{This background was created with dried flowers from our garden..}

Don't Run With Scissors!

I had never really thought of this phrase until the other day when my two year old grand daughter picked up a pair of scissors that my eleven year old daughter had just set down. And, for the first time ever, I chased after a little person shouting, " Hey! don't run with scissors!"

Isn't it wonderful how often, as parents and grandparents, we remind our little ones of the importance of obedience. It is for their good. And so, our Heavenly Father instructs us in a similar way. He has given us His Word as a light unto our feet, and we find that all that He requires of us is for our good.

Idolizing material images to the point they are held in superstition, and as men would suspect, suppose, determine 'The Creator of All Things' would be like; such as idols of human form or animal likeness also. Eliminating the Mystery of a Divine Being that no man can touch, see or feel. Replacing this Mystery with physical means and emphasis put on knowledge and man's own senses. Interpreting God to fit a manner, mood and way, making Him humanly understandable rather than Divine."


Men use blasphemy to stress their point of action, thoughts and desires. They abuse the Name of God by connecting Him in a damned way or in an arrogant, sarcastic, facetious manner. Men very often swear against God to impress another man with their false strength. Men abuse the Name of God to eliminate having to face in a dignified way, truth. Also, when a man is suspicious of his own lack of integrity, stability, masculinity, he abuses God, for the cowardice within himself tells him he will not be struck down It is for our good that we should not disrespect our God in such a way.

In order to truly Honor God and to be aware of Him, it was necessary to tell man that a given time had to be set aside frequently to do this. God, in delivering this Commandment, announced to Moses, "Without this Rule men would not be able to hold up as a goal, the other nine. God meant this time to be union with Him in a special manner, perhaps with a small sacrifice attached to complete this union."
Also, beyond this, did God see man's obsession or drive? Had He seen the necessity for man to rest? In a practical sense, this is for our good.
HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER. "This Commandment was set down for men to better understand that honor, love, respect, dignity, had to be for The Father Himself, and then the earthly parents from which all men would come. This Rule would automatically stabilize man's thinking, and permit man to rationalize the order of things. When a man upholds this Commandment, he is just with his neighbor and is aware of the need that respect brings. A solid foundation helps men to be able to withstand weakness and conquer it when needed."

Moses was taught that men were living in such unruly ways, lacking self-discipline, and all men were to be told that to kill was against God, for do not forget, God is The Creator and The Judge. Men do not have the right to kill another human being, whether it be to take his life, his will, his dignity, his skill, his mind, his hope, his trust, his integrity. Men can be depleted of physical energy, emotional control and spiritual strength by another man's lack of self-discipline, emotional instability, greed, hate, lust, anger, lack of charity. This act effects so many. It is for our good that we do not commit this deed.

This Commandment is to allow men to better understand that wrong use of bodily communication with other men or women apart fron one's spouse has a definite disgrace in God's Plan. Promiscuous involvement to satisfy only the senses has many areas wherein men sin against their role in God's Plan. This Commandment definitely says that homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, pornography, and all promiscuous endeavors of man, have a permissiveness that is against the reason for creating mankind. When we indulge in this act, we take our eyes off the Divine. It also can result in addictions, disease, and death. Within a marriage it causes great heartache, hence destroying the natural, pure order that God Himself created. It is for our good not to commit this act.

To steal means, to most men, to take a material thing that belongs to another. In reality, there are many facets to stealing. First, many men steal the dignity and respect that The Holy Trinity must have. Men belittle the act of stealing, calling it instinct. In reality, men must know that to take anything they do not come by justly, is against God's Will. They must be aware that to steal drains them of purity. "Tell them, Moses, no man will steal Heaven, for I will stand in Judgment and no man will be allowed Here until reparation is made, whether the stealing be of material things, any part of man, or the manner in which men walk." It is for our good not to commit this act.

All men must be aware that to gossip or to darken another man's name or way will most certainly be accountable to to the Father. Each man is accountable for himself and will have to stand solely alone on the merits he earned walking the human role. Men who sin against this Rule will most likely sin against several of the others, for to bear false witness says ego, pride, jealousy, contempt, and a lack of self-discipline. It is for our good not to commit this act.

To covet, whether it be by grave intention or full action, what belongs in the procreative plan, will be answerable in more depth than men will want to believe. What men do to restrict, corrupt or eliminate the beauty He has planned for man and woman in the role of the physical life, must be held accountable to God, for He has made man to His Image and Likeness, and all things must remain in the beauty He has designed and in the Plan He had in mind. No man must allow his thinking or lack of self-discipline to cause weakness in himself or another who belongs to another. No man or woman is permitted to intrude or invite such a sin against God."

This Rule applies first to all I have created, for "I Am The Lord Of All Things." When men better understand that they must earn the profits, whether they be material in a large way or small, they will better understand the justice in this Rule. There are many areas men will abuse in this Commandment. Men will frivolously borrow many things from other men and never account for them. Time is one of them. Time taking, without reason, good purpose, can stop another man's progress, profits and gain. Men must not judge another man's reasoning, but must take care first of their own needs and concentrate on their own Souls, for a man who has been sinned against is sometimes weakened and it creates within him the desire to retaliate, causing a graver sin through weakness.

Beyond the Ten Commandments, His word shows us how to go about daily living so as not to fall into Satan's snares. He instructs us in relationships with the end result being our happiness,safty and trust. In Prov.7: 2 it says, "Keep my commandments and live." and if we don't we will surely get ourselves in a royal mess, and we remove ourself from God.

Prov 13:1 A wise sone heareth his father's instruction. He tells us in Prov. 18:19, a brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city We learn from this the truth of bearing faulse witness and not holding our tongue.

Repeatedly, we are told to flee wickedness. God knows our hearts and how easily we fall, so He tells us to stay out of temptations way. This is for our good.

In Gal 5:22 we find the fruits of the spirit. We are told to practice them. Not only do we submit to God's command, but we also achieve an inner peace and calmness in practicing this. Again, this is good for us.

All through the scriptures, our Heavenly Father runs after us telling us,"Don't run with scissors!"

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