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"Welcome to EJ's Page!"

This is a recent pic of me...

Welcome to EJ's Page!!!

Welcome to my page. My name is Shari and I live in a small rural town in Southwestern Pennsylvania. It has been some time since I have updated, what with working a full-time job and raising the two most beautiful daughters in the world, well, the page has suffered being pushed to the back of my priority list. But, in August I quit my job at the paper, after much soul searching and angst over it. I left as the paper my division was changing in a direction I was not pleased with. It had become so very different than when I started. The care of the customers and employees had been lost to the bottom line. Fortunately my family and I are in a good spot right now, where I could leave my position and look for something else. Something where I can use my knowledge and my creativity.

The girls are growing up so fast. I look at them and wonder where my babies went! One, the oldest, wants to be a "Diva" when she grows up and is practicing her diva-dom as I sit and type this (I cannot imagine where she gets that from) and the other is the most kind and loving child anyone could ever meet, my animal lover and the apple of everyone's eye. They are both beyond what I expected when dreaming of having babies, I am very proud of them, as if I had to tell anyone that! *holds up a picture* Anyone want to see my babies???

My oldest wrote me a poem a few years back and I am keeping it on here as it makes me feel good...

I would like to share it here, because she made me so very happy with it...

My Mommy And Me

She is the person I want to be

That person is my Mommy

She stands happily stands great and tall

Even though I stand little and small

She cuddles me when I cry

She takes a tissue and wipes my eyes

She loves me always and every day

She loves me in every way

She is the person I want to be

That person is my Mommy

She made me know I am doing okay...and that is ALL that matters...I am done rambling for now. My reflective mood is done...Thanks for listening or reading...*HUGS*...POOF...


Click here for my Artwork and Poetry Page...

Click here for My Daughter's new website...

Click here for "More About Me..."

Click here for "EJ and Jazzy to MATCHBOX 20!!!"

Click here for "The BOSTON PHOTOS!!!"
Click here for "People I ADORE!!!"

Click here for "Collages...and LINKS to some of my favorite People's Pages..."
Click here for "Pictures from the Florida Vacation!!"
Click here for "Poetry from some of my friends...Zeb, Morph, Tiny10 and Street Legal..."
Click here for "My Son GundamX's tribute page..."
Click here for "My Beautiful Daughter Jazzmine's tribute page..."
Click here for "A Tribute to my friend SENOR!!!"

Click here for "20th High School Reunion"

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