The 10 Smartest People on the Planet

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Now this isn't just a list of the people with the ten highest IQs, like Marilyn Vos Savant. And you can be a coal miner, who's in the planet, or an astronaut, who's above the planet and still make the list. You can even make the list and then say something really stupid like "National Health Care is a good idea", or "I like to watch Friends" and then find yourself booted from the list.

This is just simply my opinion of 10 people who are smart, insightful, funny that I happen to admire and like.

Dave Pierson is very interested in seeing this list.

And in no particular order, here they are:
  1. Bill James - Sabrematician

    Sabremetrics of the study of baseball statistics. SABR is the Society of American Baseball Research. Long before the Internet (Okay, long before most people had heard of the Internet) and before the plethora of stat books that fill bookstores today, Bill was doing surveys, compiling studies and mailing Xerox copies out to fans who were interested. I fist heard of him after I won big in Atlantic City and decided to go to the bookstore and buy The Baseball Encyclopedia and found myself reading furiously through this book called The Baseball Abstract. I bought both. And then sat down in the mall and read James' book cover to cover. I can only liken it to a blind man being able to see for the first time. Platooning, Park Effects, Reliever's ERA and 100 things you never even considered.

    And it's not just the statistics. He's a brilliant essayist. Goes off on wonderful rants. I can't find a website for Bill himself. I suspect he doesn't have one. The link above is to his Amazon author page. Here are some other links about him and his work.

  2. Virginia Postrel - Dynamist

    I first learned of Virignia when she was editor of Reason, a libertarian magazine. Since then she's moved on to be a full-time writer. Her first book was The Future and It's Enemies. She's currently working on her second book, Look and Feel. I am amazed at the number of times She will write something, that I had never considered before, and then once upon reading it, I'll say to myself "Of course, this makes perfect sense." Two examples are this piece on Clinton-Lewinsky and this one on the Republican Revolution. I listed her as a Dynamist, rather than as an author or editor, because she coined the term. Roughly speaking, Dynamists recognize the need for change and trial-and-error experimentation, while their counterparts The Stasists like things they are and are real big on one size fits all top to bottom solutions.

  3. David Friedman - Anarcho-Capitalist

    I don't know if David Friedman coined the term Anarcho-Capitalist, but he seems to be the world's leading proponent of this form of "government." In a nutshell Anarcho-Capitalists do not beleive that government should have a monopoly on the use of force. Individuals contract with others to receive all services currently provided by goverment, including police protetction, courts and even laws. Friedman is the son of Nobel Prize Winning Economist Milton Friedman. The younger Friedman never took an Economics course,learning from his parents at the dinner table. His doctorate is in Physics. Friedman is also quite an enagaging author. His two most recent books are Hidden Order and Law's Order. Future Imperfect will be published soon. A draft is available here.

  4. Jonah Goldberg - Syndicated Columnist

    Okay, lots of explaining to do here. First that's not Jonah, It's his dog Cosmo. Then there is the Dave controversy. Dave Fowler doesn't understand why I even need 9 other people on my list, he says Goldberg alone is sufficient. Meanwhile Dave Pierson wants to know how I can have on person on my list (Jonah) attacking another person on my list (Virginia). See the column Dave P. is talking about here.
    Well I don't have to agree with everything thing somebody on my list says. Bill James wants to make it more difficult to change pitchers in mid-inning. I disagree, but he's still on my list. And so is Goldberg. Somtimes, especially when he picks on (or misrepresents libertarians) I get annoyed. But he is well-read, skewers liberals and is consistently funny. Dave Fowler and I had a great time when Goldberg spoke at Widener back in January. These are 3 of my favorite columns: here, here and here. Also this is an interesting book by his wife, Jessica Gavora.

    Update 5/22/02: Here's another good column.

  5. NM Dan Heisman - Chess Instructor

    Dan Heisman is the Renaissance Man. He had helped me immeasurably with my chess game. He is also a world class backgammon player.

  6. P.J. O'Rourke - Humorist

    PJ O'Rourke is quite simply the funniest man alive. he is the only writer that can make me burst out loud laughing on a regular basis. Here's what he has to say about government: Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. His travel essays on the more decrepit areas of the world are brilliant. These are his best three books: Parliament of Whores, All the Trouble in the World, and Holidays in Hell.

  7. John Allan Palous - Mathematician

    Professor of Mathematics at Temple University and Adjunct Professor of Journalism at Columbia University as well as an extensively kudized author, public speaker, and monthly columnist for, John Allen Paulos received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Wisconsin. Too many people in this country (and around the world) take statistics at face value. It's important to understand the context that numbers are used in. His best book is Innumeracy. Em took my copy to work where she routinely uses it to slam her co-workers.

  8. Walter Williams - Professor of Economics

    Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Dr. Walter E. Williams holds a B.A. degree in economics from California State University - Los Angeles, and M.A. and Ph.D degrees in economics from UCLA. He also holds a Doctor of Humane Letters from Virginia Union University and Grove City College and a Doctor of Laws from Washington and Jefferson College. He serves on the faculty of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics. From 1995 to 2001, he served as department chairman. He is also an occasional substitute host for the "Rush Limbaugh" show. His books include The State Against Blacks, and More Liberty Means Less Government. You can read his syndicated column here.

  9. Glenn Reynolds - InstaPundit

    Reynolds is a law professor at the University of Tennessee. His most recent book is The Appearance of Impropriety: How the Ethics Wars Have Undermined American Government, Business and Society. He also owns a small record company (it's not organized as a nonprofit, but it might as well be) with his brother and another guy, called WonderDog Records. But the main thing Professor Reynolds is known for is being the hyper-blogging InstaPundit. Any time day or night he can be found blogging. Fifteen, twenty, twenty-Five intersting and insightful posts or links a day.

  10. Laurie Dhue - News Anchor

    Fomerly an anchor on MSNBC and CNN, Laurie Dhue now is responsible for the weeknight up dates 6pm-10:37pm Mon-Thursday on the Fox News Channel. She also anchors Fox News on Sundays from 2-4pm, hosts the Fox Report and Fox Magazine on Sundays at 7pm and 11pm respectively. All times are Eastern.

    Laurie was a competitve swimmer at the University of North Carolnia, and is also a Seattle Mariners fan.

    Those Who Were Formerly Smart

    1. Dr. Richard Kimble - Surgeon

      A handsome and successful doctor, Richard Kimble was wrongly convicted of killing his wife. Sentenced to death, he managed to escape when bus taking him to prison was involved in an accident. Now he scours the country looking for the only person who can prove his innocence, the one-armed man who killed his wife. All the while, Kimble is being hunted by the relentless Lt. Phillip Gerard.

      Dr. Kimble was kicked off the smart list, after he was lured to his death. With the one-armed man in his possession Kimble returned to Chicago only to be gunned down by an FBI agent who was part of the conspiracy that murdered his wife. Defintely not a smart move.

    2. Daneila Pestova - Supermodel

      Czech Supermodel Daniela Pestova is more than just a pretty face. Sure she's been on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and countless Victoria' Secret Catalogues. But did you know that Daniela is on the world's leading theoretical physicists? In her doctoral thesis at MIT, she presented a revolutionary and highly promising approach to faster than light speed travel. Additionally she is a world class chess player and is the author of several books on 18th century Spanish History.

      Daniela was kicked off the smart list after the financial misfortunes of The Fashion Cafe. Styled after Planet Hollywood and The Hard Rock Cafe, The Fashion Cafe is a model themed restraunt complete with its own runway. Daniela's husband was a one of the principals, and a lot of people lost their investments when the company had to re-organize in banhruptcy.

    3. Rush Limbaugh - Radio Personality

      Rush was smart until I got hooked on prescription drugs and quite probably caused his own deafness. Maybe if he gets out of rehab and changes his views on the drug war, he'll get back on the smart list.

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      Last Updated 07-Nov-2003.