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~ The scene opens up to show Jake Timberlake sitting in a black leather chair, a clipboard in his hand, small microphone attached to his shirt. The scene is a pleasant one…that of what looked like a family room of a house, only on a set in front of cameras. A light gray color covered the walls with white trim, and a carpet was set down in front of JT’s chair and the chair opposite of JT…another leather chair that held Damien Sights…the man who has brought fear into the hearts of all interviewers. JT clears his throat as the camera pans over to him. He looks at the camera. ~

JT: Welcome everyone who is tuning into the VWA tonight. I’m Jake Timberlake, taking on the…ahem…task of picking apart the brain of, what many say, the most ruthless man in the VWA besides Vicious himself…Damien Sights.

~ The camera pans away to show both men sitting. JT turns his gaze from the camera to Damien. ~

JT: Damien, welcome and thank you for allowing us this time from your busy schedule to do this interview.

~ Damien cracks his knuckles with each individual hand. He speaks with a sarcastic tone. ~

Sights: Pleasure’s all mine, Jake.

~ JT clears his throat once again. ~

JT: Well, let’s get started. Since your beginning here at the VWA, you have made the attempt to let the world know one thing. What is that thing you want everyone, especially the boys in the back know?

Sights: Haven’t you been listening to a damn thing I’ve been saying since the beginning, Jake? (motioning with one hand) I see you have your research there in front of your face, and yet you’re asking the same question that I’ve answered in damn near every promo I’ve done? If you’ve all the VWA has to offer for interviews, I’m out of here. This is a waste of my goddamn time.

~ Damien acts as if lifting himself from the chair, but JT holds up a hand desperately. ~

JT: Please, please…Damien, I apologize for the ignorance. I just thought—

~ Sights cuts him off. ~

Sights: You DIDN’T think, Jake…you reacted. You reacted just like everyone else in this federation. Always leaping before looking. People who shoot their fucking mouth off—

JT: Now, you can’t say that—

Sights: Fuck you, Timberlake. I’ll say whatever I feel is necessary. You saw what happened last time one of you preppy yuppie bastards pushed the wrong buttons.

~ JT lowers his eyes and shakes his head. ~

JT: Yeah, Damien. I think the entire federation did…

Sights: Good. Let that be a lesson to those of you who can love the sport, but could never have the balls to play the game we play every week.

~ Sights struck a nerve and he can tell by the body language JT is showing. Sights grins. ~

Sights: Awe…did I strike a nerve there, Justin? Poor little man…all these years of commentating, of interviewing and you haven’t seen the entire picture yet. It’s sad, isn’t it? I love something so much, that you’re within the mere grasp of it, knowing that it will do the things you’ve always known it would do…but fall drastically short, unaware of the repercussions. Let me be the first to tell you, JT ole buddy…I AM the repercussions!

~ JT takes a deep breath then continues with the interview. ~

JT: The warning that you have issued Tornado for tonight’s match up between the two of you was severe. How do you think Tornado will react to what you say “have in store” for him Monday night?

Sights: I expect him to react the way they all did…time and time again. As I said, he may shoot his mouth off now, and he may do the things he thinks is the right thing to do by trying to embarrass me at some random house show for the pathetic waste of this company, but he’s taking the wrong path. Like I said, Justin, there are paths that we take that are full of obstacles. I happen to be the boulder in the dead center of Tornado’s path, and there is no way of getting around, over or through this boulder, JT. No way. He has gone about, trying to hide his fear with his immaturity. It’ll only be those seconds ticking away in his head as I strap him in with the Thin Red Line and he taps mercifully. Only THEN will he know what buttons he has mashed…the buttons that cannot be replaced with nothing but rage.

~ JT glances down at the clipboard then back at Damien. ~

JT: In many of your promos you have stated that you are out for nothing but blood…lust…and revenge. What does that mean?

Sights: You answered your first question, JT. Genius. In any case, I’m out for blood lust and revenge for all the reasons that lie up here (tapping his temple). Only my mind knows that answer, JT, and you may never know. Why am I here? To prove to the world that I am not a fake, and that I am what I say I am. I am that dominance that they fear every week…I am that nightmare they cannot shake. I am Damien Sights…the man who will make them ALL know what revenge’s wrath will feel like.

JT: What revenge are you after?

Sights: The revenge of lying in a hospital bed for a year and a half…being told that I’m never going to walk again because of some stupid ploy that was plotted against me from the beginning—

~ JT cuts Sights off. ~

JT: You mean your days in the Titan Wrestling Federation, or TWF.

Sights:(annoyed with the cutoff) Yes. That was a different time, in a different state of mind. Times were different then. I was out only for the recognition…the money. The wrong reasons. They set me up to fail, they did. Every single last one of them…

JT: You were crushed by the very dumpster you had, earlier that month, powerbombed the President of the company into. What was going through your mind at that moment?

Sights: What I was going to do to exact my revenge, Justin. What I was going to do to bring that company to its knees, then burn it to the ground. Unfortunately the company went under not long after my first operation, so I had to set my sights higher, and on a more sensible state.

JT: Eighteen months of rehabilitation. It must have been excruciating.

Sights: You have no idea, Justin, and you never will. I went from being told I would never move a toe again to what you see here and now. All from determination…determination to seek out what was left behind from the TWF and find new blood to draw. It was the most painful time I will ever feel.

JT: Speaking of pain, there are many who say you feel no pain…as those scars you bear are living proof.

Sights: I bleed red, Justin. I’ll admit I AM human, unlike some of these other freaks in this federation living their fantasy lives. I feel pain, but I endure it. It drives me to inflict that much more to the opposition…to come out on top bleeding, bruised, but satisfied that the job was done and done correctly. Pain is something I’ll always feel, but I know for a fact that there will the other that will be feeling more.

JT: How DID you get those scars?

Sights: Before the TWF…before the THWF, the minor league of the TWF, there was All-Japan Pro where I stayed in for five years. Five years of pleasing those slant-eyed bastards by putting my body on the line every single night. Barbed wire dumpster matches were the norm there…and I was the headliner of it every night they wanted it. Others in the locker room would draw straws to face me, as I stood off in the corner knowing that no matter who had the shortest straw…no matter who it would be facing me…that I would NEVER allow myself to be tortured the way that I tortured them. It was unfortunate that I was wrong...several times. These scars happened through plate glass, barbed wire and razor wire. These scars are my statement, Justin…my living resume, if you will…my way of showing the world that I’ve done the impossible, and I’ve lived.

~ JT shuffles some papers around, shifting his weight in the chair. Damien brings his hands together, fingertips touching, his elbows resting on the arms of the chair. ~

JT: Take us back, Damien…take us back to the very beginning, before the THWF, before the TWF, and certainly before the VWA. In the beginning there was the bWo where you wrestled under the name of Brad Lightston and continued to use that name until the THWF where you wrestled in BOTH the TWF as Lightston and the THWF as Damien Sights…why and how did you accomplish such a feat?

Sights:(chuckles) I haven’t thought of or heard of that name in three years. Brad Lightston…my alter ego was just as I was, only with flash and pizzazz. The bWo served as the beginning grounds for my career. Nineteen ninety four was such a different time then, JT. Wrestling was just about to explode into mainstream media, but the bWo wasn’t mainstream. It was extreme and over-extreme. All-Japan Pro was just a step above the bWo when it came to insane style matches. In the bWo, my character Brad Lightston entered a greenback and walked out a champion. I served my time in the bWo for two years, learning a great deal more than I’d ever know. The most particular memory of that federation was my very first match…a Last Man Standing match with the owner’s son, John Johnson, or JJ. I gave it my all, JT, but the owner would not have it that a newbie would defeat his own flesh and blood. He ordered thirty of the superstars down to do what they had to do to stop me from defeating JJ. Needless to say, I couldn’t walk for a week.

The bWo, as I said, was merely a stepping stone…the one that lies at the beginning, large and perfectly round and easy to step on. Those stones that followed were getting smaller by the federation, getting rougher around the edges, and slick with the blood, sweat, and tears that I have shed through my years in this business. The next stone was the THWF, True Hardcore Wrestling Federation, the Power Plant of the TWF. There, Brad Lightston was born amid the carnage. My first mach was against the ever popular, returning and former Extreme Champion, Sniper. Sniper was the top dog in the entire THWF, minus the World Champion, “The Real Deal” Chris Mask. Both were good friends and both had good ideas for me and what they wanted. Brad Lightston was a good guy then, arrogant and ignorant to the world that lay in front of him. He wanted only the fame, fortune, and bitches…lots and lots of bitches.

~ JT smiles for the first time in the interview, relaxing almost. ~

Sights: What set the bar on the match was the fact that Sniper actually gave Lightston the time of day. I whole-heartedly expected him to just brush me off his shoulders and move on to the TWF. But because of my perseverance, because of my determination…Sniper stayed in the THWF as long as I did, six month. Before leaving I was crowned the THWF Power Plant Champion, defeating Sniper in the Mountain of Tables Match. The victory was bittersweet, though…

~ JT speaks with a low, sympathizing voice. ~

JT: You found out your father had just passed on.

~ Sights goes rigid, and then relaxes himself. He closes his eyes for a moment, and then opens them. ~

Sights: My family and I were never close, we never shared a vacation on the beach where I’d run into the ocean…we never had family cookouts where we’d play in the pool…we never had anything that tied us together as a family…but something died in me when my father died. So I decided to lose myself in my work…to work double-overtime and branch off with a new character…someone darker, more intense than Brad Lightston could ever achieve…

JT: You became you, Damien Sights.

Sights: Exactly. Damien Sights was born from a death, but his stay was only temporary. Brad Lightston in the TWF was taking on new heights, fighting one member after another of the Riders on the Storm, the group in which Mask and Sniper belonged to. All in all there were six members, most of which I can’t even remember their face, let alone their names. I was squared to face Chris Mask for the TWF Championship the very same night I was set to face Billy Bong in the THWF for their championship. It was the toughest decision I was to make in my entire career, and I regret the decision I made to this very day.

JT: You wrestled Mask in the TWF, leaving a forfeit in the THWF.

Sights: Yes. I won the TWF World Title, but didn’t celebrate at all. That’s when Damien Sights died…for the time being, but Brad Lightston inherited part of Damien’s darkness and I went on to hold that belt for a record that has yet to be broken, a year and two months. I was untouchable…until a night in August where I had powerbombed the president of the TWF through a dumpster. Two weeks later I was waking up in a hospital bed, like I said, being told I was never to walk again.

JT: So you became Damien Sights full time from that point on.

~ The camera’s switch to show Sights face on. ~

Sights: Brad Lightston is dead, long dead and never to return. There has been too much that has gone on in these past few years for him ever to return. Like I said before, I am here for one reason, to extract my revenge on all of those who dare step in my path. They may have not had a hand in what happened to me all my life, but they are the enemy, JT. They are the ones that decide they want to share that ring with me on that night and say those words they have to say against me. They choose their path, and they chose the path that has set me in the way. There is no way of moving me, JT, there’s no way of replacing me. I am the figure that stands across the ring from them every Monday night, staring them down into their soul and reading what they have to offer…and finding out they haven’t a FRACTION of what I’m doing this for. They all want fame, fortune…bitches galore. But I’m here to tell you all this right here and right now. There IS no fame…there IS no fortune and the only bitch that exists will be you when I’m finished with you. Don’t make this any harder for yourselves, gentleman. I am NEVER going away, and I will NEVER give up my quest. This is real life, guys, not some fantasy you play out in your head every night before you lay your head to rest, smiling because in those fantasies you never lose. Well, Tornado, Spider, Strahd…ALL of you…fantasies are never reality, and reality is in what you see right here…right now. I am the best this business has to offer and I’m not afraid to say it, because I have results. And if it’s results you want, Tornado, then results you will have…tonight on Mayhem!

~ The camera cuts back to JT, shuffling more papers, clearing his throat. ~

JT: Well, that’s all the time we have for today, ladies and gentleman. It’s been a pleasure, Damien. Although we didn’t finish nearly all the questions I had for you, we’ve definitely gotten a good look on what Damien Sights is about, and what his goals are. Thank you.

~ The camera pans back to show both men standing now, Sights shaking the hand of JT. ~

Sights: No problem.

~ Still shaking hands, JT looks down for a moment then is shocked all the way to hell as he sees Sights’ fist flying in his direction. He shrieks and clamps his eyes shut just as Damien’s fist stops…inches away from his face. Sights releases his grip on JT’s hand and turns and walks away. ~

Sights: Fucking pansy…

~ The scene fades away. ~