
I WANT MORE!, May 28, 2005
Reviewer: Love To Read

I have never read/seen a book published in this manner. It took me down one avenue with one story and then down another avenue with a different one.

The authors have very vivid imaginations and make you believe that YOU are there as the stories unfold. I laughed, cried, reached out for my mate, and everything else that the stories in this book call for.

I'm impressed with the attention they paid to even the smallest of details and will probably read it again and again and again. Family matters, Mystery, suspense, and erotica, all in one place seem to be far-fetched, but the way that they were presented in this book are absolutely fantastic!

From Barnes & Noble

Lillian, a customer service representative, June 6, 2005,

Unique This book was very different and somewhat surprising. Crafty details and thorough thoughts made it easy to follow and enjoy. It's a small book, but it's packed with quite a few different twists and turns.


What are "Universal Moods?", June 24, 2005
Reviewer: Sheryl F. Price "(SloeWyne)" (Washington, DC United States)

Universal moods...

Heartfelt stories which will take you back to your own lovingly remembered and carefree youth...and the family table where you learned life's most important lessons...

Universal moods...

Magical poetry that will make you ache for loves lost, friends lost, and youth lost, yet fill you with the revelations and sweeping passion of emotions awakened, love rekindled, and joy discovered...

Universal moods...

Erotic tales that will have you gasping, grasping, pulsating, heated and sweating...and will want to make you reach for someone - or someTHING - to relieve the sensual ache that these stories inspire...

Universal moods...

The moods all humans share, in whatever ways, wherever they are, to remind us that we are ALL in the Universal Family - bonded by love, by betrayal, by tragedy, by sensuality and sexuality, by life, by laughter, by LOVE...

These five emerging authors, who came together as a result of the miracle of the Internet, have realized THEIR lifelong miracle...of their "dreaming while awake". They have, together, shown the power of talented possibilities, and of dreams NOT deferred...and have explored the myriad possibilities of writing about our shared...

...Universal Moods...

You will all, no matter WHO you are, recognize yourselves or someone you know in at least ONE of these works of art! And I guarantee you will want to read it again - and share it with everyone you know!

Great work, guys...I look forward to the next realization of your dream!!!

Sheryl F. Price (aka SloeWyne)

July 26, 2005
Reviewer : IDENA

I have read "Universal Moods," and I must say I am partial to the authors because each one of them in one way or another has said something that has caused me to think harder or on another level.
This book is a great example of the different types of written works of art that we as a people are capable of if we just stop and listen to ourselves.
The hard work that went into this book is evident and I am getting this book as a christmas gift for members of my book club.


Universal Moods, August 31, 2005
Reviewer: The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers (

A mood is defined as a state of mind or emotion, so what are Universal Moods? Universal moods are those emotions that affect the entire world.
Anger, pain, grief, love, lust, and the list goes on and on. What happens when these moods are transformed into poetry and short stories? A very unique book is created.

This collection of work takes the reader on a journey of emotions, where one can reminisce on childhood memories with stories such as "Big Mama's Porch" and "Humble Beginning" or can ignite hidden passion with erotic stories such as "Cry Together" and "Washed and Waxed". In addition, the authors have included poetry that touches the soul as one remembers youthful beginnings, friends or lost loves.

The authors deliver an interesting book that allows the reader to experience different "moods" with every piece of work. These short stories and poetry definitely "stirs the mind, body, and soul." Universal Moods is a "must read" for anyone who wants to experience a book that takes you on an "emotional roller coaster" by embracing every human emotion.

Reviewed by Tabatha Taylor
for The RAWSISTAZ™ Reviewers

MsAppleMartini, a book lover, September 5, 2005,
Universal Moods
For a first write this was a really nice surprise. I like the way the Moods switched from family to love to erotic. Although I would have preferred a little more steam on the erotic pieces, Universal Moods was a refreshing surprise for me. I do hope to read more from these talented writers


Reviewer: Book Worm (Atlanta, GA)
Universal Moods is a definite book to add to your collection. If you want a read that is going to have you running the gamut of your emotions from A-Z (and make sure you make that stop at E!), this is THE BOOK for you!

The writing was fantastic, the stories were exceptional and the love scenes sizzled! I did say stop at 'E' during your emotional roller coaster didn't I? My main pull from this book was the love scenes. I have read too many books where the romance was flat and predictable and the love scenes were shallow and ineffectual. NOT HERE! The loves scenes were sensuous, steamy and just plain HOT! Universal Moods has loves scenes to make you sweat! Make sure you have a nice tall ice cold glass of water before you read this book!
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