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Make the difference: you can close drop-off sites, put in place legislation making all live animal drops illegal, and bring about effective changes in the operation of North Carolina shelters and animal control facilities

Write a letter, send an email, make a telephone call to the North Carolina state and county officials listed below urging them to close the drop off sites now open, to support legislation making drop boxes illegal, and to support legislation enforcing holding laws in shelters and animal control facilities. In your letters, make the following points:

1. Close the drop boxes now open.

2. Make drop boxes illegal in North Carolina.

3. Enforce the holding periods in North Carolina shelters.

4. Require accurate record keeping in North Carolina shelters

5. Appropriate sufficient funds for enough competent personnel to be employed in shelters and animal control facilites. Appropriate sufficient funds for all public and private shelters to maintain adequate shelter facilities with minimum standards of care.

6. Allocate funds to make spay and neuter clinics available to pet owners in all areas of North Carolina and to all levels of income.

First:  write certain members of the North Carolina General Assembly

Click here for specific contact information

Second: Write the following North Carolina County and State officials:

1. Wake County SPCA:  Executive Director - Janet Herzberg:

2. Wake County Commissioners and Wake County Manager

Link to Wake County Commisioners and County Manager

3. Governor of North Carolina

4. United States Senators:

Senator John Edwards:

Senator Jesse Helm

On the National Level

First, become active in the Government affairs department of the ASPCA.  Learn how to contact elected officials and urge them to draft legislation making drop off facilities illegal.

 ASPCA Government Affairs

Second, learn about organizations such as the Animal Legal Defense Fund that litigate cases of animal cruelty and neglect.  Keep your eyes and ears open.  If you hear of a suspected case involving a drop off site, contact them.

   The Animal Legal Defense Fund

Third, become informed. Speak with local state and county officials and animal control officials in states that use drop boxes. Read newspaper accounts of drop boxes. Contact the Humane Society of the United States, The ASPCA, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, PETA, and the American Humane Association for information on the drop box issue. Contact the United States Senators and Representatives from your state. Urge them to sponsor legislation making live animal drop off facilities illegal in the United States.

   The American Humane Association

Animal rights and animal protection organizations

ASPCA- Home for the ASPCA with links to Government and Legal Affairs

In Defense of Animals


This site is maintained by Dr. Pat Haight
Phoenix, Arizona

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