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Why I’m called “The Franchise”

For the last four years, the big question I’ve been asked has been “Why are you called ‘The Franchise’?” Well, I will now put all your ponderings and questions to bed.

First and foremost, let me address the origin of the moniker. The original and real “Franchise” is Shane Douglas. Shane is a professional wrestler who has competed in all of the major organizations at one time or another, but really fell into favor with me while in ECW from 1996-1999. I had been watching him for years previous to 1996, but that is when I really started paying attention to him, and following his actions. “Following his actions,” you say? Well, let me explain.

Now I don’t mean to get off on a rant here, but for those of you who have known me for a while, you know what my personality used to be like. For those of you who haven’t had the honor and privilege, let me tell you what I used to be like, and as Robert Ripley would say, “Believe It…Or Not!”

Back in high school, I was very quiet and shy. I went my own way, trying to stay out of view of others for the most part. I was pushed around and intimidated quite a bit due to my size and lack of self-confidence and ego when it came to standing up for myself. I wasn’t one that gave into peer pressure and did stupid stuff, but I was very impressionable and cared more for what others thought of me than what I thought of myself a lot of the time. I was basically a lost sheep trying to find an identity…a persona…something…anything to be considered cool without getting into trouble while doing so.

After escaping high school, I began going to ECW shows in Philly that summer, before eventually attending Rider University in the fall of 1995. I was still the same sheep, but in a bigger field now, searching hard for a way to break through. That’s when someone came into my life…Dave Kindred.

Dave and I worked together at Giant and became very good friends. Our clique, along with Neil and Burke, would hang out just about every night during the summer until 2-3am, playing pool, eating, watching TV, etc. We were a tight knit group. I got Dave into ECW and we were there religiously together every three weeks. We’d drive a couple to go to a random bar concert in Jersey or to Washington D.C. for wrestling.

Well, before Dave began stalking me, causing me to put a halt to hanging out, he’d have parties. Back then, I didn’t drink and would be the only sober person at these parties. Well, one night I beat 13 drunks in pool, and after surprisingly beating Dave again, he went on to say something that would make a bigger impact that anyone could’ve imagined. “Dude, you totally are ‘The Franchise’ tonight. You’re the best.”

For the rest of the night, he had people calling me “Franchise,” and I didn’t let anyone forget it for the next few days. Suddenly, it was like brushfire and it spread throughout the supermarket. Everyone called me “Franchise” and I loved it.

For many months prior, I had been working on my new personality. I had been trying to emulate Shane’s traits little by little. Shane is someone who is an egomaniac in the ring, doesn’t take crap from anyone, is the best at what he does, and shows a great deal of confidence. He’s a loud, straightforward speaker, who speaks his mind, regardless of what the outcome may be. (In wrestling, this is called “shooting.”)

Yes, I know that wrestling is fake. Yes, I know that “The Franchise” Shane Douglas is just a character of man. When I had the honor of interviewing Troy aka Shane, he told me that he and his character are two totally different people. Know what though? If it weren’t for the way he portrayed Shane, I may never had broken out of my shell.

I consider Troy/Shane a hero of mine for all that he has contributed to my life. He went out of his way, all bloody and muddy from a match, to do an interview with me for a term paper once when I was at Rider, and then did a phone interview for with me once, staying around to talk on a personal basis for over an hour after the interview wrapped up. Because of Shane’s actions and words that I copied, I grew into a stronger person, believing in myself more, wiling to take a stand for what I wanted, and didn’t back down everything I was scared of something.

I hope this helped everyone out in the quest to find the true meaning behind why I’m called “The Franchise” Frank Romeo. And do you want to know the best part of all this? When I told Shane a brief summary of what you’ve just read, he thanked me and gave me his permission to continue using the moniker in my writings and everyday use, saying it was reasons like me that remind him why he’s doing what he does today.

Why is this so important? Well, not only does he have the name copyrighted, but also I am probably the only person in the world who can say that their hero, “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, personally granted them permission to use that name. And for those of you who don’t like it, as Shane would say, “You can all…kiss…my ass!”

Then again that’s just my opinion, but ya know what? I’m not wrong.