Christianity; A Wishy-Washy Religion

Pope of Rome rejects new Catholic catechism teachings about Hell: According to the new Catholic catechism, which holds that hell is a "state of eternal separation from God," to be understood "symbolically rather than physically." The new Catholic catechism got that right. It is a "state of eternal separation from GOD," when the soul/spirit encounters the second death in which the soul/spirit of a person no longer exist. But according to the Catholic Pope of Rome, who as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was head of Catholic doctrine, now claims that Hell is a real physical place where people burn forever and ever. That kind of Hell has its pedigree that goes back to the teachings of Zoroastrian and Ancient Egypt and of the Greek idea of Hades, which is described in the Christian New Testament as a place of "everlasting fire". "Hell is a place where sinners really do burn in an everlasting fire, and is not just a religious symbol designed to galvanize the faithful", the Pope said. According to that statement, the Vatican had better re-write the new Catholic catechism on its teachings of Hell, least it starts to confuse Catholics even more about what they are suppose to believe as Catholics. They should focus more on finding out who is the real GOD of Heaven rather than worry about that fictitious place Christians call Hell. It is plain to see that Christianity is a wishy-washy religion that even the Vatican and the Pope of Rome can not get it together on what is their dogma. Protestants are just as bad as Catholics when it comes to being wishy-washy in what they believe. With their thousands of various protestant denominations, they can't get their act together when it comes to their theology. As I have always stated, Christianity is a man-made religion.

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