Exposing the ignorance of Harold Camping.

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I do not know why people listen to this inept person who thinks he is knowledgeable about the Christian Bible. He has made so many outrages statements that has no truth in them on his "Open Forum" radio program. This person thinks he has the right interpretation or understanding of what he is reading when in truth, he will make many stupid statements on his radio program. Camping made a statement on his Open Forum radio program that the time of the great tribulations had started in 1988 and that we are about in the middle of it now. What a stupid statement that is. The great tribulations has yet to come. What has happened throughout the world up to now has only been a walk in the park, so to speak. During the great day of tribulation, Camping will not have his radio broadcasts to spew out his perversion during that time. He and his kind will be so busy just trying to survive, if they even make it through the great tribulation at all. That event will be so horrific that people thoughtout the entire world will be fully aware when they are in that time, regardless if they know anything about the prophecies of the "Bible" or not. Every human being on earth will be so greatly effected by it that there will be absolutely no mistaken at all as to the time they are in. Camping as usual is wrong about this as he had been wrong about his phony god coming back in 1994, as he is wrong about his new book which he claims the end of the world will be in 2012 CE.

Camping was answering a question about marriage to one of his callers on his Open Forum program in which he made the statement that all marriages are bound by GOD. Camping went on to explain that even if a marriage was conceived through a civil marriage, or made during a drunken state, or on a whim, or made through a heathen religious service, or by unbelievers of GOD, or that a spouse who is being physically or mentally abused by their marriage partner must live with that person for the rest of their life, that all of these marriages are still bound by GOD. Apparently, Camping got that crazy notion through his understanding of his Christian Bible. Given Campings perverted beliefs, even a shotgun marriage is bound by GOD according to Camping. Camping went on to proclaim that even if people had used poor judgement or got married for the wrong reason, they must live with that error for the rest of their lives, come hell or high water, so to speak, according to Campings answer. Given all what Camping had stated, one can see clearly there are some gross errors in his statements. In the first place, these type of marriage would be the product of people's own doing. Their actions would have nothing to do with GOD. Secondly; The only type of marriage that is recognized and bound by GOD is one that had been conducted through one of GOD's anointed ones. The only marriage that is bound by GOD are the one's conceived in accordance to His Will. Any marriage that is outside of GOD's Will, was conceived by man. Conceived by man and are bound by man, and its civil authority and its laws. Therefore; What man binds, man can also unbind. So what can you expect as an answer from Camping, given that he belongs to a heathen religion, that reflects the Christian Bible with its three gods, in which the GOD of the Old Testament has no part in the gods of the "Christian" New Testament. I suspect when people had heard Camping say that all marriages were bound by GOD, regardless what the reason may be, or how the marriage had turned out, they had an instinctive feeling that something about Camping's statement did not quite ring true. Why is that, I wounder? What can people expect when Camping relies on a book that had been tampered with and doctored up. You end up with a mixed-up theology. You end up changing the "one" and "only" true GOD, who is our Heavenly Father, into this Christian fictitious three gods theology. Well, given this is the case, then Camping will have no trouble to think that all marriages are bound by his fictitious gods. When Camping speaks about GOD on his Open Forum radio programs, I will always have to remind myself that he is referring to his Christian fictitious gods, rather than the one and only true GOD, who is our Heavenly Father, the sole Creator.


News has come early this morning, April 1st, 2005 that one of the major leaders of the perverted, Christian, heathen religion is in his last moments of life. People in the news media and those people who belong to that perverted, Baal worshipping heathen religion with its three gods, are already talking about him in past tenths. I am speaking about the leader of the Roman Catholic church, Pope John Paul II. How interesting that this person should be struck down by an infection on all fools day that will lead to his mortal death. One has to really wounder if GOD, our Heavenly Father is not trying to send a strong message to all of humanity by this act. Pope John Paul II will come to face the rude awakening, as all those people who went before him, about the truth of his perverted religious beliefs before his soul/spirit begins the process of being consumed to everlasting death. Such is the fate of all those who would pervert and deceive humanity from the truth.


Where do Camping get off to say that persons who have dreams and visions had been smoking hashish? Do Camping have proof of this accusations? I am quite aware that Camping threw that sly remark at me even though he did not mention my name. This is a sly method Christians use when they throw unsupportable, unsubstantial accusations at a person. It would be very interesting to hear just where Camping got the strange idea that I ever indulged in smoking pot or hashish. Let us see if Camping has the nerve to name me as that person which he is throwing such accusations at? Will Camping be the coward he purports to be? Because I for one have never indulged in any type of hallucinative drugs to receive dreams and visions from my Heavenly Father. Nor have I had ever received any dreams or visions while smoking a cigarette. I also had never taken part of the "hippy" scene with its pot smoking and the injection of speed when it came into vogue during the 1960 era. I can remember that I had always felt somehow alienated, as being outside of that whole hippy movement during that era. As for having long hair, I had worn it that way during the early 1950's, long before the advent of the rock group, "The Beetles" and what had become known as the hippy era. So would Camping care to explain this unwarranted accusation he had directed my way? All what I have written about Mr. Harold Camping on this web site, I can back it up. When Camping preaches about GOD, it is clear by his statements that he has only a head knowledge, and a very poor one at that, of anything pertaining to GOD. It is also very clear that Camping is devoid of any connection at all with the true GOD of Heaven. His belief in his perverted "Christian" three gods theology and this fictitious god Christians call Je-Zeus Christ which the heathen, gentile Baalem worshippers have named is proof enough of that. In case Camping is not aware of it, I was never indoctrinated into the religion of Christianity as Camping had been. Nor was I ever a part of, or ever became a member of some Christian church, be it Catholic or Protestant. Nor have I ever been in any way a member of any other type of religious establishment or institution that exist in this world. So you can stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Camping. Oh, how silly of me, you do not have a pipe to smoke it, do you?


I wounder where Camping gets the crazy idea that people who are part of the People of the Holy Testament speak in tongues or fall backwards in some sort of crazy mumbo-jumbo gyration in the manner that Christians do? Non of the people here do any such things. But I am quite aware of many "Christian" churches who still practice that sort of mumbo-jumbo antics. These things Christians do, like speaking in tongues is nothing more than gibberish talk that say absolutely nothing and their falling backwards, ending up in some sort of crazy mumbo-jumbo gyration which stem from heathen traditions in which Christianity is very much a part of. Camping is pulling straws out of thin air when he has not a clue as to what we are really all about or what we do. He is just saying that without any knowlage at all of what is within our group of people. It is interesting how Camping will readily take and use the insights from our web pages and use these where it suites him, while he tells people that what is written here is of Satan. What a bunch of hypocrites these people are. Camping also had made an interesting comment that reflects not only his own mind set, but those of his fellow Christian preachers, and that of the Roman Catholic church. Camping had stated on his Open Forum radio call-in program that he and his fellow Christians do not need to look at books from any public library in order to find the truth, that their Christian Bible is the only place where they will find it. I also remember a Catholic ex-protestant preacher, Scott Hann, had once said on the Catholic radio broadcast (EWTN), that the Christian (three) gods is the same GOD of the Hebrews (Jews). That the Roman Catholic church has direct apostolic succession with the original Apostles of Yeshua that was originally written about in the text that found its way into the New Testament. Both of Scott Hann's claims are an outright lie. The Christian gods they worship is derived from the gentile Roman, paganized world. The Roman Catholic tradition is to face east to the rising sun when they have their mass. This has something to do with the worship of their sun-god, Je-Zeus Christ. Also; They can not claim to have direct apostolic successions to Yeshua. The best that the Roman Catholic church, and Protestant Christians, can actually claim, is having direct apostolic successions to the formation of their three gods religion. That they had received Yeshua's teachings in an indirect manner, and changed the text to fit their three, man-made gods, Roman religion they had created for themselves. Scott Hann, also stated that Catholics should not get their information about their church or religion from outside sources, other than what they provide at their Catholic Christian book store or their official Catholic web site. Given what text I have already exposed about this church who falsely claim to represent the original Apostles of Yeshua, and the text found in the Bible which they had a hand in corrupting, which has many errors, contradictions, lies, and many of its pages that have nothing to do with actual historical facts. Where I have revealed some text within the Bible that had incorporated heathen myths, and where I had exposed the true history of Christianity, you should be able to see that Campings claim about the Bible being the infallible, totally inerrant "Word of GOD", or that Christians worship the same GOD as the Jews, is not quite true. Why do you suppose Camping makes that false claim about the Bible being the infallible, totally inerrant "Word of GOD"? Camping and his fellow preachers are afraid that if you should ever check out what I have already revealed, it will show the truth about Christianity and the Bible, with its errors, lies, contradictions and heathen myths that are found within its pages. It will dispell any of Campings false claims that their Christian Bible is the infallible, inerrant book or that their three gods is the same, one and only GOD of the Jews. I had only just scratched the surface in pointing out the many errors, contradictions, lies and the incorporation of heathen myths that are found in the Bible and in Christianity. These you can see for yourself on our web pages titled, Fallacy of Christianity (The Mystery Religion), and "The Bible" found in our Archive Page. I had provided this information in order to help you get started on your own search for the truth. Most of the topics I had covered here on this web site, you can obtain books or material from your local public library that will reveal in much greater depth, knowledge that had already been uncovered here. This is what Camping and his fellow preachers, and the Roman Catholic church are really afraid of. That you may find out the truth about the religion of Christianity which will expose the great sham that they have perpetuated to humanity during all of their sorry existence. No doubt it will also expose their lies, deceit and show them as the frauds that they are. What other reason do they not want you to go to your public library to check things out for yourself? I am aware that you may come across some books that may have some miss-information, but you are intellegent enough to realize that you can check those books out which you may suspect may have miss-information by checking these against such referance books that have no ax to grind, like the Encyclopaedia Britannica or The Book of Knowledge, or other Encyclopaedias you may find in your public libary, and find out if the information is correct or not. Then you can quickly discount those material that have miss-information in them and discount these as pure fiction or to be outright fraudulent lies. Then there are those books that deal with myths in religion, the history on the Bible or the history of Christianity by authors who have already shown to be very credible, fron their past writings, and there are also a great many web sites on the internet you can go to, to check out the facts. You will have to be really careful when you browse through the internet because as I had found out, there are a great many "Christian" web sites out there that will give you half-truths, outright lies, total fiction, or omission of historical facts, as I have already found to be the case. The sad thing about all of this, is that the vast majority of these Christian priests and preachers have so long misslead people, knowingly or even unknowingly in some cases, that they have maligned the meaning of the word "truth". To them, it no longer means factual, certain, correct or reliable, but that their so-called truth is what they would have you to believe. Given that this is the case, My best advice is that any information you get from their sites, you will really meed to check their information out and see if they can be backed-up and verified through other than "Christian" sources. A good rule of thumb is that any information you may have found and collected that you suspect may contain half-truth, miss-information or omission of historical facts, check these against such sources as the Encyclopaedia Britannica, The Book of Knowledge, or other non-religious Encyclopaedias, that give out just the known facts and you will not go astray. There are so many trustworthy and truthful information out there to be had, to those who take the time and bother to dig it up. This is the reason why I even encourage our readers, to check what I have written here, so that they will know that I am not trying to lead anybody away from the truth. There are some writings here on this web site that I have revealed, those concerning the things of GOD, our Heavenly Father and of those concerning our Beloved Brother, Yeshua, which may be totally new revelations to you, that may be quite hard or impossible to verifie. Then you will need to decern for yourself if what I have written has the ring of truth or not. You need to know the truth, not to prove my point, or anybody else's point, but to know what is factual. It is important to know what is true, for the fate of your soul/spirit will greatly depend upon it.


I had the opportunity to listen in on Campings Bible study session on March 6th/2005. On this lecture, Camping was once again getting on with his member crunching as most of these Christian date setters will do. It is quite apparent that Camping or these other Christian date setters and self-appointed prophets of perversion with their three gods, do not realize that the numbers and dates mentioned in the Old Testament have more to do with dates or numbers that have a spiritual value or meanings rather than actual historical dates. To try to use those numbers and dates in the Bible to figure out the actual historical time line or when the "End Time" or other events will occur is in reality an exercise of futility. This should show to everyone how stupid Camping and other date setters are by using those dates and numbers. To those people who believe that the world is only six thousand years old, they are as wrong as those date-setters. Another big mistake Christians make is that they believe that all the stories in the Old Testament is factual, in the sense that everything that is written within its pages represents actual history. This false belief is the main reason why Christians claim that the Bible is the infallible or inerrant. "Word of GOD". The stories within the Old Testament, do place its locations within historical events but do not neccessarily mean that its stories represented actual history, nor are they totally accurate with actual history, but were written for Spiritual, life learning lessons that the people had gained in their lifetime. Not all of those stories were meant to represent actual history or to be taken literally, as Christians have a tendency to do. Paul the apostle had said in Romans 15;4 "For whatever things were written before, were written for our learning. That through patience and through encouragement of the Scriptures we may have hope." The way Camping talks about the Bible, you would think that the Bible is totally accurate in its account of actual history. The way Camping talks, you would think that the Bible itself, is his god. Now I will show you how Camping mis-interprets some Bible text and forces a text to mean what he wants it to mean. It is strange how Camping will come up with some absurd ideas in order to place the resurrection on Sunday. Camping had stated that the three days that his fictitious god had descended into hell (which means the place of the dead.) began when he was on the Mount of Olives during the time of his agony, to the time of his resurrection, that would be on Sunday, so Camping claims. We know that Yeshua did not descend into hell while he was alive, but only after he had died on the "cross" and was set in the tomb. We can see here that Camping had to do some fancy talking and twisting of the scriptures in order to try to support his outrageous claim. Anyone that buys his explanation is a bigger fool than Camping. Now let us look at Campings claim that the resurrection of his fictitious god, Je-Zeus Christ, was on Sunday. What we do read in the Gospels is that Yeshua was laid in the tomb on Friday afternoon, before the Sabbath began. Then the text goes on to say that the very next day, after the Sabbath day had ended, the women went to the tomb and had found it open and empty. Here Camping says, "See, see, it says right here in the Bible that the women went up to the tomb the next day, right after the Sabbath day was over. That would be Sunday. So Je-Zeus Christ rose from the tomb on Sunday." How often have I heard Camping say, "When GOD wrote the Bible, He wrote it very carefully. This is the reason why you can trust what the Bible says." Camping seemed quite smug that he had settled that question for everyone, despite that the text shows that his Je-Zeus Christ had only remained in the tomb (grave) for one day. I had always thought that Yeshua was supposed to remain in the tomb for three nights and three days before his resurrection from the tomb. So how come in the Gospel text, that is part of Camping's infallible, inerrant "Word of GOD" in his Christian Bible, it states in three different passages in the various Gospels, that are dealing with the same event, that the women and or the Apostles went up to the tomb right after the Sabbath day was over, which would have been Saturday evening or the latest, Sunday morning, and the tomb was empty and Yeshua was already found missing? So the question needs to be asked, what happened to the three nights and the three days that Yeshua was supposed to remain in the tomb? Which would have brought his resurrection from the tomb, at the very earliest, on Monday evening. So the women and or the Apostles would have gone up to the tomb on Monday evening or Tuesday morning in order to find Yeshua missing from the tomb. Despite the gross error, Camping insist that his fictitious god, had resurrected from the tomb (grave) on Sunday. You will notice that Camping must be totally unaware of this blatant error that is found in these Gospel text. And this is the Bible that Camping claims is the infallible and inerrant "Word of GOD"? or that "GOD wrote the Bible very carefully and you can trust what the Bible says, as had Camping claimed? Let us see just how carefully the Bible was written then. During the crufixtion of Yeshua, there is a glaring contradiction within the gospel text in the New Testament. In Matthew, Mark and John, it reads that the two persons who were hanging on the cross alongside with Yeshua, were reviling Yeshua along with the people on the ground. Then when we turn to the gospel of Luke, only one person who was hanging on the cross was doing the reviling, while the other person was defending Yeshua. Once again these gospel writers have a hard time getting their story stright. I have no doubt that Camping will come up with some lame excuse and give some stupid statement in order to explain away this glaring contradiction. Camping does that with all of the other contradictions that are littered throughout the four gospel text. It is plain to see that Camping and his fellow Protestant preachers cannot be honest enough to admit that there are indeed a great deal of mistakes and contradictions within their infallible and inerrant Bible, let alone just the four gospels. Camping has the stupid idea that everything that is written in the "Bible" is the inerrant and infallible "Word of GOD", rather than admit that the gospel writers had made some mistakes. Despite all of the errors and contradictions that are found in the Bible, Camping maintains that GOD wrote the Bible, and He wrote it very carefully. By the way; Those two persons who were hanging on the cross alongside with Yeshua were not thieves, as the gospel text translators had written, but were in reality two freedom fighters who had been caught fighting against Roman rule. If this is what Camping calls his Bible as being infallible and inerrant, then I would have a very hard time to believe anything what Camping may say in the future. This should tell you a great deal about the extent of Campings fifty years of so-called Bible study. Camping will also use such flawed statements in order to support his belief that the seventh day Sabbath that was instituted by GOD, at the time of Creation, had been changed to Sunday, by these sun-god Baalim worshipping, heathen Christians. Now I will show you what a deceiver Camping really is. Camping claims that the Seventh Day Sabbath was a ceremonial law. Really? At the time of Creation, God had Commanded to keep the Seventh Day Holy. God had also commanded to keep the Seventh Day Holy in The Ten Commandments which was given to Moses.. It is written;

In Case Camping is not aware of it, the Command by GOD to keep the seventh day Holy was set during the time of Creation and was not part of the ceremonial laws then. The Ten Commandments were also not ceremonial laws. So for Camping to sugguest that the Command of GOD or that the Ten Commandnents, which was set in stone, is the ceremonial laws, it is plain that Camping is a blatant lier. What was done away with were what I had called the secondary laws, those ordinances that were brought forth after the Command by GOD during Creation and after the Ten Commandments were given to Moses. Such ordinances as the restriction of foods, the slaughter of sacrificial offerings, all of those rules and regulations that pertain to the temple. These were the ceremonial laws that no longer applied to the New Covenant which Yeshua had brought to humanity from GOD, our Heavenly Father. I find it so hard to believe that a man who is so inept, so stupid, would even try to pretend to be a Bible teacher. On April 6th/2005 on his Open Forum broadcast, Camping had quoted Isaiah 58; verses 13-23 Camping claims Sunday as being the Sabbath day. Camping had said to his listeners that in Isaiah 58; verses 13-23, it supports the changing to the Sunday Sabbath. In order to support his Sunday Sabbath belief, while Camping was reading the verses that he claimed would lend support to his Sunday Sabbath claims, Camping had cleverly injected the word "on Sunday" into his reading while he continued reading the verses. This tactic, of injecting words that are not in a verse is what Camping and a great many of his fellow Christian preachers tend to do to support whatever they are claiming. A listener would think that the word "on Sunday" was in the text of Isaiah as Camping had read it. No where do those verses which Camping had quoted from, support Sunday as being the Sabbath Day, as Camping claims. This tactic that Camping uses to deceive people, in order to support his perverted point of view should tell you, quite loud and clear, of this person's untrustworthiness. I am surprised that Camping's Bible students have not picked-up on how Camping uses this tactic to decieve them. Are they that stupid? Camping should take his Christian Bible and tear out the Old Testament from it. For he and his fellow Christians have no part of the, One and Only, true GOD of Heaven. The Old Testament certinally do not belong with that heathen, man-made, three gods, Baal worship, Christian religion. Camping next little lecture was on the "church age". I notice that Camping had made a radical switch on the topic of the "church age". It appears that after Camping had become aware of what I had written about the "church age" on our web page, he now quickly switches his claim that the end of the "church age" was the end of the Jewish synagogues where GOD was no longer involved with them. Those passages which refer the end of the "church age" was not talking about the end of the Jewish synagogues as Camping claims, but clearly refers to the end of the congregation of Yeshua as was spoken by the original Apostles of Yeshua and affirmed by Paul that ravaging wolves are already creeping in and changing the doctrines of what they had preached. When Yeshua had failed to come back as they had expected, the gentile heathens went about to create their own religion, using the person of Yeshua and his Gospels and created their "three gods in one" theology, which makes no sense at all, no matter how much one tries to make sense of it. During that time, people were already falling away from the true path to that newly formed apostate, three gods religion that is liken the Baalim god who demanded human sacrificial worship. This heathen man-made sun-god religion would become known as Christianity. In this new religion, one of the gods, demand a human sacrifice, a son, in order to be able to absolve the sins of people. This is the heathen, perverted, Baal worship religion that Christians claim was spreading throughout the entire Roman Empire. What Camping calls the "end of the church age" to mean, is that GOD is no longer dealing with the Christian churches. That the Holy Spirit is no longer active in the local churches. Camping implies that at one point in its conception, this apostate religion of Christianity, was in the favour of GOD. Camping had claimed that the Christian churches only started their apostate trend during the late 1950's CE. Now, GOD, or the Holy Spirit is no longer dealing with the "churches" of Christianity. Camping somehow conveniently forgets that GOD is dealing with the entire apostate religion of Christianity and of its churches. What is actually happening now, GOD had allowed that new apostate religion to continue with their heathen religion of Christianity for a set period of time to see if it would change and revert back to the true path of Yeshua. But during the past two thousand years of time, Christianity had continued with its apostate, heathen, Baal worship of its man-made gods. Now that grace period is over. GOD is giving people a final warning to those people who truly want to seek GOD to get out from Christianity and all other apostate, heathen, Baal worship religions, least your soul/spirit be condemned along with these Baal worshippers. What will be happening now, the anger of GOD will come down upon this apostate, heathen, Baal worship, Christian religion and all those who follow a man-made god or gods. Camping and other Protestants have the foolish idea that they are excluded from the warning of GOD, when they are in fact very much a part of the apostate, heathen, Baal worship, Christian religion. They are the harlot daughters of the Great Whore which is spoken of in their own Christian Bible. This is the difference between Camping's understanding of what the "the end of the church age" means, and what I have revealed to you. Concerning the "church age" it is a real mystery to most people how Camping thinks that he and his fellowship group is no longer a part of the perverted, apostate, Baal worship Christian religion when his teachings is fully in accord with its basic teachings. Camping and his group, what he calls his fellowship, is in reality a "church" which Camping has disguise as a fellowship group. He is the owner and manager of his ministry, and of his Bible school. Camping has a board of directors, which they, along with the student members are subject to Campings rule and what is being taught there. Their church or fellowship is a Corporate body very much like any other Protestant church that are scattered across America and Canada. Unlike Camping and the Christian churches, we on the other hand, have no "Bible school" or a board of directors, nor is there any owners or managers, nor is this ministry a Corporation. We do not require donations in order to support this ministry or to get the message out to people or to help those within our group. In fact we do not subject people under bondage within our group with overseeers as are in Christian churches. The people within our group are free to fully explore and understand GOD, our Heavenly Father. Father is the only overseeer which cause the People of the Holy Testament to adhear to what is being taught here. Each person is free to explore the Holy Testament and learn all that there is of GOD, our Heavenly Father. Each person is totally reponsible for their own soul/spirit in how they come to know and understand, and acquire that personal relationship with GOD during their Spiritual Journey. They do this at their own pace and in their own manner. I am here only as a guide to help those people within our group who may seek my help. I do not rule over anyone. Camping will be shocked to find out that his so-called fellowship "church" is very much a part of that perverted, three gods, Baal worshipping, man-made Christian religion. It is interesting how Camping will quickly change and twist the infallible and inerrant scriptures and its meaning where it suites him. Near the close of this Bible study, Camping then went on speaking about the unforgivable or unpardonable sin. Camping seems to have a very clear understanding about the meaning of that verse when he is referring it to the Jewish Temple Priests and Scribes, yet when I had pointed out to Camping, through our web pages, that he is also falling into this unforgivable or unpardonable sin when he accused the revelations and writings that is on this web site which stem from the Holy Spirit, was that of Satan. All of the sudden, Camping no longer recognize that his statements concerning about speaking against the Holy Spirit, and of its unpardonable sin apply to him despite that he had spoken against what the Holy Spirt had made known. Whether Camping believes it or not, that sin he had committed still stands in the light and sight of GOD, our Heavenly Father. He can deny it all he wants to, but that still do not absolve the unpardonable sin he had committed. Camping can not now claim to anyone that he did not tell people that we are of Satan. Such is the nature of Harold Camping.


How often have I heard people ask Camping on his Open Forum radio call-in program why is the Bible so hard to understand? Camping had also admitted that he did not understand some parts of the verses he reads that are in the Bible. Why is this so? Because unlike Camping and many of his fellow Christian preachers, they fail to understand, that the Bible is not the totally pristine Word of GOD as Camping and others would have you to believe. One must understand that many verses or parts of the Bible have traditions and beliefs that stem from various cultures that are imbedded or mixed in with the Bible text. This is a by-product of those people who had their hand in shaping the text of the Bible. GOD did reveal His Will to people. But because human beings do develop culture traditions and understanding, the Bible text had incorporated some of these culture traditions that had originated from the heathen world, mixed in along with those that expressed the Will of GOD. This development had emerged over the great span of time. This is the reason why there are varied traditions from the various groups of people. And because of this sad fact, it has led to religious wars, intolerance, hate, confusion and dissension among the people of various religious faiths that has further disunited the people of GOD. The proof of this is the many religions that are found that reflect the various understanding of GOD in the culture of humanity today. This also shows the confusion which is found within each religious groups. This also reflects why their are many denominations that had evolved over the span of time. This is the reason why the Holy Testament and this web site came to be. It was to give light to the things of GOD that people had trouble to understand, and hopefully, rectify this sad situation. What the people in the religious sector fail to understand is that I had not tried to give re-interpretation on the "Bible" as many Christians believe, but that GOD, my Heavenly Father has inspired me, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, to write the book of the Holy Testament and the insights that are on our web site, in order to put people back on the true path and end the confusion and dissension that is found among the people who want to understand the things of GOD. But what happened? People from various faiths, people very much like Camping, who think they know more than what Father has revealed to me, took issue with what I was doing. This is the reason why Camping will quickly say that what I have revealed here on this web site, came from Satan in order to justify and hold fast to his traditional beliefs which he had learned through his Christian upbringing. Some religious groups, mostly from Christianity, where Christian priests and pastors, had gone so far as to verbally attack me like a bunch of vipers because of their own ignorance. Yet, it is strange how these same people will sneakily take the insights which suits them, from this web site, and incorporate these insights into their Christian teachings while they continue their verbal assault on me. These Christians have left me with no choice with their continual assults on what I have revealed, but for me to defend the truths which are on this web site and expose the decite and ignorance of these Christians to the true things of GOD. Such is the situation we are presently in.


I have revealed that there is a process that GOD, our Heavenly Father uses to help people in their Spiritual Journey to obtain the full understanding of GOD, their Creator, so that they may be worthy to have a place in Father's Heavenly Kingdom. This learning process is that of re-incarnation that had been forgotten by the Hebrews (Jews) since ancient times. Now you can understand how some people have come to the wrong conclusion about the process of re-incarnation that I speak of, only because this understanding had been retained by other cultures, all be it, in not quite an accurate manner, in their ancient religious text. Christians, like Camping have not that understanding and therefore, in their own ignorance, jump to the wrong conclusions. This is a trait that is common among Christians. Now I will give you a little example of how people who had incorporated heathen traditions within the text of the Bible. If you notice that in some parts of the Bible, it claims that after people come to their physical death, their body along with their soul/spirit remain in the grave until some future date, at an appointed time, the body, along with the soul/spirit will be taken up to Heaven. Then along comes Yeshua and tells people that they can get to Heaven, right after the moment of physical death. Why the great discrepancy? It is because in the early cultural traditions of the Hebrews, which had originally been heathen, they came to believe that a person with its soul remained in the grave forever. Then with the influence of other cultures, they developed their beliefs that once a person had died, their soul/spirit will remain in the grave with the dead body, until some future date, at an appointed time, when the body, along with the soul/spirit will be raised up from the grave at the last trumpet sound. This traditional belief is still held by a great many Jewish people today. Now in the New Testament you find these two beliefs systems within the Bible and now people get really confused because of this apparent contradiction. So which teaching is true? Do the dead body along with the soul/spirit remain in the grave until some appointed time when both, the dead decayed corps, along with the soul/spirit leave the grave at an appointed time, to go to Heaven or hell, or do the dead corpse of a person remain in the grave forever and only the soul/spirit leaves that dead body to go to Heaven where the soul/spirit will be judged by GOD? You can see how this confusion will lead people to ask these type of questions. So what happens? You get these two very different concepts within the Bible and you are suppose to somehow fuse these two concepts together. Such is the situation the Bible is presently in and where confusion abounds.


On Campings Open Forum radio call-in program, Camping stated quite forcefully, as a fact, that the Scripture reference of Yeshua's prophecy that the Temple would be destroyed, is not in reference to the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. Camping claims that the west wall, commonly known as the wailing wall was fully intact and standing after the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE and that it has remained intact to this very day, so that the Scripture passage, according to Camping, cannot be referring to the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE but is a clear indication that this passage is referring to the "end of the church age" in our present era. Camping's statement that the foundations stones were not moved, therefore that prophecy of Yeshua had not been fulfilled in 70 CE. Camping is no doubt just trying to be smart, with that nick-picking attitude. Because Camping has no historical background of that era, he is not aware that the west wall or wailing wall was indeed torn down (Those that were on the upper levels, above ground) during the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE. Camping as other preachers and would-be Christian false prophets fail to realize that some of the west wall or wailing wall and parts of the structures on the Temple mount was rebuilt or reconstructed during Constantine, and on through the Christian crusade era. All of the structures on the Temple Mount, along with the Temple and its outer buildings were completely destroyed by the Roman legions in 70 CE. The lower part of the west wall or wailing wall was preserved and its remains are still standing today. The present wall above ground consisted of 24 rows of stones of different dressing and age, reaching a total height of 18 m. with 6 m. above the level of the Temple Mount. People all over the world marveled at the immense dimensions of the lower stones. Their average height is 12 m. long and weigh over 100 tons. The upper stones avarage 1 m high and 3 m, in length. These stone blocks were originally quarried probably at the Cave of Zedkiah (near the Damascus Gate).


I hope by now I have shown our readers the ignorance of Camping and what he and his fellowship group are all about. In the case of Camping, his age had not gained him any wisdom concerning the things of GOD. Only that he had remained ignorant for a longer period of time than most people. For a while, I too was fooled into thinking that the Je-Zeus Christ Christians were preaching about, was that of my Beloved Brother, Yeshua. Now I realize that this is not the case. How foolish of me to have thought that Christians or that Christianity had any part of the One and Only, true GOD of Heaven. Or to have thought that they had any part of our Beloved Brother Yeshua. But after I had looked into the matter in depth, it did not take me very long to realize that these Christians belong and represent another Gospel and another Yeshua in the form of Je-Zeus Christ that belong to a heathen, Baal worship, man-made three gods, religion. Therefore it is befitting for Camping and his fellowship, and those who claim to be Christians, to keep Sunday as their Baal Sabbath day. Like many others within the perverted, apostate religion of Christianity, Camping and many other Christian preachers are now calling their man-made Je-Zeus Christ, this phony god, as "Father" or "Father god" in order to hide their deceit and confuse the issue. One of Camping's famous sayings when he is explaining a verse to people, is that such a verse represents or is a picture of this or that. Know that Camping's pictures that he presents to people are abstracts, and therefore each person will interpret such pictures in various different ways, according to what each individual person see in it. Meanwhile, the pictures that I present to people, there is no question what those pictures are suppose to represent, for they are of the Renaissance style. This is the difference between Camping's pictures and mine. Another flaw in Camping thinking is that human beings have no free-will in the matter of choosing to believe and love GOD, our Heavenly Father. That would mean, according to Camping that all human beings are devoid of free-will and that we are nothing more than puppets on a string that GOD controls and manipulates. GOD, according to Camping determines who will come to HIM , and love GOD and who will not. A love that is forced upon a human being, in which a person has absolutely no say or play no part in this one-sided relationship. A love that is not of ones own free will and that people have no say in this whole matter. Camping understanding about love is one that is totally absent of any kind of free will or choice. So this is what Camping teaches at his Bible school. I feel sorry for those people whom Camping has decieved, for I have no doubt that they are a decent sort of people who have allowered themselves to be decieved by him. Camping's group of followers will end up in the very same fate as their fellow Protestant Christians who had remain in their apostate churches. These people really have no part of the Very Elect or those of the elect, regardless what Camping may imply in his preaching. These folks will suffer greatly and be destroyed during those dark days that will come, for they are in darkness and they have no light to guide them. Camping and his followers will find out when they come before the real GOD of Heaven, who is the Creator, our Heavenly Father and will be condemned to everlasting death. For Camping and his group of followers have no part with our Beloved Brother Yeshua, or with our Heavenly Father. They belong to that heathen, perverted, man-made three gods, apostate Christian religion, as Camping so boldly claims to all the people of the world.


Note; What wrong assumptions, expectations or pre-conceived ideas these totally decieved Christians have about me and the purpose of my mission. It will be quite a shock to those Christian preachers and self-appointed "last days" prophets of perversion when their understanding of the "End Times" do not turn out as they had expected. Those people who follow Camping's teaching about the "End Times" which he claims will come in the year of 2011 CE will realize Camping's stupidity when it fails to come true. These poor souls will come to realize after the year, 2011 CE has passed by and the world had not come to an end, that Camping had deceived them. By then, it will have been too late for these to save their soul\spirit from being condemned to everlasting death. But what can you expect from a bunch of people who believe in their perverted three gods theology religion. You see, I have no intentions to become part of, or follow their little game plan, in their wrong assumptions of what my role is in this "End Time" scenario that these Christians talk so much about lately. I frankly have no intentions of becoming any kind of a messiah to anyone, or ever want to be looked upon as a god. That idea belongs to Christians. I have not the least desire to portray myself in any such manner, least claim that I am their fictitious man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ. I am not a Christian. Nor do I have any interest, what-so-ever, to go to Israel for any reason. Nor do I have any inclination to involve myself with what is going on in the land of Israel. Nor do I have it in my mind to be involved with the New World Order. Nor do I have plans to be part of any creation of a Utopian system, like the one I had once spoken and written about, a very long, long time ago. At least not on this here planet anyway. That Utopia I had revealed, way back when, during the year of 1970, then again in 1980 and once more in 1990 will not come into existence here, or now. Only because my fellow Canadians took no interest in it at those various times when I had presented it. Instead of any kind of a utopian system which was kindly rejected, what people can now expect, and will have to settle with in its place, is a New World Order system that have been developed by other people. So these Christian preachers and those self-appointed "last day" prophets whole assumption of my having any kind of important role in this whole tribulations or "End Time" affair, was a false expectations on their part. This should blow all of their false assumption, expectations and false pre-conceived ideas about me, right out of the water, so to speak. How foolish were these people, who uphold that damnable heresy of their three gods religion, to think that I have any grandeur illusion of becoming somebody "great" or important. That I may even be jealous of them. Jealous of what, may I ask? That they have hundreds of thousands of people who follow their perverted, heathen, Baal worship, three god religion? I think not. Jealous because they recieve hundred, thousands, millions of dollars from people or have those big, grand, fine churches? I think not. Just because these things are what those Christians lust after, do not mean that it is what I want or care for. For these Christians to even contemplate that I have any interest or desire in any of those things that they had accused me of, is not only totally in error but also ridicules. Frankly; I do not care to take on any more responsibility than what I already have with the Very Elect, and to help those of the elect. Aside from that, my only other interest is to continue the work I had started in Haileybury. That is if I an allowed to do it, or I am able to do so. As for any long term plans, I expect to pass that time away enjoying the natural beauty of nature that is around here until such time the Very Elect and I have to leave this planet. I am not the least bit sorry that I may be disappointing these foolish preachers, these vipers, and self-appointed last day prophets who have the strange notion that I am ever so eager to become like them, or fill their false expectations. Sorry, but I do not play their silly little games. These Christians were wrong about me as they are wrong with their pre-conceived ideas or false assumptions. But what can you expect from people who claim to be Christians. After all, they all belong to that perverted, heathen, Baal worship, three god religion. So when you hear people like Camping, or any other Protestant Preachers, or those Christian prophets, who are nothing more than prophets of perversion quote from their New Testament, thinking that those verses are the pure, impeccable, unaltered text of the original Apostles of Yeshua, you now know that these deluded people are quoting from text that had been greatly altered, modified to represent another Gospel and another Yeshua in the form of their creature, Je-Zeus Christ, which is a damnable heresy in the sight of GOD, our Heavenly Father, which was presented to people by the early heathen, gentile Christian church fathers with their Baal worship, three gods theology religion. These Christians would have you to believe that the number three, actually means the number one. Christians try to covince people that their three gods, is actually one god. The same GOD that the Jewish people know and speak about in the Old Testament. No Christians, three gods do not equal one god. Three gods means three gods and one god means one god. Christians would have you to believe that 2+1=1. No Christians; 2+1 do not equal 1. These Christians can not even do basic math. Then you have other Christians, who have come to call their man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ, as Yeshua, in order to perpetuate their perverted, heretical Christian dogma, in order to decieve people from the truth. There are also other Christians in this mixed brew, who claim various different dogmas that contradicts their fellow Christian teachings. Talk about how mixed-up these Christians really are, and what lengths these Christians will go to, in order to support their perverted, heretical dogmas. This farcical development is the result of people who are denying the true GOD of Heaven, The Creator, our Heavenly Father, for a man-made god that these Baal worshippers have created for themselves. Therefore; Whenever a Christian comes to you to talk or preach about their damnable heresy of their three fictitious, man-made gods, (Their main god being this creature called, Je-Zeus Christ), or that their three gods equal one god, or that their man-made creature Je-Zeus Christ, whom some have come to call, Yeshua, is their god, you should by now know where these people are coming from. They all belong to that same perverted, damnable heretical, Christian religion. These people who believe in and preach this Christian religion, which borders on absurdity, can take a hike, as far as I am concerned. These people who have been duped into believing in Christianity really need to get their head out of La-La land, and get real.


Once again I felt the need to re-write this text only because I had felt that I had done a poor job in expressing what I had originally wanted to convey in this message. Hopefully; This will now rectify my failed first attempts.

P/S; So the Roman Catholic church has a new pope. The new pope is none other than Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger was involved in the translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls. During the 1950's, this man, along with his colleagues at Ecole Biblique, and the church's high-level involvement in the Dead Sea Scrolls, had fostered a great deal of suspicion because he had sat on the manuscripts for many years while Jewish and Academic Scholars were awaiting news on the contents of the said scrolls. Ratzinger and De Vaux would not allow anyone outside their circle to view or reveal the scroll contents to the world. Cardinal Ratzinger, had not even let the contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls be known to the Jewish people who had a direct interest in them. The reason Ratzinger and his team had sat on the Dead Sea Scrolls for such a long time, was because they were afraid that the manuscripts might contain some material, or writings that would embarrass the Christian doctrine. Scholars the world over were afraid that Ratzinger along with the De Vaux led team would destroy any incriminating documents that might reveal some insights about Christianity. In order to avoid any kind of embarrassment or incrimination to Christianity, Ratzinger along with De Vaux devised to impose a rigid orthodoxy of interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls. That any deviation from their interpretation would be looked upon as heresy. Any scholar within the De Vaux team who presumed to challenge Ratzinger and De Vaux's interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, did so at severe risk to their occupation and credibility. They would not hesitate to lie, give half-truth or make false accusations to discredit any such persons. This is the standard mode of operation for the majority of Christians, as I had personally found out to be the case. And these are people who dare claim that they represent GOD. Yeah, Right! John Allegro, was one such person who had been part of Ratzinger and De Vaux team, who happen not to belong to Ratzingers Catholic little clique. He was an agnostic bible scholar who could translate the writings, and had been given some material to translate, and had made known and published his findings of those text that was assigned to him to translate. Of course Ratzinger and De Vaux did everything in their power to prevent John Allegro from airing his findings and views. John Allegro knew that bible scholars all over the world were eagerly awaiting for any insights that reveal the contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls. John Allegro was eventually forced out and prevented to see any more parts of the remaining Dead Sea Scrolls that had yet not been already translated. Ratzinger and De Vaux sat on the remaining scrolls and not another word about the contents of the Scrolls was revealed. Only when the Arabs had attacked the then nation of Israel, what would become known as the Jewish six-day war, in which the Jewish people had defeated the Arabs and had taken over much of the lands where Ecole Biblique and Jerusalem was located, that the Dead Sea Scrolls were finally in the hands of the Jewish people and given the light of day. Within a short time, the rest of the contents of the Dead Sea Scrolls which Ratzinger and De Vaux had sat on for so many years, was revealed to bible scholars and to the general public. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was also closely affiliated with the Pontifical biblical commission, which in reality is the Pontifical propaganda machine. Later, he would become the head of this biblical commission. Cardinal Ratzinger also became the head of the Congregation for the Faith, which in reality is the infamous so-called "Holy Inquisition". While Ratzinger is the executive head of this un-holy office called the Inquisition, the official head is always the reigning pope. So Ratzinger was called its secretary. In earlier times, this office was better known as the Grand Inquisitor. It is one of the most powerful Curia in the Roman Catholic church structure. Ratzingers attitude and mind set is that only the suppression of all dissent, can assure the survival of the Roman Catholic church. He regards those people who do not share his beliefs, are blind or deluded. Look who is talking about who is being blind and deluded! Ratzinger himself had bought into the Great Lie and represents a church who had a great part in the heresy of the original teachings of the Apostles of Yeshua. Ratzinger is that blind and deluded that he firmly believes that only those people who are Roman Catholic can be saved from eternal damnation. This is also the church who had brain-washed the German people with their "Christian" anti-jew propaganda machine that had allowed a man like Hitler to commit his atrocities upon the Jewish people. Cardinal Ratzinger was also heavily involved with the suppression of what became known as Liberation theology. Catholic Bishops and priests were involved in Liberation theology in Latin America and Africa during the 1960's. These Bishops and priests were really concerned about social justice and wanted to help the poor people in Latin America and Africa, who were mostly Catholics, or at least Christians, to regain their human rights and enable people to get out from their forced impoverish circumstance by taking charge of their economy and Governmental policies. The Cardinals, who diocese represented these countries, often wined and dined lavishly with the echelon ruling class. Money and lavish gifts were often given to the church officials by these land owners and very high ranking government officials. Because of the church's close relationship with the ruling class, these pampered Cardinals had complained to Rome that some of their Bishops and priests were upsetting the status quo, rocking the boat, so to speak, and wanted this Liberation theology stopped. Ratzinger went ahead and accused these truly brave Bishops and priests who were involved in liberation theology as being Communists, or Communistic minded. When in reality, these brave Bishops and priests who were involved in liberation theology only wanted to really help the poor and downtrodden people and had dared challenged the small Capitalistic elite ruling class who had control of over 90% of the lands, industry and governments in these countries. Pope John Paul II, along with Ratzinger, gloried in the fact that so many suffering people had spilled their blood and became the martyrs of the Roman Catholic church. It is like a shepard who had stood by watching his flock being slaughtered by ravaging wolves during his watch, and then turn around and boast about how many sheep (martyrs) had died for their owner. I had personally seen the effect of people living under these Americanized Capitalistic dictatorships that was supported by the USA, (What the New World Order will be like) and what this had done to peoples lives. As a Canadian, who still retains a sense of fairness, who is personally against any predotory Capitalistic system, or Communist systems that suppress free speach and basic human rights which our Heavenly Father had endowned to all of humanity. Given this background, I understood very clearly what was going on in Latin America. I know because Central and South America used to be my old stomping grounds and I had saw first hand what was actually going on during that era. This is the church which Pope John Paul II and Ratzinger represent. This stance of the Vatican should not come as any surprise to anyone who is aware of the history of the Roman Catholic church. Ratzinger, like John Paul II were more concerned about defending their lavish positions with the ruling class and their perverted, three god, Babylon, Baal worship, fictitious man-made god, Je-Zeus Christ heretical religion than they were to protect the poor and downtrodden (mostly Catholic) people who lived and suffered in those regions. Now you have some insight as to where this new pope is coming from.

Getting back to Harold Camping and his ministry, I hope that by now, I have shown the true face of Harold Camping and his ministry. I had much to say about this man a year ago, on the stupid sayings that come out of his mouth. In the way he carelessly twist and miss-interprets scripture. This text you can read from our Archive pages. A Preacher and Teacher of the Perverted, Paganized religion of Christianity.

Now I can wash my hands from this whole Harold Camping debate. People throughout the whole world will come to know the truth about this man and his perverted, heathen, Baal worshipping religion. I have better things to do than to continue with this non-issue. Therefore; As far as I am concerned, this debate about Harold Camping and his fellowship group and his religion of Christianity is now over.

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