Things to ponder upon.

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It is amazing and a wonder how people can be so intelligent in their professions, be it in business, trades or academia, or even when making judgments on every day issues. But when it comes to the topic of religion, all of the sudden, that intelligent mind turns into mush and they appear to have lost that intelligence and act so stupid. It seems that when it comes to dealing with religion, it is like some invisible switch is turned on and these seemingly highly intelligent people become dumb, deaf and blind. I am going to use Christians in this study of discussion only because it is this group of people that I am most familiar with. But I have no doubt that this strange phenomenal extends to people of all religions. I find that when you try to point out passages in the Bible where they are in error, they will come up with all kinds of excesses to maintain their stance. Most of these errors are very obvious, yet these seemingly highly intelligent people are unable to see it. A simple example of this strange phenomenal can be found when passages that are found in the Bible where it gives two or three versions of the same story, and these people seem to have great difficulty in acknowledging it. They will instead give all kinds of excuses to maintain their stance despite their obvious error in understanding these passages. Take the example of the two versions of the creation story that is found at the beginning of the Bible. Instead of accepting these two versions for what they are, they will give you some cock and bull explanation that these are totally separate events that happened at different times or date. One can find many such examples throughout the Bible. Another example is the story of Moses and the exodus of Egypt. There are three versions written about that same event, and they contradict each other in places, yet these people have such a hard time accepting the simple truth or facts that three different people wrote about the same event. Here again they will come up with the lame excuse that these three events are not the same and took place at different times. Another error that is common among these people is where it is pointed out to them that the passage in the book of Revelations, where it reads... And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away... ect, ect. these people somehow seem to think it is referring to the whole Bible when it plainly says... if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy. Meaning the words written in this prophecy that is contained in the book of Revelations. How people come up with the stupid idea that this passage is referring to the whole "Bible" is unbelievable. Yet how often have I heard Christian preachers make that claim. Another example, and this one will be the last, is the claim that the mother of Yeshua, Mary, did not have any other children after the birth of her first son. Catholics will tell you some cock and bull story that Mary was so holy that she could not have produced children after her son, Je-Zeus, their god-man was given birth. Yet we read in the passage in the Christian New Testament, where it reads... And he (Joseph) had not sexual intercourse until she had brought forth her firstborn son, and he called his name Yeshua, but in this case, Je-Zeus. Newer versions of the Christian Bible reads in Matthew as... And he knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son. Which only imply that Joseph refrained from having sexual intercourse with Mary until after the birth of Yeshua, excuse me, Je-Zeus. It did not mean that Mary became celibate. Other passages state that Yeshua did have step brothers and sisters. Yet these idiots, these Catholics will try to deny it just to hold fast to their idea that Mary never had any other children than Yeshua. They hold to this dogma because they have this strange idea that what Mary gave birth to, was GOD himself. Now that is something I really wonder about. How intelligent people can even come to believe in that theology, hook, line and sinker. So the question still remains. How is it that people display such great intelligence when it comes to dealing with their business ventures or various trades, but when it comes to the topic on religion, all of a sudden their brains turn into mush and they act like flaming idiots. There should be a scientific study done on this amazing phenomenal. The only un-scientific rational analysis and explanation for this amazing phenomenal to occur to my way of thinking, can only be that GOD, our Heavenly Father, has caused these people to become dumb, deaf and blind when their mind focus on religion, the things of GOD. This is something one can really ponder upon.


When I reflect on the direction the people of the world is heading headlong towards, I can not help but compare it to path 2 that represents the present future of humanity as it is written in "THE PATHS OF HUMANITY" that is found in the Holy Testament. When looking into this path on a deeper level, one can not help but reflect on how it compares to the same path that Yeshua had took when he was heading towards his death. Take the example of Yeshua's path, when the religious establishment and the vast majority of the people who had rejected him, so also has the present world rejected him again when they have rejected the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The trial that Yeshua went through, will also likewise become the trial that people of the world will encounter. The story of the transfiguration of Yeshua, will likewise become the Elects that will be lifted up to escape the great destruction that will come upon the whole world. The heckling, mocking and condemnation of Yeshua as people stood by his crucifixion will likewise become the heckling, mocking and condemnation against all people who believe in a god. The scourging and suffering that Yeshua went through, will likewise the people of the world encounter great affliction, scourging and suffering. Then the death of Yeshua, will likewise become the death of the world and of humanity. When Yeshua returned to Father, so likewise will those soul/sprits who believe in the true GOD, will return to Father's Heavenly Domain. Of course one can always say that it is purely a coincidence, but it is something to ponder upon.


What with all the talk that has been going on about the Roman Catholic Church sexual abuse scandal in the U.S. A. I can not help but wonder where was their "mother of god", while all of this sexual abuse of children was going on by their priests, brothers or nuns? Catholics seem to focus so much attention on their "mother of god" figure that she is everywhere within their churches and homes. She is so celebrated that one would think that the whole Roman Catholic religion centers around this "mother of god" figure. You hear from people that this "mother of god" makes herself known and appears to so many people and is seen at so many places, yet you find that she is absent when a child is being molested. You would think that as a mother figure, she would be there for her children, to protect a child from being molested, would she not? Yet she do not appear to make herself present when a priest or when one of their church people are in the act of molesting a child. Can you imagine the look on a priest face who suddenly see the "mother of god" appear before him while he is sodomizing a child? Would that not cure such a person from ever molesting a child again? Yet when a child is in great need for such a simple act as appearing at a time when a person is molesting a child, nothing happens to rescue the child from its oppressor. Why the great absence and silence? I wonder just how many children have been molested in the U.S.A., and around the world? A great deal of it has happened here in Canada. Only GOD knows the full extent of how great this act is being preformed on a daily basis. My only consolation is that I know that our Heavenly Father will be ready for these perverts when they appear before Him at the Hall of Judgment. I do not make light of this question, for it is too serious of an offence to make light of it. My question is only an honest one, that was running through my mind while I was pondering upon this whole sexual scandal. Why this "mother of god" had made no move to appear before a child molester who was performing this horrendous act? This is a question that I was pondering upon.


Speaking of this mother of god, why is it that protestants do not believe or uphold the theology of the Roman Catholics that Mary is the mother of god when they themselves believe that their Je-Zeus Christ is god? What is it that prevents them from crossing that threshold? That is something that I could never figure out. Unless somewhere way back when, they had not believed that this Je-Zeus Christ was god, and therefore would not claim that Mary, his mother, was the mother of god. It seams strange that they hold to a theology that Je-Zeus Christ is god, yet do not ascribe to the mother of god theory. Is there not some contradiction somewhere in all of this? Now that is something to ponder upon.


During meditation, I was brought to mind of all those poor souls/spirits that had encountered their physical death throughout the past centuries with their sins still intact. Then I began to think upon all of those people that have passed away recently, in our present era and day, who had died with all of their sins still upon their soul/spirit. How sad to realize that all of these thousands, millions, even trillions of people who had passed away with their sins still upon them, that have not been forgiven because they had believed in, prayed to, and asked for forgiveness to a false, man made god that the paganized Christian church's had created and gave it the name of Je-Zeus Christ. Those people had never realized that their prayers did not reach the ears of the one and only true GOD, our Heavenly Father. I can not help but feel angry towards those priests and pastors who are willfully deceiving people in this day and age. People will come to realize in their heart of hearts that I speak the truth. It do not take a rocket scientist or a genius to figure out that when people invent a god, and pray to it, those prayers are not going to be directed to the one and only true GOD. If they do not believe this, they are deceiving themselves, just as the early church fathers had deceived people in the past. I am certain that this error of creating their man-god creature they claim is god was pointed out to them in the past, it is not some new revelations that people did not know about. People were made aware of their errors by others many times throughout the span of time, but these pagan Christians had chosen not to heed their warnings. As I reflect upon this, I also find it strange how people in this day and age can come to believe that they literarily eat their god during their worship so that they may take in its spirit. This is the very same idea and belief that cannibalistic people believed in their rituals, when they ingested their enemy they had killed in battle, or eat the body and drink the blood of their relatives who had passed on. The more I ponder upon their whole belief system the more I became aware of how many people who had passed on who had prayed to this Je-Zeus Christ, who is their man made god that they eat, and kneel down to their many idols, to pray to their mother of god, when they could have prayed to the real Yeshua the Anointed, to act as their advocate, so that Father may have forgiven their sins. In vain had these people prayed to their false gods, or burnt incense or lit candles to take their prayers onto Heaven so that their sins may be forgiven. Had these people not been mislead and had known the truth, they could have appealed to Yeshua as their advocate, so that Father may have heard their cry of repentance and forgiven them. But alas, this had not been the case. So what has happened to these poor lost souls/spirits? It was revealed to me that Father will look upon their soul/spirit and judge them according to their manner. For ignorance and the lack of knowledge was no longer an excuse. For these people could have found the truth, it was not hidden from them, but was there for them to possess, had they diligently searched for it. All things will be revealed to those who search for the truth. I felt a great heaviness upon my person upon hearing this. It may be too late now to alter the future of humanity, for the majority of the people have allowed themselves to be deceived and have not understood and followed the instructions of Yeshua to bring forth the true commission that he had commanded, but it is never too late to help people come to know the true GOD, their Heavenly Father. I wiped away the tears that are running down my face and resolved all the more to continue to help people find that truth so that their sins they carry upon their soul/spirit may be forgiven and washed away through the Love, Forgiveness and Grace of our Heavenly Father. To this end I will continue to do until I am taken away from this planet Earth.


It is my hope that through my writings, it may strike a cord upon a persons heart and mind that will enable them to break through the false teachings and traditions that they had learned and been brought up with. It is not an easy thing for people to do, for they must be able to be honest and true to themselves. They must be able to accept what they may have been taught and learned, were wrong ideas by those with their false teachings. They must be able to recognize that inner voice that will tell them what rings true or not. To these people will they be able to break the shackles of tradition and ascend to a higher level on their Spiritual Journey and become a child of the Most High. My only concern and sadness is for those wonderful, kind hearted, caring people who are not able to translate those attributes to bring about the Kingdom of GOD that Yeshua had hoped for. This we can thank those people who act as priests, preachers or spiritual guides who have managed to brainwash many of these fine people into their perverted theology. Thus preventing the bringing forth the true commission that our Beloved Brother Yeshua had commanded, by those who had corrupted his intentions. And because of this, the people of the world, along with all of the children, will continue to head towards the pathway that will lead to their destruction. How sad it is for those people who can see what is going to happen to the vast majority of humanity. For they take no delight in this. The great affliction, the anguish, the heartache and suffering that people will unnecessarily come to know in their lives, because of this grave error which could have been prevented had the majority of the people of the world had been honest and true to themselves and acknowledged the one and only true GOD, our Heavenly Father and pursued after His Kingdom as Yeshua had spoken about. It is a sad situation, indeed.


You have by now come to realized by reading these many pages and comments I have made on this web site of those people who call themselves Christians, are beginning to realize the error of their religious beliefs. But their priests and pastors will not admit to their error. Can you imagine a priest or pastor say.. Thank you for pointing out my errors, that I have wasted my whole life on a false theology? Hardly! The truth of the matter is that they will fight tooth and nail to uphold the theology they have believed in regardless what the truth may be. These people will continue to dishonor our Beloved Brother Yeshua, by dishonoring our Heavenly Father with their man-made god that these people have created and uphold for themselves. Nothing I say will alter their erroneous thinking and beliefs, for Father had caused them to be dumb, deaf and blind to the truth. He shall cause these people to be disgraced in the sight of all the people of the world. Father has revealed to me that this is what they will receive because of their pride. In that they have reproached and magnified themselves against the remnant that are of His people. Father will cause many terrible things to happen to these people who espouse to their man made god-man Je-Zeus Christ, that they have created and continue to worship. That name, Jesus Christ will become a disgrace and will be discredit among all in Heaven and on Earth. Father will eject all of the gods of the earth that are worshiped, and humanity shall come to worship the one and only true GOD or they shall all perish. Every person from their place shall worship the Heavenly Father, even all the people from the isles of the heathens. There shall be no more warnings to be proclaimed. Father will cause the desolation of their lands and bring them into bondage if these people do not heed this warning. Then after a time, He will cause the destruction of the whole world. This is the judgment of GOD, the Heavenly Father.


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