evil system, GOD send's His Chosen One to lead the great battle against the Beast. Now when the beast saw the Unicorn, it tried to intimidate and frighten the Unicorn by its display of rearing on its two hind legs as a show of strength. But the Unicorn was not moved by this, and in its stead, stamped its hoof in utter defiance, which caused the ground to shudder and the beast to fall down and break one of its horns. This is when the Kingdom of GOD establish its birth, a foothold upon the world. This causes the Capitalist and Monetary System to stumble and loose some of its wealth and pride from the beast. It looses some of its power by the broken horn, which is the loss of Capitalism and the Monetary system's power over the people. This continues for a little while until the beast recovers somewhat from the fall and gets up to fight the Unicorn. This will be the final battle between the Kingdom of GOD and what is left of the Capitalist, and all other forms of social systems that are part of the body of the Beast. This is symbolized by the death of the beast, when the old world ends.. and the New World of GOD's Kingdom shall stand for ever. The breaking of the Unicorn's horn symbolize that all wars and the need of weapons will come to an end. No longer will disagreements be solved by wars or violence. Once the Kingdom Of GOD become's the Social System through out the world, the Kingdom of GOD shall prevail and will become the sole representative of a new global society. It shall replace the global Monetary and All social systems of the past. When The Kingdom Of GOD will represent the world, its system, the Kingdom of GOD, shall be Crowned as the sole rulership of the people for ever more by all the rulers of all the various countries of the world. Thus ends the Interpretation of the Dream.


Path 1: Missed Opportunity;

Dearly Beloved in Yeshua and Father.. I know that I can expect being mocked by people during the journey that I must make, just as Yeshua and His disciples and All who believed had witnessed being mocked in their time. I had hoped that this journey would not have been necessary. But now it has. It is plain to me that those who have drank from the Cup of the Holy Testament have chosen to reject me as their guide. I weep for those who I had touched or hugged and believe not in me or The Holy Testament. How sad to know that they have chosen to forsake Father's Will. Oh Father, please forgive them. I pray that this was done out of ignorance or because they did not have the Faith and Courage that they thought they had. Or that it may be that they believe not in me for who I may be, that I am not what they expected as the image of one who You have chosen, Father. I can understand where they are coming from just as I can understand the people's mind when they mocked my Beloved Brother Yeshua when he walked upon the Earth. They are no different then the Pharisees or Sadducees of old and all those people who rejected and spoke against the one who You Father, sent to save their people just as those who will mock and speak against the one who You, Father has sent in our present time. May they find out that they are wrong in their judgment of me and not be so quick to condemn those of old now that they have walked in their shoes. Oh how little has Humanity advanced to Your Light Father. Please Father, do not Judge these too harshly for my sake. Please remember that they have done this out of ignorance, only because they are yet not mature in mind to perceive the full Truth. But let those who claim to represent You, Father and my Beloved Brother Yeshua...who are found to have a false heart, who seek not to do Your Will knowing the Truth, Judge them as You see fit. I shall separate those who pretend to be GODly People from those who are True. And I shall write their names in the book for all to see. In vain do they pray to You, Father, or my Beloved Brother Yeshua, for they shall not be heard and I shall not know them. How glorious it might have been, had Path 1, had been chosen. Had All the Church's proven to be True... their joy would have had no end. I say this because Path 1 has now been torn out from the Book of Life. That Grace has been torn asunder and shall never appear again. Now, only Path 2 or Path 3 are left for people to choose and take. How sad that these who thought that they could reject You Father, only to find out in the end, that they have only managed to fool themselves. Have they forgotten so quickly that You, Father and Yeshua and I are One? That it was I who called out to them? That I took them into my heart so that they may find peace and comfort? Am I that horrible a person that none would take the time or bother to seek me? Have I not made it easy for them to find me? Have I not shared in the Worship to You, Father in their church? Say not that I did not give them the time and chance to get to know me. Now; I weep for those who have condemned themselves to Your Judgement and Everlasting Death.

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A Church must die in order for it to be Reborn. Just as you must die from your former self to become a new person.


When my Beloved Brother Yeshua made the New Covenant with His Brethren, during The Last Supper. The full knowledge of the New Covenant was yet not with the disciples after Yeshua rose to be with Father. That is why Yeshua told his disciples that a time would come, when Father would reveal at the proper time, Greater Enlightment to All who are Faithful to Father and my Beloved Brother Yeshua. Now, according to Father, the time has come to present to you, Beloved, The Ark of the New Covenant. Know now, that with the New Covenant, and the knowledge contained within the Holy Testament, you are entering into the Holy Order of Father, and of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. I tell you that from this day, you are set free from all the guilt and inequities of the past when you enter The New Covenant that Yeshua has made for you. I came to guide you only because My Beloved Brother Yeshua loves you so much that He asked Father to send me to you. You are to become a Holy People to be an example to those who are in darkness so that they may see the Full Light. You, who believe in me and follow the Holy Testament shall now be called...The People of the Holy Testament. We are the "People of the HOLY TESTAMENT". Look not upon people who follow other Religions with contempt, for they are walking towards the Light, Truth and Understanding of Father at their own pace. Give them that freedom as we are given the freedom to forge ahead. Those who seek Truth, Peace, Rest, Forgiveness, Justice and Everlasting Life, let them come unto me through my Beloved Brother Yeshua. Therefore; Let us become "The Temple" the "Ark of the New Covenant". It is here, in Father's House of worship or in a special place in your own home, where no House of Worship exist, that you shall install the Ark of the New Covenant and the Alter of Incense to Worship Father. To Pray and Meditate to Father and Praise our Beloved Brother Yeshua. It is here, in front of the " ARK " where you shall study the Testaments, where you shall meet, speak and enjoy each others company and Enlighten the people through out the communities of the world. I tell you that from this day onward, you are set free from all the inequities of the past by the new Priesthood and New Covenant as spoken of in the Old and New Testament.

Look to Isaiah 11: 1-9 Hebrews 8: 1-13. and 1 Peter 2. 4-10


Beloved; You know that Grace is given to you by Faith, but there are some Christians, who believe that they need not do anything but only to believe in Yeshua in Faith in order to receive the Grace to be saved. This is true, but Faith without good works is a dead faith. Your Faith is reflected by the works that you do. To believe that one has Faith without following it up with action, without "works" are not true followers of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Oh, how wrong these people are. Have they not learned from the teachings of Yeshua when he spoke of the parable of the talents? Most people believe that this parable is the justification for the Capitalist way of life, but they are very wrong. Then there are those right wing raciest groups that are like the K.K.K. Then there are people such as the Jehovah,s Witnesses and other fundamentalist groups who are much like the Pharisees and Sadducees of old who were so legalistic in their very nature. They tend to grossly mis-interpret the bible to fit their belief system. Then you have those who made our Beloved Brother Yeshua into their GOD and worship him as such. Then you have those people that believe that you need not to do good works. Beloved Brothers and Sisters; All these must be following another Yeshua that I do not know about. For even Yeshua followed up his teachings with good works and spoke to Father in Heaven while Yeshua was on earth. Those who believe that Faith, without good works is doing the Will of our Heavenly Father, I tell you truly, that they are not. They will only become a "Do Nothing" people, and they shall have nothing to do with the Kingdom of GOD in Heaven or on Earth. They are following a path that will only lead to a dead end. To believe in this "Do Nothing" theology, one would have to be in a state of suspension, to be inactive, to be totally drawn inwardly towards oneself, be oblivious to one's surroundings, but being in a state of suspended animation. That is not the teachings of the Yeshua that I know. Dearly Beloved; Be not like these "Do Nothing" people. For Father will have nothing to do with you. Grace is given to you freely by Faith, but without good works, your Faith is dead. Practice your Faith with all that you do. With all of your actions so that you will be doing the Will of your Heavenly Father.


Religion must permeate the community in every manner of life. Let not one person speak badly to or against one another. Nor to a person who truly Love Father, who is the only GOD and Creator. Let us not speak badly to a person who may belong to another religion, over the difference of their beliefs or understanding. Talk to one another about these things, about how one feels about a certain topic and after you have exchanged your views, let it be. Try hard to Love one another as I Love you. You did nothing to deserve my Love, but I Love you because you Love Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. That is reason enough for me. Therefore Beloved; Let us become the Team that GOD, our Father meant for us to be. Look after and care for one another, help your fellow brothers and sisters when ever you can, and be of good cheer. Let us become an inviting beacon to all those who are outside of our circle. Let us become truly a family under Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Let us All become truly, The Light of the World. Let us All become One as a Family, as Father and Yeshua and I are One. Should people ever cease to abide by Father's Will, and not Worship in true fellowship with one another, then you can fully expect that one day you will become like those people who have perverted their Faith. And if that should happen, then you can fully expect that people will forsake GOD and anything that speaks of religion. When that happens, you can then expect to see the end of civilization and of the world! We all have a very important goal to reach in the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD. Let us all roll up our sleeves and get to work. Being of one mind in this will bind us together as a strong oak tree. Let us see All the Banners of all the various religions, their Faith standards stand under The Banner of the Kingdom of GOD. United in GOD, our Father, in our Beloved Brother Yeshua and in Ourselves. Follow the example of the Holy Testament, and work upon The Kingdom of GOD and receive Father's Grace by your Love and the deeds that you do. Work all together for the same cause. Follow the example of Father's Word, see how Father sets the water running, the wind that blows, the rising and setting of the sun. The growing of plants and trees, the continual development of wildlife and of Nature that give beauty to our planet Earth. The wane and waxing of the moon and stars as the days and nights come and go again. All these things that move and preform their labours are alive. For all which has life does move, and only that which is apostatized by being apathetic to the Will of GOD is dead and still. Your Heavenly Father is a living GOD, a GOD of the living as Apathy is that of the dead. Serve therefore your Living GOD, your Heavenly Father, The Creator so that the eternal movement of life may sustain you and all the people upon the planet Earth. May you escape the eternal stillness of being dead in Spirit and body. Eternal joy will be yours in The Kingdom of Heaven and of Earth. Therefor; Be True children of GOD and Mother Earth. Be not slaves to money and the monetary system. Nor of jealousy, intolerance and dissension. Father has sent me to Teach, to Love and to Serve you so that I may write the Will of GOD in your head, in your heart and in your hands so that you may know, feel and do Father's Will. I am here to show you that it is possible to do it, if the will is there. I shall pray every day that you may accept the Will of GOD, so that you may become as close to perfection as it is possible. Even as you have been born through Mother Earth, may your spirit likewise be reborn through the Grace of your Heavenly Father. Become True brothers and sisters to All people of GOD, in Love, Respect, Understanding, Kindness and Dedication to the Will of GOD. Look and care after one another for only then will you be part of and see the Kingdom of GOD in Heaven and on Earth. Do this not for my sake, but for you, your brothers and sisters and people who do not know The Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Never forget, there are only two camps in the Battle for the Kingdom of GOD, One that is true to GOD, and one that is false to GOD, Your Heavenly Father. I will be with you always, if not in body, then in Spirit.

I Give my Love to you All. Your Beloved Brother, Jean











Once upon a time, two people knocked on a door of a large house. As the son of the owner of the house answered the door, he invited the people in. The people at once began addressing the son of what their purpose was that brought them here. Upon the son hearing their tale, the son said to these people, " It is not I that you must talk to and see, but my father, who sits by the fireplace. He is the master of this house. As the people gazed at the old man who looked out of sorts, they continued to address the young son as if the father did not exist. Then the son said to the people in a gentle manner," Please leave this house. For when you insult my Father by ignoring him, you also insult me." Are you not also doing the same thing when you insist on speaking to the Son by calling this man made creature Je-Zeus, "GOD", or speaking as if Yeshua is the Father, while the Father looks on at your behaviour? Even when a father gives his son charge of his house, a good son would not take possession of the house wholly, not while the Father still lives. Yeshua would do likewise. Dearly Beloved; There are some teachings within the Christian faith that their GOD-man creature Je-Zeus is GOD or or that he is the Father, The Creator. Or that there are three persons within the one GOD, or the three faces of GOD. Let us reason together dearly beloved on this topic. The reason there is this great mis-understanding is because people understand that Yeshua and the Holy Spirit came from GOD. This is true, so it stands to reason in their mind that they are GOD, or GODs. This understanding is unfortunate because Yeshua and the Holy Spirit are really Entity Beings that emanated from GOD. Before the time of Creation, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit were created by GOD. Father Created them to become two Entity Spirit Beings, both unique in there own way, yet connected to the Father in mind, soul and Spirit. But that do not mean that they are, or became GODs. Nor did Yeshua become "GOD" the Father. Yeshua became like a son to the Father, just as the Holy Spirit is a son to Father. Yeshua and the Holy Spirit dwell within Father,s Most Holy Temple within the Most Holy Place within Father's Heavenly Domain. Thus, the term, the Holy Trinity. Because of this fact, people wrongly assume that all three Spirits (persons) within the Trinity are "Deity" when in truth, it is only the Father who is the one and only Deity in existence. The One and only GOD. To even suggest that human beings put "GOD" on a cross and killed Him is the most ridiculous notion or idea I have ever heard. Another great error that was made by the early followers of Yeshua, is when they claimed that Yeshua was the "Word" as found in the beginning of the first version of the Creation story in Genesis in the Old Testament. Where they claim that their invented creature Je-Zeus is the "Word" because the "Word" was with GOD. When in fact the "Word" was meant to mean the spoken Word of GOD. Of course GOD's spoken words had emanated from GOD, to Create all things. As in.. Then GOD said, "Let there be Light," and there was light. GOD saw how good the light was. GOD then separated the light from the darkness. GOD called the light "day," and the darkness He called "night." ect. ect. People will take things out of contexts to justify their perception on what they are teaching. Understand that these followers of their man made creature wanted to make their Je-Zeus, "GOD" and tied the statement of the "Word" was with GOD, or the "Word was made Flesh" when it meant that the "Word" was GOD's spoken word, and the "Word had made Flesh". GOD's spoken words created flesh. Even the "Words" that Yeshua spoke, came from the Father. Some people will do anything to justify their concept of their phantom creature Je-Zeus Christ being GOD, or claim that Je-Zeus is GOD the Father. Which in reality is nothing short of blaspheming Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Because someone,s crude ignorance, this gross misunderstanding had brought about much confusion for most people. I hope that I am able to clear up and shed some light on this unfortunate misunderstanding about the Trinity that people have. There are other Spirit Beings whom Father had Created who belong in the Realm of Father, such as Angels. Then come all the celestial beings and human beings who have become Spiritual Beings. These who have managed to shed their carnal part of self to become fully Spiritual beings. Those who managed to get this far and enter Heaven. They also belong to the Realm of Father's Heavenly Kingdom. Yet all of these are not GODs. I do not know if you can understand this, but it is the only human way, given the use of human language that I can explain it to you, short of being within Father's Heavenly Domain itself. The only other way I can explain it is to take the concept of a King and His realm as was in the days of old, such as in the Kings Court. In the King's Court, you have only one King. Within this Kingdom you have a place where the King dwells, such as in a castle. Many people dwell within this castle. Some are servants, some are the military who protect the King and the Kingdom. Some people are special guests to the King. Then you have those who dwell with the King as within the Kings inner Court. While these people within the King's inner Court have special status, they are not kings themselves. Each person there have various status or titles. Some are very close to the King while others are more distant in this hierarchy. But not one of them in the King's Court have the title of King, for there is only one King. Father's Heavenly Domain is much like this. You have GOD, who is the King. The Supreme King over all. Then you have the Holy Spirit, who may be the Queen in this example. Then you have Yeshua, who you can call the Prince, but is king of kings to all earthly rulers. Then you have other people with other titles on down the line. While Yeshua is the Prince, he is yet not The King. Unless The King dies, but GOD, The Father never dies. Yet some people insist on calling their invented phantom creature Je-Zeus, GOD, The King of all Creation or the Father. All the while The True King, who is GOD, (Father) is still very much alive and well. Another teaching is being taught by people is that GOD, The Father himself, left Heaven and came down to planet Earth to become a human being via through a human birth by Mary which became this invented Je-Zeus. Let earthly people put GOD (now called Je-Zeus) on a cross and cried out to Himself if He had forsaken Himself and then died, and then returned to His Heavenly Domain. This line of thinking will never make any sense to rationale people no matter how many times you say it or how you try to explain it. Some people will say that they understand it, just because they do not want to appear dumb, but really do not understand. It is not the people who are dumb, but those who give out these outrageous claims. In effect what these people are saying, is that human beings are greater than GOD, by being able to put GOD on a "cross". But you still have those people who will continue to insist that their invented creature Je-Zeus is GOD, the Father. What must it take to instill into those people's thick scull how absurd this very notion is. Just because GOD (The Father) Created Yeshua and calls him a son do not mean that Yeshua is GOD. That without GOD, "The Father", there would not have been a Yeshua, nor a Holy Spirit, nor Angels or human beings to begin with! Why is it so hard for some people to understand this? Are they that stupid? No, they just won't admit that the early church fathers were wrong. It is as simple as that. Now, when Yeshua was hung upon the cross, he cries out to Father in Heaven, and asked Father if He had abandoned his Son? Yeshua prayed to Father in Gethsemane saying " Father, all things are possible for You to do, will You not take this cup (burden) from me if it is Your Will." How many more proofs must you need to know that Father and Yeshua are separate individuals. Know that Yeshua cannot be held responsible for what ignorant people teach or have written about him. No more than I can be held responsible for what people may say about me be it truthful or not when I am no longer around to defend myself. Yeshua never would have claimed nor suggested, nor would he even have dared to call himself GOD. Or that he was even equal to his Heavenly Father. Or suggest to anybody that he was GOD, the Father. Yeshua himself, would not have hesitated to condemn or reproach any person who would try to suggest that very notion. Those people who made and still make these claims about Yeshua are ignorant, foolish and do not know Yeshua as well as they may think they know him. Yes, Yeshua was anointed by GOD, The Father, not by man. Just as I have been anointed by Father. Yet, I would not dare to suggest to you that I would be a GOD, or that I am even GOD, The Father himself. Those people who dare make that suggestion about Yeshua being GOD is not in Truth. I wish people can understand how really offensive it is to Yeshua and to Father when people continue to say that their invented creature named Je-Zeus, is GOD. Yes, we all can have that same intimate, loving, personal relationship with GOD, our Heavenly Father, as Yeshua and I have. This is what Yeshua meant when he said, "The Father and I are One". But as we have seen so many times, Yeshua's own disciples understood him not. To be called true son's and daughter's of GOD, we must Love Father with all our hearts, mind and spirit. This is what Yeshua tried so hard to impart to his own people, yet they could not even begin to understand this message. That they too may become true sons and daughters of GOD. The Father is the One and only GOD in existence. There is no other GOD, but Him alone. You can Know and understand this not only as common sense, but also through the Testaments of old. You, yourself, can become LIKE your earthly father. But you can never become him. I can no more be the Father as you cannot be your own earthly father. I can become Like my Heavenly Father, but I can not, nor can Yeshua ever be the Father Himself. Yes, the Holy Spirit is from GOD, The Father, and yet, the Holy Spirit is NOT GOD. Yes, Yeshua was and is a begotten son of GOD. Yeshua was Spirit, incarnated into flesh through an earthly birth through an earthly woman, named Mary. Yeshua is a true son of GOD, and yet, he is not GOD himself. One of the truly classic misinterpretation that some people make in order to justify that Yeshua is GOD, is when Thomas said, "Unless I see Yeshua with the scars of the nails on his wrist and touch those scars and wound on his side, I will not believe!" So you can well imagine when Thomas did see Yeshua and touched the scars on his wrist and said, "My Lord, My GOD..". Thomas could not help, but exclaimed.."My Lord, My GOD". That, "My Lord, My GOD" was not directed at Yeshua himself. Just as any person who would see something spectacular, would say... "My Lord, My GOD!" just out of sheer amazement. Let us put the proper perspective on things, shall we? Love, Honour and give your praises to our Beloved Brother Yeshua, but do not worship him. That alone belongs to The Father. Some people would suggest that their invented creature Je-Zeus is GOD because Yeshua rose bodily from death. Yet, Enoch, Moses, Elijah, Mohamand and many others went to Father's Heavenly Domain in bodily form. Will you call these GOD, also? Know now what you hear or what some ignorant people may say to you may not be telling you the Whole Truth. They do not know, not only Yeshua, but they do not know the Father when they talk that way. This is what I had to bring to your attention, Dearly Beloved. Let the council of Truth be your guide. I shall respect even those who may continue to believe what they may and not condemn them if they do so out of ignorance. For I have the full confidence that the Truth shall make itself known and it will prevail. Let us speak no more about it.


Humankind has a soul and spirit. The soul allows humanity to think, reason and to create. The spirit connects us to the Creator, our Heavenly Father. When we connect soul and spirit, we become a True child of GOD. Which enable us to become Spiritual beings. This alone separates us from being animals. Yet, if we are unable to connect soul and spirit together, then we become no better than an animal. This is the substance of Human Beings.


Many people are not aware of the great sacrifice that Yeshua made on behalf of Humanity. They do not realize that Yeshua was wholly Spirit, as is the Father and the Holy Spirit, before he came to Earth. But because of his love for Father,s Creation, he volunteered to come to Earth to save Humanity from themselves. Knowing full well that he would be giving up his Spirit Entity Form. For once you leave your Spirit Entity self, you may never return to that state. Yeshua left Heaven and allowed his Entity Spirit to be transformed into a human being. Once he died, he became like the Angels. That is to say, he became a transcendent being, never to return to his original Spirit Entity Being form. Because of this, Yeshua may never have that same essence he once had before he became human. He lost that, the moment his spirit embedded itself into a human embryo. Out of his humanity came two events. Firstly, he took away the blood offerings by the disgusting manner of his death. He not only gave up his earthly body, but also his own Entity Bodily Spirit. Secondly; He took away the sting of death. gave humanity the New Covenant and the knowledge that they have the chance for everlasting life so that people are able to enter Heaven when they have overcome their carnal self and become Spiritual Beings by the advent of reincarnation. This is the great gift that Yeshua gave to humanity. Something to think about.

Mother of GOD?

Now I must speak upon the topic of Mary, the Blessed earthly Mother of Yeshua . What is being said and taught in some Church's is that Mary, the mother of Yeshua, is the mother of GOD? This ties in with the belief of Yeshua being GOD the Father. They would have to maintain this string of logic for Mary to be the Mother of GOD. Beloved, I can well imagine what Father must be thinking. Father is not very pleased about this whole matter, not to mention what my Beloved Brother Yeshua feels about it. It is no wounder, that Yeshua and Father sent me to you to correct this erroneous line of thinking. So now we have Mary, an earthly mortal mother who is now the mother of GOD. If Mary, an earthly person, should be the mother of GOD, who is Father, who is the father of Father? Can you see where this logic is leading to? Why not just say plainly; Mary, the Mother of Yeshua instead of Mary, the Mother of GOD. You are not taking anything away from her status by calling Mary for what she is, the Blessed Mother of Yeshua. Who can argue with that? Everybody knows Mary is the earthly mother of Yeshua. Here, I must also point out, that many want to believe that Mary remained a virgin during her lifetime. I can fully understand their line of thinking, because of the great love and devotion they have for her. But for the sake of Truth, I must say, I am sorry, but they are wrong. Yeshua did have step brothers and sisters as it was written in the gospels of the New Testament. This should not deter or take anything away from Mary's Special Status, because she is, and always will remain, the earthly mother of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Sadly, Mary has also suffered the shame by those people who have dishonoured The Trinity by their actions and conduct in their religious or political life. Now; I must point out that I have noticed that in some church within the faith of "Christianity", Father and our Brother Yeshua, that there are people who do worship Mary and pray to her to intercede on their behalf to Father or to Yeshua. These people even pray to a statue of Mary, and bless themselves to it. First, I shall deal with the intercession of Mary. Do these people not realize what they are saying by their action? They are in fact saying that they have given up on Father or on Yeshua in answering their prayers. That only Mary can understand what is in their heart. Yes, honour Mary for being the Mother of Yeshua, but do not Worship her. Adoration, Veneration and Worship belongs to Father alone. Therefore; Do not worship, nor use Mary to intercede for you, thereby preventing you from developing a personal relationship with your Heavenly Father. Give your total devotion to Father and only to Father as Yeshua would have you do. Have you not learned from Yeshua himself? Now let us speak about worshipping in front of statues. Is this not any different than in those days of old who would pray or worship in front of idols or statues? No matter how you try to justify this practice, it is and always will be worshipping idols in the sight of Father and in the sight of our Beloved Brother, Yeshua. Therefor, I would suggest that people stop this pagan practice if you are going to call yourself a true child of GOD.


Some Churches are dangerously close while others lean towards idolatry by continuing to perpetrate a Mary myth by presenting Mary as the Mother of GOD. Of presenting Mary, the earthly mother of Yeshua as sitting on the Seat of the Ark with its meaning that is derived from many pagan deity beliefs. The Roman Catholic Church is one such Church who is mimicking the idolatry of pagan religions within the Christian religion by incorporating, weaving, embellishing this pagan idolatry into its Sanctuary. Before long, they will have Mary as part of the Trinity by making her into a GODdess. If this Church continues on the idolatry road which this path is leading to as in the example of Daniel 3: 1-7. This Church will be known around the "Christian" world as the Mother of all Harlots. Dearly Beloved; Please stop this practice while there is still time. Return to your first love, which is your Heavenly Father. Did Yeshua not say... Hear, O Israel!, Father is "The Lord our GOD, who is Lord alone! Therefore you shall love the Lord your GOD with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and the second is, you shall love your neighbour as yourself.. there is no other commandment greater than these.. on these two commandments the whole law is based upon, as well as the prophets". For if you do not heed this advice, you will not have Father as your GOD nor will Yeshua know you. It is not my intention to be so hard on you, but I do so only because I love you enough that I do not want that you should loose favour with Father or with our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Please give what I have written down some thought and meditate on it so that you are not led astray. If you should choose to continue on your old path after you have digested what I have said within these pages, I can only say; How blind you are! Do you not know that Father will curse you and all who follow in your footsteps. He will cause your destruction by His Wrath. Do you not understand that Father knows what is in the human heart, be it male or female? Dearly Beloved; You are free to believe in whatever you want, but please know that you will be held totally responsible for all those who will have lost their soul and spirit because of your teachings and stewardship which you had been entrusted by our Beloved Brother Yeshua when you made the pledge to uphold Father's Laws and Will. I shall speak no more of this matter. You do what you think is right in your own heart and mind. We are not Christians, nor do we look upon Mary, the mother of Yeshua as the Roman Catholic Church do. To us, Mary is not and never will be the Mother of GOD. We look upon Mary as Yeshua looked upon her as it is written in the Holy Testament. We acknowledge that there was a rift between Yeshua and his mother Mary over the differences in religious views. In order to understand that, you would have to read Yeshua own statement about his life as it is written in the Holy Testament. Looking now into the New Testament, I can fully understand the relationship he had not only with his mother, but also with his brothers and sisters. For Yeshua own apostils had made remarks that collaborate this rift. Lets look what was said at the wedding at Cana according to John. When Mary, said to Yeshua.. They have no more wine!! Yeshua replies to her.. Woman! What is this to me and to you? or How does this concern of yours involve me? What do Yeshua say to his mother at the Temple when he was twelve? Do you not know that I must be about my Father's business? Let us also look at the time Yeshua was rejected at his home town. What did he say there according to Mark? He say's... No prophet is without honour except in his own native place, among his own kindred, and in his OWN HOUSE! Don't forget that Yeshua was looked upon the religious community as the black-sheep, even in his own household. Did not Yeshua say that he had no house or place to lay down his head upon? That he no longer had a home to go to? Yeshua own apostils knew full well the circumstance between Yeshua and his kindred, his family that he grew up with. Then you have the time when Yeshua Mother, his brothers and sisters went to look for Yeshua but could not reach him because of the crowd and was relayed to Yeshua by someone nearby that his mother and brothers are standing outside wanting to see him because they were concern that Yeshua was beside himself, meaning.. going crazy, nuts or suffering from schizophrenia.. in Luke and Matthew. What did Yeshua say? My mother and my brothers and my sisters are those who hear the word of GOD and act upon it.. Note: That phrase about Yeshua being beside himself (crazy) is no longer found in the newer Bibles. That was taken out, I wounder why? What did Yeshua say to the woman (in Luke) who told him..Blest is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you ....Yeshua replies to her...Rather, Blessed are they who seek the Will of the Father!! There are many other example like these that clearly shows what kind of a relationship Yeshua had with his own mother, brothers and sisters; In his own household. Knowing that Mary belonged to the Pharisee denomination. I can see Mary, the mother of Yeshua hunched over with her hands grasping the side of her head and say, I always knew that Yeshua would become a Rabbi, but for him to turn out to be so, Un-Orthodox.. Oy Vay!! But seriously, Mary came to the full realization of the truth of what was meant as Yeshua being the Redeemer of humanity at the foot of the "cross". It was at that moment of realization that Mary's heart was pierced. With that full recognition that she had never understood before. As you can see, It is a far different picture than the one the Roman Catholic Church like's to portray Mary in order to make her like a GODdess that would conform to their image of a Mother of GOD. Despite all that we know of her, we still see Mary as someone "Special" because she is the mother of Yeshua and we respect her for that. But we will never see Mary as the Mother of GOD, only as the Mother of Yeshua. Nor do we see Yeshua as GOD for Yeshua is not GOD. These as other issues is where we differ. The Key element that separate us from "Christianity" is their breaking the Covenant of Father. As Yeshua had said to Father... Father, Lord of heaven and earth, to you I offer praise; for what you have hidden from the learned and clever you have revealed to the merest children. Father, it is true. You have graciously willed it so.

The Great Basilica

I once entered a great basilica in a large city to pray, honour and to worship Father. During my stay, many tourist entered the church to walk around and some to take photographs of its heavenly beauty. While people were milling around, I heard many people use foul language and say sly remarks about the church. As I left the church, because of the noise and commotion, I asked a priest in lavish dress who looked to be an elderly man; To whom was this great basilica built for, to give honour to man or to GOD? He promptly replied, To GOD of course. I then said to this priest, Then throw those people out who are not here to worship GOD! For this place is becoming like a den of thieves where people come to mock and gloat at the splendour that belongs to GOD. These people who pay to come to gloat and show very little respect for a house of worship, for a house of GOD, I stormed out of this church never to look upon it again for the priest had a pompous air about him that told me where his heart lay. This church was indeed being used for the Glory of Man.


Most people do not believe that there is a GOD because of what scholars, academics, theologians had to say on spiritual matters concerning the faith of Christianity. Most of what is said is justifiable because of what is done in the name of Yeshua. Given what Father has revealed to me it is no wounder that people have become disenchanted, disillusioned and very cynical once they have found out the Truth and no longer will believe what they are told to believe on faith alone. This is the natural outcome one expects when people say things that has very little substance and credibility. That go against all manner of reason, common sense and logic in how those priests, pastors and those who are on radio and television interpret scripture. People are expected to believe many teachings that are founded upon by man rather than by what GOD, our Heavenly Father inspired us to believe and interpret. It is no wounder why people are leaving the "Christian" Faith, when the faith itself becomes corrupted and tries to make a fool out of plain common sense. People in this day and age will no longer just believe in anything that has no validity. They are prepared to take the time and effort to dig deep and see if the teachings hold water. I too know what it was like to be deceived, for I have been deceived and betrayed by fellow Christians. True people of Yeshua Spirit, would not do that. It is my hope that this book will cause people to give the Word of GOD through The Holy Testament a fresh renew start. One does not need to throw out the baby with the soiled bath water. Likewise, let us retain all that is true and good and throw out all the falsehood and misinterpretation that has infested the true meaning of The Testaments which has accumulated over the span of time. Let this book help you. To guide you into a truly meaningful relationship with your Heavenly Father. This I do as a free gift to you. May you regain that love, that trust that you have lost. That is the greatest payment you can give me. May you re-establish that personal relationship with the Father, and truly come to know my and your beloved brother Yeshua. May you have the courage to try once again.


How long will governments continue to make policies that favour their own interest, as well as that of big business, over the interest for the public good? How long must a nation continue to decay as its people slide down that slippery slope of deprivation? Do these people not know that they will be held accountable to what they are doing? For GOD is well aware of all their misdeeds, and they will have to answer to Father in due time. How often have I seen governments base their sole decisions on monetary values rather then those based upon moral and Just ethical values. Where they base their policies above people, and the land. It is no wonder why pollution of lakes, rivers and the land exist. It is no wounder why poverty and substandard living conditions exist for the people. Where medical and education facilities are in decline. These are just but a few examples of what happens to a nation when its government places its values upon self and the business establishment over and above the interest of its people. And yet, year by year these things are allowed to go on as the very social fabric of a nation continues to decay. And one day we find out that it is much too late to reverse the process, for it has developed a momentum all of its own. May we reverse this process before it is much too late.


I can remember for many years, how often I spoke to fellow Christians about how a nation cannot separate church and state from within a nation. But they rebuked me for even suggesting such a notion. They even tried to quote scripture to me to validate their stand. Yet, look now what happens to a nation, to its society when they have taken GOD out of the political realm. Our nation is changing for the worse because of their ignorance. For they themselves did everything in their power to make sure that church and politics would not mix together. Now our nation is slipping even further away from GOD and of His Will. Now we have nothing to guide our nation to enact policies that are based upon GOD's values for a Just society. Now our nation will continue to decline as a GODless nation and evil shall prevail. This state of events will continue unless we as a people take a stand and get back to the Word of GOD. To braid the Will of GOD into our Political realm so that we may get back on the right track and live according to the way GOD, our Father would have us live. You can not separate GOD from the State within a society and expect that it will be Just, Fair and Ethical.


Someone asked me if there was such a thing as the Trinity, or is it just something that man had invented? So I told this person that there is such a thing as the Holy Trinity, but not like the way you have been told. So I tried to explain the Trinity as it is in Father's Heavenly Domain. The best way I tried to explain the Trinity was to draw out a map of the Heavenly Temple of GOD and its surrounding area. In the Temple area within Father's Heavenly Domain, which is the highest, you have a House that has two parts within it. In the part that we call the Holy of Hollies, that is where Father dwells. The other half of this House which has two parts is called the Holy Place, that is the place where Yeshua and the Holy Spirit dwell. Here I must explain to you that unlike many common understanding of Father, it is not GOD, The Father with three faces or attributes or that GOD, The Father transformed himself into this phantom creature Je-Zeus as you have been taught in your religion. The Trinity are three distinct individuals. Each very unique from each other but are as One in mind and Spirit with the Father. So you have GOD, who is the Almighty GOD, who is our Heavenly Father. Who is the One and only GOD in existence. Then you have the two Sons which are Yeshua and the Holy Spirit, which I will not name Him. Yeshua and the Holy Spirit are not GODs, nor are they The Father as you were led to believe. Yeshua and the Holy Spirit are Holy Entity Spirit Beings that were begotten by GOD. They are above all others but are a little lower in stature then the Father. The problem may well be that because Yeshua and the Holy Spirit were begotten by GOD, one assumes that they must be GODs also. But that is not the case. There is only one GOD with two Holy Entity Spirit Beings who share the same inherent character of Father and dwell within Father's most Holy Place that make up the Trinity. In the beginning, there was only Father in existence. He then created the Holy Spirit and Yeshua which emanated from within GOD. They were created in Spirit form as is GOD, the Father. Father then Created Angels who have transcendental bodies. Father Created these Angels through His thought process, He then spoke the words, and they came to be. Then Father created all things in like manner, through His spoken word. It was at this point that Father created the heavenly bodies (planets and stars). He spoke it, and it was done! Father then created the celestial beings,( Extraterrestrials ). It was only after that, did Father create Man/Woman (Humanity) on planet Earth. You know the rest of the story. Now let us get back to Father's Heavenly Temple. Next to the inner Sanctuary where the Holy of Hollies and the Holy is, you have an area with many rooms which you may know as the Porch area in this Temple. Here dwell all of Father's Prophets and Saints. Next, you have an area called the Inner Court where there are many more rooms. Here is where all humans and extraterrestrials (heavenly beings) dwell with the Father, those who make it here. Next you have an area that is called the Outer Court, which has many more rooms. This is where the vast number of Angels dwell. There are also those Angles who serve in all the above places and reside there to serve Father, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit, the Prophets and the Saints, all the People and heavenly beings of GOD, Our Heavenly Father. This is the Most Holy City that is Father's Mansion which Yeshua and the Prophets spoke about. Outside this Mansion, there is a vast area that is just too, too wonderful to describe. Beyond this area, you have a place that people call Limbo. This is the place where you stay until you face Judgement in the House where the Great Hall of Balance is found. It is here where it will be determine what shall become of you as a soul /spirit being. If you will enter Heaven or be reincarnated back to Earth or be cast to everlasting death. This is basically what The Trinity and Father's Heavenly Kingdom is like. Then the person told me she was quiet surprised at how simple and straightforward I explained The Trinity and Father's House and His Heavenly Kingdom. She had expected a whole bunch of mambo jumbo that would be hard to believe. She found my sayings easy to understand and believe because it made much more sense than what she had been told by others. We spoke at length on many other topics concerning Father, Yeshua, heavenly beings, the universe and our planet Earth.


Who is a True Child of GOD? It is those beings from all walks of life in the universe who love Father and abide and do His Will. They are people who desire to come and live under the Laws of GOD. Who truly Love and Worship Father that are the True Child of GOD, of Father, of our Creator. Did not Moses tell you this in the ancient of days? A True Child of Father is one who believes in the One GOD who is the Creator of the heavens and earth. Who's first Prophet was Enoch, after the first creation of Humanity on planet earth. He accepted the covenant that Father offered to all of Humankind. Who gave a scroll to his son Methuselah to pass it down the generations. After Enoch, came Noah, whom Father made the second Covenant with Humanity. Then came Abram whom Father called. Next, Father called Isaac to be His servant. Next; Father called Jacob who later became known as Israel. Then came Joseph and then Moses whom Father gave him the Commandments and a new Covenant. Then through the line we come to Yeshua, who was transmuted via the process of incarnation from a Spirit Being to a human being. Yeshua left Father's Domain to come down to planet earth so that he may redeem the people of Israel to GOD. To save them from a terrible destruction they were heading towards for which they could not see. But alas, they knew him not as their saviour and was allowed to be put to death. Out of this darkness, a good would come to replace the end for sacrificial worship and brought a New Covenant for his people that would come through the shedding of Yeshua blood. This happened only because of Yeshua forgiveness for the ignorance of those who had crucified him. Then Father sent a mam by the name of Mohammed to help his people, the brothers of Israel. That they may one day be united and live in peace. Now in this age, Father has chosen to send me to help and guide the people of this age. Know that I was not born into a Jewish family nor was I circumcised physically, and yet, Father has chosen me to be His servant, His envoy to remind all of Father's people of the new Covenant that Father had made through my beloved brother Yeshua. To help and guide people into the establishment of Father's Kingdom on planet earth if people are so inclined and willing to abide in the Will of GOD. It must be their sole free choice. I can not, nor am allowed to try to persuade anybody except through the Holy Testament. Nor must I plea, beg, contend or argue with the Religious Establishment, or with the People of Israel or any of the Christian Church's or their people. I am not allowed to conjure up miracles nor try to manipulate or attempt to force people in any way. The Kingdom of GOD must come about by the free choice of the people on planet Earth. It shall be their own destiny that people must choose. I am not allowed to interfere in any way in the decision of the people, but I must accept any and all who come to me of their own free will. These will be the ones, amongst the people whom Father shall keep. These will become the true son's and daughter's of GOD. These were the commands that Father gave to me.


When I call GOD, Father; It is because of my personal relationship I have with Him. Just as Yeshua has that very same personal relationship with GOD, The Father. This is what Yeshua tried to show and convey to all of his disciples and his people but they did not understand him at all. But I am able to tell you that you also can have that very same personal, loving, relationship with GOD as YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER as Yeshua and I have. How? Just come to know Father through the eyes of Yeshua and you will come to know and LOVE Father with all your heart and mind. This is what Yeshua meant when he said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes unto the Father, but by through me. LOVE is your only answer, nothing more and nothing less. If you can Love Yeshua, then you can also Love Father, and have that very spacial relationship with Him. You will not find that love by just being good, or just by going to a church or just by doing good works. I tell you now that only by loving Father will you be close to Father and Yeshua. I can tell you this because of my own intimate personal relationship with Father and Yeshua and all that is in Heaven. I tell you truly, you also can find that deep Love for Father and my Beloved Brother Yeshua if you are able to open up your heart instead of just looking upon Yeshua in order to find your Heavenly Father.


A priest once told me that he read the Holy Testament, and he thought that what is says is all very nice, but that the Catholic Church has tried for the past two thousand years and could not change human nature to the extent as you say in the Holy Testament. What you are trying to do will never happen, take my word on it. So I replied and said to him; The reason the Church failed to bring about Father's Kingdom into existence is because it tried to do it within a corrupt system that is in total contradiction to the teachings of Yeshua. I am not surprised that the Church failed under those circumstance. It tried to change people first through the family, and then hoped that it would eventual influence and change within a corrupt system. That it can never do. What you need to do is to first change the present corrupt system into one that is fashioned after the Kingdom of GOD, then the new system will influence the people and families and there-by change the people within the system. Take this and learn; There was once a young man who was brought up in a slum area. All he knew was the slum and its ways. So he made his life selling drugs, became a pimp and plied the prostitution trade. He got involved in gambling and heavy drinking, then he got deeply involved into drugs and debt until one day he was found dead in an alleyway because of some turf war. Then there was the mother with a young child, who's husband lay dead in the alleyway. She was very concerned of what was happening to her child as it grew up within the slum. He hung out with the older boys and began stealing, getting high on drugs and was always in trouble with the law. Not wanting that her child should end up in the ways of the child's dead father, the mother moved the child out of its environment and brought the child to a family who had a farm. There he learned the ways of a farm life, getting a better sense of himself. He learned a new and better way of life and became a new person. One that could see the bright side of life and had a better appreciation for the country, the land, other people and for himself. Now the Church continues its same old line of doing things, forgetting that it do not have the luxury of another 2000 years of time to waste by their method. Take the people as they are and change their present environment by changing the corrupt system first. Replace it with one that is fashioned after The Kingdom of GOD that will enable people to change and learn a new way of living. Seek you FIRST the Kingdom of GOD, and all will be given to you.

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When a Church abnegates its responsibility by invoking seperation of Church and State. It shall loose that right and power to effect needed change in our soceity through public life.


The ideal soceity is one where there is Respect,Liberty,Justice, Kindness and Peace within the bounds of the Kingdom of GOD that is found within the Holy Testament. When an Indivedual or a people have realized "TRUTH" and fulfills GOD's purpose within their lives. They shall embody universal love. That is to say, that they shall delight in the wellbeing of others and selflessly work for their delight. Love and Respect is the Ultimate Reality of the Creator, our GOD and Hevenly Father. The perfect virtues of a person is one who is at "ONE" with the Creator. Who is firmly established in Truth, Purity and Integrity. A person who hate sin and tries hard to avoid it. Who is without bondage to worldly corruption or materialism, who exhibits the fullness of Holy Grace by being able to forgive and forget past wrongs. COSMOS OF LIFE All human beings are part of Nature and our world, called planet Earth. One has to give respect to all the creatures, the waters, the land and for the air in which we breath. For all these have value and a purpose in the cosmos of life. Therefore, it is very important that we develop an ethic of reverence to our planet, to mother nature, and be good stewards of our environment and of our world. BEING YOURSELF Each and every person must follow their own heart. By taking away the fear of being rejected because you just don't fit into other peoples idea of expectation. Therefor be yourself, be different from others. Let your individuality shine through for you are Unique in your own spacial way and you are unrepeatable. Be proud of who you are. For GOD, your Heavenly Father made you from his hand.


The dietary laws as well as those penalties of disobedience within these laws such as Purification of women after childbirth, laws concerning skin diseases, mildew, bodily discharges were for health reasons. The penalties of disobedience such as stoning a person to death, crucifixion ect. were to extract punishment for those that broke the laws. This is what Yeshua did not abide with and done away with The penalties of disobedience. Not the (ten)Commandments. These expanded laws should have been called Secondary Laws so as not to be confused with the original Commandments that Moses received from GOD. As it is found in the Old Testament. Those penalties of disobedience became so oppressive that put the people in bondage as they were before the great exile from Egypt. This is what Yeshua tried to make the people understand. Yeshua did not do away with the Laws of the Commandments, but he did not place such as high a value on those (Secondary laws). Yeshua also hated those penalties of disobedience because they were so barbaric in nature. Yes, In those days, they were a rough bunch of people. Laws were meant to upgrade their lifestyle, standard of living and health from the tradition of being slaves or nomadic people into the formation of a new society meant was to create. It was meant to humanize people, not turn them into barbarians! Yeshua understood it as such and detested such brutality. He also did not place these secondary laws or rules in as High Authority as the Ten Commandments. Take the custom of washing our hands before eating, or of bleeding an animal. These are for hygiene and health sake. Yet there are many times when we do not wash our hands when we eat a snack, or are picking at some food. There are times when we cannot bleed an animal as we like, yet we will eat it anyway to stay alive. The religious establishment made a mountain out of a molehill concerning these secondary laws. That society became so legalistic and oppressive that it took all the joy of life away. This is what Yeshua was so against. This oppressive attitude is what Yeshua wanted to do away with, not the Commandments that Father gave to Moses.


Oh you people who have contemplate on suicide because of the deep hurt that you feel inside no one seem to understand the hurt and the pain everything you tried to do, seem to be in vain Give not up your precious life in defeat because you think that life has got you beat for you have a well of power in reserve the power of GOD that you can serve Change the things you think you can for you have Love right in your hand to mend and bind the things destroyed and in the process, you may find a little joy We people of GOD extend our open hand to help you in all that we can our love and comfort we share with you when everything seem so dark and blue When you commit suicide, you are defeating your chance of reincarnation or going to Heaven, because you will have sinned against not only yourself, but you will have sinned against your Heavenly Father. By killing yourself, you are committing murder upon yourself and rejecting that special gift of Life that Father has given you. If you find yourself in a situation where people or society have let you down and cause you hurt and pain, know that your Heavenly Father loves you, for He Created you from His loving Hands. Do not let the ignorance, the cruelty of people get you down. Rather, continue on your life journey developing a closer relationship with your Heavenly Father. Show kindness to others, even to those people who are so ignorant and want to hurt you. Be of strong will, do not let them defeat you. For in the eyes of GOD, your Heavenly Father, you are the better person.

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Hallucinative type of drugs are termed as dope, for it reflects one`s mental condition who has habitually abuse them.



In the kaleidoscope of our present world where everything is in an awful turmoil with heavy rock music and flashing lights the scum of the world, come out at night As dope fiends sit and lurk about, as if in a tomb people shooting up heroin, crack, speed, barbiturates while smoke from cocaine and opium slowly fills the room They lure people with fantasies of great high`s only to find out, that they wish that they could die The glee of the pushers who spread this awful disease in order to satisfy their own fowl and greedy needs Oh, what a waste of life this has come to be the harm to soceity, they just don`t want to see But people of GOD are emerging for the fight to end this evilness with all their might The den of iniquity these villains we will send while the young and confused minds we try to mend Oh you fiendish people who corrupt for greed you will truly be punished for your evil deeds For the day of judgment will surly come when all is said, and done. Anything that is abused for its intended purpose is harmful to oneself. Know when to draw the line and use moderation in all that you may do, be it in eating, drinking, work, play or in the use of drugs.

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Oh the squabbles we hear between women and men of who has the stronger will and who will bend On who has the final authority to decide when a problem arise that need to preside Have you not learned from what GOD had to say that both are unique, in your own special way For neither one of you has truly the upper hand life without the other was not in His plan Be not blinded by the sceptre of vanity that embrace pride, arrogance and bragging, for both of you are capable to develop these traits be it men or women, husbands or their mates For both can develop the same qualities when the question come`s up on equality To do good or do an evil is their desire To live in contentment or in a dreadful mire May you strive to seek all things in Truth and not drive a wedge between the two of you For when Judgement day will come to be it will not matter if you are a He or a She It has come to my attention, that because of this poem, people has jumped to a conclusion that is not there. This is what usually happens when people jump to conclusions before finding out the facts. Therefor; Let me explain more fully for those who jump to conclusions. Both male and female have the capacity to sin, equally. Both male and female must be treated with equality in the work place, be it in a position or in wages. But when it comes to the domain of a family, the man must be its head. The mate's position and total responsibilities must be in the home. It is in the taking care of the home and children. While the man's responsibilities in being the head, is to establish a home and supply the needs of his household. As head of a family, a man must consult with his mate concerning all matters of the family and home, and must take into consideration the advice of his mate to make the right decision and not become a dictator. This is the way your Heavenly Father had designed it, and meant for a family to be.

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Ignorance is not a blessing in disguise, as some would have you believe, for much of all injustice have been borne out of ignorance.


I am sadden by people who harbour such hostility, anger, hatred and run down people who's genetic makeup are homosexual. The vast majority of Christians claim that all homosexuals choose that lifestyle. That homosexuals choose to be homosexuals. But the true reality is that most homosexuals had no say or choice in how they were born. They only know that it was the way GOD, the Father, had Created them. But most people from various religions will deny this fact and insist, through their own ignorance, that all homosexuals are not born that way, but that it is only a choice for that type of lifestyle. That belief has been perpetrated since ancient times due to peoples ignorance. I am sadden by people who harbor such hostility, anger, hatred and run down people who's genetic makeup are homosexual. What a bunch of ignorant, religious, bigots these people are who think that some people are not born homosexuals. The vast majority of people who claim to be "religious", claim that all homosexuals choose that lifestyle. That all people choose to be homosexuals. The true reality is that some homosexuals had no choice in how they were born. True homosexual were born that way. In the real world, there do exist various mutations of genes that developed in all life forms. There are people who may have the physical appearance of a male or woman, and have a sexual organ contradictory to their physical appearance. There are people who were born with no distinguishable sexual organs to determine their gender at all. In other cases, some people have both sexual organs, male and female. Try and tell these people that it was their choice to be born that way. or that it is all in their mind. Tell the doctors and parents who are faced with this dilemma upon a delivery of a new born baby. Tell them that it is only a figment of their imagination that these babies are born that way. The physical aspects of a person is not the only measure that determines a persons sexuality, there is also the inner essence, the psychological sense of being male or female, that greatly determines what sexual orientation the person may become. Given people's very narrow view on this topic, that is like saying that all people choose to be the race they were born into. Yes, there are people who become a homosexual, because of some emotional trauma they had endured as a child. Be it mental or physical because they were sexually abused by the hand of a parent, family member or by pedophiles, do not condemn such a person. Rather; Try to help that person deal with their emotional problem and bring the person back to their former self. People who claim to be bi-sexual, are people who have chosen to be that way for the sake of sexual lust. These are the people that GOD condemns, as in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah! Therefore; the "sin" of homosexuality as people interpret it, that all homosexuals choose to be that way, is not totally valid. Science will eventually be able to prove a direct link, a correlation between a true homosexual by their gene or emotional structure. When it is found, it will make it far easier for doctors to determine a person who is a homosexual by their genetic makeup and those people who have an emotional problem. But, some peoples are blinded by their ignorance, mostly because of their religion, about these things. These people tend to call homosexuals derogatory names such as FAGGOTS, QUEERS, DEGENERATES and say they are living in sin and treat homosexuals as dirt and hound them to the ground. And yet, most are kind, loving, caring, sincere, gentle people. But after all the persecution that they have received throughout history, mostly through the ignorance by those "holier than thou" people. Is it any wounder that homosexuals will hate and resent anybody when they are attacked that way? Homosexuals are being deeply hurt by the insults they receive from these ignorant "religious" people. Homosexuals are beaten up and sometimes even killed by those who claim to be so righteous. If people have a complaint about homosexuals, then I suggest that they take it up with the Heavenly Father, for He had Created them that way. Because of all the persecution homosexuals have encountered by the ignorance of "religious" people, is it any wounder that they have become so defensive in their attitude? That they are forced to rebel and eventually fight back in self defence? I would do likewise if I was in their shoes. Those people who unjustly persecute homosexuals will in turn be persecuted. For they have not the true Spirit of Yeshua, his compassion, nor his sense of justice in them. Why? Because those same people who profess to be "religious", believe in a phony man-made god. A phony man-made god for a people who are themselves phony.


A person came to me and ask this of me. In the Holy Testament, it reads that you must not condemn a person who may be a homosexual or lesbians. Yet in the Old Testament, it condemn such acts, can you explain? When a person becomes a homosexual or lesbian at birth, you can not condemn, for they may not have had no choice in the matter. When a person becomes a homosexual or lesbian because of some emotional trauma they had endured when they were a child, because of mental, physical or sexual abuse by the hand of a parent, family member or by paedophiles, do not condemn such a person. Rather; Try to help that person deal with their emotional problem and bring the person back to their former self or former heterosexual state. In time, when they may be able to confront and accept what had happen to them and why they reacted in that manner, knowing that they were not to blame for what abuse people had done to them and find the peace within themselves. Then there are those people who sit on the fence who partake of their own free will and choice to indulge in either sex, or those who of their own free will go against the nature that GOD had given them at birth, at their conception, these are people who are known as bi-sexual. These are the people that GOD condemns! Get that stright in your head, Christians! These are the people who have greatly helped to spread the dreaded AIDS disease throughout a society, such was the case of Sodom and Gomorrah. Who also might have indulge in hallucinative drugs and use contaminated needles from one person to another, from heterosexual to heterosexual. These are the people who are condemned by Father that we find in the Scriptures. These are the people who willfully defile themselves by going against their gender and moral guidance that GOD had given them. This is the sin in which the Old and New Testament had failed to make clear. These are people who are only concerned about themselves. Who lust for lust sake and care not who they hurt in the process, as long as they satisfy their selfish lustful needs. One may say that everything is fair game for these type of people. These people feel free to stalk any innocent man, women or child and prey upon them while destroying many a relationship in the process to satisfy their need for wanton ungodly lust. This is the type of homosexuality that Father calls to mind as sinful. Know now the clear distinction between a homosexual and a bi-sexual person.


Let us re-examine what in deed did happen when the Angels visited Lot in Sodom. After Lot had fed the Angels and they were ready to retire, the men of the city, young and old demanded,(notice the attitude of demanding?) that Lot bring the strangers out to them because they wanted to have sex with them in their lust for orgies. But what does Lot say? "Take my two daughters who are still virgins, let me bring them out to you." Now what does that suggest to you? If these men, young and old were true Homosexuals, Lot would have been fully aware and known that their only interest would be to have only men. Yet, Lot offers his two virgin daughters to satisfy them. Lot must have known that these people were bi- sexual for him to offer his daughters in their stead of his guests. What were the attitude of these men to Lot after that statement? They said to Lot, "Get out of our way, you foreigner! Who are you to tell us what to do. Out of our way, or we will treat you worse then those strangers that you have with you." Here again, what is the attitude of these men? These men had no respect for Lot, nor of his house or of his household or privet property. They were ready to break down the door. They were like a lynch mob. Where was respect for the Law? Was there any Law in Sodom at all? I think not! These were the people which made up that kind of a society that was condemned by GOD in Sodom and Gomorrah. They were what we now call people like that "BULLIES" who had no respect for anybody, be them men or women. This type of society was condemned then, as they are condemned Now! It is a society that no longer had RESPECT for other people, a society that became what it had chosen to become by people's own free choice. It was a society of bullies who were full of themselves of Pride. This was the reason Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Not because there were homosexuals living there. Yet, even societies such as these who are heartless, may be forgiven of their sins if they amend and discontinue this disrespectful practice of uncaring, and live according to the way people must live with a sense of respect towards their fellow man, and to the Will of GOD. As for all people, including homosexuals, Father will look into their being and determine their fate. Yeshua will be an advocate to those people who he knows and accept as his own. This you can count on and base your faith upon.

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What is obscene to you entirely depends on one`s point of view. Those who have a Good or Evil mind, just which one have you?



On the topic of sexual intercourse I must remind people that the act of sexual intercourse must be looked upon as a gift, a blessing from our Heavenly Father. Because we are part spiritual beings, we have a mind to understand the act of sexual intercourse in Light of our spiritual self. It is not a matter of just reproducing one's species as in the animal realm where they are only guided by their hormone urges with no connection with the sense of respect, endearment and love. We must tune our minds to look beyond our sexual urges only as an instinctive reaction and understand the act of sexual intercourse on a higher mental plane, as a spiritual encounter that embrace respect, tenderness, endearment, responsibility and love as part and parcel of the sexual act itself. It is high time that we not look upon sex as something that is dirty or unclean. How can it be? GOD, our Father gave us the capacity to look upon the sexual act as something beautiful and special within our being. Do not degrade this special gift by cheapening what GOD had intended for you. It was meant as part of the bounding process that unites and sanctify a marriage. And when you start a family, be responsible parents by limiting the birth rate of our over populated world by the use of natural or artificial contraception. May this act of LOVE, be a blessing to you, to your home and to our planet earth. May your Heavenly Father bless you and may you keep the sexual act Holy.


There are some Churches who are against the use of contraception as a means of birth control. Others believe that no type of birth control must be used, for they believe it is contrary to the Bible teachings. They have come to this conclusion because of the Creation story as found in the Old Testament. At the beginning of humanities creation, GOD said " Be fruitful and multiply". This we have done to the extent that we now have overpopulated our planet Earth to such a degree that it threatens the very survival of humanity, wildlife and natural resources. Because of heavy expansion of human beings through-out the world, our wildlife and natural resources is ever more loosing the land mass that they need and require for their survival. More and more wildlife is being consigned to plots of land termed as wildlife park reserve's while humanity continues to encroach upon wilderness areas. One must also come to realize that we have a finite limit to natural resource supply on planet earth. At the rate of human expansion, we are depleting those natural resources that we have been given on planet earth at an alarming rate. Some of these natural resources are not renewable. Others may be damaged through pollution to such an extent that they become unsuitable and unusable to our wellbeing. I'm thinking about the air and pure clean water supply that our very life depend upon. GOD gave us a brain to use and know when we are becoming a threat to our ecosystem and to ourselves. We have been given the mandate to be fully responsible as good stewards to determine when we are required to slow down human expansion. Nature has a way to regulate the population of wildlife when they become too large to sustain their species. We on the other hand, must depend on using our brains to determine that factor because we are so adaptable, that we have the potential to wipe out the greater part of wildlife or our natural resources if we do not regulate ourselves. We can adapt to such a degree whereby we can eliminate all wildlife and most of our natural resources and still survive! That is the path we are heading for, if we follow those "Christian Catholic" teachings about banning the use of contraception or have no birth control. It is strange that more people were killed within the last century than at any time in human history. Ask yourself this... How many people were killed in the two world wars, plus all other wars within the same century. How many people were killed through environment disasters? How many people were killed through ethnic cleansing, murders, auto accidents and abortions? Despite the hundred of millions of people killed in this century alone, how is it that the population of the world has grown to reached six billion and growing? In this day of age, we become responsible and have birth control and use contraception. But it must be used in a proper manner. It must not be used as an agent for unadulterated sex to prevent pregnancy outside of a marriage, but must only be used within the context of a marriage. The sexual act is not only to be used to procreate, but it was also meant to be used as a bonding agent between two people within a marriage. Contraception must never be used for sex outside of a marriage, for that only cheapens and defame or degrades the sexual act as GOD had intended it to be. The use of contraceptives, be it natural or mechanical, is not wrong when it is used for the right reasons.

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Dearly Beloved; There are some among us who have encountered a loss of limbs or function through an accident or because of an illness. Because of what has happened to you, you may feel that you cannot cope anymore. Why this has happened to you and not someone else, only GOD knows the answer to this question. You may come to realize what has happened to you came to be because of some negligence on your, or other persons part. Or that you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or that you contracted an illness through an other person, because of some environmental factor or it may be because of genetics. Whatever the cause may be, it has happened to you. The question will be, what will you do about it? Will you sulk and feel sorry for yourself for the rest of your life? Or will you take stock of what you do have and make the best, out of a bad situation? That answer will be totally up to you on how you will cope. Your first duty is to recover. That in itself will take time. Use this time to rest, catch up on reading books you have wanted to read but could never seem to find the time to do it. Talk to other people in like circumstance and see how they are coping. You will find out that you are not alone. Also realize what are your limitations and find out ways on how you may overcome them or what you can now do. Learn to do things in other ways, but never say..I give up! Life has got you beat. You will find out that Life is still worth living and you have much to do. You only have to do things in your own special way. And if you should find out that you have a limited time left on Earth, use that time well. But know that it is only the end of one life and a new beginning to another. Get in touch with your Heavenly Father, get to know Him and He shall guide you as He has guided me. Do not hate yourself or others, but learn to Love instead.


Remember, you are not alone. You have an Angel who watches over you. You also have your fellow brothers and sisters within the Faith who will help you in any difficulties that you may encounter. You also have a local Congregation or the invisible Spiritual Mother Church that you can contact to get any assistance you may require. You are not alone no matter where you may be, nor where you may go or what you may do. You have nothing to fear. Walk in compleat confidence as you live your life in the Faith, here on Earth. Do the best you can in all you may do. May you find your path of Life be forever smooth, may many a Blessings come your way.


When you encounter a person who feel free to share your Faith with them. But if they tell you that you are wrong in your understanding of our Beloved Brother Yeshua or of our Heavenly Father. Know that you are dealing with an ignorant person who have very limited knowledge. Treat that person as you would a child with kindness. Do not trouble yourself to argue with such a person. For they have not the capacity to reason intelligently. Do not trouble yourself or get angry at them for they are just not worth the effort. Rather, just walk away from an ignorant person until they have matured. But if an ignorant person resorts to do you bodily harm, as they are well known as being part of their nature, by all means do not hesitate to defend yourself. It is for moments such as these that you have been trained in self defence. Show kindness to all ignorant people, but that do not mean that you will allow anybody to abuse you. As far as these people expectation that we will go out of our way to persecute them, they are really not even worth that effort. They are quite free to remain ignorant and will remain free to believe in whatever they wish to believe as long they do not do harm to other people. Know an ignorant person when you see one and treat them with gentle kindness.

Mature People

When you encounter a mature person, what a joy it is. One can reason with such a person because they will have the intelligence and an open mind to examine all knowledge and let any Truth found come to the surface. Unlike an ignorant person who will hinder any truth to come to the surface even when it is blatantly obvious. For they have a closed mind. A mature person will always seek for the truth and go to any length to find it. This holds true for any mature person, regardless what religion a person may espouse to. One can have an intelligent conversation that is a pure delight. Count it a blessing when you encounter a mature person of another Faith. For you will be travelling on that intellect highway that will lead you into knowledge and many insights. Blessed is the person who has an open mind and thirst for Truth. For Truth will always stand the test of scrutiny.

Israel, Where is the Temple of GOD?

Oh,Israel! Oh Israel, have you lost your love for Father, your GOD and Creator? You have returned to the land that Father has given you. You have built fine homes for yourself, made the land fruitful. Yet where is the Temple for your GOD? Will you be content to pray ,to worship your GOD upon crumbled ruins? Will you be content to have only a wall that is to be the symbol of your love for your Heavenly Father. Have you abandoned your GOD? Yet, He has not abandoned you. Oh Israel, Israel, open up your heart. Let not it be said that you have turned you face away from your GOD as you have turned your face away from your, yes your, Beloved Brother Yeshua. Who loved you so much that he gave up his life even for you. Let not your heart be turned to stone with no life in it. Let not you be so proud that you have become stiff-necked that you feel that you no longer need GOD, the Creator in your lives. That you can live your life without Him. Forget not Father or your beloved brother Yeshua, for if you do, you will have lost your heart, your soul and your spirit. Dearly Beloved; be not so foolish nor think that you are so wise that you no longer need you Heavenly Father as your GOD. Return to Father with a loving heart, let Yeshua put that heart back into your empty body. Let me show you how.


One night, during the time when everything is quiet and still, a deep pang of homesickness overcame me. It is the same feeling my Beloved Brother Yeshua felt when He was upon this planet Earth. The sense of deep loneliness. Of feeling alone among the many crowds. Of feeling being rejected by the very ones that you expected would have been glad to see you with open arms. Of feeling the hostility by those who you loved the most. Of feeling betrayed and misunderstood by the very ones whom you would have least expected. Oh, the loneliness, the homesickness that engulf and surround me. It feels like I am standing all alone among strangers. I truly feel like wanting to be back Home to be with Father, and with you, my beloved little brother. To be in the presence of all the Angels, to see the familiar faces of all the Saints and Prophets. How I long to feel the joy of laughter when you and I would romp through the gardens. When we raced along the promenade by the river of Life to see who would be the first to reach Father where He sits upon His Throne. To sit by Father's feet as He caresses with His gentle hands our heads that lay upon His lap. To hear Father speak those gentle words that caress our hearts. Oh how homesick I feel here upon this ball of rock. How I remember how you looked, so drawn out, haggard and sickly when you returned Home. The pain that etched across your gentle face. The sunken eyes and the deep hurt that are within that told me the whole story. Oh how I wanted to streak down to planet Earth and seek revenge for what people did to you, but you stopped me because you had forgiven that ungrateful lot. Now, I too must forgive them for what they have done to you. I too, must love them for your sake. Now I know fully how lonely you must have felt, how it feels to be rejected, the ungratefulness you continue to suffer by the very people who claim to know and love you, and yet they do not. Oh gentle beloved brother, how I miss your bodily presence. It is only your presence within me, that give me the desire to carry on trying to draw people to Father so that they may know and have that very special personal relationship with Father as you have tried so hard to do. To remind these people what you did so that they may have Life and live in a Paradise according to Father's Will. Oh beloved little brother, how I long to be Home with You and Father.

Do a Devil and Hell really exist?

Dearly Beloved; There are many within Christianity who believe that a devil and a fire ridden place called Hell really exist. Yet Father has revealed to me that there is no such thing, person, or spirit being or a place such as a fire ridden Hell. Therefore; I must in good conscious, for the sake of TRUTH, expose and reveal where such a concept developed within the faith. Where did Satan in the Old and New Testament came from? In order to answer that question, you have to know a little history. Back to the time when the Jews lived under Persian rule after their liberation from Babylon. These exiled Jews were heavily exposed to the Persian religion after the Persian king Cyrus the Great took Babylon in 539 BC. These religious teachings included not only the religion of Zoroastrianism, after the prophet Zoroaster or Zarathustra, who had re- interpreted the teachings of the Magi's that was of a much older religion. The Magi's were, an elite priestly caste of Media in north-west Iran. They knew and understood all about extraterrestrial beings called Ahuras, or `The shining ones'. About how a group from among them rebelled against GOD's Will and their society. How these rebellious "Ahuras" lead by their leader Shemyaza, came down to planet earth to indulge in earthly delights with their chosen `wives', and through these unions were born offspring named as Nephilim, or Nefilim. It is a Hebrew word meaning `those who have fallen'. This knowledge was well known to the Persian people during that era, their king felt it to be too unreal for him and was eventually outlawed by the Persian ruler. But by then, the influence of the Magi's knowledge ran deep within the beliefs, customs and rituals of Zoroastrianism. Zoroaster re-interpreted the teachings of the extraterrestrial beings and made them into Fallen Angels. He re-interpreted the teachings of the Magi's into a story of two GODs in the heavens who were contending for supremacy. They became the GOD of Light and the GOD of Darkness. Those Angels who followed the ringleader became known as Satan and his Fallen Angels in Genesis of the Old Testament and later as the Devil in Christianity. The concept of evil beings started very early in humanities history. It was meant to explain the evilness found within man. Those who were the teachers, tried to use imagery as a way to explain the evilness and disasters that the people experienced in their life. This theme carried on into our own Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testaments, they got it through myths from the early Egyptians and many other religious traditions as a wandering people. Then came Babylon and the Persian into their lives to influence their culture and religion. In due time, the concept of Demons and a Devil figure such as a Satan and a fire ridden hell began to appear in their Scrolls to explain the existence of evil. The original meaning of Hell was simply the grave. Later it began to mean a bottomless pit with fire. This hell was greatly expanded upon in the New Testaments. Then when Dante wrote his fictional work of Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso, Christianity promptly incorporated these texts into its vision of Heaven, the devil and of its hell. Why could they not just simply be honest and say that there are evil people because they choose to be evil when it comes to man's nature. That they have chosen to be led by their carnal flesh rather then by their Spiritual inner self. Explain disasters as the work of nature as well as when GOD, the Father intervenes to get His point across. But that is what has happened in history. You can find out all this information for yourself. There are many libraries that have books under the title of Myth and Legends of the various old religions and cultures. You may have learned some of these in school. But today, we are no longer ignorant of those facts and are not so easily fooled into believing such things. For the person of today, only TRUTH will suffice. And so it should be. I too am a seeker of Truth and nothing but the TRUTH. May you also have that same zeal. Now you may wounder why did Yeshua refer to a Satan, or evil spirits or a hell. He did so, simply because people of his day believed in them and could grasp a meaning more readily. He even used a word picture to explain that once your spirit is condemned to death, it stays dead, forever. Once a sentence had been made by GOD, it cannot be reversed, for once the soul\ spirit is Judged, that judgement stands as in the story of The Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16: 19 to 31. of the New Testament of old. Yeshua was trying to point out that once you succumb to your earthly death and you are judged, at the Hall of Judgement, you cannot cross over to the other side. In other words, once your spirit dies, it has no chance to come back alive and enter Heaven. When your spirit dies, it is dead for eternity. Yeshua also had cast out demons from people. I likewise would cast those very same demons out of people today by telling the person that their demons are in their mind and explain it so the person knows where those demons came from and thus kill that demon forever from that person. All those demons come from folklore through myths that people pick up from local traditions. A child is afraid of the bogy-man, a vampire or a devil, until it is explained to the child just where these creatures came from. Where and how those stories had their beginnings. As far as a place called Hell, which is the grave, the only other hell I am aware of is the Hell humanity has created here on our planet Earth. The wages of sin is SPIRITUAL DEATH, not a place where you burn in a fiery hell. We create a hell on Earth only because of our or other peoples sins. But those who sin and do not repent shall their soul\spirit die. Angels do not have the capacity to sin, as some people seem to think, for they do not have the free will to sin as we do. It is for this very reason that if we overcome sin, we will have a higher status in Heaven than the Angels. In other words, we who make it to Heaven will be greater than the Angels. There are many people who will tell you of fallen Angles in order to account for the mythological figure of a Satan like being and his cohorts, that came from the teachings and myths of Zoroastrianism. These so called fallen Angels would have to have the free will in order to rebel against GOD. Angels do not have free will nor can sin ever be made to exist in Father's Heavenly Domain. People had built upon the lie that sin can exist in Heaven in order to justify the existence of a Devil figure they call Satan. I for one will trample this Satan myth underfoot so that people will be set free from these old myths that has crept into the Old and New Testament by placing Satan back as a mythological figure from where he came from. Knowing the Enemy: All those church's who claim that this Satan is real, are doing a great dis- service to themselves, to humanity by focusing people's attention upon a mythical devil instead of the real enemy of the people, the evil within oneself. It is the enemy within each and every one of us that must be conquered. Not some mythological figure that is suppose to be playing mind games with us. In order to better understanding of where and when this devil concept came to existence, I would suggest you read "The History of the Devil" and the Idea of Evil from the earliest times to the present day, at your local library. You will also find many other books on this topic there. It is those church's who merrily continue to fleece and exploit the ignorant people of their money and maintain control over them to satisfy their own appetite of greed and power who will ignorantly speak about a Satan that is not real . They are quiet aware that if people's focus should ever be directed at them, for promoting this lie, who are the real enemy of the people, they would see their own demise. Therefore; It is of the outmost importance to them that people focus all their attention on a phantom, a mythical figure such as a Satan who is bringing and doing all the bad and evil things to people. Who encourage a person to do evil things. How people have been duped by this belief! Those people sin willfully because they have turned their face against GOD and of His Will. These are the one's whom I would call the Satan's of this world. Now as to the false teachings of fallen Angels, it is not in keeping with the Truth that is within Father,s Heavenly Domain, I tell you truly that it is sad and very unfortunate that a devil, a fiery hell and fallen Angels ect. was added into the original text by man's own ideas and thus corrupted the original message that was sent by GOD, to man. But once a mythological figure is presented as a truth, when its original intent was to present an idea in mythological terms in order for people to understand a concept, especially in religion, it is now very hard for them to be honest and truthful to undo what was converted from a mythology and later made it to be a truth. For once a falsehood is presented and established, it must produce one lie upon another in order to support that falsity. Once that occurs, falsifying Truths become a bad habit until it wholly infects not only the Church but also its Sacred Teachings. Now they have decided that it is far easier for these church's to let the lie stand and forget about presenting the real truth in order to save face. I for one, will not settle for lies when we are dealing with people's trust, their respect, their loyalty and love, as well as all that belongs to Father. Within the church establishment, there are many charlatans about who claim to know the Spirit world, yet they do not. They just grope for answers that they know nothing about. Who have no knowledge of the Spirit world, of Heavenly things. Because of peoples ignorance, they can become demon possessed. How do a person become demon possessed? People become demon possessed when they start to believe in those fiction demon stories that are read, told, watched on T.V. or in movies or believe in demon filled religions. Their mind will begin to accept and believe in those demons over a short span of time and these demons will become very real to that person. So real to such a degree that they will suffer the very symptoms of such beliefs. This is all brought on by the power of the mind, the power of suggestion. It is for this very reason that I do not give much creditability for those people that believe and promote demons or a Devil. Those who believe in such rubbish is what I call an "Immature Christian". We must tolerate and respect peoples right to believe in whatever they want, unless it endangers a persons health. Know a person of Truth, for you will know truth when you find it. How little things have changed in two thousand years when it comes to human belief, of human nature.


There are some people who will try to fight Death so tenaciously for two main reasons. Firstly; There are people who have acquired much wealth, power or material goods that they do not want to give it up no matter what, and will do anything to stay alive in order to keep what they have. Then you have the person who fear Death. I find it odd that many a Christian people fear Death. The reason they try to hang on so tenaciously to life is because they know that their heart is not right with Father. That they have little Faith in Yeshua or of Father's Love and forgiveness. That they are not genuine or true to others and to themselves when they have lost the capacity to distinguish Truth from a Lie. Only because they themselves believe in their own lie that to them, it is the truth. They believe that if they say something often enough, it become's the truth and are blind to the real Truth. Thus their Spirit fear Death. Know that if you have sinned against the Holy Spirit, there is no forgiveness for that sin. For your Soul\Spirit knows that it shall die when your mortal body should die. But when you are pure of heart, you will not fear Death, but you will know and understand that a mortal, earthly Death is only a natural process for the Soul\Spirit to continue on its journey.


There seem to be some confusion about the statement that Yeshua made about eating his flesh and drinking his blood. Some people seem to think that Yeshua meant it literally, when in fact, he did not. Did Yeshua not say; " I have used figures of speech (parable) to tell you these things. But the time will come when I will not use figures of speech, but will speak to you plainly about the Father. When that day comes, you will ask Father in my name; and I do not say that I will ask Him on your behalf, for the Father himself loves you and He will answer you." We regard the "Eucharist" as part of the day of Passover rite in the same light as our Beloved Brother Yeshua presented it to his apostles as being symbolic. Yeshua presented many symbolic examples in order to point out to people his status as being the Redeemer. Yeshua own apostles did not understand what he was driving at that he had to point it out to them on the road to Emmaus as described in Luke 24: 25-35. But even then, they did not fully understand until the day of Pentecost. Yeshua tried to show the people of his time the symbols (something that stand for something else) that they could understand and relate to. Yeshua had added one more element to the Passover ritual. He took a piece of the bread and said to his disciples, This bread is like the manna that had come down from Heaven in which is the bread of life. My teachings is like that bread of life, take this and eat it. Then he took the wine in hand, and told his disciples that He will bring a New Covenant through his shed blood. Therefore; Take this wine which represents the New Covenent between you and your Heavenly Father, which was brought by the shedding of my blood. Take this cup of the New Covenant and drink from it. Do this as part of the New Passover ritual in remembrence of me. We acknowledge what our Beloved Brother Yeshua was pointing to when he took the bread in his hands, that he is like the "bread of life" because of the words which he had spoken about GOD, The Heavenly Father. In essence, all Yeshua was saying was to take in and heed the words which he had spoken, into your Soul and Spirit. When he took up the cup of wine, he said that this wine represents the New Covenant which he will shed his blood, which will save people from their sins. This you do in the Spirit of Yeshua. The Spirit of Yeshua is the life force which will sustain your spiritual and eternal life.


Once there was a great sailing ship, It ran into a storm and broke in two. When the two parts were repaired, they became two ships. One of these ships, which was the largest of the two, ran into another storm and broke apart in two. One part became a ship while the other became many smaller ships in tow. The original Great Ship begun its journey as a single ship that would change the face of history. During its years, there developed many a munity on board that gave birth to many a smaller ships that emerged from the mother ship. After many years of sailing upon the huge expance of the sea of Life, they have found themselves in the doledrums. These ships sat upon the sea lifeless. All their sails were hanging loose because there is no wind about to fill them. Their hulls were infested with alge during the span of time, that looked to be like a beard, obstructing any forward motion. The crews are low in spirit, but put on a brave front. Provisions are running low, and the endless waiting went on forever. Their Chief Admiral and Navigator had long since died, and the Captains can only consult the Admiral's notes he had left in the logbook. The charts and plans had long been lost. They had been sailing aimlessly upon the great vast expance of sea for a very long time. They all knew that they were lost at sea, but they could do nothing else but continue to sail on in the hope that they may find salvation before they encounter that storm that would sink them all into the ocean depths. Then one day, a person appeared, from where, no one knew. He told those on the ship that he came to help them. That he had the charts, maps and plans to that promise land for which they were originally bound for. But the Captains were in a great delema, for they did not know if they could trust this Navigator. Afraid to trust this Navigator, The Captains thanked the Navigator for his concern for the Ships and told him that they had been on this sea for so long that they will find and go their own way. So the Navigator left the Ships to their own course. This is the timeline that we now face. Now all the Angels and Saints are asking Father how long must they wait before He sends down His Rath upon the guilty. And Father answered them saying.."Wait for a little while longer, for I want to save as many as I can before I set My rath loose. Those church's who have not taken My Envoy as their guide nor taken My Word to heart, shall feel My rath!." Dearly Beloved; How is it possible for those (brothers & sisters) within "Christanity ", who say that they love Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua, have chosen to go their own way? Leaving the Navigator behind with all the charts, maps and plans for the New Age of GOD's Kingdom. Somthing is not right here. How I wished we could have been One with Yeshua and Father.



Dearly Beloved; Those of you who have the Heart of Father and of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Know that The Keys Yeshua gave to Peter that was ment for the Spiritual Church, but in its stead became the Roman Catholic Church has been taken away a long time ago by the Hand of Yeshua. Only the Church itself was not aware of it because they were too busy maintaining their religion. The reason they lost the Keys that Yeshua gave to them, was because they broke the Covenant that Yeshua made with them when they created their own GOD in the likeness of Yeshua. The Church has choosen to follow a very different path then the one True Path that Yeshua wanted His Shepards and Flocks to follow. This shepard and church continue to mislead its flock of people about the day of rest on the Sabbath Day. About deceving people in the existance of a mythical figure of Satan as a reality, as a Truth. Of telling an untruth about fallen Angels that were within Father Heavenly Domain. They have let Pride, Guile, Vanity and Duplicity stand in the way to Father's Will. They continue to encorage people to belive that Yeshua is GOD or that Yeshua is the Father. That is blaspheming not only Yeshua, but also GOD. They encorage people to pray in front of idols and refuse to remove their idols that are within the area of Worship. Therefore; The Door to Father's Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth have been shut to this church and their flock and many of her sister's who are in bed with her. They have built for themselves, Towers of Bable that have perverted what Yeshua had intended from the very start. They have become the Babelon of the new era. Now their great Towers of Bable and profanity shall be crushed and cast down. They are condemned by Father for their present sins because they have refused to repent of these sins that are against them. They are no longer worthy to partake in the Sacraments and have The Keys of Heaven and of Earth because of their deception. For they have prophaned the very Laws and Will of GOD. Now this whole prophane christian church will in time be replaced by the True Spiritual Church that was ment to be from the beginning on planet Earth. It may well be established on a new planet if it becomes necessary for the sake of the continuation of the human race. May all the people who walk away from those corrupt Christian churches be welcomed into the new Spiritual Church that will Emerge from their ruin and ashes. May those churches and people who have fallen away from their corrupt Christian religion be now set free from their guilt and partake in Father's Grace for the Kingdom of Heaven and on Earth. Dearly Beloved; The Spiritual Church will act only as a guide. May all Churches come together in Unity with the Spiritual Church. All the Church's and people will at last be Free from a totalitarian regime. All Church's shall be Self-Governing while in Unity with each other in Spirit to form the body of Yeshua as it was meant to be. May we all come together under the Banner of GOD, and be United in Spirit and in Love. Let us break the yoke of that old deceitful, corrupt totalitarian church that has put many a people under bondage of corruption. As the Spiritual Church becomes a reality, we may now do what Father Will's because we want to do it, and not be forced to follow a church that want to fulfil its own agenda. For they have turned their face away from Father and from our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Now Father and Yeshua will not respond to their prayers. All those who pray in front of idols, who pray and Worship to any other than to Father as Yeshua would have you do are guilty, these are worthless and are condemned by Father. Those that have guile and go against the Holy Spirit will not enter Father,s Heavenly Domain for they are useless to Father and to Yeshua because they have chosen of their own free will to ignore and stay blind and ignorant to the Truth that is within the Holy Testament. Now all these people are condemned by Father and Yeshua. They shall be disgraced throughout the Heavens and the Earth because of their great deception. They shall be cut off by the Hand of GOD for all time as an example to others who may follow in their path. They have become nothing more than human beings who lust after their own flesh. Now Beloved; You that have been set free and are Baptized by the Fire of the Holy Spirit when you enter into the New Covenant that Father and Yeshua has made for you through the Holy Testament. This Baptism is far greater than the shadow baptism that you may have received by water. You have now become a new person, a new Creation that is born into Father's Heavenly Domain. You no longer delight in sin, nor in injustice and corruption of this present worldly system because of the love you have for Yeshua and for Father and of His Will. This is the message that Father has given to me to pass on to you, and the final message to all those who have become corrupt and refuse to repent. Look to Isaiah 14: 12-23



Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters; I do not know when we will leave this planet before it is fully destroyed, if the path of Humanity is presently not altered, for Father has not yet revealed it to me. But I strongly suspect that it will not be for a while, measured by Earth's time. But when World War III will start to become a very real possibility, a reality, a happening, we will know that our time will be at hand for our appointment for meeting our extraterrestrial brothers to take us to a new planet to reestablish the human race. We will depart this earth very much alive and well, how else do you suppose that we will renew humanity on another planet? Therefore, let us give the Holy Testament to those people who truly want to love Father and our beloved Brother Yeshua while we have the time. I do not know if we may, during the time that we do have, if it is at all possible to avert the destruction of our planet if there are enough people who care, so that with them, we will be able to build a movement and persuade enough people that Father's Kingdom and this planet is worth fighting for. Not by war or force, but by the power of persuasion. If there are enough people that can then form a political party to represent Father's Kingdom on Earth, then let us find those people who are among us who have the ability and grace to be leaders to represent the whole nation, who have the Spirit of Yeshua within them and march forward, onward into a New Age. Even if we can only manage to establish a foothold upon the world, a start, a beginning, it may be enough to save our planet Earth. Dearly Beloved; Our Faith in Father and in Yeshua has substance and a goal. It is the Will of Father to take Humanity into a New Age that will usher in GOD's Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. That will dispel the darkness that threaten Humanity and our planet. This is what is lacking of those faithless Christians. Their faith is empty and is nothing but an illusion. They have taken what Father has given and decided for themselves to use the enlightment found in the Holy Testament for their own agenda. What do these people think? That GOD, Our Father is not aware of what they are doing? That GOD is the servant to the Church? That the Church will dare tell GOD how to run His Universe? They have built a Tower of Babel for themselves and Father will surly crush it down. Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Have nothing to do with those who have chosen to deceive and forsake Father's Will, for they shall be exposed of their sins and will be judged. In the meantime, do not argue with them. Treat them as you would an outcast because they have forsaken Yeshua Covenant with the Father and condemned their spirit to death. These people are unclean. These sayings are only for people who profess and claim to represent the "Christian" Faith, yet who prove to be false by their action in how they relate with other people. Now Remember, they are free to believe in anything they want, but they do not have the right to defraud the general public. Let us show the people the real Truth and that the Kingdom of GOD on Earth can become a reality if the Will in people is there. If the Will is not within by the general public, then let the public have their choice and their way and let us wait for our new home to be, as humanity destroys the earth and themselves. For they will have chosen path two as their destiny. Beloved; Most people place their focus and concentrate on their immediate lives within their own locality while negating the bigger picture of what is happening around our world. For what happens around our world will have a direct impact on our lives even when we may think it will not effect us in our present circumstance. Be fully aware of what is going on around you and place your trust on your Heavenly Father. Follow your good judgement, instinct, conscience, your heart, and let TRUTH be your guide. That is the best advice that I can give you. I have tried very hard to write the Holy Testament in a way that you may understand its teachings as Father has given it to me so that there is no room for misinterpretation of the text as it has happened in past ages. Dearly Beloved; There will be many Preachers, Priests or Pastors who will try their best to discredit this book and its teachings because they believe it will threaten their very own existence by shining the Light of Truth on them. They can not stand the Light of Truth for fear that it will expose their hypocrisy, their prejudice, ignorance or sham. I am amazed at how many so called teachers of the Bible who call themselves Pastors, Priest, Brothers or Elders who continuously mis-represent a meaning and are not even aware that they are doing it. It may well be because they had stopped using their minds long ago and rely only on memorization of what they were fed from their "church teachings." and not question or examine it. So if the church teachings are wrong, or have a ceratin slant, they all come out like clones with the same teachings. They just merrily repeat things as a parrot would do. Then you have the ones who know the truth. Who have gone to fine Universities and received their doctorate degrees but do not have the courage or honesty to give out that Truth. Then you have those who know the difference but snub their nose to GOD and do what they want to do to fulfil their greed for wealth, power and vanity. So what you end up getting is a large variety of teachings that has been muddied up, diluted, reshaped by the insertion of many pagan beliefs and traditions from the true original message from GOD, Who is The Father, who is The One and Only Creator of the entire universe and all that is within it. May these people look to Moses and the events in the wilderness and see what happens to people who dare snub their nose to GOD and to question, to test Father's patients. Therefor; before you accept anything, even this book, look to other sources to get to the Truth about any subject. Let Truth, Reason and Common Sense judge this work by the standard of Yeshua and by what Father had already said and may the chips fall where they may. I shall continue to try to enlighten those who want to know of Father's Will. I will try to clear up many a miss-interpretation that people are making of what was written in the Old and New Testament. I have not come to preform miracles to heal the sick, the lame or any ailment of the human body. Nor to preform any great signs of wounder as you would see a magician do to impress people. But to heal a people, a nation and the planet Earth from its very source of lies, corruption and degradation if people truly seek to do Father's Will.


It is quiet apparent to me that after all the time that has passed, those people whom I have called, who call themselves Christians, many have proven to be unworthy to be called the followers of Yeshua. For Yeshua says that those who claim to be Christians, are not of his, He knows them not. He had never known them. They are none of His. There are many who consider themselves to be His flock, but really are not, who have decided of their own free will to reject Father's Will for very obvious reasons. In its stead, they have chosen to readily take bits and pieces from the Holy Testament that suite their own alternative purposes. Therefore; I can see now that I do not have to wait for 1999 to determine which path the vast majority of people has chosen to follow. It is quiet apparent to me that people have chosen to follow path two as it is written in the Holy Testament. Even so, I must wait until Father,s Grace period is over to close the Book. When that day comes, let what course they have chosen to follow be done. I too must respect and accept their choice. Then I will go to the place I must wait until the time has come when all of Father's Chosen one's will be lifted up by our extraterrestrial brothers, fully alive and well, via their Star Ships to be taken to a new planet, a new world where the Pure Spiritual Church shall be established. It will be there, where I will dwell with those whom Father has chosen to renew Humanity with. Until that time comes, I shall work with people who have a love for Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Who have a great respect for our planet earth. Who have a strong sense for Honesty, Justice, Fairness and Kindness towards all of Humanity. It is these people who have a deeper Spiritual Sense who are more in tune of GOD's Will then those people who pretend to be religious that shall come through the tribulations and will see a New Age. During the winter of 1996-1997-1998, I have heard many a speeches, sermons, teachings and lectures from the greatest to the least within the Christian faith. Who have so eagerly pounced on this work to tear it apart to see any fault, while they fail to notice the axe that is about to fall on them. They may try to tear this work apart all they want, but it will not alter the destiny that they have chosen for themselves. I have already accomplished my task, what remains, is only the progression of the work that has already been started. Those who are false have shown their True colours. Let us see from history, how these people claim to follow in Yeshua path, and see the real Truth what has been done.



Beloved Brothers and Sisters; We have a great example in our present era on the hypocracy and apostasy of a people who claim to be Christians. We need only to look at how people of these nations have become sociably irresponsible towards people and the environment and suffer from moral decay. Here we have people who act against GOD Laws. They lie, cheat, steal and murder without having any guilt in their conduct. They use their religion to ease their conscience for committing past sins so that they may sin anew. They establish right-wing religion cults so that they may justify their capitalistic theology of greed. Their Hall of Justice is blinded so that the guilty becomes the innocent. That all guilt is gone by the wayside by buying lawyers who are willing to turn a blind eye to any guilt or wrong doing. Where Governments do not hesitate to lie to its people. Who hide the truth from the people and use their citizens as experimental pawns. This is a true reflection of the degree Governments and people have regressed in their moral and ethical values that is suppose to reflect a GODly nation. How can any nations throughout the world dare trust and have faith in a Government that not only lies to its own people, but abuse their power against their own people, against humanity and to GOD. When their Governments will readily abuse their power under their Constitution against not only their own people, but against the poor people throughout the world. Where the law of the land takes precedence over and above the Laws of GOD. A nation, and a people such as this, has become a Sodom, a Rome, that has become bankrupt of its moral and ethical values that was supposed to stem from GOD's Commandments. Is it any wounder that such a nation will reap the effects of its perversity. Then they have the boldface absurdity to go to other Nations and preach about Yeshua, Justice and Love. Beloved; Know a nation who has turned their face away from GOD and His Righteousness by the deeds that they do. Watch how such a mighty nation shall crumble into decay and be a great nation no more. Watch how a proud people will be knocked down from their ivory pillars and eat the dust of their depravation. See how nations will shun and curse such a nation of its perversity. Who have abandon its founding principles right from its very conception, its beginnings. Who has committed the great apostasy to GOD and humanity.

******* INSIGHT *******

When dealing with human stupidity, even GOD can have no effect.



Why am I not surprised on how the majority of the people within the "Christian" faith have reacted to the message contained in the Holy Testament. Could it be because I had already known the shallow mind of these people and expected the kind of reaction that they have displayed? How busy little beavers they are to find the least fault that do not fit their pre-conceived notion. Who are so ready to jump to the wrong conclusion as people had done when Yeshua said "eat my flesh and drink my blood", and they would scurry away without finding out the True meaning of a message. They concluded that Yeshua was trying to bring back an ancient tradition of cannibalistic temple rites. Rather than to see it as expanding religious teachings from what had already been written in past ages. To move people ahead Spiritually and in understanding. To better our world and its society, but do they see this? Of course not, they are too busy to tear down anything that their small mind cannot comprehend. Who cannot see the bigger picture. It is precisely these types of people who delight in ignorance, slavery, racism, bullying, greed and arrogance that prevent any advancement in Spiritually or in social reformation. You have Christians who fight against Jews and Moslems. Jews who fight against Christians and Moslems. Moslems who fight against Jews and Christians, yet all three come from the same root, who in reality are Brothers and Sisters to one another who espouse to believe and love the same GOD, our Heavenly Father. Then you have within the Christian sect, various denominations who fight against each other. These are the people in denial, who so quickly forget the many atrocious deeds that have been done by their ignorance, yet how they all claim to be people of GOD in their religious and political life. It is only by holding a mirror to their face that may jolt them out of their righteous pretence and inflated egocentric, egoistical attitude. They have nothing to brag about, but should do everything they can to reconcile their sorrowful past. It is those few individuals in history who have managed to crawl out from that ugly mire and showed the True Light of what a true "Child of GOD" was meant to be that gave any glory to GOD. This sorrowful bunch of people who call themselves people of GOD ride on the coat tails of those who are brave and true. And yet, have these people learned anything from their past? No, not really. They are still so quick to kill anything that want to reconcile that awful past and bring about something that was meant to be pure and beautiful. But I am gratefully that there are those people who can see beyond their limited vision and can appreciate what is being done. I thank Father for these people. This work will continue to its full completion, be it for the improvement of our understanding of humanities relationship with GOD, our Heavenly Father, our society, our world situation, and the necessity to start over from scratch on a new planet if it becomes necessary. What the outcome will be will greatly depend on the attitude the majority of people will take to determine the destiny of humanity. Whatever the outcome will be, I am prepared to accept the situation gracefully, for I already know the outcome of either paths manifestation that people may choose to take, that will enable me to take the proper action.



May I thank you, all you men and women in blue. Who serve the public so faithful and true. By putting yourselves out on the front line, for all of Humanity, time after time. You, who have bravely stepped up to the plate, dedicating your lives in the face of all adversity. May we forever be grateful for the deeds that you do. Who protect, save and serve people just like me and you. The many long hours they spend on streets and country roads. Helping and Protecting us, in emergencies, fire, storm's, or from evil rogues. Then there are those who give their lives to fight and defend, this precious land, of our's, that we are trying to mend. By people who would want to destroy GOD's intrinsic Sacred Ways, Turning a peaceful, tranquil life, into those horrendous dark days. Perverting all that we hold so dear, rendering everything to decay and tears. But these brave souls have stood their ground, in the face of all their fears. Oh Heavenly Father, Bless all those women and men in blue. Who have the Love, Kindness and Grace that come from You. Protect them all as they live their courageous lives. And if they should ever fall, may their Spirit, Heavenward glide.



In the Revelation of our present era, we can equate the churches of the New Testament to the ones that are now in existence. Such as the church in Thyatira can now be equated to the Roman Catholic and Baptist churches. The church in Laodicea can be equated to the Eastern Orthodox and United churches. The church in Ephesus can be equated to the Salvation Army churches. The church in Smyrna can be equated to those of the Jewish Faith. The church of Pergamum can be equated to the Anglican churches. The church in Sardis can be equated to the Pentecostal churches and Islam. Last, but not least, the church in Philadelphia can be equated to the New Covenant church of the Holy Testament that has risen up like a Phoenix that will re-establish the original "Jerusalem Teachings of Yeshua". Part two and three in the New Testament can be equated to the present time frame which we are presently on the threshold of deciding which path we,(Humanity) will choose in this Revelation. Will it be path two or path three? Path one has long been closed because of the refusal of the Christian Churches to act upon the Will of GOD. The choice of path two or path three is what is left to us as an option as we go through this process. Now let us see what has happened in real time history. Israel became a nation in 1948 since its last destruction in 70 AD Now we are seeing the first beast, who is the dragon of Capitalism, who is becoming stronger through globalization and is unfolding in ever greater speed and power. The other beast, the second beast, now represents Christianity and the head is the Harlot who rides this beast. This must be the Roman Catholic Church because she is the one who always claims to be the Head who sits on the seven hills of Rome. She, along with all her many protesting protestant daughter churches who cling and obey her commands. Who have willfully rejected the Holy Testament and the Will of GOD. Who are quite content to remain as filthy rags and operate within the first beast's social economic system, gladly receiving the mark of the dragon. The women with the crown of seven stars and the moon under her feet is the Original "Church" that first began in Jerusalem proper. And the "Messiah", the "Christ", the "Anointed" will take Israel as his bride. The Christ, the Anointed, will return to Jerusalem in Israel, not to the Vatican in Rome, Italy! It will not be the Roman Catholic Church that the Christ, the Anointed, will return to, as many people were falsely lead to believe. The "dead" in Yeshua the Anointed, are people who once believed in Christianity but fell away because of its foul and perverted teachings along with its evil history. Which is shrouded in hypocracy and in mystery. These people who are dead in Yeshua the Anointed, will be the first to rise up to the call of the Holy Testament. Following them, will be some of the Jewish people who had never truly known Yeshua or had never had known GOD, as their Heavenly Father who will be the one's who will rise up to the occasion and answer the call for the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD here on planet earth. A new spirit will move in them and they will received a new body, receive a new skin and bones from the dust of abandonment that will enable them to move their hearts towards the establishment of GOD's Kingdom on Earth. There will also be people from all other religions, who represent many cultures, who can see the greater value of establishing GOD's Kingdom on earth, for humanity sake, who will come and partake in this endeavour. We will all work together and partake of its idea and make it become a reality. It will be only after the momentum has really started in earnest, will those people who have first rejected the Holy Testament because of their "Christian church" teachings, will they be moved and be caught up in the movement for the establishment of GOD's Kingdom on earth and leave their "Christian churches" that spoke against the call of the Holy Testament. Who were against the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD from the very beginning. These churches will die a slow death due to the loss of their membership. People will leave these churches in droves once they have come to the realization that they had been lied to, had been deceived by their churches's teachings, and they shall leave quickly. It is only those people who fail to see the drama being played out in real time, who will come to realize only too late what has happened and they will be left out in the dust. The other path people may choose to take is to remain on the present course of events that is continuing and not seek to establish the Kingdom of GOD. This path will eventually lead to the total destruction of the planet earth and its people. It will be much like as in the days of Noah, except its end will come about as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Everything is unfolding as it should according to the choice people are making. It is also according to Father's Word and ultimate Plan. The separation of the wheat from the tare is now at hand. The only question that remain is, are you wheat or tare? Who's side will you stand and be on? Will you be on Father's side for His earthly Kingdom, or will you remain with The Beast, with the final destruction of humanity on planet earth?


O Jerusalem; You, who is destined to become a Holy City, a Holy Land. How I long to see you. To inhabit and fuse my soul and spirit with you. To walk upon your ancient streets and savour your sweet air. But my heart is troubled, for there is no peace in you. There is so much hate and bitterness within you. So much pain and suffering within your walls. How I wish it were not so. Your wounds cut very deep and they have festered for a long time. How I wish I could pour the ointment of Love on those wounds. Wrap them with a bandage of Forgiveness. Then dress you in the garment of Hope so that you may be healed. How I long to see you in your splendour. With all your children who dwell within you, need not shed any more tears. But have a radiant joy about them. Where one can sing and dance without the fear of tomorrow. And when you say Shalom, you can truly mean it, because you can live it. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem. How I long to be with you.



Oh Father, is it possible that there are people's hearts that are stirring? Have some people finally understood what Yeshua had tried to do all along? That only by placing their LOVE and FOCUS on You, Father, will their displacement be overcome so that those who believe, may become Your true children. That they too, may become Sons and Daughters of You so that they may dwell with You in Your Heavenly Kingdom. Oh Father, may it be so, that there are many people who are developing a personal relationship with You so that they may know the Love, Peace, Joy and Contentment within Your presence. May a new people come out from the mire that have defiled the name of Yeshua and all that he stood for. DO NOT call yourself a Christian, for history will verify by their track record that "Christians", who claim that they are " Followers of Je-Zeus " have not walked in Yeshua's path. Because there are people who call themselves "church of the new covenant", "church of the Ark", ect. who are really gentile pagan "Christians" woven from the same cloth. Therefore; Let us instead, call ourselves " The People of The Holy Testament ". Let our Church be called The Church of the Holy Testament, who will fulfil Father's Will. None can take up this name who do not belong to the Faith. May we Love one another, in Unity and Truth and restore the Purity of our Beloved Brother Yeshua name. Now the Bible is complete in that we have the book of the Father in the Old Testament, the book of Yeshua in the New Testament and the book of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Testament. Let us pray....Now we may see Your Kingdom on Earth, Father, become a reality and end the misery that plague planet earth. I feel such Compassion and Radiant Joy that there are people who have finally found You, Father. It swells my heart with gratitude that all what You and Yeshua have done, was not done in vain. I too, feel the Joy that is in Your heart, Father. May many more people hearts bloom like the rose bush so that Your Will may be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven. May the stench of this worldly system be replaced by the sweet fragrance of Your Kingdom, Father.



Oh my heart is full of joy, to renew many a friendships that I have made. All the hurt and sorrow of past years, has now all but gently fade. To once again be in good company, with ones like you, who are so dear. To catch up on all the news that I have missed, I am so eager to hear. To speak once more of Heavenly things, of Father's plan for Humanity. In the calm cool setting of natures wealth, underneath a big oak tree To share with you food and drink, as we watch the sunset sky set aglow. As the brook so near, we hear its pleasant whispers, as it gently flows. Thank You Father, for setting me on this journey that I am about to take. Trusting You will guide me every step that I shall make. Wondering as always, what is just around that bend on the road. Maby a new friend I will make, as I share in their trouble and heavy load. Oh my heart is just bubbling, singing because I am full with Joy. To help those poor souls who have used their religion as a toy. By giving them a new Hope and Faith that will truly satisfy. After all what they had been told is found, were nothing but lies. Oh Beloved Brother Yeshua, may your presence be with me. together we walk once again, as the landscape slowly passes by we see. Sharing our Love and thoughts to those who feel so low. The kind and gentleness of Father's Love may we show. And set their heart alight that they'll feel to be. Like Angels with wings, flying ever so high and free. Knowing that there is a bright side to every dark dream. The intimacy we have with Father, is Love and Life Supreme.



Some people seem to think that when a person dies, they will automaticly go to dwell in Father's Heavenly Domain if they just believe in Yeshua. Or they seem to think that they can enter and dwell in Father's Heavenly Domain in the corrupt state that they are in even when their past sins have been forgiven. Some believe in a purgatory which is nothing more than an assembly line into Heaven. Do you not know that many will try to enter into Father's Heavenly Domain, but only but a few will make it? Why do you think that you will enter Father's Heavenly Domain when even though your past sins have been forgiven? Yet you continue to sin on earth. How can you expect that you will not continue to sin in Heaven. Only the pure make it there. Why do you think the process of reincarnation is there for, just for the fun of it? It serves a definite purpose in the scheme of things. When you get to your earthly death, your soul/spirit will enter at the outer fringe of Father's Heavenly Domain,(what you call Heaven.)It is the place called Limbo, meaning a place that is in between places. You are not in Heaven, nor are you on Earth, but a place just outside of Father,s Heavenly Domain where you will wait until you are called to enter the Hall of Balance, where you will come before Father and be Judged. Two Hundred years of earth's time is only about five hours in Father's Realm. There are really only three possibilities for you upon Judgment. Your Soul/ Spirit will be cast to Death, or you may return to earth to continue in your Spiritual walk or journey until such time that you will displace your carnal self to become fully Spiritual. Do not think that you will become a plant or animal when you reincarnate as some people may suggest, for you have a human spirit and you will reincarnate into a human being. A tree can never become a dog just as a dog can never become an elephant. Only when you have reached that pure Spiritual state, when you have managed to shed your carnal earthly desires of greed, envy, lust, pride, gall, prejudice, boasting and false piety. Replace these with the virtues of your Heavenly Father. Will you then be ready to enter Father's Heavenly Domain. There are many people who have returned to earth because they still struggle with some desires of evilness that is contradictory to the virtues of GOD and must continue their Spiritual walk. Then there are those who have attain to become fully Spiritual in their Spiritual journey. These will be the one's who have attained a pure heart in their Spiritual life. Who have reached and have a genuine intimate loving relationship with Father and do His Will and observe His Commandments. These are the ones who will dwell in Father's Heavenly Domain. This is what Yeshua had tried to tell you right from the start. By his example, you will find that intimate personal relationship, that Love with Father. That Love to do Father,s Will in your heart, mind and spirit. You will not find this path any other way. Yeshua was trying to get people to focus on Father as a Father rather than just a GOD and develop an intimate, loving, heart felt relationship with Father. But what has happened, people slowly began to focus totally on Yeshua outer person rather then what was in his heart and developed an "Idol Worshipping Je-Zeus Cult" instead of finding the Love and family Relationship with Father. Thereby defeating the very purpose and missing the critical point of what Je-Zeus had tried so hard to do. To bring people to Father and have an Intimate, Loving Relationship with GOD as your Heavenly Father so that you too may become true Sons and Daughters of GOD. Is that so hard for you to understand or realize? This is what Yeshua devoted his entire earthly life to. To convey to his people, and is now still asking you to do. There is nothing wrong in having an intimate personal loving relationship with Yeshua himself, as your "Beloved Brother", but do not neglect to develop an Intimate Loving Relationship with Father in the process. I say this so that you may become "One" with Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua so that you may find the Joy of Everlasting Life in Father,s Heavenly Domain.



A good priest is one that looks after and cares for its members. Will not the good Priest make sure that All of its members are well fed and their thirst are quenched in Body, Mind and Spirit? Will a good Priest not care for, and mend any one of its members when it is sick or lame in Body, Mind or Spirit? Will not a good Priest look for any members that has wandered and is lost and not bring it back to the Faith in Body, Mind and Spirit? Will not a good Priest protect a member or the all the members within the Faith from those who would try to kill them in Body, Mind and Spirit? Ask yourself each and every day; Have I set a good example to my sheep in Body, Mind and Spirit? Have I disgraced GOD, Yeshua, the Holy Spirit and the Faith, by my actions in Body, Mind and Spirit? Have I fed my members who hunger in Body, Mind and Spirit? Have I quench my members of thirst for wisdom in Body, Mind and Spirit? Have I lost any members who have gone astray in Body, Mind and Spirit? Have I healed my members who have been injured in Body, Mind and Spirit? Have I protected my members from harm in Body, Mind and Spirit? Be the good Priest that you are meant to be. Look after and care for All the members within the Faith, even to the least of these. Be the good Priest you are meant to be.



Try not to be difficult and cause anxiety to your Priest. Study the Scriptures with diligence so that you may have the knowledge and apply its teachings into your daily life. Be kind and respectful to your Priest. Do not take your Priest for granted in that you become difficult or give calls of false alarm. Help your Priest in ways to ease the burden of responsibility. Show your appreciation to your Priest from time to time. Set a good example to others in and outside the Faith. Do not disgrace your Heavenly Father or the Faith, Temple or House of Worship by your actions. Share your earnings with your Faith, Temple or House of Worship. Give from the Heart. Do not cause the Priest to ask, beg or plead for offerings. Share the good news of your Faith with others so that they may benefit from it in their Spiritual Walk. Be the good member within the Faith that you are meant to be. Look after and care for one another within the Faith, even to the least of these. Be a good member of the Faith that you are meant to be.



Our society has become a madhouse because we have let the marketplace and industry pace our time for us. We have bought into the idea that time is money. So we try to use this twenty four hour time that we have as efficient as possible in the pursuit of earning money. We get to the point that we try to cram and do as much as we can within this time span. It becomes a bad habit that we no longer become aware of it until we develop a stroke, bleeding ulcers or burnout, due to stress. Dearly Beloved; Do not allow Industry or the marketplace to dictate to you, to compete for time as if you were a machine, for you are not. You must learn to pace yourself and take time out just to relax. To stop and smell the roses every now and then. To enjoy your time at work and at play. It is really time to slow down a little if you want to stay healthy in body and mind. Learn to use that brake handle, and use it from time to time. That is the Kingdom of GOD's Way, not our present social economic system. But if you push yourself too hard all day long, expect to wear down faster, be less patient, more angry and highly stressed. You need to take time for family, friends and just socializing. You also need to take much needed time with your children, for they suffer greatly if you can not find the time. You must also learn to just waste time, to contemplate, to daydream and to pray. Try not to take on too many projects at one time that you can not handle with ease and happily. If you must, let go of some projects for another day and time. There is always a tomorrow.



A great sadness overcame me because of those who I had tried to help, choose to ignore the Holy Testament and thereby ignore the Will of GOD. For did not Father say.." I have restored you to the land that I have given to your ancestors, yet you have chosen to secularize the nation. You continue to reject My Beloved Son and profane Me by the shedding of blood on My alter." It is not my wish to see the awful horror that is to come upon the people of Israel. How I wish that they would have at least given greater consideration to the Holy Testament before dismissing it out of hand. Oh you people of Israel, I weep for you because you have angered Father and He in turn has turned away from you because of your rejection of His Will. Those of you who have a love for Yeshua, and love your Heavenly Father, get ready to leave this land that will be cursed. For Father has revealed to me that the people there have chosen of their own free will to forsake His Will once again. They are a stubborn, self-centred people who want to live in a corrupt world. Who embrace the lifestyle of this very corrupt world rather then GOD's Kingdom on earth. Run away from this land, Beloved. For one disaster upon another will befall this land and everything will be in confusion. This land is full of corruption, violence and murderers. Look over yonder, the armies are now gathering like vultures to plunder and make captive of these unGODly people. For it is the Will of GOD that the people of Israel must take the consequence of their action. The day shall come when the Grace period is over and the awful horror shall befall them for forsaking GOD and His Will. Flee then this land quickly, do not wait until you have sold your house or gather many possessions, for you may not have the pleasure of time to do so. Do leave quickly so that you may be safe and escape the awful horror that is to come. Pity the people who choose to stay, for they have been given the chance to come before GOD and cleanse themselves by the blood of Yeshua, but have chosen instead, to go their own way. Now they shall suffer for their arrogance. I warn you; Flee this land straight away, Father has said to me.. " I shall allow the most ferocious nations to come upon this land and let them have their way. Their armies will cause fear in the hearts of the defenders and they will loose their confidence. Because they have rejected My Beloved Son, heeded not the Holy Spirit, and continue in their disgusting conduct. They continue to ignore Me and treat people unfairly in their land. Now; All that stand will be ravaged and be laid to waste. For the trouble at this time will be far more terrible than any other that has ever been before." Therefore Beloved; Heed what Father has said, flee this land quickly and do not look back. For the anger of GOD is set upon these people who have forsook Him. You do not know when Father will set this awful horror in motion. Go far away from this place to where you shall be safe. For the land shall be covered in blood, its rivers shall run red with the blood of their bodies. The earth itself shall shake and quake upon this onslaught. The sky shall rain death and destruction upon this land. The smell of death shall reek for many a months like an invisible cloud. Oh how terrible it will be for those who do not heed Father's words. Weep, for the land of Israel. Weep for your beloved brothers and sisters who have been blinded by their vanity, pride and deception.



What manner of people are they who are so unGODly that they live in such a way as to defile the very name of Yeshua and of our Heavenly Father. They have sit by in their land while innocent babies are being butchered by the thousands. Where people cheat, steal, lie and murder. Where children no longer can have respect for their parents because of what they see how their parents live their lives. Where dope, prostitution and gambling runs wild, where all the profanity that is unGODly is becoming the norm while people claim that they are a GODly Nation. Where Church's are more concerned about playing the numbers game rather then worry about how their people represent Christianity and their Church. Oh how much hypocrisy there is in their virtue, religion and to GOD. And yet they are so proud to call themselves Christians. I for one am so ashamed of how Christians have overwhelmingly defiled that very name by their words and deeds, that I no longer can take up that name unto myself because it has become the name of a prostitute in the name of Jezebel. And yet the very seat of Christianity has allowed these things to go on among the people, under her very nose as she is drunk with power and self piety. But she will be given the Cup of GOD to drink so that she may vomit all that is impure in her body. And if there is nothing pure to be found in her, her whole body will be turned into vomit that will spill upon through her city and the land until it runs into the sea.



Life can be oh so beautiful, if only you would try Where people can live in peace and harmony, if only you would try If only, you, would try. If only you would try, if only, you, would try. No cheating, lying, or stabbing in the back. If only you would try. Where people are there to help one another, if only you would try. If only, you, would try. If only you would try, if only, you, would try. Take all the sorrow and tears away, if only you would try. Where children can play and have no fear, if only you would try. If only, you, would try. If only you would try. If only, you, would try. There will be no hunger, major crime or wars, if only you would try. May the Kingdom of GOD on Earth be done, if only you would try. If only, you, would try. If only you would try, if only, you, would try. Oh, come on then, and let us sing this song, if only you would try. Lets clap our hands and praise our GOD, if only you would try. If only, you, would try. if only you would try, if only, you, would try.

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When any institution do not learn from past mistakes, it will always continue to make those very same mistakes.



Dearly Beloved; Do not think that I have an axe to grind solely on Christianity, which the Roman Catholic Church claims to be the head of that religion. But I can not draw people to that religion or its many churchs that is determine to remain in a corrupt state. Who's people claim to be repentive outwardly, but in reality, are not within. These church's suffer from a very bad case of duplicity, vanity and pride. By saying one thing and doing another, as did Paul in the New Testament of old, who carried the same thorn in his side. These churches are unwilling to admit to any errors that have been made in the past or present, (unless it is forced under pressure), because of their pride and vanity. Beloved; I know that a church is run by people, by human beings who will stumble from time to time. But when a people who claim to represent a religion and claims to be the guide to all others, like the Roman Catholic Church, and do not, or is unwilling to learn from past errors, from past mistakes, but continue to go on blindly disregarding truths from the Holy Spirit, then that is not the kind of church that I would want to follow. For such a church has turned the teachings of our Beloved Brother Yeshua into a pagan religion. Nor would I want to follow a church who changes its teachings and values just for the sake of current trends or what beliefs may be popular, as you will find in Protestant Christianity. I would rather follow a church who can learn from past mistakes, is open to receive new insights from the Holy Spirit, and be always ready to drop old, imperfect dogmas of the past by making the necessary changes in humility, thereby becoming purer and purer as time goes on in one's Spiritual Life and a guidance to people as a Mother Church. To me, that is the mark of true leadership. Would you truly take a friend at the back of a large supermarket and dine from the trash cans when you have the means to dine at a table inside the comfort of a delightful restaurant? Neither would I.


Ask not what GOD can do for you but what you can do for GOD.



Oh Father; look upon your Sons and Daughters who have chosen to stand and fight for Your Kingdom on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Evil has not gotten the upper hand in the battle for the Hearts and Minds of Your Children, Father. I fear that Your Grace period will soon come to an end, but even so, humanity is not beaten, for there are enough people who love You and want to do Your Will. Who Love Yeshua and look upon him as their Beloved Brother and Friend. Who Honour Mary, his Beloved Earthly Mother and Heed what the Holy Spirit is saying to their Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit. Oh Father; What joy I feel in my Heart for these Saints and those people who have stretched themselves beyond their carnal self. Who have the capacity to love beyond human limits. Who are able to follow, listen and believe in the Holy Testament. My Heart sings the song of Grace, Love and Happiness to these few precious souls. I shed tears of Joyfulness knowing that all is not lost, that humanity will have the chance through them, to build and see a brighter future in Your Kingdom, upon this planet we call Earth. Or upon a new planet that You have already chosen for us, Father, if need be. These few faithful remnant of people of Light, who abide in You, Father, are Your True Sons and Daughters. Oh how Wonderful, it will be for these faithful one's who will pass on to dwell with You, in Your Heavenly Kingdom when their work is done. Oh Father; I love You so much more for giving humanity the chance and grace to alter their destructive course and for finding a way to save the human race from total extinction. Father; I LOVE YOU.



Oh how pleasant life would be if money, wealth and the acquiring of material goods were not the overall priority in people's lives. Oh how pleasent life would be if we may interact with other people without having to worry about people trying to rob or take unfair advantage over our good nature. Oh how pleasent life would be if all people are able to pursue their life work and receive the honour and just worth for their effort. Oh how pleasent life would be if there were no longer homeless or hungry people, who have to scavage for food like a sewer rat. Oh how pleasant life would be if people could live without being discriminating against just because they are different. Oh how pleasant life would be if people cared enough that slums would no longer exist. Oh how pleasant life would be if people could stop hating one another for long past wrongs. Oh how pleasant life would be if we could eradicate needless suffering. But that will not happen if people have not the Faith or Trust to do the Will of Father and establish Father,s Kingdom in this coming age. To confirm this, all we need to do is to look back in history. Let us start when Yeshua came onto the scene in the land of Israel. Had people in his time believed and trusted in him rather then the Temple establishment, their history of events would have been far different than what came to be, to exist. The very thing that the Temple "establishment" feared the most came to become a reality in 70 AD with the destruction of the Temple by the Romans. Only because of their lack of Faith and Trust in Yeshua did the events came to be as history recalls. Then when Christianity became the rule, once again the Church "establishment" choose to create and develop a "Je-Zeus Christ Cult" instead of doing the Will of GOD, thereby altering history to what might have been. Now, after two world wars, we still have the slaughter of innocent babies through abortions, starvation and barbaric wars. There still exist to this day, many forms of poverty, starvation, slavery, prejudice and ethnic cleansing because the major church "establishment" did not have the guts to take a stand. They are more concerned to focus on self serving idealogy rather than to focus on the real issues of the day by doing the Will of GOD. In the meantime, people the world over continue to starve, die and suffer needlessly. I had believed that the "Established Christian Churches" were ready to break out of that old self- cantered, selfish mould, that apathetic pattern, but they are not. They are content to continue in their irrational ideology, their piece-meal, patch-up remedy, after the fact treatment, rather then to get at the root cause of the problems that plague humanity. We can address and rectify all of these pressing problems tomorrow, if they only had the Faith, Will and Trust. We need not be just content to just talk about it, but to do it. But that will not happen because the major Christian Church Establishment prefer to give lip service in wanting Father,s Kingdom on Earth to become a reality. They are more content to stay ignorant and focus on using band-aid solutions, on patching over the wounds, rather then preventing the wounds in the first place. In giving crumbs to the hungry from their table rather then to get at the root cause of these problems. Why? Because they have not the Faith, the Courage or the Trust in GOD to forge ahead to get the job done. Therefore nothing meaningful is going to come from the established Christian Churches in the establishment of The Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness on Earth as was commanded when it was said, Seek You First, the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, and all will be given onto you. It will now be up to the many small individual churches who believe in the Holy Testament who will have to carry the ball to get the job done. It will be these People of Light, who will have the Courage, the Faith and Trust in GOD to answered the call, who will hold the many seats in the government of Father's Kingdom on Earth and they shall find a high place within Father,s Heavenly Kingdom when their work is done here on Earth. Who is the "Establishment"? Is it the people we place in governments? Yes. Is it the established Christian churches who is suppose to give us the much needed leadership? No. The real "Establishment" will be the vast majority of common "bread and butter" people who have the real power to change things around when they truly want that change. It is they who will ultimately decide the shape of their society. It is by their Faith, Courage, Will and Trust in GOD through the Holy Testament that will bring about the necessary changes to establish the Kingdom of GOD on earth. They, not those who presently hold the government seats, nor those gutless wonders of the established Christian Churches who have sold their soul and Spirit to the present worldly establishment as in the days of old. May we walk in the Faith, Courage and Trust in GOD, our Heavenly Father that the Holy Spirit has given to us through the book of the Holy Testament.



A Spiritual Temple must represent all people who are Faithful to our Beloved Brother Yeshua, and to GOD, our Heavenly Father. Now you know Beloved, the full truth why it is an abomination to exalt, worship and build statues of a, "mother of GOD",they call Mary, the earthly mother of Yeshua. Why it is foolish to be asking Mary to intercede for you when you can come directly to the Father. I regret to say that the present Vatican church, who claims to be "The" mother church has failed miserably in the past to be a mother to All, to Protect, to Love and to Teach her children to love her son Yeshua, who draws people to our Heavenly Father so that they may become the True children of GOD. Therefore Beloved; If a "Mother Church" abrogates her responsibility to her children, to Yeshua himself, by not diligently seeking Truths for Truth sake alone, but rely heavily, on man made superstition traditions, be it oral or written traditions. Who is unwilling to drop many superstitions or unreasonable ideas that it has accumulated over the span of time. Over the Word of GOD brought to us through the Holy Spirit. Over the face of acumen, and fight against it at any cost, when that happens, then a new Spiritual Church must step in to take up that Cup to become the Guiding Light that she was meant represent. I regret to say that the present Vatican is not able nor willing to face these changes and would only continue to abuse her office as she has done in the past. I truly wounder if it is in her to be the Spiritual Guide to all, in the present, or in the coming new age. I can say this because it is plain to see that she has not learned the lessons from the past and is unwilling to do so now. To fulfil her obligations to seek Truths and embrace all the various people of the Faith under her cloak. Only the Temple of GOD, itself, can now represent and become the earthly representative to all of humanity who are within the Faith. I tell you truly, that if a new Spiritual Temple do not become a reality to take the place of a dishonest "mother" church, here on planet Earth, then humanity has very little hope that GOD's Kingdom on Earth will become a reality. This path will only lead to the destruction of humanity, our planet Earth through the many wars that will ensue. If this is the legacy that Humanity want to leave behind, so be it. May GOD have mercy on all humanity who are left behind in the dust.



As I meditated in my prayer chamber, I sought to speak to Father for His Will. For I was troubled in my heart on not finding anyone who truly want to seek and know Father's Will. When I sensed that I was in the presence of Father, I spoke to Father about my troubled heart. Oh Father; I have searched far and wide throughout this land for a Christian Church who truly want to know Your Will. Who would be worthy to become The Spiritual Holy Church and have the Keys of Heaven and Earth. But I have found not one who truly seek to know Your Will. I have even went to their House of Worship so that they may enquire of You Father. I have given the Holy Testament as You have given it to me to the various denominational churches but none have responded. There is not one church that exist that is truly worthy to You Father, in this land for the door to be opened. Must I look to another people, so that they may have that fellowship of Love and seek to accept Your Will? Or must I accept that the Spiritual Holy Church will only become a reality upon a new planet that You will provide for us? Father answered and said to me," My Beloved; You have done all that I have asked you to do. Do not be troubled because none have proved to be worthy to Me. Those who call themselves "Christians" had ample opportunity to seek you. Nothing hindered them to seek you. Therefore Beloved; Do not trouble yourself for their rejection of Me. I shall deal with these who have, and continue to turn their face away from Me and pervert My Holy Laws and My Will. It would have been far better for them if they had never known My Beloved Son or Me. Now I shall deal with them as I have dealt with people in the past who have defamed My Covenant. I shall now make a New Covenant with You, My Beloved, and all who follow you shall become My chosen ones who will represent My Will." In humility I felt sorry for these churches who had not seek to know Father's Will. I thanked Father for His Love as I lit a stick of Frankincense and Myrrh incense and answered.. "I will always walk in Your Ways Heavenly Father; I place my Trust in Your Hands". Dearly Beloved; Those of you who are the true Children of GOD, His chosen ones. Trust in Father that we will come through the tribulations because of the New Covenant that Father has made with us. I feel sorry for those who could not break out from their entrapment, their customs and traditions. This book was made especially for them. But they refuse to acknowledge the Holy Testament and be effected by it, now we can not be held responsible for their inaction. They shall remain in darkness because of their shortsightedness, so be it. Now at the beginning of the year of 1999, we must separate ourselves from the churches who call themselves "Christians" because of the Covenant they have broken with Father and now reject the Holy Testament. They have committed the Great Sin against the Holy Spirit and continue to sin by perverting the Will of GOD. We can no longer associate ourselves with these gentile pagan Christians. We are not to be tainted by their stripe. It is as simple as that. Now the general public will have to decide for themselves who they may want to follow and who is speaking the Truth. I say this because there are many who profess to love GOD, our Heavenly Father, or our Beloved Brother Yeshua when in reality, they do not. They are not the true "Children of GOD". They are not of our Beloved Brother Yeshua or of Father,s Heart. They know them not. The first Great Sin began when the church agreed of their own free will to break The Commandment of GOD by changing the Sabbath Day from the seventh day to the first day of the week. This happened when Constantine the First, in the Forth Century AD, talked the church into changing the original Sabbath Day to worship on the day of his pagan Sun GOD which is Sunday. On that day, the churches lost the Keys of Heaven and Earth and the Holy Spirit. If that was not bad enough, around the same time frame, the church developed the Nicaen Creed in which they endorsed that this new creature "Je-Zeus is GOD". From that time onward, neither Father nor Yeshua, nor the Holy Spirit guided the Christian Churches in their Spiritual Life. Proof of this is in their perverse history. These are the teachings of "Christians", this is not in our teachings. In all fairness, I must say that there are some "Christian" Churches, like the United Church for example, who are truly sorry for their part that they have played in the history of Christianity. Who are putting their repentance into action for the wrongs that were done. I commend them and hope that they will find the True path. But as a whole, Christianity is still very perverse to the Teachings of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Now, I am sorry to say that the time of Father's Grace period for these Christian Churches have run out. Now I must close the book to these Churches for they are no longer in the Covenant with Father or our Beloved Brother Yeshua. They are a people lost in the wilderness. Now Beloved; Know that we are not now burdened by the baggage of all the Great Sins that Christians carry, past and present. For we have been set free from their deception. May we now walk with a clear conscious in our minds and Spirit. We are no longer tainted by the Christian brutal sorrowful past. Their ignorance, sham and intolerance. Blessed are you who have been set free. We have been grafted into our Beloved Brother Yeshua by the Holy Spirit. That branch that is called Christianity will be cut off from the root by our Heavenly Father. Beloved Brothers and Sisters; Have pity for our brothers and sisters who are Christians, Jews or Muslims. Who are outside the New Covenant, the Faith, the Grace, the Love of GOD, our Heavenly Father, and of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. May the Holy Testament of the Holy Spirit guide them that they may join us so that we may one day become the family we are meant to be. Now Beloved; I have much more instructions to reveal, but I can reveal it only to those who are in the People of the New Covenant of the Holy Testament. Who are now following The Way of the Holy Testament. Know that the new international science space station that is now being built, when it is completed it will look like a shining star in the night sky, but after a time it will tumble down to earth and fall into the Mediterranean Sea . Just remember that if the Kingdom of GOD and His Righteousness can not be established on Earth before World War III comes upon us, we shall all be together on a new planet to re-establish the human race according to Father's Will. Give a copy of this disk to your fellow Brothers and Sisters who abide in Father,s Will. I shall not pass the compleat version of the Holy Testament to the "Christian" churches. In due time they will know of their folly. They were given three years to make up their mind to seek and do the Will of GOD through the Holy Spirit as found in the Holy Testament. Now they have no excuse what so ever for their inaction. They shall follow the destiny that they have chosen for their life path.



Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I am sadden at what has developed. None of these "Christian" Church's has come to answer the call and stand for the Will of GOD as it is written in the Holy Testament. But have chosen to take what was offered, and took from it what they wanted and continue to follow in their own pagan path. It was not my wish that this should have happened. Therefor; We have no choice but to keep away from the pagan religion of Christianity. Do not contaminate yourself by Christians, for they have soiled themselves in the sight of your Heavenly Father. In fact, blot out that pagan name of their pagan god. Do not even speak the name of their man-made pagan god. Instead, if you must,call it Je-Zeus Christ. For their man-made pagan god is like that of Zeus.I can only surmise by their lack of action and Faith that they do not know, nor are they as close to Father or to our Beloved Brother Yeshua, as they had pretended to be. For the outcome would have been much different. Therefor; Beloved of Father's Heart, Know that Father has closed the door to these Christian church's and I know them not. Now I shall take the Holy Testament to people who truly want to know and want a loving, intimate, personal relationship with Father, and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. And let those who call themselves "Christian" wallow in their own mire. Those people seem to think that by worshipping our beloved Brother Yeshua as a GOD and preach the gospel to save souls have completely got off the track to do Father's Will. To establish Father's Kingdom on Earth. One can for they reject Father's Will and expect that all is well. Father expects all or nothing from His people. Half measures do not fit well with Father's Will. Do they expect that they shall be saved by doing only half of what Father expects of them? Not so. There are many who believe that they are saved, who say, "I believe in Je-Zeus or Je-Zeus Christ" but are not saved. For they have let the tradition of man stand in the way of being truly saved. Dearly Beloved; They have deceived the whole world in the name of their phantom creature they call Je-Zeus Christ. Beloved; I will not offer any excuses for their actions in the past, nor their inaction and lack of True Faith in the present. They will have to answer to Father and live with the choice they have made. Those of you who believe in what Father has said through the Holy Testament, know that we can not walk and follow in their "Christian" perverse traditional path. We must walk instead on the path that Father has already set out for us. I will not, nor can I compromise with what is Father's Will for any wealth, position or power that may come to entice me to change course from what Father has already set for me to do. Therefor; We must forge our own coarse to be True to the fulfilment of Father's Will. I should not have been surprised by those people inaction and lack of Faith to Father's Will. For one cannot put new wine into an old wineskin, and expect that it will hold, for it will break apart. What that means, if old, man made habits or traditions are not allowed to be replaced by truths which comes through by Father's Enlightment through the Holy Spirit. Then there can only be conflict within and break that old structure. One must then build a new structure if the old one will not yield or give way. Yet there are people who have not learned that lesson. Now Father has revealed to me that He wants to braid our Faith with not only to Himself, but also to our social, political life. In total with our earthly, daily life. So that our society may become One as we have become One with Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua, while respecting all other faiths. Father has revealed to me that there are some people within pagan Christianity that no more believe in GOD, our Heavenly Father nor in Yeshua as the Son, yet claim to be people of our Heavenly Father. They look upon their pagan "faith" not based upon a reality, as the existence of a living GOD, but in the context of an abstraction in their understanding of GOD and developed their belief, their pagan religion as an imponderable force that is within the universe. Then there are those of the pagan "Christian faith," who look upon GOD and Yeshua from the outside, looking in. They see their religion in the light of a philosophy in which it has become nothing more than an academic exercise and their faith has become nothing more than a business to them in order to exult themselves and maintain their power, wealth, position and status. They have received their faith and understanding through their academic training that is dry and dead. They have no intention to try, let alone want GOD's Kingdom to be established here on Earth, as it is in Heaven, as it is in the very credo in the Lords Prayer. But are quite content to leave things as they are. Yes, they may talk a good talk, They may make it sound like they believe what they are telling you, but if you should listen very carefully, they will betray themselves by what they say. I tell you truly, I have met many a people who became agnostics because of what they saw what their fellow "Christian" did and say in the name of GOD who is this creature Je-Zeus. Yet these very same agnostics, will put many a "Christian" to shame when it comes to showing kindness to people. Now you have Christianity that is based upon a religion which reflects more on Persian, Roman and Greek mythology as in the belief of a devil and a GOD that becomes a human being which is nothing more than what was derived from pagan cults. Oh Yes Beloved, these are your pastors and priests who tell you to believe in these myths as being true, as being the absolute truth, who use this ideology on people to play upon the people's minds that are based upon deceit, rather than for the sake of Truth. To alter the true facts within scripture and then claim to do it in the name of Je-Zeus which is the hight of misrepresentation on the very teachings of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. This was made to reflect their dogmas for the general public which is the wrong motive, all this is being done for their appearance sake only to keep up that illusion to justify their existance. While they are free to decive people, for the time being, I will not follow in their path of deception. Now you can fully understand why Father is so angry with what is going on here on planet Earth that He shall put an end to this great deception and profanity that exist. Even if it means to destroy the planet earth and all that is within it as was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. Therefore Beloved, do not concern yourself with what is happening now or what is about to come, or what is going to happen in the future. For it is the Hand of Judgment that Father will allow it to happen. Just stay focused on Father's Word and He will guide us through this coming tribulation that will be upon our entire planet. Dearly Beloved; What Father and Yeshua want is Priests and people who are mature people, who have evolved from a diet of pablum and milk to one's who can take a diet of meat of what is GOD's Word for Humanity. Father wants those people who have put away childish things and have evolved to the stage of maturity who are not afraid to get to and stand for the Truth. These are the one's whom I am calling for the Kingdom of GOD, not babies. Let those people who are more like babies in their knowledge of GOD stay in their crib and suck on their pacifiers until they grow up. Because of what has now transpired, I weep for those who are not babies, who have chosen to betray Father's and Yeshua trust. One would think that I would be joyous over this event so that we may condemn them, but I am not. Rather I truly feel sorry for these. I can not hate them because of what they have done. But we must think of all those poor lost souls who will never see Life. Will never be partakers of Father's forgiveness and Grace. That is something one cannot be joyous about. Dearly Beloved; Let us thank Father that we had the wisdom not to fall into their deadly trap of short sightedness.


Remember that Father will not forget us, nor will He leave us as orphans. Father will never forsake those who are His own. I give my love to you. I shall reflect upon you and all those who have been saved by Father through the New Covenant of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. May GOD have mercy on all Christians who have chosen to seek their own way. Oh Father; Look at all the people who are being touched by the power of Your Holy Spirit. They are sprouting up here and there all over the land and around the world. May this fire within them turn into a raging firestorm that will engulf the whole world that no amount of water can put it out. It is like the very First Pentecost, only much, much greater. These are Your Children who have received The Eternal Flame, The Eternal Light, and now, they have become Your True Children of Light. Let Your Heart rejoice greatly Father, for these are your prodigal Sons and Daughters who have returned to Your Heart and Home. These are your Children who have come through the fire of testing, who are now eager to seek and do Your Will. Through them may Your Kingdom, Father, become a reality on earth, as it is in Heaven, and fight the good fight against the people of darkness. May many more people from all walks of life, from all the various races and denominations be caught up in the blessing of the Holy Spirit. May we all humble ourselves in gratitude for the Love and Kindness You have bestowed upon us Father. We thank you Father, for being a Loving Father to us. We Thank You too, Beloved Brother Yeshua for opening the doors of Father's Heavenly Domain and help people find their way to our Heavenly Father. We Thank You Holy Spirit for caring, for giving us your most Holy Testament so that we may have the true Faith of the New Covenant and be reunited to our Heavenly Home. We Thank You Mary, for giving birth to our Beloved Brother Yeshua. May the Grace and Love of the Holy Spirit draw all people to their Heavenly Father. May all the little children, the elderly people, the young people and mature people who find the Love of Father may know the Blessing, Joy, Peace and Contentment that can be theirs. May Father grant us the time and means to build a Spiritual Holy Temple on earth that will reflect the Holy Temple of our Heavenly Father as a reminder of the New Covenant that has been established. May we truly be the children of the New Covenant that Father and Yeshua and the Holy Spirit has made for us so that we may become the True Sons and Daughters of our Heavenly Father. We accept the New Covenant and the Holy Testament that You, Father, have given to us. Whatever the outcome, we place our Trust in Your Hands, Father. May we be pleasing in Your sight. May we never break the New Covenant that You have made with us. For we are bound to You Father, in Mind, Heart and Spirit.



The most question people ask me is the big, "WHY" do it happen to me when they encounter a tragedy? They tell me that they had believed in GOD. They had believed in Je-Zeus and what he taught. They believed that they had been saved. They went to church on a regular basis. They tried to live a good honest life, they minded their own business. So "WHY" should bad things be happening to me? In order to find the answer to that question, Beloved; We must look deep within ourselves as human beings to see what we are doing that bring all the many tragedies within our lives, within our world. The question of "WHY" seem so difficult and complex to understand until we take all the pieces and fit them together as you would a jig saw puzzle and set it out to see the Big Picture. As a jig saw puzzle, everything in life is inter-connected with everything that surround us that effect what the picture is going to look like. For the BIG PICTURE is already established for us by GOD, our Heavenly Father. The question is, are we fitting this jig saw puzzle correctly so that we can see the big picture? I am afraid that we are not. First, we have been brought up in a social system that is geared to go after that golden ring, in the carrousel of life. In of itself, it is not a bad concept, except that it is very self-centred orientated. The same holds true with our economic system, which is the very opposite of what Yeshua teaches. Then we have many ailments such as cancer, allergies and asthma in the very young, and we wounder why? When we continue to discharge pollutant gases in the air through industry and the thousands of vehicles we drive each day. Yet, if we are too demanding of ourselves or of industry, we are willing to pollute the air for the convenience of privet transport, while industry will promptly move to a location where people are willing to sacrifice air quality for a pay check. Yet, we all breath the very same air and wounder WHY children have asthma attacks. We face many diseases around the world, yet we are careless with hygiene and pollute our environment. We then blindly transport these diseases around the world through freight and passenger transportation. Many people insist to buy or build a house in a town or city that is in a floodplain, and wounder WHY they get flooded. Or live close to a river or lake, or build upon a location where mud or snow slides exist and wounder WHY it has happened to them when they encounter a snow or mud slide. Or they may be located in a known fault line, and wounder WHY their home, town or city is torn to shreds when an earthquake comes. What about people who live near active volcanos, or are living in known paths of tornados or hurricanes and wounder WHY they encounter these natural disasters and people get killed. People wounder WHY there is so much brutality in the world when there is so much violence on the media, in religious and political belief systems, in peoples attitudes that show up in sports and on the street while people pretend or ignore these things exist and continue in their self-centred way of life. When people who say that they believe in GOD and His righteousness yet contradict themselves by their actions. We can know the answer to the many big WHY questions, if we truly look for the answers. By asking the right questions and being honest and truthful to our selves. THE ACT OF GIVING I have noticed many people who were giving nickel and dimes or the like into collection plates when I had visited many a pagan "Christian" church. Yet those same people would not hesitate to spend fifty or one hundred times that amount just on their entertainment or social activities. It begs me to wounder what those people must be thinking when they nickel and dime their Church. Let not it be said that we will be like those people. You see, what these people are really doing is nickel and dimming our Heavenly Father and Beloved Brother Yeshua. How sad to see the worth that some people place on Father and Yeshua. Is that all that is in their "Christian" heart? Is that the worth that they place on their Love for Father and Yeshua? When I think of how much Yeshua gave to Humanity, how much Father has done for us by giving LIFE and a place to dwell here on Earth and have a chance to be with Him in Heaven, how sad indeed is their show of appreciation. I pray that if we should ever have a Temple, we will not be like these people. Let us open our heart and give in Honour of Father and of Yeshua what is their true worth of their love. That we may give in Honour of Father and of our Beloved Brother Yeshua through our group so that one day, we may establish a Spiritual Holy Temple as a beacon of Light, a focal point and an organization to Do the Will of GOD while we still have the time. To try to establish a movement or political party if the number of people warrant it. If not, then let the Spiritual Holy Temple be the central focal point of Father,s Will so that people may come and be together as a group of house Churches. To sustain those who give their life as a Priest, to help the faithful in their Spiritual walk. To help and support all the Priests and their members financially or in services in our and other countries around the world if difficulties may arise or befall them in these troubled times. For did not Yeshua say.. "If you Love me, feed my (sheep)followers." You, who are Priests, must feed your people in body, mind and Spirit. Our Faith in our Heavenly Father will allow a believer to have a more personal, loving, relationship with Father as they walk in their spiritual life. Believers of our Faith are free to establish a prayer chamber in their home. Or establish a home church within a community and invite friends to partake in worship with them. In this way, it will be very hard and difficult for the infiltration from outsiders to disrupt the whole Church. At least until we are established. That will greatly depend on how well people respond to the Faith that we offer before the time has run out for humanity. It is for this very reason we will not prematurely try to build or try to obtain many Church structures. All believers are free to speak to, invite people to share in their Faith and bring people into the Family of the Kingdom of GOD. We must also try to get the message of the Holy Testament out to the general public via by radio and the internet so that we may save those people from those wolves who rob the innocent people of their money and soul /spirit by giving people a false hope and teaching of Father's Will. We must at least try and bring about Father's Kingdom and His Righteousness on Earth while we have the time so that it may become a reality and alter the destructive course humanity is heading for. By giving people that vision of Father's Kingdom to people all over the world who are struggling, who are being victimized, who are being held in poverty and who are oppressed. It will help people to know that things can be much different for them and change for the better if people truly want it. It will help people in their Spiritual walk, here and now. I can only answer your letter when I am staying in Toronto during the winter months. For I am on the road from spring to late fall. Beloved; When we make the break from the "Christian" religion, we must look upon people who call themselves Christians in the same way as we would look upon people who belong to any other faith or religions that are outside the Covenant of GOD. There is no need to condemn the Christian religion and their churches for our Beloved Brother Yeshua and our Heavenly Father has already condemned them to their fate. Rather, have pity for these lost souls. We are now entering a new path that will take us through an exciting new spiritual dimension into the Kingdom of GOD, on earth as it is in Heaven. Let us all rejoice for what Father has given onto us. I shall soon give you a little sample of what will be in part three of the Holy Testament. You will not be disappointed. For now, set up a Sanctuary of The Ark in a special place in your own home where you will have that quiet place to contemplate and worship your Heavenly Father. You may establish a house church in your own home if the Holy Spirit moves you in that direction. In the meantime, let us carry the Holy Mother Church, The Spiritual Temple of GOD in our hearts until it becomes a reality. For those who have the Ark text, use it as a model to set up in your prayer chamber or in your house church. MAY HUMANITY CHOOSE THE CORRECT PATH, SO THAT WE MAY ESTABLISH FATHER'S KINGDOM ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN, FOR A NEW BEGINNING, A BRIGHT AND GLORIFYING FUTURE. MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE, FATHER, ON EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. Blessed are you, who Believe. Your Beloved Brother and Friend Jean

------- INSIGHT -------

The old Church must die in order for it to be Reborn. Just as you must die from your former self to become a new person.



When my Beloved Brother Yeshua made the New Covenant with His Brethrens, during The Last Supper, the full knowledge of the New Covenant was yet not with the disciples after Yeshua rose to be with Father. That is why Yeshua told his disciples that a time would come, when Father would reveal at the proper time, Greater Enlightment to All who are Faithful to Father and my Beloved Brother Yeshua. Now according to Father, the time has come to present to you, my Beloved, The Ark of the New Covenant. Know now, that with the Covenant, and the knowledge contained within the Holy Testament, you are entering into the Holy Order of Father, and of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. I tell you that from this day, you are set free from All the guilt and inequities of the past when you enter The New Covenant that Yeshua has made for you. I came to guide you only because My Beloved Brother Yeshua Loves you so much that He asked Father to send me to you. You are to become a Holy People to be an example to those who are in darkness so that they may see the Full Light. You, who believe in me and follow the Holy Testament shall now be called...The People of the Holy Testament. We are the People of the Ark of the New Covenant. Look not upon people of other religions with contempt, for they are wanting to walk towards the Light, Truth and Understanding of Father in their own way, understanding and pace. Give them that freedom as we are given the freedom to forge ahead. Those who seek Truth, Peace, Rest, Forgiveness, Justice and Everlasting Life let them come unto me through my Beloved Brother Yeshua. Therefore; Let us become the Temple of the Ark of the New Covenant. It is here, in Father's House of worship, that is in the special place in your own heart, where no person can destroy or take away from you. To express that Love, install the Ark of the New Covenant and the Alter of Incense in a special place in your dwelling place so that you may meditate and Worship there. Pray and Meditate to Father and Praise our Beloved Brother Yeshua here. It is here, in front of the ARK where you shall study and meditate upon the Testaments, where you shall meet and speak to Father, and to your Beloved Brother Yeshua and enjoy each others company. It is from here where you shall be able to Enlighten people in your location and throughout the communities of the world. I tell you that from this day onward, you are set free from all the inequities of the past by the new Priesthood and New Covenant that you have entered in as spoken of in the Old and New Testament. Look to Isaiah 11: 1-9 Hebrews 8: 1-13. and 1 Peter 2. 4-10



From; Brother Jean



Dearly Beloved Congregation of the Holy Testament. I want to say to all of you how pleased I am to hear from you. It warms my heart to hear how appreciative the membership are to me in the work that I do. When I read your report on how well the membership has responded to the separation from the "Christian Religion". Yes, I said "religion" because any faith that bases its teachings with mythology such as devils and human deity are nothing more but an alternative pagan religion in Father's eyes. I knew that our group would be trilled to be outside of Christianity and those other pagan religions and be Redeemed and extracted from them by our Heavenly Father. For they have betrayed not only our Beloved Brother Yeshua, but also our Heavenly Father. Christianity carries the Great Sin upon their spirit. Beloved; we have truly been lifted from a great guilt, the great burden that these people have to carry. This stigma and shame of Christianity, we no longer shair and carry while we speak and explain to potential members the atrocious barbaric history of Christianity. It is good to hear of the great relief that some of our membership now feel, those who were fomer Christians. That Father had told them that they must separate themselves from that perverted religion called Christianity. I thank you Beloved Brothers and Sisters for all your Loving kind words. I am sure that I do not have to remind you that on January 1st, 1999, will be the official breaking-off day from that perverted, Baal worship Christian religion. And that we shall conduct a Special High Holy Mass on that day. This day shall henceforth become our Inauguration Day to us for being Redeemed from the Great Sins of Christianity. Of receiving the Cup of the New Covenant that give us a new beginning. It will become part of our calender High Holy Days. May the news of the New Covenant in Book 1 of the Holy Testament will have a good effect on the general public and encourage them, as well as all those people who were deceived and had left Christianity because of its hypocracy. May these people now join with our Faith for the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD, on earth as it is in Heaven. I shall also distribute Book 1 and Book 2 of the Holy Testament to the general public during my summer tour. You may inform people in your area of this good news. You may also put it through on the internet after New Years day. Until we have our next monthly communication, I send my Blessings to all of you Dear Brothers and Sisters and know that Father is well pleased with all of you. It is my hope that I may visit and spend some time with all of you if it is the Will of Father. Until then, Blessed are you who believe. Your loving Brother and companion and fellow soldier of the Faith. Jean


History has proven time and again that scoffers usually end up with egg on their face.



A farmer had to leave his farm during sowing season to see his son in some far off place. He left instructions to his overseer about seeding the fields. He would return to the farm with his son by harvest time if all went well. When the farmer and his son returned to the farm at harvest time, there was a day of great celebration. The next day, the father instructed the son to inspect the fields and bring him some sample to see if the fields were ready for harvesting. When the son returned from the fields, he informed the father that the fields looked as if they were totally covered with weeds. Only but a few strands of wheat could be seen here and there among the weeds. The farmer could not believe his ears and promptly went out to the fields to see for himself. Upon seeing the fields, anger rose up within the father that he sent his son to fetch the overseer. Upon hearing all the lame excuse of why the fields were covered in weeds, the farmer's anger grew and he promptly whipped the overseer out from his homestead, never to return again. Meanwhile, the son got the farm hands to plough up the fields. It is likewise what has happened with Christianity. It became fields of weeds. Now the son sent his workers to gather up what little wheat was there and then ordered the workers to plough up the fields to start all over again. Now the Holy Spirit must seed the fields to start a new crop and a new harvest.



Dearly Beloved of Father,s Heart. Now that we have been given a New Covenant with Father, know now that we can make a clean break from those churches who call themselves "Christians". These churches, as I have found out, have made for themselves a pagan religion. Who in the time when Yeshua walked upon the earth, they failed to recognize the Will of GOD that Yeshua had proclaimed. Christians were given a free gift from the Holy Spirit, through our Beloved Brother Yeshua. But they have chosen to use it for their own selfish advantage, to feather their own nest, so to speak and relied upon their own self-sufficiency rather than to be subservient to our Heavenly Father. That act has cut them off from any Grace that might have been theirs. Therefore Beloved Brothers and Sisters; Let us not contaminate ourselves by the sins that these who claim to be Christian churches, who have knowingly committed in the past, and are now committing in the present, lies, deceit, hatred, profanity and the suppression of actual truth. While we are no longer attached to them, we no longer look upon the Christian pagan "religion" as representing the actual, or absolute truth. Nevertheless, we must accord them the same right and respect as any other religion who is outside The Faith. They must be given the freedom to believe in whatever they may want to believe as their conception of truth. This we can now do because we are no longer a part of that group or religion. Never forget, there are those individuals and groups within all religions that are truly Saints, despite what they have been taught to believe by their own religion. They are the ones who have stretched themselves beyond their traditional limits. Who respect other religions and are able to work together for the common good of humanity. They are the one's who will be able to dwell and rest in the security of the Kingdom of GOD on earth, and in Heaven. For Father knows and sees what is in the heart of all people and He will judge them according to their heart and works. For these people have received their faith and knowledge through their religion and came to believe and trust in good faith, in what their religious leaders have taught them. It is only the churches within Christianity who are unable to come and work together, who have corrupted the teachings of Yeshua by their hardened hearts, by their deeds and acts, who have been cast out by our Beloved Brother Yeshua, and in turn, by our Heavenly Father. Those who preach the corrupt teachings of Yeshua are being held totally responsible and are condemned by Father, not the people who have been duped by their preachers, teachers or priests. Christianity can no longer claim to hold the absolute truth and that all other religions in the world are of no value, as what most of these Christian churches claim. For their truth has proven to be subjective truth under the test of scrutiny. Therefore Beloved; From this time onward, let us not identify ourselves as "Christians", least we be contaminated by their stripe. Let us not take up that unGODly name or identity unto ourselves for the sake of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. For that name was given to them, "Christian" was meant to mean, "Followers of Yeshua" but they have proven by their works, that they have followed everything, but Yeshua. Now, in the annals of history, that name will come to mean "People who have perverted the good name of Yeshua". Who have utterly disgraced and corrupted the image of our Beloved Brother Yeshua through their actions and deeds. Through their wilful misrepresenting the Will of our Heavenly Father by neglecting to establish Father's Kingdom on earth as commanded by Yeshua. We must now look upon these Christian churches and people, who follow in this corrupt mind set, in their corrupt tradition of Sunday Worship, of claiming that Yeshua is GOD, who believe in a actual, real live devil, and take up the traditions of many a Persian, Greek and Roman mythologies and practice in their understanding of Heavenly things. Who have proven to be truly unable to love GOD and one another for the past two thousand years as Yeshua had commanded. Who have demonized the Jewish people and contributed towards their deaths by their hate propaganda throughout the Christian world. Many of these Christian people are truly unsaved because they have refused to face the actual truth that lay before them. The teachings of Yeshua is here to help all humanity in their Spiritual Walk. So that all people may come to know and have a personal, loving, relationship with Father and one another. That was the message that Yeshua gave to people. But the Christian church has knowingly tampered with and re-shaped that original message of Yeshua to fit their own theology, dogma and agenda by remaking Yeshua into a GOD. Who have separated from one another and built walls around their individual groups and promptly called them Christian denominations that compete with one another. It is because of these deeds, and many other things that Christians have done that have caused them to become a wandering people lost in the wilderness of darkness. Many people have been blinded by the ignorance and traditions of these churches and their leaders over the years. Who have willfully placed their total focused on self, who have made a new GOD for themselves, by claiming that this phantom creature they call Je-Zeus as their GOD, instead of placing their focus on Father through our Beloved Brother Yeshua. How can then "Christianity" in all honesty and in truth now make the claim that they are the only representative of our Beloved Brother Yeshua and that they have the supremacy over all people within the world religions when they have such a perverse and terrible history? Remember that they too were once upon a time, branded, and maybe still are, a mind controlling or even a killer cult religion that is truly on a grand scale within their past history. They had many Popes and church leaders that had persecuted and put to horrible deaths many an innocent children, men and women who were branded as demons or witches by their warped, perverted minds. Their thinking we can clearly see, were in a state of total ignorance and contradiction to the true Love and teachings of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. The evilness that was in their heart reflected what was in the very depths of their being, their heart, soul and spirit. Even after two thousand years have passed, there are many people of today who think and act very much like those people of past ages. Who are quite satisfied to remain like filthy rags compared to what is their true potential. Christians no longer have the right to claim that they are in the Covenant with Father, or with our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Nor can they make the claim any longer that they hold the Keys of Heaven and Earth. Nor can they claim that they are guided by the Holy Spirit. For history has already proven that to be false statements. That will only be another great lie and sin upon their soul and Spirit. Let us not hate those who have fallen from Grace because they have chosen to remain ignorant to the truth. Rather, forgive their stupidity and ignorance. Show pity and compassion for these poor lost souls that have been deceived by their church and show them the full truth of what their Christian track record has been throughout its history. They have acted against the teachings and become more like Nimrod than how Yeshua would have them behave. Beloved Brothers and Sisters; Pity those people who call themselves "Christians" for they shall always carry that awful stigma of their horrendous past, their ignorance in their spiritual understanding in the annals of human history. Pity them who have lost the capacity to love, to think, to reason and to see new visions. Pity them also those who have lost the Covenant with Father, that Loving Bond, that special Love with our Heavenly Father and with our Beloved Brother Yeshua because of their corrupt mind set and traditions. For Father and Yeshua knows them not. We are now seeing the continual decline of Christianity throughout the world. For their time has run out. Oh, some small segment of Christianity will survive for a while as a small group, as a cult religion, for there will always be those who desire to remain in ignorance. But they will no longer be the dominate religion of the world. Who will be the source of enlightment, be the Light and beacon of GOD. Only time will show these people how ignorant they have truly become. Therefore Beloved Brothers and Sisters; Let us not duly concern ourselves on what they may think or say about us in the coming near future, knowing now what they are and what they have done in the past, gives very little creditability to their sayings. Now, because we have duly received and accepted the New Covenant and the Holy Testament from Father through the Holy Spirit whom Yeshua has sent to us. Let us remember what Yeshua had said to his apostles; "He who comes after me will do greater things than I have done.." We are not now burdened by the baggage of all the Great Sins that Christians carry, past or present. For we have been set free from their blindness and tainted past. We in essence are starting from a new, clean slate. A New beginning. Beloved; It is for this very reason that we have been given a new name. So that people may know that we are a new Creation. That we are the Sons and Daughters of our Heavenly Father and Brothers and Sisters of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. May we now walk with a clear conscious in our mind and Spirit. We are not tainted by the ignorance, vanity, pride, deception and intolerance of Christians. Blessed are you who have been set free and have been grafted onto our Beloved Brother Yeshua by the Holy Spirit. That branch that is called Christianity that has turned pagan, will be cut off from the vine by our Heavenly Father. For Yeshua himself has cursed this very branch. For did not Yeshua give the parable of the unfruitful fig tree, the worthless salt, the tree and its fruit as a warning to them? Yet they choose to heed not his words. Dearly Beloved; Count all of your blessings that you are not one of them, but a seeker of Holiness and Truth. That you have the sense of discernment and an open mind. That you have found the Heart of your Beloved Heavenly Father. That you have also found the real Yeshua, your Beloved Brother. That we are not fragmented, but are "One" with Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua. We have been given the greatest gift in the entire universe, which is the ability to Love. Blessed are you who is a child of your Heavenly Father. Who are within the Heavenly Family. Know that what ever may happen, you will return Home when you walk through the shadow of your earthly death. Therefore; Let us become the people we are meant to be and reflect our Love for our Heavenly Father, our love for our Beloved Brother Yeshua. For the Truth and the Love for one another.

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This world and its people will never achieve its greatness until the people of the world builds a society according to the Will of GOD. May we stand upon our faith and build GOD`s Kingdom on Earth so that we may wipe out the evil that plague our world. Only a Confederation of a united, GODly people will meet this challenge.



Oh Heavenly Father, Creator of all Life, You have made Your Desire known to me, and with determination I will carry out Your Will. May the people from all walks of life choose your Kingdom by which will bring hope, peace, prosperity, tranquility and respect to all of humanity. Yours is the only government that will do all of this. May people learn to share all Your free gifts given by You for our wellbeing. May Your Congregation of GODly People not falter, and choose to establish Your Kingdom. To replace our present vile earthly system, so that people may rise to the level of Your Consciousness, holding the focus of Your Will, for the betterment of all humanity for all time.

********** INSIGHT **********

Religion and Politics cannot be separated from each other, for they are both intertwined with one another to create the glue, the substance that interact and hold a society together.



As I was in the midst of meditation and prayer, when I beheld a vision of GOD`s Kingdom on Earth, of what it would be like if people choose it then any other social political system after the death of the monetary system. I saw a Theo-democratic world Kingdom, where all the boundaries of the world will have been taken down so that people may freely travel throughout the world. There will no longer exist inflation, depressions, greed, unemployment, corruption, hunger or wars. People will be free to produce all what humanity may need or want. Every person shall have medical care, justice, education, communication, employment, transportation, food and shelter as their inherit right. All other goods will be provided according to their measure. This will represent the outmost perfection in laws, politics and living standards for all of humanity, as contrasted with the defects of a system ruled not by the Will of GOD. People will then know the true meaning of unity, respect and order. Then will humanity know the true essence of GOD, and they shall come to know Him, and give unto GOD the respect that He deserves.

********** INSIGHT **********

It is those people from all walks of life, who seek for Truth, Enlightened reason and are strong in the faith of GOD, that will dispel the cloud of darkness that has infected the human race.



O Heavenly Father, look upon Your congregation of people who understand and accept Your Will, who are working towards Your Intentions. These are Your true servants, who will hold the many seats of Your Kingdom that will represent a united world order upon our planet Earth. These are Your true followers, who have mentally and spiritually raised to a higher plane of consciousness, then people of this worldly system for it is through Your Revelations that all this is made possible. May we be pleasing to Your sight and stand steadfast To Your Will, and defend Your Honour as well as protect our fellow brothers and sisters in the face of adversity. For there are those adverse elements in any society who will try to defeat your people of Light, as You have witnessed in times of old. For the days are near, when the people of Darkness will become crazed during the time of the Great Tribulation. We shall give service to those who need help, give understanding to those who understand not this we do for the betterment and advancement of all humanity. We shall tackle the many problems of life, in the here and now, with the guidance of Your Will. May we prove to be worthy to You, so that You may glorify us in Your Heavenly Kingdom, for the love we share with You.

********** INSIGHT **********

The loss of diversity is not merely a matter for sentimental regret, it is a direct reduction in the number of opportunities open to the future generations that is yet to come.


Oh what a frightful sight to behold, when one see`s people fighting each other over one`s colour, race, lifestyle or creed. Why the anguish and torment over it all? Are not all people born upon this planet we call Earth? Are not all people the children of GOD? Then let us not forget the heritage that we all share.The difference that is really there, is in the expression and understanding that reflects only the richness of one`s culture that people have developed over a period of time. How sad, if all the flowers, all looked alike, no difference in colour, shape or scent. How sad, if all the birds looked alike, no difference in colour, shape or sound in their songs .And how sad, if all of Humanity were alike, no difference in colour, culture or expression. GOD created our planet Earth and all that is within it, of different colours, shape`s and sounds in order to create the beauty that we all behold. For diversity is in truth, the spice of life, GOD knew it all along, Why have not we?

********** INSIGHT **********

No society can endure without religion, but when religion is found to loose its respect by its people, will soon find it dying or broken into many contentious fragments.



Oh Heavenly Father, You are the Creator of all life, look upon the many people of the world who are defective in their understanding of You and Your Will. For they still worshipped things made of stone and wood, and now gold and money that are the works from their hands. Now their whole life becomes nothing but strife and death. Forgive them Dear Father, of what has been done through their ignorance, for they are shrouded in darkness by the passing of time. They have lost that vision and the Light that was given to their ancestors so long ago. May we now remove the Darkness and clear the mist from their eyes, so that they may look up to You, Dear Father in a new light through the understanding of Your Will that You have made known through Your Envoy. You have the compassion to forgive their ignorance, as You are moved to their dilemma, save them from much error and destruction if they choose to follow Your Will. They have no hope of salvation, but only through You, Dear Heavenly Father. May we avert the total destruction of humanity, by the knowledge that You have given us. May the time come when in our house and in our land will the people find peace, and the Tabernacle of Your Temples and Churches will no longer be in error, by the teachings of Your Envoy who will instruct them of Your Will.

********** INSIGHT **********

No thinking person is unaware of the conditions that exist in our world today, though we are in a sad state of flux, if we do not give positive action to this situation, people will find themselves in a state of chaos.



It is so written, that the Father has commanded me to prepare for Him a gathering of all religious leaders. Who have been called by His Spirit, so that they may be instructed to the Will of GOD. So that they may in turn enlighten their flock of the good news that they shall receive. May you open the eyes of those who see, but who cannot see, speak to those who hear, but cannot perceive. Preach the glad tidings to those who feel low and who are broken hearted, and to those who have faith in GOD. For when the time comes, GOD will judge the world without respect of persons, and everyone shall receive their due in accordance to their works. Therefore, retain the Faith and Hope that GODs Kingdom shall be established, and the salvation We shall receive when our time has come. May we forever be humble to one another, and help each other in our task, for the journey is not an easy one, in the days that is to come.

********** INSIGHT **********

Humanity will never develop a social order that will last, unless it is prepared to establish the highest ideals, and put them into practice with unfailing courage, faith, patience and steadfastness that we may possess.



In the vastness of the universe, how insignificant humanity seem`s to be, until we come to realize, the nature of our destiny. For GOD Created the whole universe, it was not without a definite plan. To seek out the knowledge that is, and the challenge and quest that GOD gave to humanity. But what we do upon our planet Earth, we will carry those traits along with us. In the far reaches of our innermost being. Which will reflect our conduct and theme that will greatly determined the outcome of our destiny. For if humanity continues to live as we have lived, and seek not to change our ways. But persist to seek the outer limits of space, then we shall die in total disgrace. So let humanity be aware of this, and basicly change our ways to the Will of GOD. Then humanity will be able to work together hand in hand, to surmount the biggest challenge that is to come, the great exploration of space, the universe unfolds its splendour. This may be done with less strife and difficulty, in trust, unity and respect for one another. Therefore, may we stop fighting among ourselves, and change our social order, so that one day, we may reach the stars beyond, to establish new home`s and settlements that are to be. And when we come at the end of our life's journey. May we dwell in our Celestial Home to be, with our Heavenly Father. For this is our ultimate destiny.



While some of us, of the older generation, want to right the wrongs that previous generations have done. I know that there are many young people who truly care and are concerned where their society is heading towards and what is happening to our planet earth. The problem is that while there are many small groups about who are doing what they can to set things right, there is not one central movement that exist that represents all these groups as a strong unified force to meet all our needs. I would like to suggest to you that a movement such as this can become a reality with people of all culture and religious beliefs who share the same social values. You as a young person have as much responsibility as we do to determine the destiny of our social and economic system, and of our world. It is you, as a young person, who will have a great stake in what will become your future world. You can make a difference in the shaping of that future. Do not take an attitude that you will just sit back and let others make the future for you, for you may not like the kind of future you will get. Don't become part of the problem, nor say that you will take a neutral stand and do nothing. Rather be bold and become part of the solution to these challenging problems that infect our country and our world. May we see the involvement of our young people in this quest who will ultimately become the representatives of that future. Be not just a bump on a log and let yourself ride the currants of fate to determine your future, be instead an active creative partner in determining your future world. You have a great gift, this gift called freedom, so use it. I hope to see a great participation of our young people in the forming of their future for the benefit of all people. May it be so.



Dearly Beloved; Because of the great increase of killer and mind controlling cults that will infiltrate our society, there is a great need to deal with this very problem. The word CULT was originally meant to mean any new religion or faith that brings new insight, expands the mind and push the envelope in understanding the relationship between humanity and GOD, the Creator. But now in our modern times, the word cult has an onerous meaning attached to it. Therefore; I will use the word cult in this context. The questions we must ask is; What do such cults look like and how do one recognize a killer or mind controlling cult? Let us deal first with the killer cult because it is the less complex of the two, though they need each other to be effective. All one needs to know is that when any faith or religion tells its members to kill themselves, to commit suicide for the cause, or kill others for the sake of pure hate is what these killer cults are that I speak of. Example of this are those people who formed eighty percent of the membership of the Ku-Kluk-Klan were protestant Christians. As those who brought in an evil political system of apartheid in various countries were protestant Christians. Who conducted campaigns of violence, terror and killings against Black people, then homosexuals and Roman Catholics, Jews and any non-white people that lived among them. This is also the sad legacy of Christianity upon the history of Humanity. This condemnation does not apply to a person who will defend oneself from harm because of their faith, nor one who will give up their life to save another from harm. When any faith or religion ask or tells a member to kill oneself or the entire group, or kill others because of hate, then know that you are in a killer cult and you are not doing the Will of GOD. You are in fact going against the very Will of your Heavenly Father, your GOD, The Creator. Most of these killer cults isolate themselves as a group from the mainstream of society in out of the way places. They tend to be secretive and keep a member from participating with the outside world. The leaders are nothing more but dictators who love to give orders and have a great need to have power over others. The second question is mind control. Ask yourself these questions to see if your faith or religion fit the criterion of being a mind controlling or killer cult. 1. Are you free to explore all religious ideas or thoughts? 2. Are you free to come and go or travel where ever you may want? 3. Are you free to speak to or see any person you may choose? 4. Are you free to question the teachings and form you own opinion? If you have to say NO to any one of these questions, then you are in a mind controlling cult and have a great chance of becoming involved with a killer cult. I would also be very cautious of a faith or religion that believes in demons and demon possession. If you should find that you are a member of such a religion, I would strongly recommend to you to get out from that religion and seek help. It saddens me when I hear people who have allowed these religions or cults to convince people to park their minds, their inner voice, their common and rational sense at the door or gate and be lead like a dumb sheep to the slaughter. If you should know a person who belong to such a group, speak to them about these mind controlling and killer cult religions and offer your help to enlighten them so that they may get out of their entrapped situation and set them free. Most people who are in these cults feel that they have no other place to go or turn to and feel truly trapped in. Let us do what we can to set these people free from their entrapment and re-unite them with their family and friends. Dearly Beloved; This is a time when you must be very careful before joining any cults or new Faiths. Before you commit yourself to them, listen carefully to what they tell you. If and when any statement they make do not ring true, you have the feeling that they are not totally open, honest or do not make REAL sense to you, that should be a red flag signal to you to avoid such people. Be careful. Know that these religions or cults may fool and deceive people some of the time, but they can never fool or deceive your Heavenly Father. Know that they shall not escape the Judgement of GOD. May we all do our part to expose these frauds by alerting the general public for their own sake. The greatest danger that I see in humanity, as a society, is that people who have been abused, taken advantage of their good will, been deceived and made a fool of by these religions that are out there in our world, will come to a point when people will no longer believe in any religion whatsoever and become totally secular. This will bring down and destroy any great society that have ever existed for it will have died from within itself through corruption, its lack of moral and ethical values. All we need to see the truth of this statement is to look to the great societies of the past to know what I speak of. I only hope that maby we can make the difference and restore the trust, the faith and have the courage to do what must be done to set things right for humanity sake.


I recognize that there are many paths that lead to GOD, our Heavenly Father who is the Creator. Each of these paths represents a religion which are all valid in their own way in expressing their worship according to their culture and understanding. These many paths give a knowledge about Father, of who He is and what His Will is for humanity. This is where we differ from all of these various religions. For we go even further, pushing the envelope, so to speak, in bringing people to Father in order that they may not only have a knowledge of GOD, but that they may develop a personal, intimate, loving relationship with Father so that they may truly become son's and daughter's of GOD. To best describe what I mean, you can visualize all religions are leading a pathway to the mountain of GOD, as in the book of Moses. These paths end at the base of this mountain except for one road that leads directly to our Heavenly Father that was provided by our Beloved Brother Yeshua. People of all religions are trying to get to Father by scaling the steep cliff's that make up this mountain. Only but a few manage to reach GOD in this manner and achieve a personal, loving relationship with Father. Most people are content to worship GOD from afar. Never developing a personal, loving relationship with GOD, as their Heavenly Father. Christians, on the other hand, who have come to know about GOD, from our Beloved Brother Yeshua, who knows a direct way to get to the Heavenly Father, went to the gate that would lead them directly to Father. But what do they do? They had made camp at the base of the gateway and have made for themselves a re-creation of our Beloved Brother Yeshua and called their new creation, "Je-Zeus Christ", and made it their GOD. They stay there worshipping it day and night, all the days of their lives. It is like they have created for themselves an idol of gold in the form and likeness of our Beloved Brother Yeshua and worship it as their GOD. We, on the other hand, who have come to the gate that lead to the pathway to our Heavenly Father, pass by those "Christians" who have created their own GOD, and meet our Beloved Brother Yeshua who is the gatekeeper and we embraced one another. I ask Yeshua about those Christians that I had passed by, but all he said, I have never known them. Then we take our group of people who are faithful to GOD, and walk up that pathway that leads to our Heavenly Father. We enter the Most Holy Place and go on up the stairs that lead to the very Seat of our Heavenly Father. There Father greets the people within our group and make's them His very own.


When one sees the fragileness of life, we can then come to realize the preciousness of being truly human.



Beloved; Those who do not embrace Father's Will or seek not to establish His Kingdom on earth, who continue to offend Him by what they say and do have built a great barrier between Father and themselves. The have cut themselves off from Father by their deeds. By not loving and heeding His Holy Words. Now you know why we are not to follow in the path of Christians. Why Father and our Beloved Brother Yeshua has condemned these people. Now we must follow the True Path, The Way of the Covenant by doing the Will of GOD that will bring into reality the Kingdom of GOD and His Righteousness on earth, or upon a new planet, as it is in Heaven. What is the Will of GOD? It is observing and keeping the Laws of GOD as found in the Holy Testament. That, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, was the central core or essence of Yeshua teachings... when he said " Do not think that I have come to abolish the Laws of GOD or the prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfil them". But let us not be like those Christians who have used force and violence to bring people into the Faith. But by Truth, Reason and common sense that GOD gave to us. Look upon Moslems, Jews and Christians. They all are divided upon themselves. They are fragmented as a broken jar. They are in confusion and conflict because they are unable to agree upon the many dogmas that are in their teachings of our Heavenly Father. Let us not be like them. Nor let us persecute people as these people have done in the past or continue to do in the present, by afflicting injury, brutality, harassment, oppression and even death upon people who have a different Faith. Let us not sell out our souls to the political powers that be, by hamstringing our involvement into the political realm by agreeing with the decree of separation of religion and state so that we may receive tax exempt status as an incentive and reward as many religious have done. Let us not be like these people, Beloved. We must look at the past and learn from the lessons that are found there. We are a new breed of people who will observe the Laws of man only when it do not conflict with the Laws of GOD. We must remain faithful to Father and to our Beloved Brother Yeshua. We must be faithful to one another. We must be kind, gentle, honest, truthful and trustworthy to all. But we must also be ready to defend one another or any who are members of the Faith from those who delight in evil deeds and want to do us harm. Do not concern yourself about those who call themselves preachers, teachers or priests who are the leaders of their church who speak against us. For the time will come when they shall stand before the Judgement of GOD and will be cast down. Know also Beloved; That there are fellow Children of Light who are within the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and other religions who bring any sense of Holiness to their respective religions. May we find these so that we may share our Faith with them, and pray that Father will guide those people within their religion who have a pure heart, who will come and join with us in the building and establishing of Fathers Kingdom on earth so that we may all be within the family of GOD as we are meant to be. We thank Father for Loving us. We thank Yeshua for being our Beloved Brother. We thank Father and Yeshua for sending us the Holy Spirit who has given us the Holy Testament in Love, Compassion and Holiness. There are many, many people out there among us who have become unbelievers and are even aggressively anti-church or anti-religion. Who no longer believe in GOD, who are not even interested in believing and hate everything that is connected with religion. But can you really blame them? After they have seen the great hypocracy that is within the Christian and other religions who have blatantly shown by their actions, the evilness that is within their hearts that can be seen through their history. It is not the religion itself that people, I feel, should hate and mistrust. Rather, it is the people who represents those religions through their actions that tell the real story. It is for this reason that we, who must be true, have been given a new name. That of being the "People of The Holy Testament" instead of the name of "Christian". It is my sincere hope that we may be able to restore people's trust, their faith in a loving relationship with GOD, as their Heavenly Father not only through our teachings, but by who we are as a people, by the way we live our lives. May we have the will to reach out to these people who have been deeply hurt and give them the respect that they deserve. May we be the religion that people will want to become a part of. Not because we have the New Covenant that Father gave to us, or because we believe in the Holy Testament, but because of how we as people Live our Faith. Come; Beloved Brothers and Sisters, let us do what we can to help them rediscover their lost Faith.


Everything has an opposite, be it, positive-negative, pleasure-pain, happiness-sadness, good-evil, love-hate, life-death, light-dark, fullness(Heaven)-emptiness(Void), be it Spiritual or physical.


Dearly Beloved; We have realized that we have no part with the "Christian" religion. We must look upon those people who call themselves Christians, in the same way as we look upon people who belong to any other faith or religions that are outside the Covenant of GOD. There is no longer any need to condemn the Christian churches for our Beloved Brother Yeshua and our Heavenly Father has already condemned them to their sorrowful fate. Rather, have pity for those lost souls. We are now entering a new path that will take us through an exciting new spiritual dimension into the Kingdom of GOD, on earth as it is in Heaven. Let us all rejoice for what Father has given onto us. Now that we can not count on the Christian Church's and their people to be a part of and help in the establishment of Father,s Kingdom on earth. We must now take the gospel of the Holy Testament to the people who are among us. Who have departed and no longer believe in Christianity. Those who believe in another Faith or are just people of good heart. For the message that we have is truly universal. It is for all people, regardless of what Faith one belongs to, who believe in and want a society that is built upon the moral and ethical values as found in the Holy Testament. Who truly want to see the establishment of Father's Kingdom on planet earth become a reality. That alone will bind us together as brothers and sisters within the human family. It is not for us to press, force, coerce, bribe or use deceitful tactics nor be argumentative in order to try to convert anybody into the Faith. People will only convert to a Faith that they can believe in. Their conversion must be and always will be of one of free choice. We have that much confidence in our Faith to make this point. For Truth will always prevail in the end. Therefore we must be ready and be prepared for the event that many people may want to become part of, in the building and establishment of the Kingdom of GOD for ALL humanity who want Fairness, Justice, Equality, Honour, Respect, Education, Employment and Security regardless of one's Faith. For if Father's Kingdom becomes a reality on planet earth, that nation will have all these things to do and become the foundation stone for the Kingdom of GOD (that Christians have rejected) to expand throughout the world. We, as a people will have much to do in order to prepare ourselves for what is to come in the formation of the history of humanity. We must also never forget, that what we do today, will become part of our history tomorrow. Remember, in the time frame of history, we are only in the beginning stages of this movement. We still have a few years at our disposal for this change to come before time has completely run out for humanity. A positive change in people's attitude may come at any time. Which may well alter the destructive course humanity is heading for. This choice alone will determine what the fate of our planet and its people will be. These past three years were the years given to the Christian Church's to decide and choose what direction they wanted to take. Now their time has ended, they have already made their choice. They have chosen to continue as they have done in the past. It will now be the general public's turn to decide what they want to do. To accept or reject the Holy Testament and the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD on earth, as it is in Heaven. All we can do for now is wait and see what their response will be to determine what will transpire. Let us do what we can in the time that we do have to get the Holy Testament out to the general public so that they can make an informed, honest decision.



There exists many levels of Spirituality that can be found in people's life. The range is vary broad, from the lowest to the highest level. From the most negative to the most positive. This will help people to recognize at a quick glance, what stage or level a person is in their Spiritual Life. Here is a quick reference of the various levels to be found.

Level 1: This is the highest level one can achieve in a persons Spiritual Walk. In this level, people have attained a direct Oneness with GOD as being son's and daughters of our Heavenly Father. People at this Spiritual level have attained a deep loving, personal relationship with GOD. People at this level look upon GOD as their Heavenly Father, who is the one and only Creator. People at this level no longer need a mediator to GOD the Father. At this level, people breath and live solely to do the Will of GOD. To establish the Kingdom of GOD on earth, these people shall also enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. These people have a loving relationship with one another as members of the Heavenly Family. They believe and understand the reality of reincarnation to its fullest fulfilment.

Level 2: In this level, people believe in the "One" GOD. They worship GOD as the Creator of the universe and of humanity. They have come to know GOD, as the Creator, through the teachings of righteousness from their Sacred Books to guide their people. They do not have a personal, loving relationship with GOD as their Heavenly Father. These people believe in an old pagan tradition of animal blood sacrifice. They do not believe in the reality of reincarnation. People on this level believe in a pagan myth known as Satan, the devil. They believe this myth to be a real live personality that exist to cause people to sin. These people tend to belong to religions such as Judaism or Islam. Despite this handicap, these people still have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 3: In this level, people still need an intermediary to build a loving, personal relationship with GOD. These people tend to be kind, gentle, honest, loving people who have been unknowingly deceived by various perverted Christian religions. People on this level believe in the pagan myth of Satan, the devil. They believe this myth to be totally true. The believe this Satan and Demons to be real live personalities that exist and cause people to sin. They do not fully understand the true reality of reincarnation. All of these people have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 4: In this level, people believe in the one GOD, but require images of GODs or Deities to represent the many personalities or aspects of the one GOD. They do this to help them understand the whole aspect of the one GOD. These people tend to belong to religions such as like Hinduism. These people believe in an unrealistic understanding of reincarnation. All of these people have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 5: In this Level, people are agnostic. In that they believe in the existence of GOD, but that GOD is really unknown and probably unknowable. They have managed to piece together a moral and ethical value system from many various religious sources. These people love and respect nature. These people belong to Unitarian or New Age religious groups. These people are kind, friendly, helpful people. Only a segment believe and fully understand the reality of reincarnation. These people still have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 6: In this level, people believe in a GOD. This GOD is in the trees, in the water, in the air, ect. This GOD is a cosmic power or force that is everywhere. People have a great deal of respect for all of nature and human beings. They try to live in Oneness with the universe, with nature and humanity. They look for Spiritual insight from Spiritualist, Gurus, various Religious and Naturalist teachers. Some of these people do not believe or fully understand the reality of reincarnation. All of these people have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 7: In this level, people are kind, gentle, honest, loving people who do not belong to any religions that are in existence. They have lost trust in them, but want to know and love GOD. They are people who are lost in the wilderness of Spirituality. They do not fully understand the true reality of reincarnation. All of these people have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 8: In this level, people need an intermediary person such as a guru to lead one in a state of limbo. The goal is to have No feelings, no desire, a nothingness. These people belong to religious groups such as Buddhism . It leads people on a pathway to a dead end, one like a vegetation state. A state of animation suspension. People are drawn onto themselves by excluding all feelings or realities of life. Some of these religious groups understand the reality of reincarnation. These people still have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 9: In this Level, people are atheists. There is a really mix bag of people here. In that they do not believe in a GOD, nor of a cosmic force of any kind. Most are somewhat self-cantered and live their life that way. Yet, there are some people within this level who are kind and caring at times. They enjoy nature but use it to their own advantage. Their moral and value system is one that they have managed to knit together a belief system that reflect and suite their own nature. Their slogan is live and let live as long as you do not bother me. These people still have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation.

Level 10: In this Level, people have very little moral or ethical values. They are totally self-cantered and have only respect for those who they fear. They feel that everything is fair game for them. They believe in the value system of the strongest and the fittest can only survive. They delight to live in a dog eat dog type of world. These people tend to be vary racist and have evolved to become bullies. These people still have a chance to redeem themselves through reincarnation.

Level 11: In this level, a person has no moral or ethical values. Everything to this person is valid as long as they do not get caught in the act. They have no respect for anybody, not even for themselves. These people go out of their way to cause harm to other people who are defenceless. They have no respect for law and order or other people's privet property. They appear to be friendly or pious outwardly, but inwardly are vicious, predacious criminals. They are what I call the scums of the earth. But these people still have a chance to redeem themselves through reincarnation.

Level 12: In this Level, people have chosen to continue to believe in a perverted understanding of who GOD is. They believe that their man-made GOD man they call "Je-Zeus Christ" is their GOD. These people adhere to the religion of Christianity in which their GOD is only a phantom. Some of these people need to seek intervention to their man-made GOD from various personalities so that their prayers may be answered. These people do not believe in the reality of reincarnation. These people do not have a chance to be reborn through reincarnation. For GOD, our Heavenly Father has given these people over to a strong delusion so that they may be condemned to everlasting death. These people will cease to exist.


Worship is not sitting, clapping hands from time to time in approval one speaks his or her understanding of what is the Will of GOD. This is not a worship service but more like being to a rally. Is worshipping GOD being just a passive participant while the listener sits there wondering when their rally will be all over? Of course not! There is nothing wrong in preaching the good news of the gospel to the faithful, but let us have a True Worship Service by entering into prayer and light the candles that represent the enlightment that comes from GOD, our Heavenly Father. Light the frankincense and myrrh incense on the alter of incense so that it may fill the room, your very being. Then get on your knees and prostrate yourself in front of the Ark in humbleness and worship Father for the GOD that He is. Sing songs of praise to your loving Heavenly Father. May you read or hear a teaching from the Sacred Scroll of the Holy Testament. Let us not be hypocrites as those who claim to Worship Father and do not. May we Worship Father in a proper manner for it is a Sacred Act on our part. It is to Honour Father for who He is the Creator and Sustainer of all Life. Let us Worship in True fashion as was prescribed to us by the Holy Spirit.




Above the Sacred Ark of the New Covenant shall be a large white candle to represent the LIGHT of GOD, the Light of our HEAVENLY FATHER. At the base of the Ark shall be smaller candles on either side of the Ark. They shall represent the Light of our Beloved Brother Yeshua and of the Holy Spirit. Inside the Ark shall be lined with white silk cloth. Then hang a white curtain made of silk at the entrance of the ARK. It shall enclose the entrance of the Ark. A split shall be made at the entrance to place or remove the Sacred Scrolls. Now at the entrance of the Ark, You shall install three more veils. They shall be hung also at the entrance of the Ark. The inner vail after the white silk vail shall be of Bright Blue, then a Royal Purple vail shall be next in line, then the outer vail shall be the colour and fabric of the coat of the Father's Anointed One.( Burgundy Red). The new meaning of the colours of the veils on the Ark is; White Represents Purity, Royal Purple represents Royalty. Burgundy Red represents Yeshua and Bright Blue represents the Holy Spirit. On the Altar there shall be an incense box. There shall be a boat or incense burner, placed at the CENTER of the Alter of incense. Incense shall be a cone, stick or powder of Frankincense & Myrrh in Honour and remembrance of our Beloved Brother Yeshua, our most High Priest. A white cloth shall cover the Alter of Incense. The Alter Cloth shall be White with a Blue Lace that is woven through the cloth at either end of the Altar. Let the Ark of the New Covenant be Sacred to all. It must be Concentrated by a High Priest with Holy Water and Prayer of Concentration. All meditation shall be done at the Ark in one's home or in a Church of the Ark of the New Covenant. You are a Special branch of the Vine that has been grafted to Father. Because of this High Honour you shall find a place in your home or Church and Install the Ark of the New Covenant and the Altar of Incense. Have the Old, New and Holy Testament made by a hard copy off a printer and roll it up each into Scrolls. Now you have 3 Scrolls of the Testaments. The Old, the New and the Holy Testament. Which represents The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit that bring the Bible into completion. You then tie each scroll and may have a covering to cover each of the Sacred Scrolls. Tie and cover the Old Testament in Royal Purple. Tie and cover the New Testament in Burgundy Red. Tie and cover of the Holy Testament in bright Blue. Place these in the Ark. The shape of the Ark is to be square, boxlike of adequate size, it may be made of polished wood, metal, plastic or fibreglass. Place this Ark at eye level above the Altar of Incense. Now place a large White Candle upon a shelf above the Ark. This candle is to represent the Light of the Father, your GOD and Creator. Next, place smaller candles upon a shelf on either side at the base of the Ark. One, on the right of the Ark shall be a Red Candle to represent the Light of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. On the left side shall be a Blue Candle to represent the Light of the Holy Spirit. You may instead use a three branch candle holder with the white candle in the center, the red candle to the right of the white candle and the blue candle to the left of the white candle. Place this on the Altar of Incense in a location where it has the clearance so that it cannot catch anything on fire. Under and center of the Ark, you may place a Sacred Book Chamber where you may store the books of the Old, the New and the Holy Testaments. You may use a white silk curtain or have doors to enclose this Chamber. It is here that you shall hold your Church Services to Worship Father and Praise our Beloved Brother Yeshua in your home. Let every person be Humble and have respect in the presence of the Ark of the New Covenant. Let no one profane this Covenant that Father has made with you through His Beloved Son Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. Follow and respect all the special days as in the Jewish Tradition, but you must not sacrifice animals nor circumcise the young or old. Treat and look upon all women with total equality and respect.


If we are able to have a Holy Temple for the corner, foundation stone to establish the Kingdom of GOD that represent all of the individual homes and house church's, then we shall have a place where special rites can be preformed. These would be Baptism, Rites of Passage, Weddings and Funerals. If you are in a location where there is no house Church of the New Covenant, you shall find a room or location in your own home and install the Ark and Altar of Incense of a reduced size. When the Ark and Alter is Blessed, you shall pray to Father Each and every day in meditation. Offer your prayers to Father with Incense of Frankincense and Myrrh in remembrance to our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Do this in Honour of your Heavenly Father, The Creator.

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Laws are only as good as people have a respect and faith in them. Without faith and respect, there is no law.

The Over Zealous Priest

In the City of Tir, people had wandered away from the precepts of GOD. People had forgotten the Covenant that was theirs. The people's hearts were moved to the pagans lifestyle of sexual orgies and selfish living. One day, two figures appeared at the entrance of the Temple to speak to the High Priest. They were messengers of GOD to inform the people of Tir that if they did not mend their ways, their society would collapse to utter destruction. Upon hearing this news, the High Priest called for a special service to be attended. The High Priest informed the people of Tir that if they did not mend their ways and return to their former days, in keeping the Laws that GOD had set before them, their society was heading for self destruction. So the people accepted the words of the High Priest and they went about mending their ways. In fear of breaking any of the Laws of GOD that had been given, they drew up secondary laws that would prevent people to inadvertently break any of the Commandments. Over time, they added laws upon laws upon laws to the point that it took all the joy of living away. No longer people had a smile on their faces, danced in joy, sang happy songs, for only songs of lament could be heard. One day, the High Priest woke up from a deep slumber and found himself bound in a full size straight jacket that nobody could undo. As the days passed by, the High Priest came to realize how restrictive his movements were as he tried to preform his duties in the Temple. As each day passed by, the restriction became more noticeable and the High Priest became aware that the straight Jacket was shrinking to the point that it was impossible to move. A time came when Moshi, the High Priest could no long preform any duties and fell down and broke into tears. Moshi, the High Priest prayed to GOD saying..." Oh my GOD, how am I to preform my duties to You when I can no longer move about. To preform even my basic Temple duties I can no longer do because of my restrictions. Upon speaking those words, the two messengers of GOD appeared to Moshi and told him they would help to set him free. Oh Moshi! said the messenger of GOD. You have become so over zealous in your task for fear of offending your GOD that you have put on so much restriction upon the people and yourself that you have bound yourself into a straightjacket that you and the people are no longer able to move freely. I shall unbind you and set you free. As each strap was being released, that also released a law of restriction that Moshi had drew up upon a decree. Thus as each binding was released, so was the appropriate restriction released until all the bindings had been undone and Moshi and the people were once again free to move about and live a normal life. Moshi said to the messengers of GOD, how are our people going to live as GOD would have us live, now that all those laws have been done away with? And the messengers of GOD pointed to the three tablets that contain the thirty laws and said... Use these Laws as your guide and follow them as best you can, that is all your Heavenly Father expects of you. Do this and the people shall prosper and be truly happy...

































These are the laws that GOD has handed down to us so that we may be a great nation and live in abundance and prosperity. To have Health, Peace and Harmony. These are the laws that GOD gave to the people He has favoured so that we may know the Will of GOD and not walk in utter darkness or ignorance. The people who GOD has anointed are His spacial messengers that are blessed with GOD`s Holy Spirit. Those who were anointed, who are the Envoys of GOD, are to set up a temple to remind people of GOD and of the New Laws that were handed down to us. To guide and instruct our people when they are in doubt. To this end, may all this be fulfilled.


What can I say to you, Father. What you don't already know. You, who are so Loving, who care for such a person such as I. How can I understand why You even bother with me. When You must have so much on Your mind. And yet You are always there when I seek Your gentle face. You always seem to find the time for me. You make me feel so special, as if I am the only one that exist. Oh Father; how can I ever be worthy of Your Love. What can I say or do that would please You, Father. I feel Your presence ever so near to me. Your hand caressing my tears away from my eyes when I hurt. As you draw me ever so close to You. Oh Father, I love you ever so much. How can I find the words the express what I feel in my heart. I know that I sometime must displease You. But you never complain. I know that I sometime forget You, as I carry on with my daily life, Father. But I am always in Your Heart. I know that sometime I can be, oh so stubborn, but you are ever so patient with me. I know that I sometime's forget myself, and stumble and fall down. And yet, You are always there to pick me up. I know that sometime I seem to be so ungrateful, but You never seem to mind too much. Father, forgive me if I should ever disappoint You, or be the cause of Your pain or wrath. Please help me be the person You want me to be. So that You may be proud of me. That You may call me Your very own. Thank You Father for Loving me. For Loving me as You do. Thank You Father, for being my Heavenly Father. Oh Father, Dear Father, Know that I truly Love You with all my heart.


Dearly Beloved; Let it not be said that we are as those hypocrites who say that they love one another, but do not. Who claim to serve one another, yet they want only to be served. Who claim to always speak the truth, yet they are so quick to tell a lie. Who claim to be a Child of GOD, yet they curse in their speech as a person who has no Faith. Who claim to help one another, yet are so quick to find thousands of excuses to avoid helping others. Who claim of being helpful, yet, they need to be asked, and then do it only with great reluctance. Who take what you do for granted and abuse your good will, and never acknowledge their appreciation for what you have done for them. Who claim that they really care, but really do not. Who ask, what can I do for you?, But really mean, what can you do for me? Oh; Beloved Brothers and Sisters, let us not be found to be hypocrites. Nor be like those sects that are fundamentalist in nature who act like hawks and vultures ever seeing and ever ready to pounce on someone for going astray from their volumes of rules and regulations that they impose upon their members. But be what we are meant to be. To Love one another as Brothers or Sisters in the family of GOD. Let us be True to our Heavenly Father. Let us be Kind and Help one other as our Beloved Brother Yeshua is kind and help those who seek him. I have travelled many a miles in this ministry and have found only those rare individuals within the Christian faith who where there to stand by me and give financial support. They are the true Brothers and Sisters of Yeshua, and of our Heavenly Family. But I have found out that 98% of those people who call themselves "Christians" would turn their face away and pretend that you were not there. Now that we are no longer "Christians", let it not be said that within our Faith, it is only those rare individuals that can be found that offer any help to our Brothers and Sisters as a Heavenly Family. Rather, let it be said instead, that within our Faith, it is only those rare individuals that can be found that do not offer any help or financial support to our Brothers and Sisters as they carry The Word to the secular world. That we will not stand by and welcome our fellow Brothers and Sisters within the Heavenly Family when they come among us. Let us be True to our Faith, and most of all, let us be True to one another and to our own selves. May we all, for the Love of our Heavenly Father, for the Love for our Beloved Brother Yeshua, for the Love of one another, help one another as we are meant to do. Let us learn from the mistakes made by "Christians" and know that we can live our lives as we are meant to live it, as a Heavenly Family, if we really try. May we live our Faith not only in the privacy in our own heart, but also in our public everyday life towards our own people, as well as towards people at large, or to those who may be strangers among us. Let our action speak for us as to who we are. For action speaks louder than any words can.


Dearly Beloved; Know that you have the power to heal yourself by the healing power of your Faith. Remember what our Beloved Brother Yeshua said, " If you have the Faith of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain.." and " It is your Faith that has healed you.." Know that you can heal any sickness that you may encounter by the Faith that you have. For Father has given you the capacity, that special gift to you by the power of His Holy Spirit. Believe in your Heavenly Father that He has given you the power to heal yourself. Believe in our Beloved Brother Yeshua when he tells you that you can be healed by the power of Faith. Yes, Beloved; You have that power. It is the power of Faith that give you the power of mind over matter. You may even be able to lay hands and help a fellow Brother or Sister in the healing of their sickness if you have the power of Faith that will then translate to power of mind over body. You can receive this special power through your Faith and prayers, all things are possible through the power of Faith. Your Heavenly Father will look into your heart, soul and Spirit. And if it is found to be pure and good, He will send down His Loving Grace and give you the Positive Power, that Healing Power upon you. If you are not healed, then search within yourself what it is that is blocking the Healing Power of GOD. Is there some hatred you have deep within you? Do you harbour any ill will to someone or have not forgiven someone lately or in the distant past? Is there some negative force or feeling within you that you may have overlooked for Father to give you the positive healing power? Search deeply within yourself to find out what may be impeding your healing power. It may very well be just your lack of Faith that is impeding your healing power. Then it may well be Father's Will and some purpose He may have, that we do not fully understand, that impedes your healing. Why you may not be healed of your illness. In most cases, if you have the Faith, you can become well, you can be healed. Learn about the ailment that you may have. Then visualize in your mind's eye your ailment and then visualize a substance that covers over that ailment. Feel it heal that illness as it repairs that part of your body. In time, it will be so. You can do most anything when you have the power of mind over matter if you have the Faith. This should not negate the use of medical aid, but the healing power can work in conjunction with medical aid. That is how most healing will take place. In other cases, Faith Healing will be your only chance of healing when medical aid can not help you. Likewise; A nation can be healed when one applies action to one's Faith. To have Faith and bring about the Kingdom of GOD and make it into a reality. But I must give you a word of caution; Do not abuse this wonderful gift that GOD has given you. For it will abuse you in the end. May we do all things for the good and benefit of All.


Until we have a Holy Temple to bring about the Kingdom of GOD, If the will of the people is there, you will have to install a small ARK and an incense alter in your own home in an appropriate location. If you need advice on the installation of the ARK and incense alter, write to me and I will answer any question you may have. If I happen to be in your location, I will Bless the ARK and incense alter that you have installed. If you live in a small town, you may invite your friends to worship with you. If you have gathered a few people to the Faith, you may wish to establish a Home Church. Inform me of your location so that you will be acknowledged as a Home Church. If you live in a large town or a city, and have formed a Home Church, inform me of your location so that I may inform you if there are any other groups within your town or city. In this way you may contact them and if you wish, form a local Church. Upon establishing a local Church, inform me at once so that I may Concentrate the Church and the person, be they male or female, who will become the Priests of the Church. Once there are a few Home Churches established, we shall try to establish a Mother Spiritual Temple that will become the Mother Church of the Faith. By having a Mother Spiritual Holy Temple, (Church), It will become the Home base for all the members of the Faith. We may use it as The base to tie in all the Faithful together as a network in order to guide and inform each member and groups what is going on throughout the congregation without informing outsiders as to what we are doing. All members names and groups will remain in strict confidential files in our computer that require a password to access the program, all files are in cryptic form that require another special password to access these files. Only but a very limited people will have access to the membership files. No one outside the Temple will have access to these files. Any attempt to break into our computer to access these files will be automaticly deleted from the hard drive. A special disk will remain in a vault to reinstall the lost files. We go to these great lengths to insure our members privacy and strict confidentiality.


Ever since the development of state societies, came the class structure of rulers, property owners, trades people, farmers who worked the land and castaways of the very poor. It had become a tradition of these societies according to their values and economic systems that rulers and property owners comprised eight percent of the total population and retained eighty percent of the wealth within the state while eighty percent of the population were made to pay taxes and rent payments. A very large percent of this wealth came from the farmers who paid two-thirds of their crops to those elites in leu of tax or rent. It was and still is such an imbalance of a nation in the distribution of that wealth throughout the population that has always lead to strife, misery and revolt. Many people suffered and were killed because of this great injustice. It is no great wounder why people have longed for a social system that would represent Truth, Honesty, Justice and Equity. One can find people in every culture around the world who long for a Utopia, a Shan-gri-la, and idyllic social system that would meet all the needs of its people in Truth, Honesty, Justice and Equity from the cradle to the grave. So why has it not been done? one might ask. The reason is very simple and yet it is also very complex. It is simple in the sense that if people can learn to love one another in a way that people can respect one other and do not wish to do any harm or injustice to one another, it can be done. It is also complex because of the social, economic and political systems that we have been brought up with and learned that is familiar and represent our way of thinking, of living and of understanding. We have problems on three fronts, First; The lack of empowerment of women, Second; Economic and Third; Social values. We have yet to learn how we can combine the three with balance and harmony. The time has come when women must take a greater active role in the formation of political and economic systems within their nations. Our present social, economic and political system as an example are at odds with each other. We have suppressed women from becoming leaders by the cultural idea that women are inferior to men through religion. We have learn to become self-centred in our societies, believing in the "Look out for number One" attitude. This has become ingrained into our social culture. Needing to be in direct competition with each other of who can obtain the nicest house and have the most grown-up toys, ect. This has become the measure of success in our present society. Thus it brings conflict by those who are not able to use or take advantage of the system, but feel they are being taken advantage of their talents, by those who not only use the system but take advantage of others to climb to the top of the heap pile of success. This is the nature of the beast that we have evolved in. The nature of a predatory capitalistic system. Be it in a home, on a job or in business. This social, economic and political system is in total contradiction to the very lifestyle and values that Yeshua represents. It is impossible to find a balance under these conditions because of its inherent contradictions. The same holds true in a communistic society where the values in governments and those of the elites amount to nothing but vanity and power that resort to force and fear in order to run their nation. But I believe that if we can incorporate one aspect of communism, that is its concept of working together for the good of all, and the strengths of free enterprise, to allow ingenuity to flourish and take the stability of a monarchy , and add the representation of a democracy, take the humanitarian traits of socialism, modify the monetary and social system with the values of the Holy Testament, and worship our Heavenly Father that give us a purpose to live for, we will come very close to the ideals of a Utopia, a Shan-gri-la. It can be done, given the right motivation and vision. Humanity cannot now claim ignorance on their part if they refuse to drasicly alter the course they are presently on than to choose the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD and His Righteousness. Humanity has already received the knowledge and the warning of the two paths that is left as options for planet Earth through the Holy Testament. The choice for Humanity is simple, and yet, it is also complex. The bottom line and choice for the bulk of humanity is to decide if they wish to LIVE or to DIE.


Dearly Beloved; We are on the threshold of taking a Great Journey that will ultimately have a deep, meaningful and great impact on humanities history. Be it here on planet Earth, or upon a new planet that Father has prepared for us. In either case, it will be a journey that will see us through many an experiences, obstacles and yes, maby even dangers. But the goal that we must never forget as we travel on this journey of life is the fulfilment and the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD. It is important to keep this in focus, least we get distracted along the way and loose our course and goal. Remember, the journey itself can be just as fulfilling, interesting, enriching and sometimes even demanding as reaching the goal. We will never know what new experiences we will encounter along the way. What things we will see in the dark valleys or on the glorious crest of sunny hills. But know this; We will have the means and equipment that is within us to overcome all obstacles that may come our way. For we have put on the Amour of GOD upon us that nothing can stand in the way of that determination. Let us start this journey by taking the first step, to get ourselves organised, connected together and be ready for that Great March. We shall gather people along the way as we walk on that march to our glorious future. May we all shout out with great joy, All for One, and One for All. We have broken our shackles of discouragement by the Light that is within us. Come, my Brothers and Sisters, let us walk the walk and talk the talk. Let us carry The Ark before us as we march to our Victories. Let us sing the songs that fill our hearts with joy and happiness. Let us enjoy the comradeship and love we have for one another. Let us sing and dance together to the music of our Heavenly Father. Let us become bold and strong, yet gentle as our Beloved Brother Yeshua. Let us feel the freedom of the Holy Spirit. Let us be in such pure joy and holiness to have the good fortune to be the Children of our Heavenly Father. Beloved; Have Faith. Take my situation for example. When Father called me, I had to step out of my comfort zone and go out into the unknown and do things I had never done before. I had never written anything longer than a letter in my entire life, nor did I even like writing much. Any yet, I managed to write this Holy Testament Book. Then be bold enough to give a copy to all the various Christian church's. Then I was to make vestments that I never had ever done before and make them. Then go across the country with those vestments on me knowing what people might be thinking about my mental health. I could never have done all of this without Trusting and having the Faith in our Heavenly Father and do His Will. That is what these Christians have failed to see, but were quick to condemn and laugh at me. Beloved; If I can have the Faith to do all this, so can you.


Many a new member of The Covenant ask me, "What is it that I might do now that I am in the Covenant of Father?" Dearly Beloved; Rest in the Love of your Heavenly Father. Install the Ark in a special place in your home and commune with your Heavenly Father. Share with your friends and family the Love and Peace you have found in your Life. Do what the Holy Spirit moves you to do. Be it to establish a house church, establish a local movement for the Kingdom of GOD or support the Spiritual Temple when you can, so that it may establish a structure, a base, a Temple, in which to work from. That is all that is required of you. Beloved Brother and Sisters; Know that your burden is now light. You are not compelled to do more than what you are able to do. Love and trust your Heavenly Father that you are in the shelter of His loving arms. Live your life in His Righteousness, Beloved. For you are a child of your Heavenly Father. Blessed are you who have found your Heavenly Home. We will establish a base Temple when we are able, in order to become the Spiritual Mother Church for all its members within the New Covenant. Once that is established, it will start to organize the movement to establish the Kingdom of GOD, on earth, as it is in Heaven. Then establish a political party in a country where the will is there. This is what the mandate for this Temple is, Beloved. So let us all do what we can to do our part in the completion of this challenge and mandate. Who can be against us who are in the Covenant of our Heavenly Father? Only those people who are in darkness, and we shall overcome them. Have Faith in that.


For the next few years at least, we must concentrate to establish a Spiritual Holy Temple on the Internet. This shall be our Home base whereby all the members of our group may be interconnected with the Spiritual Temple and each other. Once we have established this network and foundation base, this cyber web site will be our central location point where we will meet. We will have a special password to keep out outsiders and have a privet place for ourselves. Remember that no matter how secure ore web site may be, it can always be hacked in by those who have no business to our affairs. Therefore; maintain a secure level practice at all times. Beloved Brother's and Sister's; You know as well as I by now, that the "Christian" Religious establishment has taken the knowledge from this book, and claimed it as their own, solely to use it for their own benefit. For their own selfish motive of exploiting people for their own agenda. To feather their own nest, so to speak. Please understand why I will not reveal the blueprints, the nuts and bolts on how to bring about and build the Kingdom of GOD, its political, social and economic structure. For they, (the "Christian" Church and political establishment) will quickly pounce on it and restructure it to suite their own agenda, for their own purpose, rather than to do it in compliance with the Will of Father. Therefore Beloved; The plans or blueprints which outline in much greater detail all the aspects of the political, social and economic structure, the nuts and bolts of the Kingdom of GOD will be kept in a vault in the Temple of GOD and will be fully revealed to the public only if and when we have enough support from people to win a political election to establish the beginnings of the Kingdom of GOD. Who want the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD to become a reality. Now you know the reasons why it must be done this way. I can only ask you to trust me that my reasons are valid. The "Christian" Church establishment can talk about the Kingdom of GOD on earth, all they want to, but without the guidance, the blueprints, the nuts and bolts of its structure, it is only empty talk on their part. For they cannot get from me, what I do not reveal.


There will come a time when the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD on earth will come too little and too late for the changes to alter the destructive course that humanity is on. If people wait too long to get involved and participate in the movement to bring about the establishment of the Kingdom of GOD and make it a reality, it will not have the needed time required to prevent the destruction of humanity. For it is a well known fact that people will remain apathetic to the call until life becomes so bad for them before people will respond. But by that time, it will have been much too late to do anything about it to bring about the needed changes. That is always the danger that we face as human beings. Therefore; Do not wait until the last minute and then expect to be saved from the holocaust when it is about to come and expect that you will be saved. The time is now to make up your mind and say, enough is enough that you will no longer tolerate the abuse, the hunger, the suffering of people by a small group or segment of people who are hurting our societies. Then you have those who have preached their gospel of Yeshua for the past two thousand years and did little to bring about the Kingdom of GOD from becoming a reality. Who have preached their sayings like an old broken record throughout all these years, and now, all of the sudden, just when the Holy Testament came into being in the last three years, they are proclaiming a new message seems to be an incredible coincidence. A message of developing a Loving, personal relationship with GOD as your Heavenly Father. Of starting on a new path towards establishing the Kingdom of GOD, on earth, as it is in Heaven. Know now where they got that sudden new enlightment that they are using for their own purpose and agenda. Know now what lengths these people will go to, to save their wretched necks so that they may continue to dupe people into believing their dogmas, their doctrine, that they may continue in their privet enterprise by claiming the new enlightment was their own. Beloved; Let them have their way for now, because the time will come when they will be exposed for what they really are. They will be despised and mocked because of their treacherous nature. The time will come soon when all the corruption and evil deeds that these people do, will be exposed. The time will come when people will discover their fraud and be mad enough to say that they will no longer be deceived and manipulated by these people and take it laying down. For people will join the small remnant of people who are the people of the Holy Testament. They will become part of the solution rather than become part of the problem. I tell you that you have as much at stake as all the other people about you to get involved and make a difference in making the necessary changes to set things right. Don't wait for others to get into the act before you decide to get involved. Stand up and be counted as a fighter for the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness! Be a Son or Daughter of your living GOD. Be a man or woman of Truth and Freedom. Be a Saint. The future of humanity and of our planet is at stake. This is not the time for people who truly Love GOD and care for one another and our home planet to be complacent or apathetic. Lets us all get a move on and do what must be done. Let us put on our Holy Armour and march Forward!


Dearly Beloved; I do not know how some people get the idea that a person can willfully continue to go against the Laws and Will of Father and still be forgiven of their sins. People seem to think that because of Grace, they have a licence to sin and those sins are automaticly forgiven. They ask Father for forgiveness, yet they blindly continue in their old ways and traditions. What hypocrites! You have people who willfully continue in their old habits and break the very Commandments of GOD, and of the new commandments of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. They fail to Love Father with all their heart, mind and spirit and love one another. They fail to give Father their broken, contrite heart and lay it before Him as an offering so that they may be forgiven and healed. But instead, pretend to feel sorry for sinning against Father, while continuing to offend Father with the same sin they have made by their unrepentive heart, their traditions, their dogma, and continue to make our Beloved Brother Yeshua into a GOD and place all their focus on Yeshua alone while negating Father and His Will. To say that they have no other GODs before them, but only our Heavenly Father, and yet say.. GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit. To keep the Sabbath day Holy on the Seventh day, yet not keep the Sabbath day holy, and insist to keep the Sabbath day on the first day of the week, which is the day of the sun, Sunday. Who do not worship Father in their services, but continue to preach that their phantom creature Je-Zeus Christ is their GOD, who worship only Je-Zeus as their GOD. Speak of their corrupt gospels as people sit by and listen as if they are in some kind of a lecturer hall or rally. Then there are those who do kneel and prostrate themselves in their service but corrupt the worship to GOD, the Father by what they do, say and by the way they live their life. You have people who continuously, willfully violate Father's Commandments and are not truly repentive of their sins and think that they can just sweep their sins under the rug, so to speak, and expect and claim that their sins are forgiven anyway. Then there are those who claim that they are the only ones who can forgive the sins of their membership while "The Church" itself continues to sin by its own perversion. Who have not yet been forgiven of their sins and are dammed, not only by Yeshua, but also by our Heavenly Father. There are also a great many people who claim that they are born-again and yet willfully continue to commit all of the above sins. This is the great hypocrisy that I speak of that is in these people. These people readily take Yeshua meanings out of context. Yes; Yeshua did say.. forgive not seven times but seventy seven times. But that person who is forgiven must have sinned out of ignorance or must have a contrite heart and be truly repentive of their sins. It do not mean one is forgiven of their sin if the person, stubbornly, willfully continues to sin the same sins over and over again without repentance or a broken heart. I tell you truly that there are a vast amount of people who claim that they are born-again and claim are saved when in truth, they are not. Who claim that all their sins have been forgiven when in truth, they have not. People may fool themselves into believing in their own lie or may fool other people in the belief that their sins are forgiven, when in truth, they are not. They may fool other's, but they can never fool our Heavenly Father. For He is able to see deep into a persons heart and mind. Beloved; Be glad that you are not one of those people. Be glad that you have found that loving, personal relationship with Father as Yeshua, and I have. Blessed are you who are in The New Covenant and have that Love and is a child of GOD who will meet and dwell with your Heavenly Father. The Covenant is open to all who seek to be a people of GOD, to be a child of the Most High, who is your Heavenly Father. Now you know who is forgiven, and who is not.

Those who profess to be called by GOD and become religious leaders will be held more accountable for their actions and teachings than those who follow their teachings. For they will have to answer to the Judgement of GOD for their actions.


Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters; You are aware by now that the Kingdom of GOD will not be established here upon this world. Nor will there be a Temple in which the Kingdom of GOD will flow out from. We will have to wait for GOD's Kingdome to be established when we arrive upon the new Earth in which we will dwell. The majority of the people of this Earth have decided and made their choice not to believe what we have written here or on the web pages. They have rejected the belief that what is written here represents the Will of GOD, our Heavenly Father. So be it. Those people who continue to make the claim that the Kingdom of GOD will be established upon this world, have failed to understand what Yeshua had said. The whole world has been deceived by these Christians and will no longer listen to the truth. That is not surprising given that this has gone on for so long a time. But as time marches on forward, people throughout the world will come to realize, too late, that they have been deceived by these Christians. These people will be found to be liars in their preaching as they are deceivers in their false religion of their phantom man made GOD. All we can do now is await for path two of which I have spoken about to unfold and be set in motion.Watch how these Christians will become confused and dumfounded because things are not following their expected interpretation of prophecy. Fret not my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, for you shall not come to any harm. But those workers of iniquity shall soon be driven backwards and be cut down like the grass and they shall wither in their own cespool. Rest in your Heavenly Father and wait patiently for our deliverance. Wait on your Heavenly Father and keep His ways. While Father brings His curse upon those He has cut off. These will be the days of darkness that will come upon the world. The light will no longer be among the darkness and people will stumble to and frow. Soon there will be an economic collapse that will bring in the New World Order. Nations shall come upon Israel and the Jewish people will be forced to scatter from their land because they looked not to do the Will of GOD. A huge meteorite or celestial body will cause great destruction upon Earth. The waters will be made bitter and the flesh will rot. My heart is full of sadness and sorrow for the people who suffer in this way. I am greatly sorrowful for all the young people who's joy in life has been taken away. For all of the little children who must live through these days of darkness. Nothing can anybody do to prevent this, for it is not in our hands to stop this. Oh, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, know that your heart will also be troubled when you see all of this come to pass. But you can not blame yourselves for what is going to happen. These things are not of our doing. Rest in your Heavenly Father Beloved Brothers and Sisters and wait patiently for our deliverance.


Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters; You know that for the past three years, there has been much devastation throughout the entire world due to the many floods, mud slides, snow storms, snow slides, wind storms, hail storms, fires by lightening, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This has caused many people to loose their lives, their homes and possessions. Know now that because people have rejected the Will of Father and His Covenant, and have abused the planet and its environment, we can now expect much more and greater devastations to come than what has come thus far. Know that while all these things must come to pass, you will not come to harm by it. You may have to put up with some inconvenience by it, but you shall all come safely through it all. Stand steadfast in the Faith and Will of your Heavenly Father while you witness the devastations that are about to come. We can not or must not try to interfere with GOD's plan until we are asked to intervene by those who had rejected the Will of GOD and His Covenant. I tell you that if the Kingdom of GOD is not established before the year 2012 AD, you will see the greatest destruction upon planet earth that humanity has ever experienced in its entire known history. A destruction of the earth by a meteorite or celestial body, that will be the cause to bring about the great war, World War III. I know that it is a hard thing that I am telling you. For I also grieve and feel sad that this must happen if people do not heed the message that I bring in the Holy Testament. But I must tell you to Trust Father, as I Trust Him. Do not loose your courage now and weaken, nor take it hard upon your heart for the destruction that you see round about you. For what you have already seen is just but a fraction of what is yet to come. You have been told what to expect, what was to come long before all this came to pass, by the examples in the Holy Testament. You as well as all people have been forewarned of what to expect when people mock GOD, our Heavenly Father. Let us all humbly pray to Father and Thank Him for Loving and protecting us from His wrath. Yes, you may help anybody that you may come across who may need your help. But But you must not go out looking or search for those who ask not your help for this is the Will of Father that all this should take place. All this is meant to break the stiff neck of the people and humble those who have willfully mocked our Heavenly Father. They knew full well what would happen to people who wilfully break a Covenant and mock Father. They are not the innocent as they claim to be. It is indeed a hard lesson they must learn. May you and your children and their children come to learn this great lesson. These people are like the man who fell off a cliff and managed to hang onto a limb. He then called out for anyone to help him. Father answered the man, saying.."I will help you ...let go of the limb". The man looked down the deep canyon and then cries out, "Help, Help.. is there anybody else up there to help me?" Then there are those who need to look to Exodus 20:1-5, and also to Nahum 1:2-6 because they have so conveniently forgotten what happens to people who ask Father to forgive them of their sins and yet continue to mock Father by not even trying to observe His Will. That is something you just do not do. Beloved; Know that people will have to take the consequence of their own actions. We on the other hand, must continue to wait for the star ships that will take us to a new EARTH. Blessed are you who are in the Love of Father, and in the love of our Beloved Brother, Yeshua.

:Author Jean Pall:1997:Holy Testament ©

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Permission is given by Brother Jean / Spiritual Guide for the People of the Holy Testament.

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