Working out your Salvation

Here is another old message which I had delivered to the Very Elect some time ago. I release this to the general public in the hope that it may help some people in their Spiritual journey. Here is some of the text I had delivered. It reads as follows;

Many people, particular Christians, do not really understand what is being said in the New Testament, even though it is plain enough to us who know the truth. As in verses like Philippia 2;11 where it say's; "And that every tongue should confess that Yeshua, the Anointed, is lord, to the glory of GOD the Father." This is how the original text would have been written before it was replaced with the Christian Fictitious god, je-Zeus Christ, and the word lord, was changed to read, Lord. These slight changes can throw people right off the track, so to speak. Then there is this statement "To work out your own salvation" which some people have a hard time to understand, even though it is plain enough for most people. This statement is also found in Philippia, in the New Testament in Philippia which reads in 2:12; "So then, my beloved, even as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." At this point in time, I will no go into all the various miss-interpretations some people give to these verses, by Christians mostly. Most of what I have heard from some Christians, is greatly flawed about what these verses really mean. In the first place, Paul was speaking about Yeshua who was the real spiritual leader of those Apostles who had followed his teachings, which was the only reason why his Apostles called him lord. Paul also talks about to continue as he did to obey his teachings, and that to work out their own salvation despite what some people might say to them who are outside of the true faith. That means a person has to work out their own Salvation by doing things, like living their life which will assure their success. What it boils down to, when people take the time and trouble to seek GOD, by searching out the truth, and have come to know GOD, our Heavenly Father, and begin to develop a loving relationship with GOD, in a loving manner, looking upon GOD as their Heavenly Father, He will in turn respond to it and give the Grace of forgiveness for the sins a person had committed. In turn, such a person will become a son or daughter of their Heavenly Father. This was the main message Yeshua was trying to drive home, which would replace those animal sacrificial sin offerings people were accustomed of doing. Yeshua tried to explain to people that it is only then, that a person has any assurance of becoming "saved", as the term Christians like to use. During this period of coming to GOD, some people will draw near to GOD, while others will remain at a respectable distance, according to how they had worked out their own salvation. Unfortunately for many people, who think they are in good standing with GOD and believe that they are saved, when they really are not. Not while those people continue to worship another god. A fictitious god which had been invented by men. As what Christians believe in their perverted religion, which is of a fictitious creature they had invented and call their god, that goes by the name of what sound to me like, je-Zeus Christ. To these Christians, this creature is their main god in their pantheon of three gods which is a part of their pagan theology and religion. The reason the majority of people have an attachment to GOD, is because every person who is alive, (though there are some people who are spiritually dead), has an inborn instinct about GOD, which is seated deep within one's soul/spirit being. Here I need to explain what happens during the time when a soul/spirit is transformed into a human being. During the time when a soul/spirit makes the transition of entering into a newly born human body, during the conception stage, at that point, these soul/spirit beings loose direct connection with GOD. During this transformation, like when a caterpillar turns into a moth, most people can not remember who or what they were, after the soul/spirit has gone through this radical transformation process. During this transformation process, it causes some people to loose most of their memory of any former life they may have had as a soul/spirit being. Then again there are new soul/spirit beings created all the time which have no former memory. These takes the place of those soul/spitit's who have beem cast off to the second death. But whichever is the case, every human being (soul/spirit) has a lingering sense within them that they had originated from GOD. Unfortunately, as a newly formed human being begins to grow up, during those growing-up years, they will have absorbed, (through the mind or intellect) much information which can lead a person astray from re-establishing that vital connection with GOD, their Heavenly Father. One way people are led astray is through various religions, like Christianity for example. Some people go through their whole life being totally disconnected with GOD. Most people who are led astray, have done so through those religions which were created by man, with their false gods that have no value at all. It is like calling upon a huge boulder or tree and expect something to happen. Most of these people will never make the connection with the real GOD of Heaven, their Creator, their Heavenly Father. These people are forever the lost souls one hears so much about, the damned, who will never make that important and final connection with GOD during their entire lifetime on planet Earth. These kind of people tend to reject any kind of insights concerning GOD, which do not follow their religious teachings from which they had learned while growing up. But I am aware that there are a lot of people around, who are searching to make that vital connection with GOD, their Heavenly Father. Many people who are willing to seek the truth, will such a person find it eventually. May you be such a person.

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