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Shimmer & Ache

My body aches, The steady beat of my heart quickens
My thoughts are rambled, spun as my body turns to liquid
I sink into a river that is at your feet
I look up to your face, the outline of your chin
My angel come save me from this crumbled despair within
Lonliness quakes me, Ache ache ache
I can't see you, can you see me?
I've lived this through childhood
My youth seems to be over, without you
I am a nomad to soil
I am a nomad to love
Oh where are you, ache ache ache
Do I feel this alone
Oh there is you... sitting at the side of the river
And when I close my eyes I can look up to you
You just stare into the mirror of water
I am invisable to you
Please do not walk away.. turn your back
What are you thinking... those tears you cry into the water
into me
I hear you
you rest beside the river
you unload your soul into me
It hurts so deeply to see you crying
so helpless, i am
you came to me one morning early
I was asleep
I woke up to your residing voice
You told me you needed me
Again those tears fell
and I could feel you
my fingertips are so close to you
I can't reach, distant
I wish you knew, I wish you would hurry to me while I remain
Beside the riverside

Sabrina* 3-19-00