Christianity, the Big Lie

Sunday, April 12th/ 2007 was a day of thunder storms so I had stayed in and happen to contemplate upon the type of Christian people I had indirectly encountered since I placed the People of the Holy Testament web site on the internet. Ever since that web site was established, Christians had flooded my e-mail box making a Vail attempt to defend their claim on their fictitious god and the infallibility of their paganized, apostate Christian bible. They would explained at great length that though there are no miss-translations in the translation of their bible which was derived from the original Hebrew text showed me at once how ignorant these people are as to the history of how their Christian "bible" was composed and assembled together over the span of the history of Christianity. These people had not a clue that the text found in their Christian, perverted, apostate bible was derived from text which had been copies of copied text and that there are no original complete source in existence. It makes me wonder how these American priests and protestant pastors could preach on the airways and be so ill equipped on their knowledge of their own paganized, apostate religion. Somehow they do not realize that there are intelligent people out in the world who may listen in on their radio ministry broadcasts and show the world their complete ignorance or outright stupidity for all the world to see. The vast numbers of Christians I had indirectly had encountered come from within the USA. I would get the odd dribble of sly, verbal digs from within my own country in Canada. When I had established a chat-room for our members, I was new to that chat room situation, we had a whole lot of Christians disrupting the tranquility setting of our chat room. When discussions began to heat up, out came the foul language from these fine upstanding Christian mouth, that I was forced to change the setting from an open chat room to a privet one in which our members were required to have a special password in order to enter the discussions. I had noticed that there are literally thousands of Christian chat rooms and web sites on the Internet that I suggested to these Christians to visit those and make a nescience of themselves there. Throughout the years of receiving verbal assaults, false accusations upon my person, I have come to know what the majority of Christians are all about. Some Christian ministries in the USA have made accusations that I had been to their ministry and had talked to me personally. That accusation is easy for me to prove them wrong. They also claim that I e-mail their Christian ministries and make vile remarks against them. That also can be proven to be false accusations. Others claim to know my lifestyle and demeanor, when they have never seen me or ever had any direct contact with me. These accusations are easy for me to prove they are false. The only difference in this whole debate, I can back up everything I have said, and they can not. This is the real reason why these yellow bellied Christians dare not name the person they are accusing, for they can not back up their unfounded accusations. Frankly; I see right through their pretentious pious camouflage and see them as they truly are. I have no longer any illusion of them being the righteous type of people they pretend to be. Not by all the lies that I have witnessed coming from their mouth. Frankly; These Christians are far worse than those whom Christians accuse of being reprobates. For their sins are against the Holy Spirit. Christian priests and pastors still maintain that their bible if factual and infallable even though there is ample proof to prove otherwise. These priests and pastors just ignore that there are indeed no original text in existence from the pages of the New Testament. This is the way they decieve themselves and those people who claim that they need to trust their perverted, apostate Christian bible because there is no other book they have to place their trust upon. One can understand why Christian Priests and Pastors are being so shaken up and are angry at us who are examining and challenging their long held established claims that Christianity is the fountain of truth. The religion of Christianity has become the object of much inquiry and research for quite some time now. After intensive investigation by people like me, who are seeking the truth, are now finding out that those long held claims made by Christians have been found to be bogus all along. We know that their false claims had begun right from the very conception of Christianity. Christians have tried to prove their false claims and they all turned out to be outright lies, fakes or forgeries. Yet; there are hundreds, if not thousands of relible proofs which will substancieate that what Christians had claimed was found to be totaly false. This is the reason why Christians oppose and slander people who are seeking for the truth. The validity of their long standing claim is collapsing like a house of cards. But most Christian priests and preachers are too stupid to realize this. Some make a brave face and still try to claim that they represent the full truth, when in reality, the only thing they are full of, is full of bull. Christianity has been exposed to the entire world of its true nature, and its rotten foundations have been revealed, along with their so-called "sacred" Christian bible which have been found to be only an apostate, paganized version of other ancient Baal worshippers works. Ever since their long held claims were proven to be false, and the claim of infallibility no longer is held true for them. Most all of the Christian claims have by now been proven to be false, and people have rightfully torn those Christian claims to shreds, which signifies to the majority of Christians that they no longer can have any real faith in that perverted, apostate Christian religion, because it was built upon a foundation of lies. If it is to be known, it is GOD's providence that all people who had refused to obey GOD, will become the servants to the New World Order as their punishment for neglecting the Will of GOD. Therefore you apostate, paganized Baal worshiper Christians, go ahead and pray to your false gods for your salvation and deliverance. Pray to them mightily.

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Threat from Father John Corapi

I happen to turn on my s/w radio and heard a Father John Corapi on EWTN, the Catholic propaganda network, speak about someone who had spoken against Catholic priests and their head huncho, that Pope Benedict Arnold, excuse me, Joseph Ratzinger. This guy Corapi sort of strongly hinted that I would get hurt because of what I had said about that smart ass, Groeschel, and their apostate, paganized Roman Catholic church, and about what I had said concerning their head hunco Pope who was directly involved in not letting Bible Scholars read what was contained in the DEAD SEA SCROLLS they had in their possession. Only when the Israel army had taken over the entire area during the six day war, and had confiscated the Dead Sea Scrolls from Father Roland Guérin de Vaux of the Catholic Ecole Biblique, in East Jerusalem, did the world was finally able to see what was contained in those Dead Sea Scrolls. If anyone was lying about anything, it was that buffoon, John Corapi. It is people like him that had perswaded me to write these articals about the phony Christian religion. I had just written and posted; Christianity, the Big Lie, just before I head that loudmouth spesk. Here is a guy, dressed in a blue habit and spews out lies like they are nothing to be concerned about. And this jackass is suppose to represent truth? Yeah. right! Tell me more lies while you are at it Corapi. You people do not represent truth nor the true GOD of Heaven. Just some pagan, man-made imitation god/gods and a man-made apostate religion. I doubt that Corapi would recognize truth even if it were staring him right in his face, because his mind is so full of Catholic mush, which he had been spoon fed since he entered that apostate, child molesting Catholic priesthood.

P/S: The following day, Monday, Father John Corapi delivered a long winded speech which I notice made no mention of his previous speech which contained his threat. His long winded speech only contained more of his lies. He stated that the Roman Catholic church do not practice idolatry or worship idols. Without breaking his sentence he went on to say that having a statue a statue of their god, Je-Zeus Christ in their church, do not constitute the breaking of the first two Commandments of GOD, which simply states; Do not worship or have any other gods, and do not have statues of gods. he went on to say that Catholics do not worship their statues of their god. Like I had said before; Tell me more lies while you are at it Corapi.

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